Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, Doumu Yuanjun

1888. Doumu Yuanjun

There was a lot of quarrels in Lingshan, even Maitreya was no exception. All kinds of quotations from scriptures were all quarreling for their own interests.

This kind of scene is definitely not happening once or twice.

Maitreya, as the future Buddha of Buddhism, has already entered into it. He is no longer as irrelevant as before. He has the best perspective and reason to see the problem.

He only knew that he had to fight for it, regardless of his own will.

Because he has already gathered a group of followers behind him, including not only his direct descendants, but also those who switched to him after Tathagata left.

How many of these people wholeheartedly support their rise to power?

Even if they support him wholeheartedly, don't most of them think that they can gain greater benefits from it after they take over?

For example, the original four Bodhisattvas of Lingshan: Avalokitesvara, Manjusri and Samantabhadra, and Ksitigarbha are now half-Buddha and half-demon, and three of them have disappeared without a trace. Is it possible that after Maitreya ascends to the throne, the four Bodhisattva positions can be replaced? Already?

After he came to power, it was naturally impossible for him to continue as an attendant of the Tathagata Buddha. Shouldn't the selected ones only come from among them?

Unfortunately, you have to deny your victory.

You don't know that the level of the items traded in Liu Hao's star domain has not improved much. For example, the gold horn and silver horn from the Tushita Palace. Recently, I often bring elixirs with me in exchange for some of what I need;

Those, in Jie Yin Zhunti's eyes, are so bad.

Hasn’t this been lost to any of the Seven Little Bodhisattvas of Buddhism?

We seem to be afraid that people in front of us will disturb him, so we impose various bans on our own presence, but what about Yuanjun?

Tongtian originally thought that even if they were weakly crossed, the eight thousand human beings who entered Buddhism would definitely be reused in the original situation of eight small cats and two big cats in Buddhism, and bad guys could live a bad life.

It's not stingy to say whether Jie Yin Zhunti personally killed those eight thousand Hongchen guests, our situation can be imagined.

Even Taixia Laojun must admit that without those markets, my desire to collect alchemy materials has become even more advanced for him. I, Maitreya, would not care less about those people who sacrificed themselves. If it were not a trap, those people would be less loyal to themselves and would be less loyal to themselves if they got their own disadvantages.

For one of his direct disciples to find himself in this situation, would it be heartbreaking to be in heaven?

"Meet the Master!"

Absolutely not, Tongtian is definitely willing to take action personally to teach prehistoric Buddhism a lesson.

But it's not like that. When Doumu Ziwei observes it several times, he will feel irritated. It's like looking at a group of ants doing things that you don't care about, but it can't make you more interested. ?

"This is bad, this guy is stingy!"

And compared to Tongtian's "pampering" of the Great Turtle Spirit Holy Mother, Doumu Ziwei is more tolerant, such as the practice of the Great Turtle Spirit Holy Mother, and supervises less.

Even the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation was actually obtained by Tongtian from Cai Yun himself to teach Dou Mu Cai Yun. Dou Mu Ziweike was at the scene at that time, but he knew that the newly appointed Emperor Liu Hao was very abnormal.

"Reply to Master, little emperor Liu Hao didn't hide anything, but he didn't reveal it, and he only didn't answer it!"

To this end, Doumu Ziwei also engaged in firefighting and opened a market in the territory covered by you.

You must deny that the emergence of Youshufang City has greatly prospered the prehistoric star realm. As for Doumu Yuan Palace, whether it is the palace maid or the heavenly soldiers, who has benefited from it?

Maitreya knew this clearly, and for this reason, I had to fight, even if I vaguely guessed that Ran Deng who made that suggestion had no bad intentions at all, and guessed that it was also a trap.

Once such a result occurs, how should Buddhism deal with it?

Of course, Ran Deng will stop here. For this reason, I will invite those who are the most direct relatives of Maitreya to discuss the Tao. Several times of invitation, even if those people come to avoid suspicion, it doesn't matter. Once the seeds of belief are planted, It's like 'suspicious neighbor steals axe'.

It seems that the only thing Maitreya cannot do is not to arrange for these people who are already half-heartedly devoted to me.

However, my little smile and anger showed how to explain it to the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit. Even if an older child explained it, he might understand. I also hope that my re-born disciple will not have that kind of opportunity to re-cultivate, and then be relapsed into the past. The entanglement of cause and effect is naturally possible.

However, I thought my arrangement was very appropriate, but I didn't know that such an arrangement also had no other hidden dangers.

There are only a few of those 8,000 mortal visitors left. In the entire world, there is a small chance that only Tongtianhui will pay attention to them, right?

In the prehistoric world, those who paid attention to Buddhism were only Jingyin Zhunti who was not depressed. But compared to Jingyin Zhunti's depression, the Baqings had changed, and the happiest one was Tongtian.

In the final analysis, it is still a battle of interests.

Which of these people doesn't know that as the people closest to Lingshan Buddha, they can allocate the most merit and luck from Buddhism?

If Doumu Ziwei can still accept those things, the real reason why you are shocked is that the 'markets' built one after another in the Ziwei Star Territory are now there.

No matter how willing Maitreya was in his heart, he still had to escape from the county arranged by Lan Deng.

Does he have any kind of condescension and reserve? He seems to have the same attitude towards everyone. Even if he is asked by a big heavenly soldier in the Ziwei Star Territory, he will still stop and explain in detail.

It is also necessary to speak less when burning the lamp, or even just arrange for one or two insignificant people to provoke a few times. It doesn't matter whether the effect is good or not, because those words will definitely reach Maitreya's ears.

Suddenly, we discovered the evil of Tathagata. The Buddha, who did not have the same thinking mode as us, turned out to be so qualified.

Today, when I saw Ran Deng Yang's plan, he didn't even try to hide it, so he burst into laughter.

In the eyes of Doumu Caiyun, our promotions are just baby steps. Even running wildly is just a matter of raising your feet. In the past, how could those people get any attention from you?

Even though you are not senior sisters, you were very close in the past, and even more so now.

When the time comes, Tathagata will definitely discuss various conditions with Jie Yin Zhunti, right?

Among them, there must be no conditions for Yin Zhunti to interfere in Lingshan's operations, right?

Tongtian rubbed the big head of the Turtle Spirit Mother, stretched out his hand behind him, and a light door appeared. After a moment, a beautiful figure emerged from it. The person who came was none other than Doumu Ziwei. Seeing the Turtle Spirit Mother, he did not continue. Asking Tongtian's thoughts, he entered Doumu Ziwei's body with a single swoop, calling her sister, sister.

This estrangement also belongs to the fact that there are no jujubes and there are no jujubes.

I figured it out, and the voices of competition became louder and louder. I am the future Buddha after all. When the past Buddha in Ran Deng competed with me for the spot, my prestige was still very small.

Look at the attendants of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva who were originally beside the Tathagata, who wouldn’t want to be the next one?

That almost works.

However, we also know that Tathagata has left the ancient world. Even if he returns and continues to be hired by us, he will no longer be the original Tathagata Buddha.

I chose to be patient, but I never ignored Buddhism.

Seeing such a result, how could Tongtian feel so angry?

The purpose of receiving Zhunti weakly to cross the eight thousand mortal guests of Jiejiao was because they really wanted those people, but just to extract the luck from the eight thousand mortal guests of Jiejiao.

In ancient times, among the low-level monks, which one was happy to be pure?

Tongtian called Yuanjun that way, apparently not once or twice after Doumu Ziwei met.

Before they were extracted, how could those original Jiejiao disciples have little use value?

Among them, Tongtian buried Dou Yin Zhuntinai and his hatred towards Buddhism.

Tongtian, but Biyuanjun, is really good at asking me to raise children. Since before the ban on the list of gods was lifted, the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother also lived with Doumu Ziwei except for a small amount of time.

This is not because my direct descendants were a little depressed. We thought that our group of people were the most supportive of Maitreya. How come the disadvantages came, but we didn't enjoy it at all?

How can it be so difficult to find a bad professional manager?

That little smile caused the Madonna of the Turtle Spirit playing nearby to wonder. It was just that the reborn Madonna of the Turtle Spirit was an older child than before. There was no doubt. You just asked directly.

The eight thousand mortal guests were not led to the west by Zhunti during the original Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Obviously, it wasn't just once or twice.

After thinking about it, Maitreya felt comfortable.

At one point, you also asked Tongtian about your doubts, but you didn't get any detailed explanation from Tongtian. I just want to tell you that when Doumu Caiyun can be so open-minded one day, your state of mind will also be greatly improved. sublimation.

Based on this, there have been countless markets in Liu Hao's Star Territory in the previous chapters. They are all kinds of small and large, and now they are becoming more and more sophisticated. For example, the specialized elixir trading market is divided into various levels, which seems to be just to entertain all kinds of people. Immortal level monk.

Maitreya knew that he was very passive during that time, and when Ran Deng found out about a breakthrough, he pursued him fiercely. I can still explain Ran Deng's plan thoroughly, otherwise it will only make others think that I am jealous of Ran Deng.

Anyone who can be treated like a saint master is a saint and a saint. That is what Doumu Ziwei thinks in his heart.

When I immediately rescued the Red Turtle Immortal from the Four Treasures Merit Pool in Lingshan, it was entirely to give the guide time to react. To a certain extent, I was still worried that one day the Red Turtle Immortal would also enter the world of eight thousand people. The past?

If this is the case, we have truly become legends among Buddhists. Perhaps as time goes by, even legends may disappear?

In the modern world, Shaoduo group companies have lost their original market position and plummeted because of the unqualification of a professional manager.

After a while, Maitreya also got what he wanted. Although it was nothing, he still occupied a small part.

The market is built here, but the real transactions in it are always only on the account you are originally in charge of. As for others, none of them have come so far.

What about the other way around? The newly appointed Emperor Liu Hao seems to be very satisfied with this. The entire Liu Hao Star Territory is basically protected from any comers. It seems that he can come and go as he pleases, and he has no temperament for a real low-level monk.

Come here, Lord Baihu Yuan has attained enlightenment, which also proves Doumu Ziwei's guess. Do you dare to lose your respect for Cai Yun because he, Liu Hao, the little emperor, has not attained enlightenment?

[Search "Spring Gift" on Xiaoxiang APP and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins] Those elixirs were refined by Taixia Laojun. If there is no Taixiao Laojun who nods, how can you get the gold and silver horns? Go to Cai Yunxing territory?

As bad as it is now, I guessed that the suggestion was probably a conspiracy of Ran Deng, but there is still a way to explain it. Even if Ran Deng shrinks, if I believe it, Ran Deng will still show a low-spirited and upright attitude. , tell others that I have not made any suggestions. If I are still allowed to arrange personnel, it will appear to be too much of a solitary food.

Others will turn off whether that explanation is correct. We will only focus on our own interests, thinking about which low position we can be placed in before the semicolon is established. Thinking that as long as we have the low position, we will be There is no competition for fewer resources.

Little did I know that the reality was far less cruel than I imagined.

Once hatred is buried, how difficult is it to clear it?

The future Buddha from the Buddhist sect who has been following Jie Yin Zhunti almost since birth has always had smooth sailing and has never experienced many twists and turns. Otherwise, might he be plotting with a guest from Zixiao Palace like Ran Deng?

The Yin and Shang dynasties consecrated gods, which cut off religion and caused eternal pain to the heavens.

As if it's not the other extreme, you know that the first 'Fangshi' in Liu Hao's Star Territory was not established by Cai Yun himself.

We also found that even if we support Maitreya's demotion in the future, if we want to be under Maitreya's leadership, when Buddhism, Taoism, demon clan, etc. compete, the possibility of being plotted is as low as 40%.

But the pride in his heart told Tongtian that it was OK to use a small person to bully a big one. Here, Tongtian would definitely be willing to see the small calamity that originally belonged to Buddhism cut off his own disciples who had made it difficult to escape from the list of gods.

Once this happens, how can we draw merit and luck from Buddhism?

We will speak out, but those things are also within Ran Deng's expectations. After the plan is launched, Ran Deng has no fewer arrangements.

"I need to be polite." Tongtian stretched out his hand to make Doumu Ziwei kneel down, "Isn't there something obvious about Zhou Tianxing Dou's small formation?"

To put it bluntly, whether there is anything new in the sun is due to interests, and whether it is said to be bad or bad is heard in front of you.

It must be admitted that under the calculation, Maitreya is still a little immature compared to Ran Deng.

Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva was not an ordinary person at the beginning. How long had he followed the Tathagata?

You know, before the new Emperor Liu Hao came down, almost all the heavenly soldiers and generals in Liu Hao's star domain were upgraded to one level, and this is the smallest reason.

Tongtian's eyes were full of pity when he looked at those small eyes and big, mischievous face.

When the time comes, will we accept it or not?

But several times before the contact, Doumu Ziwei also discovered that the saint was a saint, and the contact was far less difficult than he imagined.

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