Devil Seeds

Chapter 760 The Unknown God

Everyone who saw the existence of this battle of gods knew that this battle was expanding.

It's even getting out of control.

The battle of gods that originally took place on the Euclid Divine Mountain can be regarded as a civil strife in the Euclid Divine System.

After all, most of the Oran gods that had been destroyed many years ago have been integrated into the Euclid gods.

The two have already merged into one in name.

At this time, with the addition of the Sautan god system to the battlefield, this has evolved into a war between two huge god systems.

Perhaps, the Euclidean pantheon, which has suffered heavy losses, will be quickly taken down by the Suutan pantheon.

But... who knows?

Before the result comes, no one should be so full of words.

When the eyes were focused on the battlefield between the Euclid and Sautan gods, a riot was about to break out in the chaotic land millions of miles away from Euclid.

The Land of Chaos is not affiliated with any great pantheon, but it is located between the three pantheon civilizations of Euclid, Nameria, and Basilmi. It is a real no-nonsense zone.

And many small gods were born here, and then competed for limited resources and land.

No less than dozens, even hundreds of battles of gods take place here every day, but no gods will intervene.

Accompanied by a large number of divine battles, this originally fertile land gradually dried up and turned into barren land.

Some gods chose to leave, no longer fighting for this barren land.

But there are still some gods left behind, full of attachment to this place.

The dry land, the blood-red scorching sun, and the endless wind and sand are everything here.

The boundless grains of sand, like knives for killing, cut the skin of every passerby.

On the endless blood-red Gobi Desert, a dark cave suddenly opened.

The black figure was thrown out like a rag doll, and fell to the ground fiercely. The coagulated blood was not so conspicuous against the background of the blood-red sand, making this person look like he was asleep generally.

The main god of Euclid, Federer, who represents the harvest and the moon, was struggling to open his eyes at this moment, looking at the blood-red crescent moon hanging in the sky, and then closed his eyes heavily.

Although this place is extremely far away from the sacred mountain, as long as the moon rises, under the light of the moonlight, his wounds will slowly heal.

After several minor wounds healed, Federer struggled to sit up.

Slowly absorbed some of the energy in the moonlight.

Most of the wounds are actually not serious, and under the moonlight, the wounds have even healed.

But the two most important penetrating injuries, Moonlight could not be repaired.

Because it was the wound torn by Suotan's main god with the divine weapon. Without the blessing of the mountain, Federer could not heal such a wound with only this weak moonlight.

Standing up with his body propped up, Federer already felt the sound of whimpering coming from a distance, apparently the sound of wind passing through the sand grains, and the slight vibration of the ground indicated that the wind was very strong this time.

With a wry smile, Federer staggered towards a mushroom-shaped stone pillar not far away, apparently looking for a bigger stone cave to hide in!

The howling wind and the howling blood-colored dust roared outside the huge stone mushroom, but there was a dead silence in the cave, except for occasional flashes of black light, showing that there were still people here.

Federer traveled millions of miles at the sacrifice of the God of Communication, and came to this desert, obviously not just fleeing.

After suppressing the wounds on his body, Federer packed up his makeup to cover up the injuries on his body, changed into a dazzling outfit, and then depicted a series of weird runes.

The light of the rune shines in the bloody desert.

In the howling wind, there seemed to be many unlucky things flying fast.

On the seemingly dead land, several figures in black robes appeared.

They are the gods who are nostalgic in this land.

These gods are the outcasts among the gods.

The priesthood belongs to, mostly undead, barren, cursed, lost, howling, etc.

If such gods cannot accurately restrain the radiation of their own divine power, they are destined to be exiled... exiled to a barren place like the land of chaos.

Of course, most of these gods themselves like to stay in the barren land and feel the silence that is like death, but better than death.

"Everyone! The God King has summoned you."

"It's time to return to Mount Euclid and dedicate your loyalty to the God King."

"Perhaps... you can pass this time, get the reward of the god king, and get out of such a barren land." Federer said, there was no urgency for help in his tone, but a consistent pride.

Many unknown gods were silent and looked at each other.

Finally, one of the unknown gods in black robes stretched out his bone-like fingers, and said to Federer, "We have felt a violent vibration of divine power coming from the direction of the sacred mountain. May I ask... who are we fighting?"

Federer said: "The Oran traitor... a group of dead but not stiff guys, this time we will completely wipe them out."

"If it wasn't for the god king who went to the sky to find clues to become the god of the gods...these Oran gods would never be given the chance to rebel."

Federer concealed the truth about the invasion of the Thortan pantheon.

For ordinary gods, the Sautan pantheon is famous after all.

Although these unknown gods were subdued by God King Euclid many years ago, they are not necessarily very loyal.

Federer tricked them into rushing to help, and he also made up his mind to use these ominous gods as cannon fodder for the battle of gods.

Use this to delay time, let the Euclidean pantheon seek real support, no matter how bad it can wait until the return of the Euclidean gods who went to the sky.

Many unknown gods seem to be weighing whether to fight for the Euclid pantheon.

Some of them, although they couldn't see their faces and expressions, could tell from their body movements that their hearts were moving.

It has always been the wish of a large number of unknown gods to integrate into the mainstream god-system society.

Not only because they have emotions like ordinary people, and yearn for group life.

What's more, once they are accepted by the mainstream gods, they will get the blessings of the gods, and the ominous power will be restrained, and they can start to travel the whole world, looking for new opportunities.

Instead of being trapped in a barren land like now.

If you step out without authorization, you may be attacked by other gods.

"Wait! I smell blood in the's the smell of divine blood."

"This blood comes from you... the great god of fertility, the god of the moon... Your Majesty Federer!" said an unknown god.

As soon as the words fell, Federer was surrounded by groups.

All the unknown gods began to carefully screen and size up, and soon saw through Federer's disguise.

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