Diablo Destruction

Chapter 211 Three Incomparable People

Foreword, grandma from the Kingdom of Heaven, I am your grandson Wu Fan, an ordinary otaku who could not be more ordinary. My greatest wish in this life is to live a peaceful life. My greatest happiness is to be able to eat and wait until death. My extravagant hope is to marry a wife who tolerates my attitude towards life of just eating and waiting to die.

It should be like this, but more than 2 years ago, I accidentally traveled through time, so that's it. Why does it have to be a war-torn dark world? But now, there are people who come to me to discuss matters related to usurping the throne and changing the dynasty. Please tell me, what unscrupulous evil did your lovely grandson commit in his previous life to end up like this?

"Alice, what on earth should I do?"

I sighed and lay on the table as limply as a cabbage worm.

"Ugh~~ Even if you ask me about this, I don't know. I don't have experience."

The little ghost also sighed and looked at me with troubled eyes.

After thinking for a long time, I still don’t think that such a thing can be solved by a fledgling boy like me. At this time, it is the wisest choice to consult an experienced old man. And in the whole Lu Gaoyin, I know and can trust him. There is only Farah's apprentice, the head of the Lu Gaoyin Magic Guild, Master Talon.

I hurriedly packed my clothes and came to the Mages Guild again. Tarun happened to be in the study room, studying something while looking at books and drinking plain noodle soup. After hearing the news of my sudden arrival, he After coughing a few times, two white noodles suddenly came out of his nostrils.

After saying that he had no authority or ability to solve this problem, he suggested that if I really needed help, I could contact Camp Rogge. Akara and the others, who make people mature, give some advice.

I don’t know how Talon got in touch with Rogge’s camp. After entering the secret room and messing around for a while, he came out with an animal skin letter.

"This is Lord Akala's advice to you, Lord."

He handed the scroll in his hand to me and buried his body in the pile of books again - dealing with the bowl of noodle soup fiercely. He was indeed a disciple taught by the madman Farah.


I unfolded the hide curiously and read the information inside carefully.

Fortunately, Akara and the others are not the kind of smart people who pretend to be B-type, and they will not play inscrutable word games on the prompts. The general meaning is that I have the sole discretion to make the decision. As an elder, I should exercise more. Please have some common sense. Exercise should also start with small things. This is not the same as asking a level 1 novice to complete a 100 level plot. Mission? Do you think this is a YY online game novel about killing gods and destroying Buddhas?

But they probably also knew that my brain was not very good, so they gave me a suggestion at the end if I was really not sure. You can ask for advice from the Kane clan brother - Ryan Kane (Kane's full name is Deckard Kane). Like Kane, he is a knowledgeable and well-informed wise man. I can provide you with very pertinent advice.

Farewell to Talon who was in deep thought. Under the leadership of a middle-aged mage, I came to Ryan Kane's home. This is a large residential area in Lugaoyin, where all the residents are rich or noble. At least along the way, I haven’t seen a single shabby building, with smooth marble floors and stacks of Arab-style buildings all around. This made me, who was accustomed to the poor living atmosphere of Rogge Camp, have a strange feeling. The feeling of being among tall buildings is quite ironic.

Lane's home occupies a large area here, regardless of the decorative architecture inside. This alone is astonishing in a residential area where every inch of land is so valuable. In fact, Ryan is indeed a rich man. He is not only knowledgeable, but also very good at doing business. As his poor relative Kai Well, most of the time I rely on his help. How can Elder Rogge's salary be enough for Kane to squander? I guess it will be gone if I buy this book. In the Dark Continent, which lacks paper and printing technology, the value of a book is equivalent to gold.

In front of the courtyard is a unique Arabic-style building. Behind the house is a small jungle. The servant told us that Ryan is now in the back garden, which is the bookstore in the small jungle behind.

Following the quiet path into the jungle, we met the Lugoin scholar and wealthy man, Kane's wealthy relative Ryan, in a simple wooden house deep in the lush green land. He was probably from his family. Ryan has a unique dress, just like Kane, he is also wearing a simple gray robe, with a white beard hanging on his kind and kind smile, and a cane that can be seen everywhere in his hand. In addition, his figure and appearance are comparable to Kane's. Imagine, when we first met, I thought he and Kane were twins, but if you look closely, you can still see the difference.

After the middle-aged mage who led the way resigned, Ryan led me into his wooden house. It was better to describe it as a warehouse than a house. Dozens of roof-high bookshelves were piled around the house, about three or four meters high. I had to use some help. Only a human-shaped ladder can reach the top book.

"is that so?"

Ryan pushed up the black glasses on his eyes. After noticing my surprised gaze, he took off the pair of glasses that seemed very old-fashioned to me and said with a smile.

"Are you curious about this? This is a gadget made by dwarves. Although it is not very beautiful, it is indeed very practical. You can see more clearly after wearing it."

"Oh, I see."

I was just surprised. It turns out that the dark world also has glasses, but it doesn't matter if you think about it. There are also pigs, cows and sheep in the dark world, but Ryan's words aroused my curiosity.

"Do the dwarves really exist? Where are they now? Why have I never seen them before?"

"Of course, the existence of the dwarves cannot be groundless. They live in the farther west. Even now, there are still many things they created. As for why they are unwilling to interact with us humans, this is It’s a long story, if you’re interested, I can explain it to you slowly…”

Speaking of these rumors. Ryan immediately became excited and talked endlessly, but soon realized that now was not the time to discuss this.

"Ahem, sorry, I can't stop talking about this. It's an old habit. Okay, let's go back to the topic."

He laughed a few times. continued.

"I have also heard a little bit about Princess Moissa. Combined with what you just said, then her words can be trusted to a certain extent. It's just the process in between. I hope you can ask more details by then. Ask, after all, we adventurers can't cover our heads and let a little girl lead us."

"Well, that's what I think too. But to be honest, I'm not good at these things. Can you let Princess Moissa meet you then? With Grandpa Ryan here, she won't be able to play any tricks."


Ryan looked at me without answering. It made me feel that my little calculation in my heart had been completely seen by this wise old man.

"It seems that your personality is somewhat similar to Kasha. Forget it, if that's the case, then I, an old man like me, will go there myself. Let's see what kind of person this resourceful princess is. "

After a while, Ryan responded with a wry smile and shook his head.

"Then I'll bother you then, Grandpa Ryan."

I bowed to him happily, ha, I can finally get away. That's right, ever since I got Akara's advice, I planned to be a hands-off shopkeeper. What are the most important qualities for managers in the 21st century? It is not our own talents and abilities, but our ability to discover, mobilize and develop talents. As a leader, how can we do everything ourselves?

After chatting for a while, I was about to say goodbye when Ryan finally said.

"Dear Wu, I also know a little bit about your mission to Lu Gaoyin. I want to ask. Has Akara ever told you anything to pay attention to?"

"Yes, Akara and the others have explained it in great detail."

Concern for this old man. I express my sincere gratitude.

"Well, that's good, but there is one more thing I must mention. Regarding your mission this time, although there should be no problem with your strength, you still have to pay attention. There are three people. You must be careful. May God May you never meet them here."

Ryan said solemnly.

"I have heard a little about these three people in Akara, a paladin, a barbarian, and a wizard. However, what are their names and what do they look like? Akara did not tell me. Even if I meet them in the future, Even they can't tell the difference." When I said this, I suddenly became embarrassed.

"With your current strength, even if you don't know their names and appearances, when they stand in front of you, you will naturally feel it. Your intuition will tell you that the enemy in front of you is irresistible. At that time It’s too late, so Wu, don’t try to contact them, they are existences that you can’t match now.”

Ryan saw my eagerness to give it a try and immediately gave me a slap in the face.

"I know, I will be careful to avoid them."

Seeing Ryan's serious face, I couldn't help but put away my curiosity. I was a bit out of balance, but I still knew that facing career changers in their 20s and 30s, I might still be able to win, but with Haloga Compared with those high-level warriors in Sri Lanka, he still has a long way to go.

"But why did the three of them fall? You have repeatedly warned me to be careful. Are they the three strongest in the Fallen Alliance?"

Seeing that both Ryan and Akara mentioned it again and again, my curiosity suddenly popped up again.

"Of course not. The scale of the Alliance of the Fallen is much larger than you think. There are many people even in the second world, but these people are under surveillance and rarely return to the first world. But these three people can They are said to be the 'strongest' three warriors in the first world. The most important thing is that their whereabouts are elusive, and sometimes they even appear in Rogge Camp or Lu Gaoyin, so you have the highest chance of encountering them.

If you are a fallen person of other high-level warrior levels, you can escape safely even if you are defeated by your strength. But if you meet the three of them, you will have no chance to escape at all, so we will repeatedly warn you and hope that you It can wake you up a lot. "

"I see."

My face changed slightly, God, this is what happened. I originally thought it was not a dangerous task. When Ryan said this, the pressure increased. My life turned out to be in danger! !

Seeing my troubled look, the tense expression on Ryan's face gradually relaxed.

"You don't have to worry so much. If it's really that dangerous, Akara and the others won't leave it to you to complete. You must know that you are their favorite now." He said happily looking at my sad face.

"Based on the behavior of those three people, Paladin, as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke him, it will be fine. Although he is a fallen person, his character is still neutral and even inclined to kindness. He only acts because of some unavoidable reasons. Leading to his own corruption; as for the barbarian, his character is not evil, but he is very warlike, and he does not know the importance of his actions. Several warriors have been killed by him during challenges, although this may not be his original intention. For him , you don’t have to worry too much, he probably doesn’t like your current strength, and as long as you don’t actively provoke him, it will be fine; only that mage..."

Speaking of this, Ryan hesitated.

"He is the strongest among the three, and he has a moody personality. He is the one you need to be wary of the most among the three."

"Grandpa Ryan, thank you for your teachings. I will definitely keep them in mind."

Finally, I saluted the kind old man again.

"I have said everything that needs to be said, and the rest is up to you. Dear Wu, I wish you smooth sailing on this mission."

On the way back, I thought about Ryan's last words. Have you said everything that needs to be said? In other words, are there some things that should not be said? Do I have insufficient permissions? Or is it for my own good?

I shook my head. I still trust Akara and the others. They should have no reason to harm me. It seems that it is better not to know the things that should not be known. The more I know, the happier I feel. Heavy, it's better to let these things rot in their stomachs forever.

God, please let me be an ignorant and happy person! !

I raised my hands and prayed silently, and then shook my head helplessly. This behavior was like praying to the sky after watching an H-movie before time travel, "God, please give me a roomful of pure and ignorant little lolita." " Such nonsense, from the moment I stepped into the position of elder, I have fallen deeply into the quagmire of the dark world, and I can no longer escape.

When I came back to my senses, I found that I had fallen into the vast sea of ​​people again! !

Judging from the fact that most of the people around me are adventurers, there is no doubt that I am in the Adventurer Paradise. However, the Adventurer Paradise is not a small street, but a whole large area. I want to find the Adventurer Hotel. For me, The difficulty level may fluctuate around the SSS+ level...

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