Diablo Destruction

Chapter 479 Contract

"What should I do? How about you transform into that one and kill them with one cannon." The little fox knew what hundreds of moon kings meant.

With such a huge number, there must be mini-boss, boss followers, and elites. These alone are beyond the ability of an adventure team to deal with, let alone the hundreds of other ordinary Moon Kings.

I looked at the environment. The cave was more than ten meters high and could indeed accommodate the body of a blood bear. However, I still smiled and shook my head: "If I have to transform to deal with these miscellaneous fish, how can I survive in the future?"

"You're still a miscellaneous fish! Be careful to keep yourself company, you idiot!" The little fox looked at me angrily, feeling a little depressed.

These Moon Kings are just bastards, and I may not be able to handle even one Moon King. So in the eyes of the other party, wouldn’t I think that I am also a bastard fish?

The gap...is it really that big?

It would be great if Xiaoxue and the others were here, they could share some of the burden. Hundreds of Moon Kings are not impossible to deal with, but they just can't think of any good solutions for a while.

Thinking of this, I let the little fox hide in the corner and sneaked out myself. I stuck my head out around the corner and carefully looked at the Moon King's brigade opposite like a sea of ​​steel.

Suddenly, my eyes lit up. In the gap where the Moon King was exposed for a moment, I saw a corner that was ten meters deep deep in the cave. I could just hide in it and use the terrain to deal with the Moon King.

The terrain in that corner is so outstanding that I even wonder if other adventurers made it by themselves, just like the man-made stone cave when fighting the foul crow in the black wasteland. .

After estimating the distance and the number of opponents, I thought it was completely feasible. I turned around and told the little fox. She understood why I didn't want to transform into a blood bear, and there was a hint of approval in her eyes.

However, she still nagging me like an old lady to be careful, not caring about me, but Xiao A. If I die, Xiao A will not be able to use the teleportation scroll to go back, and he will have to finish playing here, she said, and then Then he angrily turned back in the basket, pointed his furry tail at me, swung it back and forth, and snorted.

After brewing it in my mind, I no longer hesitated, transformed into a werewolf, blessed myself with acceleration skills, and rushed forward like a gust of wind.

The speed boost brought by transforming into a werewolf and accelerating skills, coupled with all-out sprinting, with my current attributes, I feel that I can't control it. I feel that the scenery around the corner of my eyes is starting to blur, let alone the enemy. .

This kind of speed is probably not bad after Hadamus transformed into a giant wolf, but Hadamas is very agile and can barely control this speed, but his strength and stamina are insufficient to last.

Agility cannot keep up with speed. I am probably the only adventurer in history. I smiled bitterly and thought to myself that if I could completely control this speed, then I wouldn't need to use that cave at all.

I can simply rely on my speed to easily shuttle between hundreds of Moon Kings in a cave as wide as a square, annihilating them, and they will never even think of touching me.

In such a thought, the body has passed through the gap of the King of Months like a ghost. If there was someone nearby, he would probably only see a straight black light flashing from his eyes, and then he would think that he was dazzled.

The enemies passed by, but these Moon Kings were not aware of it, which gave me a mysterious feeling in my heart, as if this cave was my own territory, and I could take it life and death. In just one thought, my self-confidence expanded infinitely.

Fortunately, there is still some sense in my mind, and I secretly remind myself that now is not the time until I can fully control this speed...

When I was about to reach the cave, I braked suddenly. The slippery ice was really heart-wrenching. My claws hooked hard on the ground, but I still slid more than ten meters away before stopping, but I accidentally stopped. I accidentally hit it and just slipped in.


The sharp friction sound of sharp claws on the ice was particularly harsh in the cave. Hundreds of Moon Kings all looked at the place where the sound came from. Hundreds of blood-red eyes that hated evil fell on them. It was like a real burning flame, which made me I couldn't help but feel something in my heart.

Then, things became natural. Hundreds of Moon Kings blocked the entrance of the cave. The width of about six meters could only accommodate three Moon Kings side by side. If you wanted to fully swing their huge double axes, only two were allowed. Half a century later, I was not afraid of being surrounded by five Moon Kings from all directions at the same time, let alone two or three miscellaneous fish.

The next battle will have no technical content. Most people may think so, which is only half correct.

If you really want to practice your skills, you can do it even while sleeping. For example, I can concentrate on using soul magic and discover the mysteries of soul and magic.

If you have no intention of exercising, no matter how good the environment is, it will be in vain.

In such a melee, the most important thing is to train people's mentality, predict the battle, and be calm and clear. Even civilians understand this principle, but it can make adventurers learn it for a lifetime.

The only thing I regret now is the conflict between the transformation system and the elemental system. After transformation, the druid's magic can no longer be used. Otherwise, my strength would be twice as strong and my tactics would be more varied. .

The principles of this conflict were perfectly explained in the scrolls that Old Man Galen gave me.

In each person's body, after changing jobs and mastering magic skills, the body will form a magic network. When the skills are used, mana energy, guided by the magic imprint in the soul, flows along these veins to form runes one by one. .

These runes are combined in the mind to generate complex magic spells that are like several strands of DNA intertwined together. These steps are the so-called magic casting time.

People who are proficient in this magic can do it silently without having to recite the magic spells in their minds. This is relatively simple, and almost all magic users can do it after they have mastered magic for a while.

Otherwise, the mage would have to chant for everything, wouldn't it be very disadvantageous for doing things like sneak attacks? From this point of view, God seems to be quite human.

After mana energy flows through the magic network in the body, the magic network needs a cooling time before mana energy can flow through it again. This is the magic cooling time.

As for the higher levels of silent magic, through continuous use of this magic, the tenacity of the magic network can be improved, thereby shortening the skill cooling time. Through continuous familiarity with this magic, the flow speed of mana energy in the magic network can be increased, thereby shortening the casting time. .

As for the subsequent magic optimization, magic transformation, and even magic fusion and creation, they are all based on a deep understanding of the magic imprint in the soul, and then the application of the magic network.

Magic skills that are mysterious to the world, and even adventurers, are so simple after analysis by the old genius Galen.

In this way, it is obvious why the druid cannot use magic after transformation. Werewolf, bear and human are just one more word, but the difference in body structure is the difference between water and cement.

Because the body structure changes, the magic network also changes, and it is impossible to pass through the magic network, just like the tap water source is sufficient, but the water pipe is blocked.

The mana energy directed by the magic imprint in the soul cannot follow the established process route, so it cannot form magic runes one by one, let alone form a spell to be cast.

As for why, I can cast the magic on the exclusive equipment after transformation. Although I didn’t have time to ask Old Galen, I guess it’s because the equipment with professional skills has the magic network of this skill in it. , so the mana energy can be formed and displayed directly through this fixed magic network.

This is why I can't optimize the skills obtained from the equipment, because their magic network is single, fixed, and cannot be changed at all. At most, I can only use small tricks such as dividing a fire bomb into three. .

The train of thought went a step further and returned to the conflict between transformation and elemental systems. To resolve this conflict, the logic is very simple, as long as you are familiar with the network after the werewolf's transformation and transform it.

Although the reason is simple, I don’t need to waste my time explaining the difficulty. Therefore, only those high-level druids can completely resolve the conflict between the transformation system and the elemental system, and I, a thirty-nine-level Druid Rui is still far from the word "advanced".

However, I am not discouraged. In terms of magic, the advantages and disadvantages of me and other druids are: my magic talent and mastery of magic knowledge are not as good as other druids, but I have soul magic. .

If the soul is compared to the core computer, the system is DOS, and the magic imprint is compared to the program. If other adventurers want to optimize and transform magic and their own network, they must follow the data on the network and swim upstream little by little. , After exploring the computer terminal, you can change the software and network through the terminal.

The advantage of soul magic is that it allows a novice to directly control the computer, and improves the system to xp mother, making the interface simpler and easier to understand.

With such an advantage, there is no reason for me to lose to other adventurers. The reason why I have been sleeping a while ago is because I had this urgent idea.

The annihilation of the Moon King was only a matter of time. The Druid had no special skills except that he had plenty of physical strength and could never die from exhaustion. Therefore, when the Moon King in front of me gradually became sparse, I once again accelerated myself and stepped through the gap. Sweep out.

Looking back, I saw that there were only about twenty Moon Kings that were blocked in the cave. What made me laugh was that the leader of this group of Moon Kings, a mini-boss-level Moon King, was still carrying it. His four followers were lined up intact on the outside of the cave, with a despicable attitude of letting his subordinates serve as cannon fodder while he waited to take advantage.

Looking at the number of Moon Kings and calculating my remaining mana, I couldn't help but have an idea in my mind, and I couldn't stop it anymore.

Although old man Galen gave me the last scroll, he repeatedly warned me not to open it until I reached a high level, but he didn’t understand people’s curiosity. The more he said this, the more itchy and unbearable I became.

After carefully reading the contents inside, I was dumbfounded for a whole day. I was even more shocked than when I first saw the Bug Bodyguard and Bug Sword in the storage box...

"What on earth is this bad guy doing? He's so slow..."

The little fox hid in the corner, hearing the loud killing sounds of the Moon King inside, and felt relieved and uneasy at the same time.

After the sound died down, he still muttered "I don't care about that bad guy" in his mouth, but unknowingly, he poked out his cute plush fox ears from around the corner, like a scout. , shook a few times vigilantly, and then revealed a pair of big, watery eyes.

Then, she came across a strange scene. The corpse of the Moon King lying on the ground opposite looked a bit shocking, and on top of it, a cunning werewolf jumped up and down, coming and going freely among more than twenty Moon Kings.

Seeing this, she couldn't help but marvel, the speed of this big bad guy was so amazing, even faster than herself, a level 36 assassin, after using the acceleration skill.

If on the day of the martial arts competition to recruit a bride, this bad guy was willing to show some strength like this, the result would have been out long ago. Hadamas's defeat was really not unjust at all.

However, what surprised her was the werewolf's behavior. A strong flaming fist instantly killed the full-blooded Moon King. This should be something to be proud of, but why did this bad guy have a problem after using it? Momentary hesitation and thinking, eyes full of dissatisfaction and frustration?

Moreover, this bad guy seems to be jumping up and down just to wait for the two skills of Flame Fist and Rabies to cool down. He refuses to use ordinary moves at all. Is he trying to connect these two skills? It doesn't look like it.

The little fox was full of doubts after watching the last mini-boss, the Moon King. Under the opponent's flame fist and rabies, his body turned green and burned, and finally collapsed in pain.

"Bad guy, what are you doing?"

The unique and moving voice of the little fox woke me up, who was still looking at my paws in a daze, and canceled the transformation. I grinned at the little fox strolling over, and imitated the moves that the little fox often made. Put your hands on your hips and straighten your chest. If there was a fox tail behind your butt, it would be swung vigorously.

"I'm practicing a skill that can kill the Great Demon Lord Baal instantly with one move."

He said this to the little fox in an inscrutable and mysterious manner, which immediately earned her sneer: "You want to talk about a suicide move that kills you instantly in front of the great demon Baal."


This little fox really doesn't spare any room when it comes to his rants, and he can almost keep up with the little ghost.

I was scolded by the little fox, and I immediately stopped. These days, how come no one believes the truth? If I had known that I just didn't believe it, I would have boasted a little and moved Lucifer out.

Afterwards, the two of us cleaned up the battlefield. Hundreds of Moon Kings with high explosion rates were of course a huge fortune. The little fox was clever and immediately wiped out the small boss Moon King before I could react. The power is taken.

This is the only happy time I have experienced in life, damn it! !

"Bad guy, look, come and take a look."

Just when I was dejectedly aiming at several boss-level Moon Kings and preparing to "collect the corpses", the little fox shouted excitedly from the side, holding up a shining golden object in his hand.

Golden equipment? Not surprisingly, it is the Moon King with a high explosion rate, and it is also a mini-boss. I immediately rushed over and saw what the little fox was holding, and I was immediately happy.

It is a golden paladin-specific shield - the Crown Shield.

The Crown Shield is an ordinary shield that is exclusive to Paladins. The top quality is two times higher than the Paladin Heraldic Shield that I exploded from the Demon King-level Flesh Resurrectionist at the Demon Fortress. class.

Protective Catkin Crown Shield

Defense: 102

Durability: 50-50

Required level: 40

Strength points required: 65

+70% defense enhancement

Poison resistance +31%

Cold resistance +26%

Resistance to fire +26%

Resistance to lightning +30%

+8 converted to all attributes

+2 Resistance (Paladin only)

+1 Strength (Paladin only)

+3 Holy Light Bullets (only for Paladins)

Grooved (1)

It's superb. Apart from being so amazed, I can no longer describe my feelings in words.

As the topmost existence among ordinary paladin shields, the Crown Shield shows the kingly style. Not only is the defense nearly twice as high, but the four resistance bonuses are also much higher. [+8 is converted into all attributes]. In fact, That is, all attributes are +8, which is equivalent to adding 32 points of surroundings.

What makes me even more satisfied is that this shield actually comes with two halo skills, which means that when I hold this shield in the future, it is equivalent to turning on the level 2 resistance aura and standing with two paladins with level 1 power aura. Next to me, it's very bt.

Resistance aura is a paladin skill that I have been looking forward to for a long time. When I first experienced it, a paladin scepter with a resistance aura was revealed. As the level increases, the paladin scepter can attack It has long been impossible to keep up. It is impossible to sacrifice attack in order to improve defense.

And this shield just makes up for this shortcoming. In the future, the lost resistance aura will come into play again, with an 80% defense bonus. Combined with my already bt defense, the attack of the small boss is not a problem. .

Another level 1 power aura will also provide 40% enhanced damage. It can be said that the appearance of this shield suddenly doubled my offensive and defensive values.

In addition, the Crown Shield is round and resembles a large frying pan. It is much smaller than the Heraldic Shield and is much easier to use.

Seeing my happy face, I suddenly sighed again. The little fox couldn't help being surprised, wagging his tail and looking at me: "You bad guy, why are you sighing when you get such a good thing?"

I grimaced and took out the huge golden heraldic shield: "A golden heraldic shield just came out a few months ago, and now there is a crown shield. Before that, what I lacked the most was the shield. , and now, there are more.”

Seeing my dissatisfied sigh, the little fox pointed at me with trembling fingers. He didn't know what to say for a moment. His pretty face turned red and he almost fainted in one breath. Let you complain about me every day!

In addition to the golden crown shield, there are three pieces of blue equipment, all of which are small and top-notch. The remaining gems, gold coins, potions, etc. made the little fox shout bt, thinking that this was just the high explosion rate of the Moon King.

Seeing her eyes glowing with gold, she seemed eager to raise her team to more than fifty levels in one go. When she came here to kill the Moon King and find treasures, I hesitated to tell her the fact that my explosion rate had increased by more than 500%. She, lest she end up with greater hopes and greater disappointment.

In the center of the cave, there was a tall, strange-shaped icicle. I had already noticed it. After packing up the dropped items, I came to the side of the icicle and started looking around.

"Little fox, look."

After circling the icicle, I found the clue and couldn't help shouting.

On the irregular plane on one side of the icicle, it is obvious that one of the ice walls has some transparent color, which means that the back is empty. It is most likely a passage leading somewhere. Contact the orc hiding place for the answer. It's obvious.

The little fox lay on the ground and listened for a while, and excitedly confirmed my idea. However, just when I was about to break the ice wall with my flame fist, the little fox stopped me.

"Idiot, think about it. If Nilasek has been here recently, he must have passed through this cave. No matter how cold the crystal passage is, it is impossible to condense such a thick ice wall in just two or three months. , so this layer of ice wall is obviously not formed naturally, but by magic."

The little fox rolled his cute little white eyes and said, and gently touched my nose with his white jade fingers: "You are such an idiot. You are so confused in doing things. It is really worrying and I don't know." How did a person get to where he is now?"

I scratched my head and giggled. When it comes to adventure experiences, I can't compare to the little fox in front of me.

As an assassin, the little fox does not need to be proficient in all the theoretical knowledge of magic like mages and druids, but there are more than ten books on her bookshelf written by different authors, each of which is a magic encyclopedia two bricks thick. , not a decoration.

The indescribably complicated magic circle in front of me was cracked open before I fully understood the principle, which made me, a druid, really ashamed.

Speaking of magic knowledge, in the past few years, I have been reading the Basic Encyclopedia of Magic given to me by Farah. I am no longer inferior to Rogge's novice druids, so... ahem, it's not that I'm stupid, but this little one. The fox is too knowledgeable. It is estimated that Cook, a real mage in her team, may not have as much magic knowledge as the little fox.

After cracking the magic circle, the ice wall shattered with a single touch without me using my fists.

At that moment, the even colder damp cold wind blowing from the entrance of the cave made me and the little fox tremble, and we became more alert. Let Xiao Jia follow me from a distance, and we stepped into the cave.

"This is……"

When my steps reached the end of the spiral staircase, the scenery in front of me suddenly unfolded, and I couldn't help but exclaimed.

What appears in my eyes is still a space composed of endless crystal-like ice walls, but it can no longer be called a passage, but a city, a broad ice and snow space like a big city.

To dig out such a large space under such hard ten-thousand-year-old ice, at this moment, I was deeply shocked by the perseverance and determination of the orcs.

The little fox who followed from behind was obviously stunned by the scene in front of him. He was speechless for a long time. His pretty face was filled with a look of pride for his ancestors. Such an achievement is probably better than that of humans building a demon fortress. The difficulty is not much inferior.

The familiar "clacking" sound reached our ears more clearly. The little fox and I looked at each other, walked in the direction of the sound, and sure enough we saw a glacier.

There was a layer of hard ice on the surface of the river, and there was faint water flowing underground. I tried to pierce the steel-hard ice layer above, and stretched my fingers under the water. I immediately pulled them out in shock, and my fingers were already covered with ice. A layer of ice.

"I don't know what's going on with this water. It feels extremely hard. No wonder it makes such a sound when it flows. It's more than ten times colder than cold water."

I said to the little fox in shock, looking at my health, I still lost 2 or 2 points of life with more than 150 points of cold resistance. If my whole body was soaked, I would probably die in a short while.

This is the coldest temperature I have ever seen.

"Look there?"

The little fox looked around, and suddenly pointed not far away and said, looking forward, I found that they were four adventurers, but they were already dead, tied to a pillar by those cruel monsters, with their knees Kneeling down, his body was already covered with a layer of ice, and he didn't know how long he had been dead.

With the warnings of extremely frozen river water and the corpses of several adventurers, our actions became more and more cautious.

Unlike the natural carvings of crystal channels, the glacier reveals artificial traces everywhere. You can often see burning magic torches, and you can also find log bridges on the crisscrossing tributaries of the glacier. Huge icicles connected to the zenith can be seen everywhere.

A group of us walked slowly inside, exploring the depths, and encountered waves of enemies. The number was getting larger and larger, and it gradually became too much for me.

In addition to the Moon King encountered in the crystal channel, and the upgraded version of the Stygian Witch - the bloody temptress, ice crawler and other monsters, the two new ones that appeared gave me a headache.

One of them is called the Fallen King. As for its shape, have you seen the huge beast in the camp? The giant beast is enlarged by half, and then thick white hair grows all over its body, and only two pairs of scarlet eyes are exposed, which is what the Fallen King looks like.

In addition to being powerful, this kind of monster is powerful, and its attacks have a certain stun effect. For a monster of over fifty, for a druid of over thirty, the chance of being stun is quite high.

So they give me a lot of headaches, both physically and mentally.

There is another kind, called the Rot Walker, which is said to be Baal. He personally jumps out the most powerful and terrifying corpses from the warriors with evil hearts during their lifetimes, and personally resurrects them as thugs. The big devil takes action, which is naturally different. , one can imagine how strong these corrupt practitioners are.

Their level is as high as 60. The most disgusting thing is that after killing them, there is a high chance of being resurrected again, unless you use the Necromancer's corpse explosion or summon a skeleton.

And even the final level of the Paladin's halo [Redemption] can completely destroy their corpses and never resurrect them.

Of course, there is another option. It is said that there is a magical ring on this continent, called Nature’s Peace Ring. It has an attribute of [killing monsters to restore calm]. Anyone who is killed by the person holding this ring will have their bodies destroyed. It cannot be resurrected, nor can it be used by necromancers to perform corpse explosions or summon skeletons. Therefore, it is regarded as an enemy by all necromancers.

Of course, I don’t really care about the level of the Corrupt Walker or its regeneration ability. I can make you lie down as many times as you want to stand up until you can’t get up anymore. What scares me is them. Another skill - the third level Paladin skill [Assault].

Being able to move with lightning speed and cut the target under the sword is the essence of this skill. If at the same level, the Paladin is faster than the Assassin with acceleration, then it must be said. This move is [Assault].

What I'm worried about is the little fox. After the Rotwalker uses [Assault], the speed is definitely faster than the little fox. Even I can't stop it. Although the siege beasts can also [Assault], they only appear two or three at a time. There are more than a dozen Rotten Walkers, and there are dozens of them in groups, wandering in this glacier field.

If he is targeted by three rot walkers at the same time and uses [Assault], the little fox may not even have time to activate the absolute defense on the guardian ring.

The monsters in front of us are getting denser and denser, but we cannot avoid them and have to fight them head-on, because the more monsters there are, the more likely there are clues.

When I walked on thin ice to the depths of the glacier and killed a group of rot walkers in dangerous and dangerous situations, I finally couldn't help but stop.

"Little fox, you'd better go back. We've already found the glacier anyway." I rubbed the little fox's ears and looked at her pale face, feeling distressed.

"No." The little fox took a deep breath and refused simply.

"What if there is some magic mechanism ahead? You idiot can't crack it. Besides, you are unwilling to give up halfway in front of Chris, so how can you let me give up halfway?"

The little fox's eye circles gradually turned red: "After the werewolf clan thing is over this time, you have to go back, I..." As she said this, she lowered her head to prevent me from seeing her eyes, but her little hands grasped Lifted my cloak, hard.

Looking at the little fox like this, I took a deep breath and said, "How about you let me clear the way." The implication was that I wanted to transform into a blood bear and give the little fox a green light all the way.

Unexpectedly, the cloak was tugged again, and the little fox raised his head, his beautiful red eyes were not completely covered: "No, I know you are a bad guy, and you have been refusing to transform, just to train yourself. The more dangerous you are, the more capable you are. Get tempered.”

As she said that, she smiled at me, revealing a bit of firmness and holiness: "Then, take me as a bet to hone yourself and see how long you can protect me."

"Betting with your life? Aren't you afraid of death?" I smiled bitterly. If I make a mistake like this, I will live in regret for the rest of my life. Even if I have a hundred courages, I will not take it. Do.

"If I could die here..."

The little fox looked at the dreamlike crystal world outside, then took a deep look at me, and said with a sly smile: "Even if I die, it won't be too bad."

"That's nonsense!! Mamaga will peel off my skin and hang it on your grave to dry." I smiled and pressed her head gently.

The little fox seemed to think of that scene and started laughing for some reason. Really, I had no idea what was going on in her head.

However, this little fox made me make a decision.

Although the chance is very low, give it a try. It doesn’t matter if you fail anyway.

Under the surprised gaze of the little fox, I held her little hand: "Don't be weird, don't be nervous, relax your mind, and carefully feel the feeling of being one with me."

The little fox opened his mouth and was about to say something, but when he saw my serious eyes, his pretty face suddenly turned red, and he did as I said.

I was immediately surprised. I originally thought that this suspicious little fox would have to get to the bottom of things and spend a lot of time before she would obey. I never thought she would be so docile and obedient...

We closed our eyes, sat cross-legged, and connected our palms. The movements of the two of us at this moment felt a bit like the healing exercises in martial arts novels.

After a while, and after a while, I don’t know how long it took, the two of us sat like stone sculptures, without any movement, but our bodies had a faint glow.

At this time, if there is someone next to you, there will definitely be an illusion - the two people with their palms connected are obviously two people, but they look like only one person.

Suddenly, Lucia and I opened our eyes together and stared at each other. In our pupils, the figure of the other person was clearly reflected, and inside the figure, a golden five-pointed star magic circle appeared.

The feeling of soul fusion in an instant made us moan involuntarily, as if the cold body was wrapped in warm milk.

On the ground, a huge whirling magic circle flashed at the same time, radiating light and wrapping us in it.

In the distant Rogge camp, the four Vilas were on the third floor of the tomb, easily killing a large group of vampire kings that other adventurers had avoided. Xiaoxue and the others were curled up in the corner, yawning out of boredom.

For no reason, their souls suddenly started to throb. Xiaoxue and the others suddenly stood up. Vilas, Sarah, Alice, and Jasmine all looked in the same direction.

"Is it Sister Linya? With your personality, I thought it would be a little later." Vilas looked up at that beautiful side face, stared into the distance, and said with a smile.

"Hmph, maybe it's another woman."

The little ghost who looked calm just now suddenly snorted and said angrily. She could feel the other person's breath, even just a trace, which was enough to cheer her up for several days, but her mouth was not forgiving.

It has to be that this little ghost's premonition is really...

After withdrawing from the soul fusion, the little fox looked at herself in surprise, but I was even more surprised than her.

Yes, what we just made was my soul contract.

Speaking of soul contracts, I even imagined that there would be one for my wife just like in the novel, but that is impossible. When I become stronger in the future, the number of contracts that can be signed will increase, dozens, or even hundreds. Could it be that I Want to find dozens or hundreds of wives?

It would be even more of a waste to leave a BT skill like Soul Contract unused.

As I experimented with the little ghosts one by one, the conditions for signing the soul contract became easier. Maybe in the future, as long as we are friends, we can sign it.

However, this is only for the future. For the time being, I have only signed four contracts with Little Ghost, Vilas, Sarah, and Princess Sanwu. I can only say that I have a preliminary grasp.

To be honest, as for signing a soul contract with the little fox just by connecting my hands with my palms, I initially carried out it with less than a 1% chance. If it failed, I would use the blood bear transformation to open the way.

If you put it this way, in fact, when I signed the contract, maybe I was just thinking of failure, and then gave myself an excuse to transform.

Of course, if the soul contract is made during a kiss or even a more intimate act, the success rate will definitely be much higher than that of palm-to-palm connection.

But I can't do that, I can't afford that responsibility. Even though the two of us have a certain affection for each other, there are too many obstacles in the way, and the chance of union is very low.

However, it turned out to be successful in the end. The chance of success was less than 1%? There is no reason. The relationship between me and the little fox should be far from enough to sign a soul contract.

Therefore, the surprise on my face was even greater than that of the little fox.

In my heart, I recalled what the elder Mamaga said: All the celestial foxes in the past are the seeds of infatuation.

I couldn't help but tremble in my heart. I didn't dare to think about it anymore. I raised my head and met the little fox's beautiful eyes twinkling like stars.

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