Devil Fruit of the City

Seven hundred and fiftieth chapters leave


With a jump, the white fox jumped into Tang Tianyou's arms, wagging its white fluffy tail, and lay on Tang Tianyou's chest very intimately, then closed its eyes, resting its mind with peace of mind.

And the winged tiger, which vented its emotions, trotted all the way to Tang Tianyou's trousers, and rubbed its big head against Tang Tianyou's feet, expressing its joy.

With Tang Tianyou's essence and blood in their bodies, they were almost of the same bloodline, so they naturally developed a feeling of admiration for Tang Tianyou.

As for what happened before, they have all been forgotten by them.

"Getting these creatures, I am even more powerful!"

Tang Tianyou was overjoyed. He felt that his trip was worthwhile. Although he didn't find any trace of Li Zixuan, he got these powerful supports, which raised his strength to a huge level.

However, he has no plans to leave yet. There are so many strange corpses hidden in this laboratory. He must be doing some incredible experiments. The information hidden inside may be very scary.

"Found it, is this the information?" Tang Tianyou searched carefully in this secret underground laboratory, and finally found a piece of information on the experimental equipment.

The data of this information is very huge, and it is stored on the computer, but it is artificially encrypted. Without the corresponding password, outsiders cannot see it.

"Is it encrypted? It doesn't matter, Li Shiyin is a computer expert, maybe these materials can be deciphered by her." Although these materials are encrypted, Tang Tianyou is not worried at all that he will not be able to see the contents inside.


Tang Tianyou smashed the computer with one punch, and took out the computer hard disk from it. He didn't have to worry about how to download these things, he just took the entire hard disk data away, and it wouldn't be too late to study it slowly after he went back.


There seemed to be a violent explosion in the distance, and the sound of the building being destroyed. It seemed that the self-destruction procedure of the laboratory had slowly begun to execute.

"Has it finally started? No, I have to get out of here quickly." Tang Tianyou's eyes flashed, his ears listened to the movement outside, and he put away the computer hard drive.

At this moment, the Hydra female insect lightly bit Tang Tianyou's trousers, let out a cry, and pointed her head in a certain direction, as if she wanted Tang Tianyou to follow it out of here.

"I see. Are you saying that you knew about this situation a long time ago, so you made preparations in advance and dug out an escape route?" Tang Tianyou understood what the Hydra mother meant by telepathic induction.

It seems that these experimenters also underestimated the wisdom possessed by the female Hydra, and they were able to detect danger and arrange a way out for themselves. This approach is really amazing.

Even if the entire laboratory self-destructs and explodes, it will not be able to harm the female Hydera. Instead, it will escape calmly, disappear from their surveillance range, and grow slowly.

If I hadn't obstructed it myself, maybe after decades, it could really grow into a giant beast, and no one could kill it anymore.

"Let's go, I can't wait to see our old friend Jimmy." Tang Tianyou's eyes flashed, holding the white fox in his hands, followed the Hydra mother worm, and left here quickly.

And the Maverick yelled, and followed quickly.


"Has the self-destruct procedure started? Is there anything wrong?" In the monitoring room far away, Jimmy was asking his subordinates with a nervous expression.

One of the subordinates replied: "Captain, don't worry, this self-destruct procedure is irreversible. Even us programmers, it is impossible to do this kind of thing in a short time. The explosion of the laboratory is imperative."


There was an extremely strong vibration on the ground, like a magnitude 5 or 6 earthquake. The vibration made Jimmy and others in the monitoring room shake several times. Only by grabbing the chair next to them could they barely prevent themselves from falling.

"Successful, captain. We finally succeeded, and the laboratory finally exploded." Sensing the vibration, the subordinate shouted excitedly.

Jimmy was equally excited. In this way, that terrifying Chinese man and those terrifying Hydra monsters would disappear into this world together with the disappearance of the laboratory.

However, he didn't get too excited, but suppressed his excitement, pretending to be calm and said: "Check carefully to see if there are any living creatures appearing, there can't really be any missing fish."

"Captain, this is impossible. It is impossible for a creature to escape alive in that environment. Being crushed by hundreds of thousands of tons of soil is like being crushed by a mountain. No matter how you think about it, you feel that the creature is Is it impossible to do this kind of thing?" Some subordinates felt that Jimmy was worrying unnecessarily, or making a fuss out of a molehill.

Jimmy also knew that there would be no creatures that could escape, but seeing the surveillance videos just now made him shiver with chills down his spine.

There is such a terrifying monster in the world. Let alone seeing it in his life, even if he thinks about it, he has never thought about such an extremely ridiculous thing.

Such a terrifying monster, even if it does some unthinkable things, it seems that Jimmy will not feel strange, or even take it for granted.

"Dude, of course I think this is impossible. But even if there is a possibility of one in a billion, we can't let it go, because our work is like this, be cautious, cautious, extremely cautious, and there must be no mistakes!" Jimmy said seriously to his subordinates.

These subordinates also felt helpless, so they had to say: "Okay, you are our boss, we have to listen to you. We will do what you say. But it is your responsibility to waste time."

"No problem. If the superior blames me, I will take responsibility and I will definitely not embarrass you." Jimmy patted his chest and made a promise.

At this time, one of the subordinates suddenly said: "Captain, it is not impossible to escape from inside."

"What?" Jimmy was startled and looked at this subordinate.

This subordinate thought for a while and said, "Actually, as long as we dig a tunnel in advance and come out from other places, it is possible to hide from our surveillance and sneak out."

Before the words were finished, someone laughed: "What are you talking about? Dig a tunnel? Do you know how much manpower and material resources will be spent? And you haven't been discovered by the company. You are underestimating our company. person?!"

"Of course it's impossible for ordinary people to do such a thing, but what if it's a monster? That ferocious female Hydra?" The subordinate asked back.

Everyone was silent, not knowing how to answer, and Jimmy's face became a little dignified.


A stone flew over and directly penetrated the head of the man who was speaking just now, causing him to fall to the ground with a bang.

"This, this..." Seeing the sudden death of his subordinates, Jimmy was stunned.

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