Although my back aches and pains the next day, as a qualified actor, how can I delay my work because of private matters? Soon Lin Ziran and Ji Chen returned to the crew. +++ Popular novels:

However, in order to avoid suspicion, Lin Ziran did not move to live with Ji Chen. Ji Chen was not very happy, but still expressed understanding.

Seeing that Ji Chen was so sympathetic, Lin Ziran felt even more guilty.

Because he accidentally knocked his head, he forgot to forget his boyfriend, misunderstood his intentions, and still "green" him in the game...

Now that I want to come, Ji Chen introduces himself to the opportunity of auditioning, but also wants to achieve his wish. I want to have more time to be with myself. Now I am finally filming with Ji Chen! But he refused to live with him...

In order to make up for Ji Chen, Lin Ziran rarely offered the initiative.

Lin Zi happened to have no drama on that day, so he went out to buy food early in the morning, and the show cooking showed Ji Chen a dinner!

Ji Chen came back after a busy day. He smelled the aroma as soon as he walked in. He came to the kitchen and looked at Lin Ziran with a surprised eyebrow.

Lin Ziran showed a smile, took him to the table and sat down, proudly said: "You sit!"

Speaking and brought out all the meals.

Ji Chen glanced at the table. These dishes are indeed full of color and fragrance, and they look very good. While in the game, he was lucky to have eaten several times Lin Ziran's meal...

At this moment I tasted the familiar taste again, the mood is a little complicated, about some nostalgia, some helplessness, some jealousy, and some sadness...

He never knew that one day he would become so sentimental for a meal.

Ji Chen put down the chopsticks after taking a few bites, looked up, and then put on Lin Ziran’s shining eyes, the young man’s expression of praise, grinning: "How is it? Is it delicious?"

The taste is very good, but...

Ji Chen looked at him meaningfully, raised the corners of his lips playfully, and slowly spoke: "When did you learn to cook?"

Lin Ziran: "..."

When did you learn to cook? Of course I learned it in the game for...survival! Although I have also cooked and cooked npc, it was all very convenient, mainly to satisfy myself...

But if this is explained, I am afraid that it will not last for three days and three nights.

Just reconcile, don’t dig yourself, find a chance to explain later...

Lin Ziran blinked and looked at Ji Chen happily: "I want to surprise you and learn secretly."

Ji Chen: "...Oh."

Lin Ziran's expression stiffened, how did he feel that Ji Chen was not too happy? He has secretly learned to cook for him, shouldn't he be moved?

What is going on with this sneered expression? Could it be that he lied to him? !

Lin Ziran had a heart in his heart.

No, no, you have to rescue yourself!

Lin Ziran looked at him seriously and smiled, "If you like it, I can make it for you every day! What do you want to eat tomorrow? How about steamed sea bass?"

Ji Chen looked at the young man's eyes with black eyes, full of warm smiles, so seriously wanting to please himself, when he said something like was really hard to get angry .

Although I know it in my heart, this is just your perfunctory...

Not only do I know how you learned to cook, I also know that you have cooked for ‘other men’... I also know you...

Ji Chen remembered those things, and his mood was a bit complicated.

How did he think about it at that time, he came up with this way to chase his wife? I thought Lin Ziran could notice the difference... but even if he tried so hard to chase, he would not hesitate to collapse the plot. He must be with him. In addition to maintaining the most basic human settings, other times, he was trying to talk to him. in love……

Lin Ziran is still unaware! Even thinking about getting rid of him! There are only plots in my mind...

You really didn't feel anything wrong, did you really think of me at all?

After trying hard, not only failed to achieve the goal, but also blocked himself... Ji Chen felt depressed in his chest.

Knowing that the result was so early, he wouldn't use that method. He hoped that Lin Ziran would be able to get along with each other, find a little bit strange, and think of himself a little bit...

Ji Chen called out a breath and bowed his head to eat!

Lin Ziran saw that Ji Chen finally stopped questioning, breathing out a breath, so dangerous...

If Ji Chen continues to question, I'm really afraid I accidentally exposed it.

I thought it was just a game. It doesn't matter if I just play it. Who knows that he has a boyfriend? When I think of those days when I was not ashamed or ashamed, I felt that I betrayed my boyfriend...

Yuck Yuck! He didn't betray his boyfriend!

npc are floating clouds!

Only reality is true!

And he didn’t even remember...

Lin Ziran also bowed his head to eat.

But having said that, until the day before yesterday, he suspected that Ji Chen is related to the game, because Ji Chen and those npcs are really too much in common...such as the same taste habits, familiar feeling together, there are many The details I care about are very similar to Ji Chen...

So I have always thought that Ji Chen is related to games... But now I think that it is not that Ji Chen is similar to npc, but that npc is similar to Ji Chen...

Hey, it seems strange to think about this. Why are those npcs similar to Ji Chen?

What a coincidence...

Lin Ziran was suspicious again, but when he thought of the things he did, he was guilty of conscience. Where could he be so tempted to question Ji Chen about it? In case you guessed the wrong thing and exposed yourself, wouldn’t it be worth the effort to find your way...

Well, forget it, he doesn't play that junk game anyway.

It's the best thing in the past!

Both sides felt that the past was unbearable, and no one wanted to mention it, but it strangely reached a balance...


The two were filming in the crew, and as long as they found an opportunity, they would secretly get tired together. In order to compensate Ji Chen, as long as he had time, he would cook and cook for him personally, not to mention being attentive!

The gap caused by the short-term amnesia gradually faded away.

The filming soon came to an end.

That night Lin Ziran sneaked into Ji Chen’s room again, eating snacks while watching the script. He looked at the script and suddenly remembered it. At that time, he hadn’t remembered everything yet. Lied to his house... Lin Ziran's face turned red, I didn't expect this guy to have such a side, I didn't see it before...

Lin Ziran glanced at Ji Chen secretly, but he didn’t feel much angry anymore. Instead, he thought it was quite interesting. He didn’t expect to lose his memory. The life that was so plain and watery became interesting. A little bit of fun-fun?

And when I think about it carefully, I still feel a little happy in my heart. At that time, he didn't understand. How is Ji Chen's intention still unclear?

He carefully selected this role for himself, and tried to make himself appear in the role, definitely want to fire cp with himself!

Oh, sullen.

Ji Chen was also reading the script. When he turned around, he caught Lin Ziran who was peeking at him. He picked up the corner of his mouth and came down after putting down the script.

Lin Ziran: ...

Ji Chen was free and tight. He picked up Lin Zi and put it on his lap, squeezed his face, and said softly: "When can we be public, don't we need to sneak around like this?"

Lin Ziran hesitated and said: "This is not good, after all, we are all public figures, especially you..."

Ji Chen chuckled: "I didn't say to announce to the public, but I don't have to be like a thief when I talk about love in the circle? I believe Gu Gui will not just go out and talk."

Lin Ziran: "..." seems to make sense.

I may be overkill. I always feel that Ji Chen has the situation today, and suddenly it is not very good to be public. I am afraid that it will affect Ji Chen’s career... But if it is only disclosed in private, it does not matter, as long as you don’t give it to the paparazzi. Just take it.

Lin Ziran thought of this and nodded: "Well..."

Ji Chen was satisfied. He put Lin Ziran's waist in one hand, kissed it with his head down, and his eyes were soft and gentle...

Although in the game, there have been many skin kisses, many entanglements of love and hate, and many farewells in the second life...I also sorrowed for a hopeless feeling because of too much investment...

Sometimes I even think that if Lin Ziran can never remember, he will never fall in love with himself again, and will never be tempted for himself again...

He is just like in a game, no matter how he does it, he will not be shaken by half, and he never thought of staying for himself...

If this is the case...

What should I do?

Is he just losing him?

Ji Chen never dared to say that his inner heart was uneasy and uneasy... Because of that separation, he told him mercilessly every time, everything you did was in vain, the person he lost, Really walking away from him...

So when he had to give up the game and could only approach this person through reality, but was repeatedly misunderstood, he was not so confident.

I’m not sure I can redeem this relationship...

Many things you are used to, those you are used to, maybe because of an accident... It will disappear from your life like this, from the closest person to a familiar stranger, but you are powerless.

Ji Chen hugged Lin Ziran tightly and deepened the kiss without hesitation.

So you don’t even know, when you think of it, when I know, you still love me...

How happy I am.

Lin Ziran was almost unable to breathe when he was kissed. Ji Chen rarely had such a fierce time. Ji Chen in his memory was always gentle and considerate, but Ji Chen at the reminded him of those people in the game. ...

When they treat themselves, every time they seem to have a life-and-death decision, as if they have exhausted everything to love themselves, their emotions are fierce and paranoid, which is completely different from Ji Chen in reality...

But at this moment, Lin Ziran looked dimly at the person in front of him, but he seemed to coincide with the person in the game again.

Lin Ziran was shocked and closed his eyes. Ji Chen was still angry about his amnesia, and it was too long for him to kiss him. He could not be the npc, Lin Ziran kept telling himself this way...

Although, it really looks like...

Ji Chen's breathing became heavier, and he rubbed in Lin Ziran's ear, his voice was low: "Let's go to bed..."

Lin Ziran's face was already red.

The two are about to shift the battle location.

It was at this moment that the door knocked abruptly.

Ji Chen didn't want to ignore it at all, but the knock on the door didn't depend on it, as if he didn't knock on it and didn't stop.

Lin Ziran: "... or you go check it out."

Ji Chen looked displeased, but Lin Ziran all spoke, sighed, and turned to open the door.

Lin Ziran quickly sorted out his collar and stroked his hair before looking out.

There was a young man in casual clothes standing at the door. He was not so handsome, but he was gentle and good-looking. When he smiled, his eyes narrowed and he smiled and said: "Ji Chen, how come it takes so long to open the door? What are you doing? ?"

Ji Chen's face suddenly sank, standing still at the door, looking unwelcome.

When the young man looked at him, he showed a sad expression: "I am also your cousin, how are you not so polite?"

Lin Ziran's ears stood up, Ji Chen still has a cousin?

Why haven't he mentioned it before?

Ji Chen glanced at him coldly, pursing his lips, and after a moment he still let go, saying lightly: "What are you looking for from me?"

Yuan Huai was very helpless and said: "I can't come to you if I'm fine?"

Ji Chen showed a standard smile, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

Yuan Huai waved again and again: "I'm afraid of doing this, I'm afraid, I'm really here to find you!" Then he turned around and saw Lin Ziran, immediately said: "Yo, you are Ji Chen's boyfriend?"

Lin Ziran: ...cough cough cough.

"This is my cousin, Yuan Huai, who has been abroad before, and has only recently returned to China." Ji Chen said, Shen Sheng introduced Lin Ziran.

Lin Ziran understood it at first hearing. It turned out that this cousin had just returned to China. No wonder he hadn’t seen it before. He smiled politely at Yuan Huai: "Hello."

Ji Chen walked over to hold Lin Ziran's wrist and looked at Yuan Huai indifferently, saying: "Speak, what the **** is going on?"

Yuan Huai was not angry. He poured himself a glass of water and narrowed his eyes. Suddenly, Feng Feng replied: "Yes, that fantasy company wants a new affectionate male role-playing series of role-playing games. , How have you felt before playing?"

Lin Zi was stunned for a while. Although he didn't know why he suddenly asked him why, this sentence actually aroused many of his painful memories!

Putting aside those tempting npc and personal welfare, from the perspective of game design, those npc that are always inexplicable and fall in love with the brain, there is no way to get a, for Lin Ziran It’s not a good memory...

At first, I thought that the lottery had won the helmet, and my own emperor's possession would have to be transported. I didn't know how far away I was to learn to separate myself until I was taught by reality.

Looking back!

Lin Ziran was terribly congested and gritted his teeth: "I think this game is very problematic! Not very good."

Ji Chen also had a cold face, and Xiaoxiao flesh did not smile: "I think so too, this game is not very good, I can't figure it out, just go out of the market."

He entrusted Yuan Huai to send out the game helmet, and let him help him enter the game as an npc, letting him chase his wife! As a result, this guy added to him everywhere, randomly modified the game data, made so many love enemies and troubles for himself, and also set so many pit father's identities for himself...

After all the hardships, I haven't caught up with my wife.

Although he can't casually set up people, because he didn't enter as a player, but Yuan Huai opened the back door and entered as npc. Once the person collapses, he will be forced to pop up the game by the light brain...

But Ji Chen seriously doubted his failure, and part of the reason for Yuan Huai. It would be good if he didn’t trouble him. Can he have a good face?

Lin Ziran was also very dissatisfied with the game, and was very angry. What broke the game, did not get credits, did not say, but also let him be tempted-tempted-confuse... Otherwise, why is the game guilty?

So Lin Ziran expressed his dissatisfaction without hesitation, who knows that Ji Chen has the same thoughts as himself!

Suddenly I feel ashamed to be my old attacker.

But... Did Ji Chen play this game before? I don’t know what it looks like when he plays...

But Ji Chen's level is so high, he has played well in the same series of games before, will he be abused by the game? Is it really a problem with this new series?

Lin Zi suddenly became a little curious...

Of course, Ji Chen is in a bad mood. He does have a psychological shadow. He doesn’t want to play this junk game anymore. He clung to Lin Ziran's hand and said seriously: "I don't think this kind of game is necessary at all. "

Lin Ziran felt that you were talking about my heart, and nodded again and again: "I think so! It is really a lot of problems, especially those npc, it is not normal!"

Ji Chen: "...Yes."

Lin Ziran: "I don't know what a broken game company is. There are so many bugs in the game, and there are a lot of messy plots. I really don't want to play anymore!"

Ji Chen: "...Me too."

Ah, I didn't expect you to think the same way. Lin Ziran found a common language, and the more he spoke, the more he was excited.

The two really dismissed the game again...

Halfway through, Lin Ziran looked back suddenly and found Yuan Huai standing there with an awkward expression, suddenly a little embarrassed.

People just asked casually, but they said so much, and they almost ignored how bad the guests were. Lin Ziran quickly said: "Sorry, don't mind..."

Yuan Huai saw that someone finally took care of himself and was moved. He quickly said: "Do not mind, don't mind, yes, I am the chief designer of this game."

Lin Ziran: "..."

This is very embarrassing!

Lin Ziran felt as if he was caught talking about bad things behind his back!

Did you just talk too much? Although the game experience is indeed not very good, but it is not appropriate to devalue the game in the face of other designers, right? Lin Ziran felt very embarrassed, blushing and speechless...

Hey, wait, isn't this game designed by LightBrain? How can there be a chief designer? Lin Ziran looked blank.

Yuan Huai saw his confusion and explained with a smile: "All the game data of our company is managed and operated by the light brain, but the light brain also needs daily maintenance and manual intervention, and many data of the light brain are also Imported and adjusted by us..."

Ji Chen said coolly, adding: "If you use light brain as artificial intelligence, then he is the master of artificial intelligence. The chief designer can not only intervene in light brain, but also affect the progress of the game to a certain extent. Very good..."

Lin Ziran was dumbfounded. Was this still the case?

Yuan Huai heard Ji Chen's tone and knew that he had offended him. He was just a whim at the time. He wanted to see the excitement and added a little more difficulty and fun to Ji Chen's wife chasing. Know the sweetness of love and cherish everything you have? !

Do you see if you have recovered the original emotions?

But now it seems that Ji Chen simply does not understand his good intentions!

Yuan Huai received Ji Chen's eyes, which meant to tell him to get away, and suddenly he felt bitter...

"I have won the prize. In fact, my rights are really not so big. I can control the light brain. I am a little programmer..." Yuan Huai smiled a flattering smile and said, "I won't say that anymore. It’s the right’s like this... isn’t our new series about to be launched to the public right away? You need to make a promotional video, Ji Chen, do you have time?"

Ji Chen: "No time."

Yuan Huai: "..."

Even though Lin Ziran was dull, he also saw that the relationship between the two of them was not very good. He watched his eyes and noses, and he didn’t mix up things he didn’t know.

Ji Chen smiled coolly: "As an endorsement for this kind of game, I'm afraid it will hurt my reputation. Please come back."

Yuan Huai looked disappointed and looked at Ji Chen step by step, but Ji Chen was cold and unmoved, and finally left alone.

It looks very weak and helpless...

Dismissing the annoying guy, Ji Chen slammed the door shut and smiled back at Lin Ziran: "Shall we continue?"

Lin Ziran: "..."


Lin Ziran looked at Ji Chen with tears in his eyes. Ji Chen was so fierce today, and the most **** thing is why even the exercise on the bed reminds him of the npc in the game!

Ji Chen was not like this before...

Ji Chen hugged Lin Ziran, bit his ear, and smiled lowly: "Am I satisfying you? Do you want to do it again?"

Lin Ziran shook his head again and again, "Satisfied and satisfied!"

Terrible, although they are the relationship between bamboo and horses, they always like each other, but the two before amnesia are still relatively green, in fact, this kind of thing is not much done, Ji Chen has always been gentle and careful...

How does he feel that his technology has improved and he hasn't controlled himself before?

Lin Ziran suddenly felt a sigh in his heart.

Ji Chen hugged Lin Ziran tightly, with a smile in his eyes and a gentle look. From then on, I will look at you carefully, and I will never give you the opportunity to forget me again.

He took Lin Zi and went to the bathroom.

The two were cleaned and pulled over the quilt. Ji Chen said softly, "Sleep."

Lin Ziran was indeed tired. He grabbed Ji Chen's waist in one hand and found a more comfortable posture, so he slept like this.

Ji Chen watched the young and middle-aged man sleeping deeply, closed his arms, smiled and closed his eyes.

An hour later, the phone on the side shook.

Ji Chen opened his eyes and looked at it, frowning, thinking about it, gently pulling Lin Ziran's hand, put on his clothes and went out.

Yuan Huai stood alone in the dark corridor, and said with a smile: "Ah, you are finally busy, are you feeling better? We will talk about the endorsement?"

Ji Chen was very impatient and chuckled: "I'm just here to tell you, don't think that threatening me with your uncle, I will listen to you."

Yuan Huai laughed: "How can I threaten you? But I helped you anyway, did you not sleep in the game?"

Sleep is asleep, but Lin Ziran thought he was npc, I don't know how happy Lang is...

Ji Chen sneered and said with a sneer: "But did he think of me? And what happened to those love rivals, did you modify the program and secretly add a geeky halo to him?"

Yuan Huai: "...I haven't!"

Unbelievable, Ji Chen ridiculed: "What did you do yourself, you should have some idea in your heart."

Yuan Huai: "...even if you have not chased your wife and angered me, but I have no credit or hard work? I have repeatedly reported to you, how can you be so ungrateful to cross the river and demolish the bridge..."

Ji Chen: "Oh."

Yuan Huai looked at Ji Chen's failure to enter the oil and salt, ruthless and ruthless, and no longer pretended to be angry, and said with a smile: "Hey... Although you are very touching, but if you know that you are chasing him, He went into the game without telling him that he didn’t tell him by setting up a game, and the plot collapsed and he didn’t get any credits. If he wants to sleep, he will do whatever he wants. Would you say that he will get mad at you... if he knows these things Well, it’s not easy to restore memory."

Ji Chen's complexion changed and said coldly: "Are you threatening me?"

Yuan Huai laughed: "How can we call threats about our brother? Isn't this a negotiation with you? You can help me make an endorsement for free. I guarantee that these secrets are not..." I don't know... …

He didn't finish his words, his face was pale, and he stood there awkwardly.

Ji Chen suddenly realized that something was wrong and immediately turned around to see Lin Ziran holding his chest with both hands, standing behind and watching them quietly.

Seeing them, Lin Ziran raised his mouth and smirked: "Continue to say, when I'm away, I just want to hear it."

Ji Chen: "..."

Yuan Huai: "..."

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