Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand six hundred and twenty-nine.Mediterranean Sea

1629.Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Sea has become broader, and it seems that it is also because of changes in the environment that this originally calm sea area has become more turbulent.

But these are still insulated from the ancient Greek country. Zeus used energy to envelope it and was transformed into a utopia. However, this utopia is exclusive. Even humans who gather not far outside the energy shield can't even think of entering. in.

But even so, they still protected many human races. This is the same as the inside and outside of the high wall. The energy shield isolates the two worlds inside and outside.

Inside, the people of ancient Greece lived and worked in peace and contentment. They lived from sunrise to sunset, and their days were lived in a carefree and unrestrained way.

Outside the energy shield, there are about dozens of large and small gathering places surrounding the entire energy shield.

These humans come from different ethnic groups and even colors, but compared with the ancient Greeks within the energy shield, they are like poor people and nobles. Over a long period of time, they have formed a deformed supply model, such as population, being There are countless people sold as slaves.

Another example is that the food they worked so hard to cultivate can often only be traded for some daily necessities such as pots and pans in the hands of the ancient Greek population within the energy shield, and the prices are extremely expensive.

It was such huge benefits that prompted the human races in ancient Greece to acquiesce in the birth of large and small gathering places outside the energy barrier, and also acquiesced in the cruel exploitation of the world outside the wall by their own people.

Just think of it as protecting these humans and asking them to pay a certain amount of protection fees.

Even Zeus has acquiesced to this. He has never regarded people other than his own people as his own, because all their inheritance comes from blood, and it is impossible to digest these people.

He was happy to see his people trying their own blood on these human races, but now it seemed that the effect was very shallow.

If it’s nothing else, it’s still faith. This power of faith that comes from the bottom of the heart and is integrated into the soul can sometimes be so overbearing in a world dominated by fantasy.

Even Qinglong Liu Hao had to admit that even if the true God Anla that many people believed in had not arrived, they still did not change any of their beliefs, and they still dedicated everything they thought they could risk.

At this point, the Lamb of God appears too fragile.

This area may still maintain its current situation for a long time in the future. Maybe one day in the future, a new world passage will arrive. Only after the peace in their hearts has arrived, will they truly embark on the road to climb.

It's just that it's still unclear whether they can hold on until that point in time.

At least, Qinglong Liu Hao saw that the mountain gods and lands entrusted by Zhen Yuanzi had begun to be accepted by these people. No matter what name they gave to the gods, no matter whether they acknowledged it in their hearts, in this long time, they were still subtle. It's changing bit by bit.

He didn't think that An La would appear in the future and be able to destroy these mountain god lands. Zhen Yuanzi was not a vegetarian. It was about people's enlightenment. No matter how honest they were, they would go crazy. And once an honest person goes crazy, it would be the real terror.

Standing over the Mediterranean Sea, Qinglong Liu Hao looked towards the African continent. Faintly, he could feel an aura similar to the ancient underworld emerging in the center of the Sahara Desert, but he did not go to take a look because of this.

He knew that it probably came from the ancient Egyptian god Anubis, but after all, he was not a practitioner of the authentic law. He just wanted to wait and see. Even if he saw benefits, he would not be able to take them. Instead of doing this, he might as well write them down. Let people go through it when the white tiger Liu Hao returns in the future.

"Although it cannot be said that the reincarnated souls of ancient Egyptian humans have been intercepted, but because of this guy's action, the six-path reincarnation mirror of the earth has lost its integrity. This is also the cause and effect, and the White Tiger incarnation will also have a basis for action in the future!"

The Dragon Kingdom and Yanhuang Civilization are now the only ones on the human throne on the entire earth, and they can overlook all earth civilizations. As kings, they naturally have to take it easy. In other words, they do anything, especially anything directed at other civilized humans.

It is best to have a well-known teacher, and only in this way can we truly convince the public and make other civilizations to be more submissive when they prostrate themselves at their feet.

Isn't the previous assistance provided by the Dragon Kingdom to San Dezi a means of rule?

I give you something, and if you accept it, you have to be obedient. If you rebel, you will only be greeted by the fury of thunder.

The three virtues of the two worlds are all smart people. Before the spiritual energy was revived, the three virtues of Liu Hao's earth were already under the threat of Baektuhai withering, but they just changed their masters, and they were very used to it.

But in this area of ​​ancient Greece, there was no action.

It was not that Long Guo was unwilling, but that he saw the situation and chose to ignore it. People had already made it clear that they would play alone behind closed doors, so why put their hot face on someone else's cold ass?

Besides, does the Dragon Kingdom really care about other ethnic groups?

Obviously I'm not as interested as I thought. I just want to try it out if I have some dates or not. Anyway, it doesn't hurt even if I lose this thing. I have a lot of headaches at home. It's the best if I have it. If it doesn't, I don't care. .

The journey was a hundred thousand miles, spanning almost the entire Eurasian continent, and the Dragon Kingdom really spent countless money on aid. How could that be possible?

With so much money, wouldn’t it be nice for my family to spend it?

Wouldn’t it be better to cultivate more masters of your own?

To put it bluntly, even if the entire Laoou area was completely occupied by the demon clan, the Dragon Kingdom would at most sigh and turn around and do what they should do.

In fact, the biggest reason why the Dragon Kingdom invested so little energy in the Laoou area is because the emergence of the teleportation array of the elves deep in the Nordic forest has greatly shortened the distance and reduced the cost by countless amounts. Let’s break it down. Just take a look at your thoughts.

Nowadays, many gathering places in Laoou have changed so much. The biggest effect is the arrival of many quasi-sages from Chanjie and Buddhism. Even if they appear for only a short while, their appearance has fundamentally changed the original belief system. Subversion made them understand that the power of the Dragon Kingdom was beyond their reach.

In fact, this concept still exists even in the ancient Greece area under the spell of Zeus.

As a smart person, he knows best about choices and what forces must not be provoked. He does not dare to provoke them, so he naturally has to restrain his people to keep a low profile. Naturally, this impression was created in the hearts of almost all ancient Greek humans. root.

Didn’t you see that within the protective shield of the ancient Greek country, apart from their own people, only the Dragon Kingdom’s population could live in it?

This is an acquiescence. The people left behind can naturally only be Chinese who have settled or worked here before the spiritual energy was revived. They are also comfortable, but it is impossible to say how broad their future is.

After all, they are not sprouting in the most suitable land for their growth. Even if they can download many basic exercises from the network maintained by the Dragon Kingdom, the lack of many Taoists who speak a common language forces them to often explore on their own bit by bit. Naturally, they have fallen behind the local people of the Dragon Kingdom in terms of cultivation.

Coupled with the comfortable environment, for example, even if they didn't have any jobs, Zeus and other ancient Greek gods were still happy to provide food to support them. It was comfortable, but what was the difference between it and the flowers in the greenhouse?

Qinglong Liu Hao also knows that more than half of these people want to return to the Dragon Kingdom, but the long and dangerous road is placed in front of them, and they can only think about it at most.

It's not that they can't take care of the situation of the greenhouse flowers. For example, they often go out to fight like other ancient Greek people's hunting teams, but in fact, such a population is also very rare.

After all, it is not their own territory. Even if the surrounding population is very friendly on weekdays, they are worried that once they go out to fight, they will often become the victims.

There are about tens of thousands of them, and Qinglong Liu Hao has no idea of ​​taking them away. Without him, since Zeus is willing to use these people as a bridge with the civilization of the Dragon Kingdom, he is naturally happy to fulfill it.

Besides, who knows how many of them have copies of the Dragon Kingdom?

Even though Baektu Sea is in such decline now, didn't Qinglong Liu Hao see many Chinese people among them?

To put it bluntly, these people have been completely assimilated to a large extent. When Chinese people join the foreign countries, they will become foreigners. This sentence already explains everything.

Wouldn't it be nice to have the thought and energy to save the real descendants of Yan and Huang in all the worlds?

Below, the waves of the Mediterranean are rolling, and the occasional waves also make huge roaring sounds. It can be seen that the sea monsters among them are not rare in the Mediterranean.

Also, compared with the two oceans, this place is like a bathhouse, but it is safer. Especially the great sea monsters who lost everything in the battle in the Atlantic are more willing to make their home here.

"Treading on the Stars"

Qinglong Liu Hao scanned it casually and could see many immortal levels. The highest one had the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal. Unfortunately, this guy was seriously injured and was now sinking into the depths of the trench to quietly recover from his injuries. Depending on the situation, recovery is unlikely to take as long as ten or eight years.

Perhaps it was also the tacit harbor. Qinglong Liu Hao could hardly see the sea monsters fighting among them. Even the monsters seemed to be very restrained.

This seems a lot more interesting. Based on Qinglong Liu Hao's guess, there is a high probability that Zeus also contributed to this.

"DC's Neptune has probably met Zeus in front of me!"

This group of sea monsters from the Atlantic Ocean seemed to have no intention of crossing the Su Yins Canal. They may also know that the other end of the canal is not easy to mess with, or it may be the result of Zeus's obstruction.

But their restraint can be regarded as a mistake. Qinglong Liu Hao knows better than anyone who is the big demon who is now arrogant in the third brother's foreign affairs.

Speaking of which, this big sea monster from Sangeyang has a huge relationship with Liu Hao. It was also the great white shark that he kept in captivity by chance when he established the Saraang Port.

When most of the great monsters of the demon race have not yet systematized their own skills, this great white shark has already been sorted out with the help of Liu Hao. Even though its bloodline is not top-notch, it has already surpassed many at the starting line. , with Da Luo’s current cultivation base, it is naturally nothing.

The area of ​​Sangeyang is not a place with outstanding people. How can we still gain a foothold in the ninja world after the emergence of it? This explains everything.

Don't think that this great white shark has gained a little more humanity under Liu Hao's training, and that it will no longer be violent. As it already considers itself the king of this sea area, it can accept Dragon Kingdom ships to sail safely on it, but that's all. That's all, he wouldn't be able to think about it if it were other humans, let alone those of the same kind who might compete with him for territory.

It can be said that if a group of big monsters from the Mediterranean enter the Sange Ocean, they will either find a place to hide and practice cultivation, so that even if the great white sharks know about it, they will not come to pick their food. After following Liu Hao for so long, he still knows this. Got it.

If you dare to prick, the great white shark will not tolerate you. Wouldn't it be delicious to behead it and eat it?

Its biggest enemy now is a group of mosasaurs near the Antarctic waters, and most of its energy is even involved. Therefore, the great white shark keeps fighting and constantly forcing its own evolution, which is why it has reached its current level. .

A comfortable environment is often a good thing, but in turbulent times, it can only eliminate those who lag behind.

Liu Hao didn't just keep one great white shark in captivity in this sea area, but in the end, this was the only one left.

Just like these big monsters in the Mediterranean below, no matter what reason they originally came to live here, uu read books; the longer time goes by, the lower their future height will only be.

Qinglong Liu Hao even thought that maybe this was Zeus's plan, and stepped forward to protect these great sea monsters. After they found themselves lagging behind the times, Zeus would step forward to subdue them. By then, the possibility of success would still be high. of.

In other words, over such a long period of time, Zeus has also established credibility in the hearts of these sea monsters, and they will consider him a reliable 'elder'.

"This guy is quite smart!"

Qinglong Liu Hao just smiled at this. No matter whether Zeus succeeds or fails in the future, in his eyes, it will be no different from playing house.

"After all, there is a lack of security!"

The reason, Qinglong Liu Hao knew it without even thinking about it. In the final analysis, he still had a fear of the Yanhuang God System, and thought it would be good to have even a little more power in his hands.

As everyone knows, this kind of thinking is so naive. In the face of the real realm crushing, the number is completely meaningless, just like if Qinglong Liu Hao is willing, the life and death of the entire Mediterranean is just a matter of his thoughts.

"No wonder some people say, 'Ferocious beasts always walk alone, only cattle and sheep travel in groups'!"

Contempt, not that much, but Qinglong Liu Hao feels sorry for this Zeus. In the future, Zeus from other worlds will most likely be furious after merging with him, right?

They are all the same person, especially as the proud supreme god, who would be happy to see such a good-for-nothing appear?

It must also be said here that the supreme god appears in a low-level world and then connects to Liu Hao's earth. This is the greatest tragedy. It is like an emperor who said he was right, and suddenly lost all his support and became an ordinary person who can only watch. Seeing that others are superior, no matter how much he catches up, it will be useless. This feeling of depression is the biggest reason for Zeus's change in personality.

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