Diablo Destruction

Chapter 345 Shocking Conspiracy

On the big tree more than ten meters high, the dwarf wizard who was hiding in the tree was much smoother. Could it be that the elite level has a higher IQ than the boss level? That's probably it. If I had known better, I wouldn't have had to learn that awkward way of speaking. I guess they would just think that I was a dwarf wizard at the mini-boss level and respect me.

The problem was the same as what Phoenix encountered last time, so without thinking, I pointed to my lower body, then twisted my limbs stiffly, and continued to stutter.

"Down... down, two... two..."

After saying this, even I felt a little embarrassed. This is why the little ghosts and the others made fun of me - although my figure can only be considered slim among all adventurers, compared with Phoenix's delicate figure, it is still slimmer. Taller, stronger, that's the problem. My current body shape is not so much three dwarfs stacked together, but five, one and a half of them are stacked sideways, and the remaining half is stacked on top...

but. The thoughts of the dwarf wizard are not that complicated. Only you exude the smell of the dwarf. As long as the size is not too outrageous, they can usually not see through it. As the saying goes, there are all kinds of birds in the forest, and deformed people are in the dwarf tribe. There are quite a lot of them.

two? The elite dwarf wizard suddenly showed admiration in his eyes, "It's enough for one of us to ride on him. This brother is really talented." But in the blink of an eye, I thought, because he was so tall, he was not as smart as himself (the dwarf wizard judged based on whether the other party's language was fluent)? As a result, a sense of intellectual superiority arose in the hearts of the elite dwarf wizards, and they became much less wary of the other party.

Not knowing that I had been despised by a dwarf wizard, I continued to talk to him, and sure enough, he became suspicious of the black robe I was wearing. I still followed Phoenix's answer, and just in case, I also cut a low-quality black cloak I bought from a profiteer into a size suitable for the dwarf wizard's figure. Now it finally works. .

by the way. This is my first time using needlework, so you can imagine the shape of the inferior black cloak after cutting it.

After the elite dwarf wizard took over the cloak, he felt happy: This young man is good and knows how to respect his seniors. have a future. Then it couldn't wait to put it on, just like a monster in the Xixi Chronicles putting on a monk's cassock. It shook coquettishly a few times. Seeing the envious eyes of his subordinates, he couldn't help but laugh.

In fact, I originally wanted to remind it that it relies on the coolie dwarf riding underneath it to walk, so it has to dig at least two holes under its clothes. Otherwise it would be very tragic, but seeing it smiling so happily, it would be okay.

Well, I don’t know why, but I always feel a little weird when I see a dwarf wizard wearing a black cloak. Yes, it’s just like Mario. It was before eating mushrooms. I got it after eating mushrooms...

A cheap cloak completely eliminated the dwarf wizard's suspicion of me. Even the staff with the Hellfire skill that I had prepared was no longer available. The dwarf wizard enthusiastically invited me to visit his tribe. I should be glad that it is not their meal time, otherwise I would have to go back to the last time. Phoenix is ​​just as tragic.

"Brother...brother, what are you doing...getting together?" Seeing that the time was right, I asked pretending to be casual.

"You...you don't know?" The dwarf wizard looked very surprised when he heard what I said.

"I... I just came here. The tribe... was attacked... by a big monkey. I was the only one left... and it wasted... time..."

The dwarf wizard immediately showed a look of surprise. It turned out that he was attacked by a big monkey! !

To say who the dwarves hate the most, apart from the elves, it is the adventurers who always like to take their lives and destroy their tribes. Of course, they also skin and cramp the human civilians, cook, steam and pickle them.

"No...it doesn't matter. Brother will...will avenge you in the future. After dealing with the long...long ears, we will catch those...hateful big monkeys and roast them."

Long ears? It's the elves, right? To deal with the long ears, are they going to deal with the elves? This may make sense. Seeing and touching the clues, my spirits suddenly lifted.

"Brother, you haven't... told me... what... are you guys doing... here?"

"Oh...yes, listen to me, our little...dwarfs are going to do a big...big thing soon..." The dwarf wizard danced excitedly, and matched with the nondescript black cloak on it, it looked like a real... Take off the look of an old Montenegro monster.

From this simple dwarf wizard, I finally learned the purpose of their gathering here. Yes, it was to deal with their old enemy Long Ears, that is, the elves. The dwarves had always acted alone, and now they were finally joining forces. They launched an attack on the elves together. This was definitely news that would shock the entire Dark Continent.

But more than that, if there is only one place here, I only need to kill the unknown object in black robes who is the organizer on the central stage. Without the leader of these dwarfs, this operation can only come to an end. The best outcome would be for the leaderless dwarves to start fighting each other after losing the restraints of the black-robed creatures.

But things are not as simple as I thought. What surprised me even more was that it was not just here. As far as this dwarf wizard knew, there were three similar organizations in the entire Spider Forest, and the Huge Wetland. There are countless such organizations in the Skinning Forest, as well as those larger forests that have not been named by adventurers. Based on the area and number of spider forests, and the number of dwarves in each organization, I I was also shocked - millions of dwarfs were gathered together, gearing up to remove the thorn in their hearts from the elves.

Holy shit. A few years ago, during the monster attack at Dirog Camp, the total number of monsters in the ten villages did not exceed 500,000. It was already a vigorous and large-scale war to me at that time, but compared with the number of these dwarves today , seems to have become unworthy of mentioning again.

It seems that the elves are in trouble this time, I thought about it. Although I was surprised, I didn't feel any anxiety. Let’s not talk about whether the elves can cope with this disaster. Even if they can’t, is it none of my business? In the minds of us adventurers, the elves have always played a role of being conceited, self-righteous and looking down on others. They despise us humans, so why should we adventurers show disdain to them.

Take one of the things I know as an example. When these elves have something to do, they will always come to the gathering place where we humans gather. That is to say, Kurastri comes to buy necessities dressed up and hides his head. Don’t you look down on us? Why are you here to buy our things? The most depressing thing is that they can enter and exit Kurast with great arrogance, but once we adventurers enter their territory, we are warned not to get close. Why do you think so? I admit that we humans may have hurt you tens of thousands of years ago, but after so many years, in the face of the invasion of the hell clan, it is time to let go of the grievances and grievances of our ancestors.

Anyway, if I could do it, the first thing I would do would be to put a sign at Kurast's door saying "Elves and Dogs Not Allowed." I’m so disgusted by these stingy elves who have bigger hearts than their buttholes…

"That's right. Then... who is... that dark... black... thing?" After finding out the inside story of their big operation. I rolled my eyes and pointed at the black-robed creature on the central platform and asked.

"Hush...shh...brother, keep your voice down...if it hears it, it will...be killed...killed..."

When talking about this black-robed creature, the little dwarf wizard looked horrified and hissed at me repeatedly, and his speech became less fluent. He told me that this "black lord" had killed many of their brothers, and every day, It would call dozens of brothers over, and then hear blood-curdling screams and the sound of biting and chewing. At this point, the dwarf wizard trembled all over and told him in the softest voice of his life. Me: It once secretly went there to investigate, but it only saw blood stains and bones scattered on the ground. Based on its many years of experience, those brothers must have been eaten alive by the other party.

Well, many years of experience...

"Where did it come from?"

"I heard that it comes from a very... big grassland, red... red..." The dwarf shook his head and said all the information he knew in his head, leaving me confused.

"Then why... why should we... listen to it?" I quickly interrupted the dwarf wizard's unorganized and increasingly confusing language.

"He has proof that our dwarf clan is strong... strong." The dwarf wizard gave me another confusing answer. Forget it, ignore it, since we have already found out the main business.

After understanding the causes and consequences of the large gathering of dwarves, I did not forget my own little thing. From this kind-hearted dwarf wizard, I finally learned about the whereabouts of Gidbin.

There is also a dwarf tribe not far from here. It is the largest dwarf tribe nearby. It is said that the number of dwarves is nearly a thousand. The rumor about stealing things from Kurast comes from It comes from this tribe.

Moreover, our organizer, that is, the man in black robe on the stage, will personally go there tomorrow to "recruit" this tribe, with the thing in his hand called "Certificate of the Strongness of the Dwarf Clan" , it is estimated that it is already a sure thing.

After bidding farewell to the dwarf wizard, I ran away for a while. The first thing I did was to put the rooster hat on the head of the dead dog, and then I found a small river nearby to remove the disgusting black object on my body. Get a clean wash.

If nothing else goes wrong, Gidebin should be in that dwarf tribe, and the famous black-robed object will also go to surrender tomorrow. If it takes the first step, it wants to take Gidebin back in the hands of thousands of dwarves. It’s not that easy. What should I do to get Gidbin easily?

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