Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and forty-five, a drastic change in mentality

Dimension invades the real earth 1745, mentality changes drastically

1745. A drastic change in mentality

Being close has always been so unreasonable. Otherwise, there would be no word inheritance, and there would be no direct descendants or named disciples who are close and distant.

He no longer needs to be deliberate, but reality is like this, and heaven and earth recognize the law.

Preaching is not just a sorting out of what one has learned. This is what is called reviewing the past and learning the new.

At this time, Liu Hao was obsessed with the sermon, and one enlightenment after another flashed through his heart, but the Tao explained in his mouth did not stop at all.

These enlightenments are all details, which were easily ignored before. When I explain the Great Dao this time, I will pick them up one by one and round myself out.

This may be the reward for your efforts, and it is also the reason why even saints in the ancient times often preached.

This kind of sorting out becomes faster and faster, and a clear understanding is often grasped as soon as it appears, which also makes Liu Hao, who is obsessed with explaining the Tao, much happier.

His emotions resonated with the listeners to some extent, and smiles appeared on every face unconsciously.

Some even had their mouths split open, and even laughed loudly.

But no one paid attention to the others, and they all took the opportunity to obsess over Liu Hao's sermon, as if they were the only ones left in the world.

This situation lasted until the words from Liu Hao's mouth fell. After a long time, the listener woke up from his enlightenment and discovered that the monsters in the sea were surging again.

The group of people in the battlefield didn't care about anything else. They raised the weapons in their hands again, and they took action, only to realize that they seemed to have improved;

It is difficult for them to describe what this feels like. It is as if they were still a little stiff before, but now their bodies have become much softer, and they do not feel unachievable even when doing some difficult movements.

But they soon discovered that the monster enemies they faced seemed to be the same way, and they did not become easier because of their improvement.

This is tantamount to telling them that you are making progress and the enemy is also making progress.

There is still a gap in this relative progress.

Especially those who are talented or have some relationship with Liu Hao can feel a better side from them.

They hit and hit, as if they were digesting what they had just learned in the process, becoming more fluent, and gradually suppressing the monster enemies. As time went by, the effect of this suppression became stronger and stronger, making them even more More confidence.

Those who came to listen to Obsessive Liu Hao's sermon, since they had arrived, naturally they would not just watch, most of them also stayed to fight together.

After all, the value of monsters is also precious, and the withdrawal of the heavenly soldiers and generals also leaves them enough space to display themselves.

Their participation also gradually reduced the number of monsters that piled up again. About half a month later, these rushers gradually withdrew and returned one by one.

Their departure also represents the real end of the large-scale monster invasion in the world of Master Xuanwu.

The arrival of these countless monsters, under the suppression of Emperor Zhenwu and the obsessive Liu Hao, almost came to deliver food.

It is still a very precious dish.

Their gift promotes not just one heaven, but all heavens participating in this resistance.

Just like these participants in the Dou Qi Horse World, they will inevitably transport the meat of these monsters to their own world, and they will inevitably let many monks in the Dou Qi Horse World know that having such a kind of meat is of great benefit to their own mind cultivation.

All living beings are bustling and hustle and bustle.

When interests appear in front of everyone, how many can remain calm?

How can these knowers' inner thoughts be compared to before when they come into contact with these interests?

Even before, there was a group of people who thought they could have a good future without stepping into the heavens, but what about now?

What they are more worried about is that they have not participated in the competition for interests, so that they will fall behind their peers, right?

The environment affects a person's future development, isn't it reflected here?

Most people always compare themselves to those they know well.

Those immortals and gods that only exist in legends, even if you hear about them, even if you know that they exist, as long as you have not seen them, as long as you have not experienced them up close, how many concepts can be left in your heart?

Nor do they elevate their comparison objects to these immortal gods.

Just like in the mortal world, people will never compare themselves to the richest man.

Because they cannot persuade themselves to make progress from this comparison. On the contrary, if their friends around them earn more than themselves, their sense of urgency will definitely not be less.

At this time, it is no longer Xiao Huohua who is trying his best to pull people into the heavens, but countless people are thinking of various ways to get from him.

The group of people who arrived early with Xiao Huohuo and participated in this monster battle were able to make a huge profit.

Not only did they change the concepts they had always adhered to in the past, but they also gained huge wealth from the war. They were obsessed with Liu Hao's preaching, which was also of greatest value to them and could not be replicated by chance.

After this 'opportunity', they can be said to have truly integrated into the heavens. Many people don't even need to look for various exercises because they have already learned something from listening to Liu Hao's sermons. After enlightenment and giving them time, it is not impossible to refine their own unique skills.

These techniques, perhaps compared to the many techniques spread outside, are still nothing, or even just average, but in terms of their own suitability, they are incomparable to most techniques, and they will never abandon them.

If you can refine it once, you will definitely be able to refine it a second time in the future.

This is what they think. It cannot be said that they are confident, nor can they be said to be arrogant, but at this time, this is indeed the case in their hearts.

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Among these people, once they achieve this confidence, it will be inevitable to stand out in the future.

Which person who enters the world of spiritual practice does not think that he is the protagonist of heaven and earth?

Without this self-confidence, how can we practice spiritual practice?

For those who are still being cowards in the spiritual world, how long have you seen them last?

Not surviving more than three chapters is their only way out.

At least Liu Hao never thinks that pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is the way out. If you pretend for a long time, you will really become a pig.

At least in Liu Hao's opinion, among those who have achieved success on the path of spiritual practice, who is not arrogant and arrogant at heart?

Even though they look gentle on the outside, they never let go of their arrogance.

This kind of arrogance is not caused by how noble you think you are, but by the essential improvement brought about by your own evolution.

When they advance from the sixth level to the seventh level, they will find that they are transformed, and it is almost effortless to crush their previous self.

At this time, if they are allowed to look at their predecessors with their original eyes, they will even have a feeling that I am no longer the original self and have evolved into a higher level. A living thing?

If this feeling is still very vague when they are below the Immortal Level, then they will understand when they actually step into the Immortal Level. Even if they still think of themselves as 'human beings', they must add the word 'human' before the word 'human'. The word 'immortal'.

They actually already have the heart to distinguish themselves from mortals.

The transformations one after another have allowed them to create a kind of life form that they may really become a new race.

This is a psychological change that almost every practitioner must experience during their practice.

They never even felt that there was anything wrong with this change, and most of them felt at ease.

In this process, many people will get lost and unknowingly have positioned themselves to the level of 'above and above'. Even if they come into contact with mortals, they still smile on the surface, but in fact they have no idea what they think. They themselves know best.

Even if they show mercy or do good deeds, many times they do it with a "looking down" mentality, as if they are giving charity.

Among these 'immortals', only a handful of people can finally wake up.

This state of mind, over time, will also become a burden on the hearts of these monks, but they know nothing about it.

In the world under one person, those aliens have only a little bit of cultivation, why don't they just give themselves the name of "others"?

It is as if they have become a real white swan, and they are very disdainful of living in the same house with mortals. Even if they have to, they will insist on the name of 'protection'.

The only good thing about Liu Hao's earth may be that all the people are monks. No one can guarantee that they can always crush the newcomers in terms of cultivation. The mentality is somewhat better, but that's all.

Didn't you see that Liu Hao's obsession had already created such a mentality invisibly?

That is to say, he majored in the Law of Humanity, otherwise he would not be able to awaken to the Hunyuan even after realizing it. Of course, it is also because he majored in the Law of Humanity, and if he did not awaken to these Taoism, he would not be able to realize the Hunyuan at all.

On the other hand, whether it is Green Dragon Liu Hao or White Tiger Liu Hao, even if they know about it and wake up, that's all.

Although they are very reluctant to admit it, in fact, whether it is Qinglong Liu Hao or White Tiger Liu Hao, they have separated from human beings themselves.

In other words, Qinglong Liu Hao and White Tiger Liu Hao have already shifted their sights from humans to all living things, and their sights are no longer limited to humans.

As they realize Hunyuan, such as White Tiger Liu Hao, at this time, if you ask him to open a 'back door' to the human race, don't even think about it.

People have realized the Tao of Hunyuan, and the only thing they insist on in their hearts is their own 'Tao'.

You can't say that they are wrong. On the contrary, what they do is the most correct thing. Even if they don't take special care of you, they will never look down on you because you are a mortal.

In the eyes of others, that is the true equality of all living beings. No matter you are a mortal or a quasi-sage, in the eyes of others, you are just an ant.

In the future, Liu Hao, who is obsessed with realizing Hunyuan, will probably be like this.

But now, he needs to adjust this mentality, let go of his inner pride, and truly integrate into the mortal world.

Sometimes it's like this, when you don't discover it, you can't do it anyway, but when you discover the reason, you will find that it is so, it is so simple.

Obsessive Liu Hao has such a mentality at this time. If before, he just thought that he might be almost catching up with the progress of Qinglong Liu Hao's enlightenment of Hunyuan;

So now, he has firmly recognized this idea, and even thinks that maybe he can surpass Qinglong Liu Hao by a lot, and maybe he will realize Hunyuan earlier than Qinglong Liu Hao.

He was like a child who had picked up something that had passed by, and he couldn't wait to show off to Qinglong Liu Hao.

He also knew that even if he tried this mentality, Qinglong Liu Hao would only give him a blank look at most, but even so, he still found it difficult to let go.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with such a mentality. On the contrary, he believed that the emergence of this mentality was also a manifestation of his integration into mortals. Since it appeared, then just do it well, why suppress yourself.

He had no intention of taking action immediately.

Even if the Pacific Monster War is coming to an end, isn't it still over?

He couldn't look through the passage of the underwater world to see the situation on the other side of the world of Master Xuanwu. What if there was a monster under the box waiting to enter his own earth?

It has to be said that Liu Hao's "faith" in protecting his own earth is beyond ordinary people. Even if there is a master like Emperor Zhenwu next to him, he would rather choose to continue waiting even if possible.

He also saw that Emperor Zhenwu was a little confused now. Without him, he was still half asleep and half awake. In that half dream, he was also more focused on comprehending the great road that Liu Hao had just explained.

Once he left, Emperor Zhenwu could only force himself out of this state. He was not so impatient, so why did he do it?

He must also admit that in terms of digestion ability, no one can surpass Feng Baobao.

For example, when faced with Obsessive Liu Hao's sermon, Emperor Zhenwu understood about half of it. When Liu Hao stopped explaining, Emperor Zhenwu could only digest about half of what he understood, leaving the rest. Yes, it may take a very long time to break up.

It would not be the case if it were Feng Baobao.

Feng Baobao could only understand about 20 to 30% of the words, but if others understood them, they would digest them almost instantly.

People have never thought of verifying it over and over again. What they think more about is: Oh, that’s it! That’s how it should be!

People can digest it on the spot and verify it impatiently, and then completely integrate themselves.

Almost at the moment when Liu Hao's sermon ended, Feng Baobao woke up. She would not make any recollections. Once she understood, understood, and digested, it was over.

The so-called taking it and analyzing it carefully late at night has never happened to Feng Baobao.

If you have that time, you might as well learn something else, even car repair skills.

For this reason, Feng Baobao is unique.

This is why she was able to catch up and surpass most people in such a short period of time.

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