Devil Seeds

Chapter 690: The Narrow Gate

The escaped witch was Mary.

She used to be an ordinary person, but by chance, she gained extraordinary abilities.

Later, he served the special departments of the government and became a powerful figure in the special departments.

She naturally has her own stories, even legends.

But to the whole world, her story is just a strand of thousands of changes.

The secret base has been captured, and the subsequent political situation will undergo tremendous changes because of this capture.

Perhaps the original historical process will therefore reach an inflection point.

Of course, Ke Xiaoliang will not let Mo Li wish so easily.

This confrontation is neither the beginning nor the end.

Similar games existed in the past as well as in the future.

Spreading over a period of time, like a wave of waves, one after another but born and died at the same time.

But in this kind of birth and death, Ke Xiaoliang's consciousness is having a unique dialogue.

Vaguely, the consciousness transcends the form...even the shackles of the primordial spirit, and rises to a whole new dimension.

In this unique dimension, Ke Xiaoliang saw the goddess Molly...or in other words, the true will remaining in that drop of ancient god's blood.

Will itself cannot be described as ugly or beautiful.

That is a living message.

Through the traces, what Ke Xiaoliang can see is only strands of mysterious but ethereal fragrance.

This seems to have revealed the true gender of the person who belonged to that drop of ancient god's blood.

Nothing more than that, under Ke Xiaoliang's guidance, the goddess who was reincarnated in the wasteland world easily determined her gender.

"Maybe we should have had a conversation long ago."

"However, I am self-aware. If it wasn't for this time, if it wasn't for this situation, I would be just a stepping stone for your recovery, and you wouldn't bother to see me." Ke Xiaoliang's will said to the true will of the goddess Molly.

Goddess Molly's will seems to be staring at Ke Xiaoliang, and this gaze does not contain any negative emotions such as contempt or looking down, or anger or prejudice.

Just like a sage would not underestimate mortals to show his own transcendence.

"Why do you want to see me?" The goddess Molly asked Ke Xiaoliang instead.

Their dialogue, beyond the timeline of the world, exists between nothing and nothing.

If it weren't for the blessing of the world's heaven itself, Ke Xiaoliang would not have risen to such a level, and would not have discovered the unique frequency fluctuation this time.

Facing the question from the goddess Molly, Ke Xiaoliang's thoughts changed sharply, but he calmed down. All kinds of distracting thoughts were contained, as if all the billions of noises in the world were blocked, leaving only the most simple vowels.

"I insist on seeing you." Ke Xiaoliang replied.

Goddess Molly said: "Since you are practicing, why don't you see me? Why do you practice if you don't see the Dao?"

This sudden questioning is actually reversing Ke Xiaoliang's layout.

In the parallel time and space of the wasteland world, no matter what the alternation between those secular worlds is.

Essentially, Ke Xiaoliang is asking questions, and Goddess Molly is answering.

Then Ke Xiaoliang copied the answer.

That's all.

But now, the goddess Molly directly compares herself to Dao.

Ke Xiaoliang copied the answer, that is to see Dao, that is to see her.

That being the case, why did you say you didn't want to see her?

In just one sentence, the goddess Molly has actually shown multiple intentions.

In this overclocking conversation, any inadvertent answer by Ke Xiaoliang may lead to an irreversible consequence.

He needs to think carefully, but he needs to be diligent and brave.

After all, the opportunity never comes again!

Ke Xiaoliang has an intuition, passing the 'test' he can obtain results faster and break into the 'shortcut'.

"Cultivating the Tao does not speak of the mandate of heaven. Cultivation is apostasy. I don't see you, but me. You are my mirror, according to my scriptures." Ke Xiaoliang gave his own answer.

He admitted his 'stealing' behavior, but regarded it as normal.

Goddess Molly calls herself the Dao.

But Ke Xiaoliang said that she is just a mirror, used to see the way of self.

Cultivation is to go against the sky, all destiny and the way are false, I seek my own way.

My way is to plunder and steal, so what is there to be ashamed of, fearful of, or worried about?

"You said the scriptures, what is the scriptures?" Ke Xiaoliang's answer obviously aroused the interest of the goddess Molly, and her shadow began to become obvious.

And this kind of questioning is even more direct to the heart.

Ke Xiaoliang replied: "The so-called scriptures are called 'nature' in Taoism and 'Nirvana' in Buddha. You, but the way you seek is not my way, but your way. There is no high or low in the way, but people have high and low. I learn from you, but I don't bother to be you."

Molly said: "Since that's the case, why don't you turn around? You have seen a lot, but you need to know that the sea of ​​suffering is hard to overcome."

Ke Xiaoliang frowned upon hearing this.

In the words of the goddess Molly, there are some Buddhist words mixed in, and there is even some guidance in it.

Could it be that the body of this goddess is actually a Buddhist Bodhisattva?

"If you don't cross the sea of ​​suffering, how can you see the other shore?"

"If you don't have obsessions, how can you practice?"

"Buddhists say, 'Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha right away'. Many people in the world have misunderstood it. They think that holding a butcher's knife, killing the heart suddenly, putting down the butcher's knife means letting go of killing and thus becoming a Buddha. This is actually a fallacy!"

"In the past, there was a good man who practiced for nine generations but failed to achieve the right result. He entered the Lingshan Mountain and sought to see the Buddha. The Buddha Taoist Lingshan is full of Buddhas, so it is difficult for him to prove the Tao."

"The good man held a steel knife, felt that it was not easy to practice in nine generations, and wanted to kill the Buddha to become enlightened. After several struggles, he finally put down the butcher knife."

"This thought is certainly a way to let go of obsessions and cultivate good causes instead of good results. However, the practice of nine generations cannot be ignored."

"I have to have it first to be qualified to say I don't care!" Ke Xiaoliang's answer was simple but thorough, and at the same time he was testing the details of the goddess Molly.

But the goddess Molly quoted a saying in the Bible: "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many people who enter in it. Narrow is the gate that leads to eternal life." Yes, the way is narrow, and few find it."

Ke Xiaoliang suddenly heard this and wanted to refute at first.

Then he kept silent, thoughtful.

"It seems that you understand!"

"Then let's go!" After the goddess Molly finished speaking, the entire overclocking conversation ended abruptly.

In an instant, Ke Xiaoliang's consciousness returned to his spiritual aperture.

The conversation at the previous moment also needs to be recalled carefully before it can be fully recalled.

"Perhaps there was an error in my previous analysis."

"I was wrong!"

"First of all, rank is rank. Although there are high and low, they are not static. There is no need to be obsessed with 'perfection', because at this stage, there is no such thing as perfection."

"Secondly, to become a Golden Immortal, you need to find a breakthrough instead of comprehensive suppression. That is too general and too taken for granted."

"In the end...she seems to be hinting at something."

"But I seem to have forgotten!"

"The thinking is out of overclocking, and some inspirations that could have been caught, but can't be caught!" Ke Xiaoliang thought to himself.

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