Diablo Destruction

Chapter 183 Sarah Willas

I rubbed my eyes. The few rays of bright sunshine that filtered in from outside the window made my eyes black. I straightened up dizzily. The cool breeze blowing from the nearby lush forest made me dizzy. I retreated back into the bed and narrowed my eyes again.

It is indeed a magic tent. Although it looks simple on the outside, it is fully functional inside. Where did this window come from? No matter how you look at the tent, there is no way it could have such a thing! It is simply more advanced than the high technology in the previous world.

It was already a sleep (?) ago that I came back with Sister Sharna. To be honest, I really didn’t know how I came back at that time. The entire teleportation array was drowned by the sea of ​​cheers. After all, it was enough. For hundreds of years, there has not been a warrior who can challenge Andariel alone. This is the result that my sister has earned with her own blood and sweat, and it is the honor she deserves.

Originally, I thought she was going to be lost for a while - because when she just walked out of Andariel Palace, she looked so haggard and sad, and the feeling of emptiness after achieving her goal, if I want to describe it, it is chasing. The novel that has been written for more than ten years finally comes to an ending, which is often filled with emptiness rather than joy.

But after just one sleep, she returned to her original self, and her eyes expanded from a shallow lake to the entire blue sky and sea. The moment she opened her eyelashes, I knew that our Roger The Queen is back again.

While I am happy for my sister to get back on her feet, I also feel a sense of selfish loss. After all, she is so weak and intoxicating. Maybe this is the first and last time I see her like that... …

Not long after leaving the teleportation station, I took advantage of the crowd and quietly got rid of the hand she was holding tightly. I returned to the small tent of my Mage Guild and fell down. To be honest, I don't like this kind of scene very much. I would rather have a good sleep than be chased by thousands of people.

It is painful to be ignored, and it is painful to be too popular. Only those who are in a balanced position between the two can live comfortably. This is where I, as a senior otaku, have a higher awareness than ordinary people.

So, now is the time since that sleep. Based on previous experience, I slept for at least a day.

Just go back to sleep.

I mumbled in a daze, the wind was so damn comfortable.

Unfortunately, God failed to fulfill his wishes. As soon as he lay down, the little oriole appeared.

"Sir, get up, don't go back to sleep, you have been sleeping for two whole days. My lord, lord, I know you have just woken up, don't pretend to be asleep anymore, get up quickly. Really..."

A sweet voice that I will never tire of hearing kept ringing softly in my ears. Unfortunately, it sounded more like a lullaby to me, so I squinted my eyes deeply.

"My lord. My lord, don't sleep anymore, the sun is shining on your butt..."

The owner of the voice stepped up his offensive, bent down, and pushed me gently with two soft little hands. A bunch of naughty hair hung down by my ears. The faint smell of shampoo made people couldn't help but put their noses there. In the past, there seemed to be a cool trinket hanging on the hair bundle. As the hair bundles swing, a light and crisp ringing sound is emitted.

I couldn't sleep peacefully under this kind of attack. I frowned, subconsciously stretched out my hands, grabbed the owner of the voice and hugged him tightly into my arms. Suddenly, a familiar body fragrance rushed towards me.

"Let me sleep a little longer, love-"

Suddenly, his brain, which was in a daze as he slept, started to wake up.

wrong. This is not Alice's scent. I opened my eyes suddenly and glanced at the man in my arms. She closed her eyes tightly, even her fair and clear neck and ears were already red.

"Ah - that - Vilas, just let me sleep for a while."

I continued with a stiff voice that had no trace of sleepiness anymore, and I felt cold sweat all over my body.

Fortunately, Vilas didn't see my current state. No, I guess she couldn't even hear what I said.

Her delicate body was trembling violently, and her whole body was tightly stretched. Her fair and pretty face was redder than an apple, and she could even smell a faint scent of sweat at her temples. If she looked closely, she felt dizzy. . . He was so nervous that he couldn't even breathe. His red face was half ashamed, and the other half must be holding back...

I smiled dumbly. If I hugged her like this, she might really suffocate herself to death.

I gently let go of this shy girl with both hands, and was about to say something. Unexpectedly, Vilas' body seemed to be on a spring. As soon as I let go of my hand, she jumped up like a grasshopper, and her weak body lifted her up. A gust of wind disappeared without a trace in front of my eyes in an instant.

I stared at the empty door dumbfounded. Could this be the legendary "quiet as a virgin, active as a rabbit"? It's a bit too strong.

Almost half an hour later, after I lazily dressed and washed, Vilas walked in with breakfast in hand. If you look carefully, you can see a cute blush on her face. Haha~~

However, when I walked out of the tent and was about to stretch out in the autumn morning light, a sweet voice with a hint of childishness came flying from a distance, and suddenly my waist was stretched hard. Stationed.

"Big brother~~, big brother~~"

The voice was like an angel, and the face was like an angel, but it drove me into the boundless abyss. Even the autumn sunshine seemed too dazzling for me, who instantly became a humble abyss creature.

"Hehe, big brother, good morning~"

The little angel jumped up and down with her petite body without any scruples, and slammed into my arms. Her pink little hands gently hugged her neck, and her delicate body, as soft and sweet as a feather, hung on my body and refused to come down.

"Sarah, why are you here?"

I couldn't help but look at the little angel hanging around my neck acting coquettishly.

"Miss Sarah has visited dozens of times in the past two days, but the adults have been sleeping and don't know."

Veras, who was skillfully drying clothes on the side, came over and explained with a harmless smile.

"Sister Vilas, as you said, just call me Sarah."

Sarah jumped her pink head over my shoulder, pouting and complaining unhappily to Vilas.

"Hehe-yes, Miss Sarah."

Just as I had asked her to call me by my first name dozens of times. Vilas is very stubborn in some aspects, and even Sarah's already perfect and unrivaled eyes and coquettish offensive are completely ineffective.

Sometimes I think about it, maybe the women gathered around me are really scary, just like Ultraman, who always has a few unique moves that can crush the enemy to pieces.

Needless to say, Sister Sharna, the title of Queen Rogge alone can already explain everything; little Sarah is invincible with her innocent and considerate coquettish offensive, but she is invincible by Veras' gentle and touching motherly light. smile dissolves;

As for Alice, the little ghost, I no longer know how to describe her. Sometimes she is as gentle and intelligent as a saint, and sometimes she is as coquettish and naughty as a kitten. Her biggest characteristic is that she can talk about very pornographic and violent topics with a sweet smile, especially after learning some unnecessary things from me recently. , this skill is already close to the realm of perfection.

The only one who is relatively normal is probably the little wizard Linya. No, maybe it's because I don't have a close relationship with her, and I haven't discovered her true nature yet...

"Could it be——? Don't you find that the eyes around you are dazzling?"

Alice in my arms said to me in a troubled tone. It's like watching a lost lamb heading towards the abyss of depravity and being helpless.

"It's so strange, it's so strange. Vilas is an apprentice in the Mage Guild, and Sarah is a student in the Mage Training Camp. They should have nothing to do with each other. Why do they go together?"

On a certain street in Rogge's camp, a dark figure shrouded under a cloak murmured to himself. If you look closely, even the remaining half of its (unidentified object) face is densely covered by a black scarf. cover. Only a pair of dark eyes were exposed from his whole body.

This unknown black figure was cunningly sticking out half of its head from behind the box of a certain stall, staring closely at the two girls in front of them who were walking together like close friends, without noticing the surprised gazes of passers-by. The figure of a patrolling soldier monitoring.

"This is the tragedy of having two boats." Alice concluded smugly.

"Wrong, this is too charming and sad. As a profound man with culture, virtue and style, my biggest failure is that I have made too many women sad..."

The shadow narcissistically brushed the exposed black hair.

"Wow!! I didn't expect there was a mirror for sale here——"

Alice pointed to the stall where I was hiding.

"Please cooperate with me sometimes, okay? Don't change the subject with such hurtful topics——"

"Xiaofan, I understand, don't worry—"

The little ghost responded with a sweet smile. Just when I thought with tears in my eyes that she finally understood what it means to be humane, the next sentence made me suddenly vomit blood.

"Even if I wake up one morning and find you chopped into pieces with a hatchet or cut into several pieces by a saw, I won't be surprised."

"You really know a lot, don't you?" I glared angrily.

"Where, you teach me well."

The little ghost ignored my threat, smiled and bowed to me like a lady.

"Can't you stuff something useful into your idiot head?" I gritted my teeth.

"This is really rude. I don't remember you ever teaching me anything useful."

She still replied with an elegant and gentle smile.

It feels like the little ghost today has eaten several tons of gunpowder. It didn't seem to be easy to mess with, so I hummed and closed my mouth. He wanted to follow me sneakily.

"Hey, you, yes, don't look around. It's you. What do you want to do? Come and lie down with me."

When I was crouching on the ground, I felt a sudden strong hold on my shoulder by a big hand. I raised my head and saw a few Rogge soldiers with spears in their hands and long bows on their backs. They were pretending that I was an urban management officer. Surround yourself...

"It's still too early to catch me, the number one master in Rogge's camp."

Some deserted corner. I proudly tore off the black cloth on my face and untied the cloak that was tightly wrapped around my body. The magical druid Mr. Wu Fan, the honorary elder of Rogge camp, officially appeared.

"I always feel that it is very embarrassing. Even if no one finds out, it is still very embarrassing."

The little ghost covered his forehead with his hand, his silver eyes flashing with despair.

"Don't say it so harshly. Aren't we a combination where both prosper and suffer losses?" I comforted the little ghost with a smile.

"That's why I feel sad, ugh~~..."

Ignoring the confused screams of the little ghost in the necklace, I walked out of the alley with a calm face, only to be met by a group of Rogge soldiers.

"Good morning, Lord Fan."

The leading captain stood up straight and saluted me.

"Good morning, look at you guys in a hurry, what happened?"

"Ah. Yes, the seventh patrol team just reported that there seems to be a suspicious cloaked stalker nearby..."

The patrol leader reported to me respectfully.

"That's right, then come on, I'll also pay a little attention."

"Yes. Yes, thank you for your help, sir. If you discover it, that hateful stalker will be unable to escape."

"Aha - I hope so."

Facing the patrol leader's burning eyes. What can i say? Get out of the way quickly.

You should rest as soon as possible, you will never catch him in your lifetime... Of course, I can only say this in my heart.

"Hey, it's so empty..."

It will take at least a month for Andariel to resurrect, which means I can still take a good rest for a month. Thinking about it, I feel like I have nothing to do, forget it. It's better to go back to your small tent and continue to catch up on your sleep.

"Vilas knows about Sarah's existence and her status in my heart. As for Sarah, I don't know. Although I haven't confessed anything to her, don't look at this little girl at such a young age. , she has a smart mind, there is no guarantee that she didn’t find any clues from Vilas..."

I whispered to Alice as I walked, hoping that this "candidate saint with piercing eyes" could find some useful clues from it.

"Vilas is a very well-behaved girl. She is also easily satisfied. Maybe she is trying to have a good relationship with Sarah..."

There was some guilt in my voice.

"Is that really true?"

What answered me was Alice's melodic question.

"Even if Vilas accepts Sarah's existence, she will not take the initiative to fight for anything. But don't forget that a woman's instinct is very scary. Maybe she does have such thoughts, but without realizing it, It’s not surprising if he accidentally makes some small moves to compete for favor!”


"Didn't you notice something from the meeting between the two this morning? Think about it carefully!"

"This morning?"

I squinted my eyes and thought for a while. First, Sarah rushed over, and then they were all ordinary conversations.

"The smell of gunpowder is very strong! Hum~~"

Inside the necklace, the little ghost hugged his knees tightly, blinking with troubled eyes, humming in an inaudible voice, and the whole space seemed to be filled with a sour breath.

"Tell me, Alice, where is this place?"

While I was thinking, I suddenly stopped and looked at the scene in front of me in stunned silence.

Over the fence, the sky was full of yellow sand, and the howling north wind made my face hurt. The tents stood crookedly like eggplants beaten by frost. They looked like two western cowboys often shown on TV somewhere. The scene of a duel on the street in front of the desolate village tavern.

I took a few steps back speechlessly, turned around, and saw the prosperous Rogge Camp, although it could not be called prosperous.

"Where is this? Is it really the Mages Guild that I left less than two hours ago? Or is it that my Lu Chi's skills have been upgraded? Or is it because of Belial's illusion?"

I held my head in disbelief and moaned incoherently.

Even Alice made a confused sound, but at least it could be ruled out that she was a road idiot or that she was under an illusion spell by Beryl.

I looked around cautiously, only to realize that there seemed to be a very strange atmosphere around me, whether it was the Mages Guild in the fence that seemed to be in another world, or the clear laughter of pedestrians passing by occasionally. It gave me a creepy feeling.

This is a conspiracy, a huge conspiracy is coming over me.

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