Diablo Destruction

Chapter 373 Elder Leman’s Request

After thinking about it, I waved Marcos over and whispered in his ear: "Marcos, you were at fault in this matter, now go and apologize."

"What? Sir, won't this weaken the prestige of our alliance and make these long-eared people think that we adventurers are easy to bully? I won't do it."

When Marcos heard this, he immediately became unhappy and tilted his head stubbornly. If I hadn't been the person in charge and had convincing strength, he would have been so angry that he would have cursed.

"You should also be a little considerate of the alliance's difficulties. After all, our support this time is mainly to improve the relationship between each other. This is demeanor, do you understand demeanor? Don't be like this group of people who want a body but not a body and a brain. Little bitches care about so much, and..." I chuckled a few times.

"If they really don't know how to praise, then we will be able to take advantage of them when the time comes, and the alliance won't be able to blame us, right?"


After thinking for a long time, Marcos was still convinced by me, with a frustrated look on his face. Who allowed himself to tease an elf woman with his bad words? You must know that they yearn for love very much, but they are the least likely to see perverts.

After Marcos took the lead in apologizing, the arrogant little elf beauty seemed to look much better, and the eyes of the hundreds of elf warriors next to her also became a little kinder. I don’t know what kind of teasing words Musk said to make them angry. It's so miserable, this group of adventurers is really a headache.

"Don't think it's enough to apologize. What is the purpose of you humans coming here?" Gritting her teeth, the little girl still asked reluctantly.

"Didn't you see? We heard that our lovely neighbors were in trouble, but we came all the way to support them!"

"Bah, who are you... lovely neighbors? How shameless. We elves don't need the support of you humans. You guys must have some other purpose, right?"

As if she couldn't stand my tone and couldn't find a reason to vent her anger, the little elf beauty repeatedly stamped her slender buttocks, her beautiful almond eyes widening.

"But we have just saved many of your soldiers. This is an undeniable fact." I glanced at the other party with half-open eyes, and I was a little bored, but you didn't want to see me. Then there is no need for me to put my cold face on my hot butt.

"Whoever wants to be saved by you, even if it means death, we don't need you humans to save him!" The little girl was probably furious and blurted out without thinking.


Hearing this sentence, I was stunned for a while, and then I laughed louder and louder, even the adventurers behind me reacted. He also started to laugh, and the entrance to the empty village burst into laughter. Even the elf warrior next to the little girl showed helpless eyes.

"Did you just tease a little brat like this who doesn't have all his hair?"

I ignored the elf girl who was so angry after listening to my words that she wanted to draw her bow, but was stopped by the elf next to her. I turned to ask Marcos.

"Mistake. Mistake, this is the biggest stain in my life, Marcos." Marcos grabbed an inch of his hair, looking ashamed.

In our opinion, this kind of person who disregards the life and death of his companions for the sake of face. It's not worth being angry at all. To put it nicely, the other person is mentally immature and a brat. Why would you argue with a brat?

To put it harshly, it means that they don't know whether to live or die, and they either ignore people like this who have no strength and are willful. Either kill them directly, the dark world is not that easy to mess around with.

"let's go."

Shaking my head, I was too lazy to look at those elves again. Anyway, my goal had been achieved. No matter what, these elves should have some sympathy. Coupled with the ideological work of the elves' high-level people, I guess there should be no resistance to cooperation with humans. Goodbye is so strong. As for that yellow-haired girl. Unless she is a sovereign elf queen, she won't be in the way at all. The general trend of the development of the Dark Continent cannot be controlled by such a willful little brat.

Thinking of this, I patted Xiaoxue, turned around and left with the team, leaving only the angry voice of the little elf girl behind me.

"Dear human guests, please stay."

However, at this moment, an old and weak voice slowly sounded from the little girl's angry voice, adding a word of respect to the front, I stopped, turned around, and saw an old man on crutches coming from behind the elf warrior. When he walked out, he had long, dry and white hair combed back, and there were some yellow spots on his pointed ears, like an orange peel. His old face was full of wrinkles on one side, as if recording the vicissitudes of life that this old man had experienced for hundreds of years. .


With frivolous steps, the old man walked to the front tremblingly, suddenly coughing violently, and a shocking trace of blood seeped out from between the fingers covering his mouth.

"Grandpa Lyman, why did you come out? Why don't you lie down in bed and recuperate!!"

The elf warrior next to him hurriedly supported the old elf, and the little elf girl stepped forward and stroked the old man's back with a surprised look on her face. Her expression was full of her granddaughter's admiration and care for her grandfather. If she had been able to treat Marcos a little bit just now. Even if they show one percent of the warmth they have now, they won't end up in such a tense atmosphere.

"Old man, are you okay? What are your instructions for us to stay?"

"It's okay...cough, it's okay. When people get old, they are no longer useful, and their bodies collapse after just a few injuries." The old elf showed a self-deprecating smile, and then set his eyes on me, which has accumulated for hundreds of years. The gentle gaze of knowledge and experience seems to see through everything in the world.

"Young man, are you the person in charge of this operation? It's amazing. I really envy Akara for always being able to find so many talents." After looking at me carefully for a while, he said slowly.

It's because we can always find so many coolies. I slandered secretly, but I was also surprised by his words: "You are too grateful. It's just Mr. Akara's love. Do you also know Mr. Akara?"

"Ahem, this person has lived a long time and has made more friends. The last time he went to Rogge Camp was twenty-five years ago. How are the four of them?"

"It's very good. Master Akara walks like flying and can walk faster than me with a cane. Master Kasha drinks every day and is poor every day. There are many more books in Master Kane's house. The house was just expanded the year before last. Now there is no I slept in position, Master Farah’s laboratory exploded constantly, and that beard never grew long.”

I said with a dry smile, vividly explaining the health of the four elders in the camp. For some reason, this old man always gave me a great affinity, which made me speak out my heart without knowing it.

"Ha ha--"

The adventurers behind him laughed in unison. They also walked out of Rogge's camp. Naturally, they know what kind of virtues the four elders in the camp have. It has been about ten years since they left the camp. When they heard what I said, they suddenly smiled knowingly and showed memories. I don't know what I remembered, and some of my eyes were slightly moist and red.

Even the serious-looking elf warriors opposite could not help but curl their lips into an arc, while the little elf girl looked over with unbearable laughter, her beautiful smiling eyes full of curiosity. It seemed impossible to imagine that a person like me could say such a thing, but then I thought about what I had just done, and my eyes suddenly widened again.

"Okay, I feel relieved after hearing what you said. Ahem... You see, when people get old, they even forget the most basic courtesy. Come on, if you don't mind, come in and sit for a while."

"Grandpa Lyman, why do you want to..."

The same little girl pouted, as if she was extremely dissatisfied with the old man's invitation, but before she could finish her complaint, she was given a faint look by the other party.

"Beya, do you know how much trouble you almost caused? If you do this again, I will send you back immediately."

The little girl seems to be extremely afraid of the old man. After being said something. His aggrieved eyes were red, but he didn't dare to refute. She turned around and looked at us hatefully, and ran away without looking back.

"I'm sorry, this girl has been spoiled since she was a child."

He gave us an apologetic look with a wry smile. The old man's body suddenly shook, as if he was about to faint. After giving a few instructions to the people next to him, he was gently helped away by two elf warriors.


The thick village door slowly opened, and we looked at each other. It could be seen from our eyes that most of the adventurers inside were not willing to stay in the elf village. After all, such an unpleasant thing had just happened.

"The rum of the elves seems to be quite delicious. If..."

Phoenix behind me seemed to know what I was thinking. He looked at everyone's eyes and suddenly murmured to himself in a low voice. It was said to be a low voice, but he was in the center of the crowd, so no one could hear me.

His words had a huge effect. I could even feel the resisting gazes of everyone immediately seeming to be lit on fire. Especially the barbarians inside had the hottest eyes. The rum was specially made by the elves. The wine is much better than the wheat wine and fruit wine in the bar, but the problem is that only the elves can brew it. In the past, due to the relationship between humans and elves, even rich adventurers could hardly drink a drink. .


Standing in front of me, Kurt could clearly see his huge Adam's apple squirming and making a loud swallowing sound. He stared at the gate of the Elf village and his eyes turned green.

"If that's the case, then let's go in and have a good drink."

I secretly gave Phoenix a thumbs up, and in exchange for his triumphant look, this guy was indeed an experienced wanderer, and he could change the adventurer's mind with just one sentence.


From reluctant eyes to looking at me eagerly, after hearing what I said, these drunkards immediately cheered, and Kurt's broken voice even made the leaves rustle. What made me stunned was that all the time The little fox next to me actually jumped for joy. Her towering breasts trembled slightly with the beating of her petite body. If the joy overflowing on her fair and pretty face could be faked, then she would have ten points. An Oscar is not enough.

No way, she is also a little drunkard?

After reaching an agreement, under my leadership, a group of more than 70 people drove into the Elf village in a mighty manner, and then looked around like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. The Elf tribe is worthy of being called an artistic race. Their house is very special. The house made of smooth and solid logs is completely natural, with no gaps or traces of artificial carving. The roof is round and looks like a huge upside-down semicircular wooden bowl. The appearance of the house looks like it is natural. It looks like a simple round house, but after being decorated with some flowers and green rattan branches and leaves, it immediately becomes pleasant to the eye. It looks indescribably comfortable and appropriate, filling the whole village with a lively atmosphere. It is worthy of the elves who are known as the sons of nature.

While we were looking around, pairs of curious big eyes and pointed ears twitching were also exposed from the windows or doors of those round wooden houses. They were looking at outsiders like us curiously, probably wanting to take a look. Are we as cunning and cruel as the legend says? For most of these elven civilians who have never left the forest in their lives, human beings may only exist in the biographical novels in their hands.

After discovering this situation, as onlookers, we couldn't help but feel a little funny. We suddenly felt that there was actually no difference between humans and elves except for differences in ears and customs. They are just as curious and eager as we are. After having this idea, everyone looked at the elf with a hint of recognition.

Led by a few slender elven warriors, we arrived at the village square. Some thick wooden seats have been placed above, and there are beautiful elven girls holding fruits and wine jars and cups on it like fluttering butterflies. Their eyes glance over from time to time, with expressions of curiosity and curiosity on their pretty faces. Timid, fearful or shy, but without exception, they were all extremely honest, which dumbfounded adventurers who originally had many prejudices against elves.

Prejudices between races are often provoked by a few people and then become widespread.

After sitting down, these cops were probably really hungry. Not to be polite, he opened his cheeks and started eating and drinking, looking like a corrupt and fat official who ate and drank with public funds. Next to him, Kurt drank a glass of rum, squinted his eyes and exhaled with great satisfaction, and then I threw as much fruit as I could into my fist into my mouth like peanuts. I swallowed it in a few mouthfuls and then shook my head. He sighed greedily.

"What a pity. No warm barbecue."

Khan, you bandits.

I kicked Kurt hard. Let him drink as much rum as he wants, but don't eat so much food. We adventurers have no shortage of food, but the elves are not rich. The seventy adventurers can eat enough food for the whole village for several days if they let go. .

At my signal, the noobs started laughing one by one. Indeed, this behavior was as if they were rich men and had to compete with beggars for food. They slowed down and some took out their own dry food from their backpacks, but I drank rum more often, and I really meant what I said. Seeing the shameless faces of these drunkards, I couldn't help but feel angry and itchy. I guess after this time, "drunkards" It will become the new name for us from the elves.

"Human, Elder Lyman invites you."

While I was slowly sipping the rum, an elf warrior came over, bowed to me gently, and said in a neither arrogant nor humble manner.

Sure enough, I knew that the old man invited us in, and it was not as simple as inviting us to eat and drink. As for what his purpose was, I glanced at the surrounding Elf warriors and the Elf civilians not far away who secretly watched us. I already knew in my heart, at least , this will definitely be one of his requests.

However, the elf warrior actually called the old man named Lyman an elder, which surprised me. I just don’t know if the elders of the elf clan have the same status as the elders of our alliance, or if they are just "village cadres" , however, judging from his knowledge of Akara, even if his status is not high among the elves, his status should not be too simple.

I just stood up and was about to follow the elf warrior when my sleeve was suddenly pulled gently. When I looked back, I saw a pretty little fox with a blushing face. She leaned her head over and gently bit my ear. , a seductive fragrance mixed with the aroma of wine and women's body fragrance suddenly penetrated from the nostrils. It was obvious that this little fox had drunk a lot of wine.

"Idiot, there shouldn't be a problem, right?"

She whispered softly into my ear, with a hint of worry in her tone. Her eyelashes blinked lightly, and her beautiful eyes showing a bit of confusion glanced at the surrounding elf warriors, flashing a vigilant gaze.

"Don't worry, the elves are not as bad as you think. Besides, with my strength, I am not afraid of anything, but you should worry about whether you will get drunk."

I couldn't help but smile. That pretty red face made me have the urge to pinch it gently with my hands. This little fox was really a little fox worthy of the name, and he was very vigilant.

"Hey, stinky, and more. Who... who is worried about you? I'm just afraid... I'm afraid that I won't be able to buy good things in the future, hum -" As his beautiful eyes rolled around, the little fox frowned at me. Xiaobi, then pushed me away, sat back on his seat, picked up a glass of rum and put it in his mouth, "Bulu Bulu" puffed out bubbles with his cheeks bulging with anger.

"Don't be fascinated by those little vixens from the elves."

He didn't take a few steps away. The voice of the little fox came over again, almost making me stagger, and when I turned around, she waved her delicate little fist at me, and then drank one cup after another. What qualifications does this guy have to call others vixens? Of all the girls I've ever met. I have never seen anyone more suitable for this title than her.

Under the leadership of the elven warriors, we came to an inconspicuous cabin. When we opened the door, the elven warriors made an invitation gesture. Then he looked behind me with a troubled look and said.

"Human, Elder Lyman only asked you to come alone."

This is a strange question for you to ask. Am I not here alone? Is there a ghost following behind? Looking back following his gaze, I was suddenly startled as if I had seen a ghost. There was no such thing as a ghost. There was a girl with no words, no heart and no expression. When did she follow her and why? I, the great Druid, didn't feel it at all. It’s impossible not to have such a sense of existence, it’s almost unbelievable.

If this little princess can change her profession as an assassin, her future achievements may not be inferior to those of Tarasha, maybe, let me start with this...

"It doesn't matter. Since you're here, let's come in and sit together."

Elder Leman's weak voice came from inside the house. He should be fine. He vomited a lot of blood when he just left. What if he dies suddenly while waiting for a conversation? Then I really can't argue.

With an uneasy mood, I walked into the house. Naturally, Princess Sanwu followed me silently.

As an elder, Lyman's house is very simple, and there is no pretense of simplicity. This old man is lying on a deck chair, with his back to the window, and his withered old face facing the door. When he saw me coming in, he barely showed his face. A smile appeared.

"Ahem...kid, come on, sit down."

"Are you okay?"

I looked at Elder Leman's face and asked worriedly.

"It's okay. It's just that I'm old and my body is no longer useful. I was hit by the dwarf's hidden weapon, and I just lay down like this. I think back then, even dozens of dwarfs, I didn't take it lightly."

Lyman sighed and said, with a helpless sadness in his eyes. Mortals are always mortals. No matter how powerful they once were, they cannot withstand the passage of time.

"If you don't mind, could you let me take a look at it for you?" I asked after hesitating.

"Oh? Of course, it would be great if you could make my old bones move a little bit." Hearing what I said, the old man showed a surprised expression, but it only took a moment before he showed a faint smile. , obviously he has already looked away from life and death.

When I came to Lyman's side, under his gentle gaze, a milky white holy light slowly emitted from my hand. Then I held his thin hand, and the light slowly flowed into Laiman like running water. In Man's body, his pale and blue complexion faded away at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye. In the end, it even revealed a trace of healthy luster. Even the skinny withered hand he was holding seemed to be swollen a few times. point.

The first reason why I exposed the healing technique is that Lyman's status in the elves should not be low, and I also have a good impression of this kind old man. As for the second reason, it is because my ability is not a problem in the first place. I have never revealed the major secrets in front of anyone except the Akara four, the Lal trio, and Vilas. This is just because I still have a serious sense of crisis in this world. It's a good thing if you can hide it, and it will be more fun to use it to trick others in the future. And I am confident that Lyman will not ask me why I know the healing technique, nor will I reveal it to anyone.

Opening his eyes, Lyman couldn't help but look surprised with his calm character accumulated over hundreds of years. Even with his knowledge, he really couldn't imagine that a druid could perform the long-lost healing technique of the priest profession.

"Is this a priest's healing technique?" He looked at me and asked, and when he saw me nodding, he couldn't help but sigh.

"I never expected that I would be able to see the long-lost priest professional skills in my lifetime. My life has not been in vain. My child, you surprise me too much. Akala is really lucky. If you are our elf It would be great to be a child of the clan."

Looking at me with his wise and gentle eyes, Lyman gently held my hand and sat up from the recliner. It seems that the body has recovered a lot.

"I heard that elf druids also have healing skills. Why..." I asked in confusion while helping the old man sit up.

"Haha, our druid can indeed heal, but the effect is about the same as the Holy Light Bullet of the Paladin. How can it be compared with the healing of the priest? The priest is the only true healer given by the benevolent God to his people. ah."

After pouring a cup of tea for Lyman, who had already recovered a lot, I sat across from him and asked the first question.

"The old man is probably not just entertaining us this time. I don't know what your instructions are. If we can do it, we will do our best."

"I invite you in this time with a merciless invitation, kid, you should be able to guess it." Lyman looked at me with interest, and his keen eyes made me feel like I had nothing to hide.

"Ahem, I did think of that a little bit. I just don't know if my guess is right. Old man, do you want us to escort the village to relocate?"

"You are absolutely right. As you can see now, after two dwarf attacks, there are only 128 warriors left in the village. I was injured and can no longer direct the battle. If the dwarfs If the dwarves come again, we will be unable to resist, so I plan to move with the 3,672 villagers in the village. If you can provide protection in the middle, then I will feel more at ease."

"Of course there is no problem. This is our mission in this operation. However, we cannot ensure the safety of every villager with our own hands."

I pondered for a while, and then replied, some things must be made clear in advance. There are a total of 3,672 people to be protected, and there are only more than 200 of us and the elven warriors here, too. Less, if you unfortunately encounter an army of dwarves led by the Dark Wanderer on the way, it will be even harder to say.

"I know, life or death depends on their destiny. Hey, is this really the right thing to do?"

Lyman showed a clear expression, and finally raised his head. His confused eyes seemed to pass through the roof, looking at the boundless sky. He murmured to himself, then closed his eyes and prayed devoutly. After a long time Then he opened his eyes again, with a hint of determination in his eyes.

"Their sacrifice will save more lives among the elves and even the entire Dark Continent."

I sighed and said, I can guess something about the way the elves' high-level officials responded to this dwarf attack. Wasn't it the same as Akara and the others when Rogge's camp was attacked by monsters? I don't like this kind of thinking and approach of the superiors, but I can't deny that it does more good than harm to today's Dark Continent, so I can only give some comfort.

"Old man, where do you plan to move to this time? There should be many other villages nearby."

In order to prevent this heavy atmosphere from continuing to grow, I asked. I had just escorted the relocation of a village a few days ago. Now I am somewhat experienced in doing it, so I naturally know what preparations to make.

Unexpectedly, Lyman shook his head and gave me a surprising answer.

"The target of our relocation this time is not the nearby villages, but the Elf King City!"

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