Diablo Destruction

Chapter 243 The Queen trains the Princess

"Ah, I remembered"

Seeing violent sparks flashing in the air, I punched my fist fiercely.

"Sister, the crawling appearance, we haven't dealt with the crawling appearance yet."

Half of me was trying to smooth things over, and half was really regretful. I seemed to have remembered something when I first came back, but only now did I suddenly realize that I had forgotten to pack away the items I dropped after killing the crawling appearance.

"I thought something big had happened, but it turned out to be this." After my interruption, my sister's sharp eyes finally moved away from Princess Sanwu, as if she had made an appointment, and Moissa also seemed humble and humble. Headed.

"With his crawling appearance and all, if you want to kill him, you can kill him at any time. If you are too fussy about it, you won't be like a boy."

In the eyes of others, the crawling appearance of a powerful little boss seems to be just a little rabbit in Sister Sharna's tone. She can be killed whenever she wants. However, my sister is indeed qualified to say this because she fully possesses this strength. , Uh~, of course, I can do it too. Why do I always forget the fact that I am a master in front of my sister?

However, no matter what my sister says, I still feel distressed. You must know that the last blow before the death of the crawling appearance was carried out by me (Xiaoxue), so the explosion rate should also be taken into account. A small boss-level monster will drop a gold equipment or something. It's not surprising, and there is proof. After killing the crawling appearance, you can use a special potion to cut off a small part of its body, and then take it back for verification by the Mage Guild. As long as you can prove that you killed more than four bosses, You will be eligible to go to Kurast Seaport.

Now I just hope that the thing revealed by the crawling appearance will be cheaper for any adventure team, but I think the most likely thing is that it will be picked up by monsters after rebirth, and then hidden somewhere.

While I was secretly feeling distressed, my sister had already passed over Moissa and me. She walked straight through the corridor and came into the hall. Although she didn't pay much attention to material comfort, when she saw the lush grass and flowers outside the huge floor-to-ceiling glass, a look of satisfaction flashed in her eyes.

Taking off the light armor on her body, revealing a red tight-fitting plain clothes, and then taking off the hairband that restrained her long hair, Sister Sharna naturally found the large rattan lounge chair where I usually sit, and the beautiful spread hair Silk poured onto the chair as she sat down. It was as if it was covered with a layer of golden satin.

Well, that's the master chair. I followed to the hall and saw my sister elegantly leaning on the chair with her slender legs raised, as if to announce that from now on, this chair will be my throne, and no one will be allowed to do so. Touch again.

I looked left and right, damn the fat pig king. He didn't seem to consider receiving guests here at all, so there was only a wicker chair as big as a bed placed in the center of the entire spacious and elegant hall, as if to highlight his status. Is this a common problem among those with power? ? Do I have to sit on the floor from now on?

"What are you still doing there? Sit down quickly." Seeing me standing blankly at the door, Sister Sharna turned back displeased and patted the empty seat next to her.

"Oh." I nodded blankly. This was indeed a good idea. The large chair is really convenient.

As soon as I sat down, my sister's little hands came up, hugged my waist, rubbed her face on my chest comfortably for a few times, and took a long, contented breath. Hey, are you using me as a pillow?

At this time, Morissa also followed from behind. Seeing this scene, I don't know why, but I suddenly found that there seemed to be a sense of confrontation burning in her emotionless eyes. Speaking of which, this little Loli princess is also 15 years old, and the awkward period of resistance has finally ended. Reached?

I saw her come up to me, move to my other side with small steps, and suddenly sit down on her knees, like a coquettish kitten. That little hand, which was softer and more delicate than a pianist's, was placed on the back of my hand. Her little face also moved up to me, and she and Sister Sharna were lying on me on the left and right.


A sound similar to (?) beeping came out. The face that was pressed against the back of the hand turned around, and a pair of big bright yellow eyes stared at me.


I sucked in a breath of cold air, and all three hundred and sixty pores in my body felt like they had been filled with the ten thousand years of ice that the protagonists in legendary martial arts novels often encountered. My goosebumps were like bubbles rising from boiling hot water. The speed started from the back of the right hand and spread to the whole body, and it only took a tiger's body to shake to increase the internal strength for hundreds or thousands of years.

No, no, it’s not that Princess Sanwu’s voice is unpleasant. On the contrary, it’s very emotional. But think about it, what would it look like if the owner of this delicate voice matched those emotionless eyes? ? It's like a synthesized voice spitting out from the mouth of a boxy robot. Can you get excited when facing cold iron?

Moreover, there is something similar to Princess Sanwu now - some heroines in the legend also use weapons such as hatchets and chainsaws to turn living people into meat paste with a pure and innocent smile. Could it be that Isn't it the time for her to resist, but is she feeling resentful? I have never deceived her feelings, I have not played with her, I have not abandoned her after getting her pregnant, God can bear witness!

While I was tremblingly planning to clean out all the things in my house that could be used as murder weapons, Princess Sanwu continued her creepy performance.

"Master~~, didn't you promise that when you come back, you will fill little Jasmine's body with love?"

Little...little Jasmine? Can anyone tell me how I should complain.

I stared blankly at Princess Sanwu's cold eyes that expressed completely the opposite meaning to what she said, and asked in a positive tone.

"Those books... you still have them, right?"

What a familiar line... I dare to swear to God, this guy definitely still has a set of H books that I confiscated last time. No, maybe there is more than one set. Who is it that is already in dire straits? Who in the dark continent is still writing such obscene books and periodicals that poison the minds of young people, if I find out. His rotten and filthy brain must be washed with a wire a hundred times.

"There is no such thing as that."

Moissa immediately turned her head away with a guilty conscience. Is this little loli trying to hide that she is also a child?

Out of the blue, the other hand suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled it out from Moissa's palm and cheek. I turned around in fear, only to see my sister glaring at Moissa with a cold face.

"A maid should behave like a maid. The master didn't ask you to come over, so just squat in the corner for me."

Hearing Princess Sanwu's words, Sharna felt an inexplicable anger for no reason. Although she didn't know what "injecting love into the body" meant, the woman's intuition made her feel very unhappy. Originally, the other party was just a person. The little mercenaries, who were usually not in her eyes, had to deal with such cannon fodder-level adventurers. It's no harder than crushing an ant.

But the woman's intuition told her again that this kind of thing - although she still didn't understand what it was in her heart, could not be solved with fists. Her intuition told her that if she used force to coerce the other party. Then he would be at a disadvantage, or even lose. Therefore, the arrogant Queen Sharna had the patience to deal with Princess Sanwu. If it was her previous personality, she would have killed this little guy with one shot.

"I only have one master, and the only one." Seeing her hand being taken away, Princess Sanwu simply knelt down on my lap, with a determination that she was her master in life and her ghost in death.

"I am her sister, and her things are mine. Therefore, her maid is also my maid." The little hand around her waist suddenly exerted force, and before I could react, my body Being pulled to the other side by her sister, Princess Sanwu was even more unexpected. She fell to the ground in a panic, with a gorgeous face.

"Plop-" She stood up. I patted the dust on the clothes with my little hands. Look at Sharna expressionlessly.

"I only have one master, except him. I will not listen to anyone else." As he said this, he turned around and hugged my thigh.

"Humph——" My sister hugged me and pulled me back.

Tap tap——, Princess Sanwu came around again.

"Humph——" He was pulled over again.

Tap tap——, Princess Sanwu continued to follow, determined not to give up until she touched me. By the way, do you really like my thighs that much?

Was pulled over again...

"That's enough, you two." Being spun around like a toy, I finally couldn't bear it and raised my body.

"You." I pointed at Moissa.

"Go make dinner, I'm hungry." No matter what, separate the two people first, otherwise I will become the first victim of their overt and covert fight.

Having said that, Princess Sanwu could not disobey my order now, so she reluctantly looked at me with a look that seemed to be filled with hatred, and walked out under the elegant and proud provocation of Sister Sharna.

"Sister, why don't you act like her?"

I turned around helplessly and looked at my sister who was combing her long golden hair that eclipsed all the headdresses while putting on an expression that said, "My victory is a matter of course."

"Brother, you are too soft-hearted. Even a mere maid is so arrogant. Why don't you climb on top of your head in the future? I am here to train her on your behalf." The elder sister gently lifted her hair, with a faint smile on her face. However, confidently, as if she saw my worries, she continued.

"Don't worry, because she belongs to you, brother, and I won't hurt her."


My sister told me what was on my mind, so I could only respond with a giggle. In fact, I was sweating profusely at what Moissa had just done. You know, starting from the Rogge camp, except for Kasha and the other old guys, I had never I have never seen anyone dare to disobey my sister. With her moody personality, even if she suddenly smiled and drew her weapon and cut Moissa in half, I wouldn’t find it too strange. When the time comes...


Seeing how relieved I was, my sister suddenly sighed, hugged me gently, buried me in her fragrant arms again, and gently stroked my hair.

"Originally..., originally you should be mine alone, according to the clan rules. All other women should be killed, but..."

Fu sighed heavily again: "Seeing that you always look indecisive, I really can't make up my mind. I think to myself, 'Forget it, as long as my brother can be happy, everything else doesn't matter.'" If other Amazons knew that I had such thoughts, I would laugh to death."

"Didn't sister say not to care about other opinions?"

I put my backhand around my sister's back and suddenly realized that my sister was surprisingly petite. I really didn't know how the seemingly weak body could emit the power of a woman that is better than a man.

"Kid, you know how to argue, but what you said is true, why care about other eyes." My sister's little hands hugged me tighter, as if she wanted to suffocate me with her proud breasts.


"Dinner is ready."

When the atmosphere was warm, a mechanical, monotonous and emotionless voice sounded at the right moment. I reluctantly raised my head from the gentle embrace, and saw Morissa walking in with a tile altar over half a meter high in her hands. It was so fast, it was ready in less than three minutes. Could she be the legendary ace chef of a fast food restaurant?

"Excuse me. Can you tell me what this is?"

With a dark look on my face, I pointed at the liquid inside the earthenware pot that exuded colorful disgusting colors and had a strange smell and asked humbly.

"This is 'special soup'."

It is indeed a concise and appropriate name, but doesn’t this mean that it is not mentioned? What on earth is this! How on earth can we get this kind of colorful liquid that even Picasso can't mix? ! I mentally overturned the table desperately.

"Don't underestimate this pot of soup."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but a sharp light suddenly seemed to flash in Moissa's originally cold eyes. She gestured to me seriously with a few fingers.

"This is the work of more than ten processes and more than twenty days of hard work."


I admit, I was stunned by those two sets of astonishing data. I stared wide-eyed at the unknown liquid that looked like a layer of disgusting color like industrial oil floating on the polluted river water. Could this be the so-called... Soup cannot be judged by appearance, but taste cannot be measured? Just like Veras's steamed bun noodles, although they look ugly, they taste surprisingly good, no. That's not the case. The color of the steamed bun noodles can only be said to be a bit complicated, but this pot of soup has completely exceeded the limit of complexity. It is not weird but cannot be described.

"Can you tell me how it is made?" I swallowed a sip of saliva and asked uneasily. Drinking this pot of soup requires a certain amount of courage, and you must at least understand the ingredients inside.

"First. A porterhouse steak. Oil and flour."

"oh oh!"

Such normal ingredients, I started to have expectations for this pot of soup. Maybe it tastes surprisingly delicious.

"Then there's the life potion, the mana potion, the antidote potion, the dissolving potion."

"Uh-" His scalp started to tingle.

"Dip the steak in flour, fry it in a pan until it is eighty-done, and then soak it in the potion of life for seven days and seven nights."


"Dip the soaked steak in flour and continue to fry it in the oil pan until it is eighty done..."

"It's not even eighty-year-old yet. It's already mature, you idiot!" I suddenly felt the urge to overturn the table.

"Then put it in the magic potion and soak it for seven days and seven nights."

Ignoring my crazy complaints, Marissa continued. In fact, she was not taciturn. She just didn't want to waste a single word on things that she was not interested in. Once it came to areas that she was interested in, she would fall into a state of selflessness. For example, like now.

"Dip the second-soaked pork chops in flour, fry them in a pan until they are eighty-done, and then soak them in detoxifying potion for seven days and seven nights."

I said, that steak is definitely rotten.

"Dip the steak that has been soaked for the third time in flour, fry it until it is eighty-done, and then soak it in a dissolving agent for seven days and seven nights."

That's enough, spare that poor steak.

"So, where's the steak?"

I looked at the full pot of soup and suddenly became interested in the color, shape and volume of the steak. Of course, I would never eat it, absolutely! !

"..." Princess Sanwu seemed to not understand what I said, tilting her head and looking at me with doubtful eyes.

"I mean. What about that poor piece of steak that you fried four times and soaked for twenty-eight days? Isn't it the main dish? Why is there only soup left?"

"What are you talking about? That piece of steak is just a condiment. The real main dish is these soups. Finally, the life, mana, detoxification and dissolving potions that have soaked the steak are mixed together, which is the essence of this dish. Then How could such a tasteless steak be left behind?"

The expressionless answer was like dropping a piece of live coal into the crater of a volcano that had been sleeping for a hundred and eighty thousand years, and it instantly made me explode.

"You're not out of your mind, are you? Really? Why are the steaks that have been soaked in more than a dozen processes for twenty-eight days used as condiments and these insignificant soups become the main course? If that's the case from the beginning Is it possible to mix the four potions together and then put the fried steak in it and soak it for seven days and seven nights? That piece of steak must have been eaten by you, it must have been eaten by you. And you just said it was difficult Eat, I must have eaten it for you, so will these soups taste good?"

I said with a crackle while holding in my breath. I had been holding it in for a long time.


Moissa looked at me blankly and paused. Just when I thought she was reflecting, she suddenly started thinking and whispered.

"I see, it can still be like this. This saves twenty-one days, and maybe the taste will become more special. Let's try it next time..."

"Don't try it again, you idiot. How far do you want to waste the potion that the adventurer has revealed as a treasure?" I couldn't help but rub her hair desperately.

"It's not a waste, it's just a trade of equal value." Moissa covered her messy hair with her hands and raised her head to look at me.

"Equal transaction? Where did you get the money?" I was a little curious, even a princess couldn't be rich..., no. It should be said that he has fallen to this level.

"When I left, my father secretly ordered me to take away all the treasures in the treasury." Princess Sanwu responded honestly.


That old guy Jehain is really vicious. I think the Fat Pig King must have cried over the empty treasure house for more than one night. The nearly ten cubic meters of inventory space was enough to wipe out all the valuables inside.

So, isn't this Sanwu Princess a mobile treasure house? This carries the treasury treasures of the entire Western Kingdom! !

"Let's not talk about this yet."

I gave up feebly: "Pour away this pot of soup, of course, if you think your skills are not bad. You can also drink it all."

When I look back. But he found that his sister had already come over, her index finger just a little bit on the surface of the soup. Then he gently held it in his mouth, and his brows immediately wrinkled.

"As a maid, do you dare to bring out such a thing?" The sister with a frosty face immediately turned on the queen mode and shouted loudly, "You are so bold, slave, why don't you kneel down."

Uh, sister, you are looking for a scumbag, you are looking for a scumbag from Moissa. For some reason, facing these two incompatible princesses and queens, all my strength suddenly seemed to be drained away, and my shoulders drooped feebly.

"Tell me!" Ignoring my pale look on the side, Sharna walked up to Marissa with majestic steps, looked at her condescendingly, reached out and pinched her chin and lifted it up, letting her indifferent eyes His eyes stared at himself.

"Have you tasted the taste of this soup?"


"If you have tasted it, you know it tastes bad but still serve it to your master. If you have never tasted it, it is even worse. You don't even know what it tastes like and whether it is poisonous, so you give it to your own test product without authorization. Let the master taste it? No matter which one it is, being a maid is enough reason for execution."


A trace of panic flashed across her stubborn eyes. Moissa really didn't expect that it wasn't that she didn't understand the rules, but that she childishly wanted to go against this woman whom she disliked so much and make her angry. Besides, the master usually had a very good temper. , so good that she even forgot many of her duties as a maid. Her current behavior, just as the hateful woman in front of her said, would be justified even if she was sentenced to death.

"Eh-" I was about to speak, but my sister turned around and looked at me with a hidden smile.

"However, it is not impossible to spare you, although it is simply impossible for a humble maid like you to understand the kindness of the master."

"Then as a punishment after forgiveness -" My sister suddenly let go of Morissa, turned around, pushed me down on the chair, and stood aside.

"Just follow the rules of our Amazon clan. If the master has a generous heart for a slave who has done something wrong, just let him humbly clean his shoes."

"What——?" Why did you put the fire on me again? Besides, I'm not Amazon.

Moissa clenched her fist and glared angrily at Sharna with a cruel smile on her face.

"Why, you are dissatisfied, and you have done something that brings shame to yourself. Isn't it just right to punish you with humiliation? Or do you mean that you don't even understand this principle? As a princess? Huh-?"

The last sentence seemed to stimulate Moissa. She almost bit her delicate lips, and tears kept falling from her beautiful big eyes. I felt pity for her.

Her body was trembling violently. She took one step at a time, and each step seemed to use all her strength to move away. She walked slowly in front of me, squatted down, and struggled to lower her head...

"Forget it -" Sister Sharna suddenly pulled my feet away.

"Suddenly I remembered that this is a punishment set by the clan to deal with disobedient men. You are a woman, so I will spare you."

"Deng, Deng, Deng -" Moissa hid her face and left, leaving a series of crystal water drops on the floor. I looked at my sister helplessly.

"I thought that with your personality, you would stop me midway." My sister stroked my face and chuckled.

"Because sister just said that she will not hurt my people, and I believe her." I shook my head and smiled bitterly.

"However, this seems too pitiful. After all, she is only 15 years old, and she has been reduced from a princess to a maid."

"Humph——, I was 15 years old. I was——" She raised her eyebrows and paused in her tone.

"Brother, you are too soft-hearted. Whether you are dealing with disobedient servants or willful women, you must use both kindness and power. Being gentle and tolerant will only make them more arrogant."

"I think it's okay. I don't like to look at others with superior eyes, and I don't force others to obey me or serve me. As long as I can live according to my own way, even if I am tolerant to the people around me, let them do the same. Feeling happy is not a bad thing, I guess.”

"You, what should I say? It's like this. Don't provoke so many people in the first place..." After muttering, my sister's voice gradually became softer.

"Huh? What?" I didn't hear the rest of the words clearly, so I couldn't help but ask again.

"I mean, why don't you go comfort your wayward little maid now, or you may be resented in the future." My sister suddenly slapped my shoulder hard and pushed me towards the door.

This is the so-called method of using kindness and power at the same time. The human heart is a complex thing, just like a spring. Just being kind to others may not necessarily lead to good results, and may even lead to backlash——

Looking at the departing figure, Sharna was half lying on the chair, leisurely raising her slender feet, combing her long golden hair, her elegant and indifferent smile, as always, full of fearless confidence and arrogance, sea blue His beautiful eyes were staring quietly into the distance outside the window, as if he were a king on the stairs, looking down at his subjects from above.

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