Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, survival of the fittest

Chapter 1908 Survival of the Fittest

1924. Survival of the fittest

The Three Realms Trading Center has just been opened and has already grown hugely.

This kind of derivation will definitely continue to grow as time goes by, even if most of the witch tribes that disappear into the deepest parts of the underworld are no exception.

In the underworld, although White Tiger Liu Hao did not get the decree from Queen Houtu, he was aware of it deep in his heart and sent an inquiry.

He knew that the result would not last long. Now that the prehistoric world has been connected to all the heavens and worlds, the secluded world of the Wu clan can no longer continue.

It's like the Earth Empress forced many Wu clans into Liu Hao's earth before and after.

There is still no news. According to White Tiger Liu Hao, the reason is that Empress Houtu is still hesitant in her heart, hesitating whether to leave seclusion during the great catastrophe of heaven and earth.

Naturally, he would not rush, even if he thought this hesitation was unnecessary.

He didn't have much fear of the great catastrophe, which had a lot to do with the fact that he had never participated in it. In addition, he recognized that high risks must be accompanied by high returns.

However, it is impossible for White Tiger Liu Hao to impose this concept on Houtu Empress. Nowadays, this is the only thing left in the pure witch clan in the ancient world, and it really cannot afford to lose it. He also understands that Houtu Empress chooses to be more prudent.

On the contrary, even if White Tiger Liu Haoming knew that introducing the Netherworld monks to the ancient land during this period would probably introduce the calamity energy into the Netherland, he did not hesitate at all.

I have to say that White Tiger Liu Hao is the most cold-blooded among the three incarnations of Liu Hao.

If the "survival of the fittest" in Qinglong Liu Hao's concept of Tiandao is to let nature take its course, then White Tiger Liu Hao is more willing to promote this survival of the fittest.

The moment he took over Netherland and became the Great Emperor of Netherland Fengdu, he never thought about allowing Netherland to continue to be a hotbed, and he always believed that Netherland's majestic power could only be created through bloody storms.

Nowadays, the major forces in the underworld have never stopped fighting each other, and there are also a lot of deaths every day.

He doesn't care, because he knows very well that whether in the human world or in heaven, souls are added every day, and death is nothing more than reincarnation.

The balance between heaven and earth is just continuing in another form, so what if it becomes more intense?

It's not like he never thought that what he did would cause Empress Houtu to frown and stop her.

But soon, he discovered that there was no such thing. As the master of the tunnel, how could Empress Houtu care about such a trivial matter?

The so-called cruelty or not has no place at all in the eyes of Queen Houtu, right?

Of these souls that were forcibly stuffed into the underworld by White Tiger Liu Hao to practice, none of them had any sins on their bodies. If they died, they would be dead. It would not be completely destroyed. What should they care about?

Didn’t I also give those souls with merit and virtue a choice?

Whether to reincarnate directly or enter the underworld to practice, all the decisions of these meritorious souls are made by themselves, and they must be responsible for their own choices.

Furthermore, after these souls with merits choose to practice in the underworld, even if they die, can they still carry their original merits and reincarnate with their true souls?

With this guarantee, it’s like having one more chance to choose, so why not?

After these souls with their own merits entered the underworld, as they expected, it was easier than other souls to embark on the path of cultivation. The bumps in their cultivation were also rarer, and they were often more likely to stand out.

Could it be that these people were not deliberately introduced to the underworld by White Tiger Liu Hao?

To a certain extent, they are also changing the original structure of Hades, aren't they?

White Tiger Liu Hao also hopes that these souls with merit can reach a higher position, so as to provide a reference for those monks who are still alive in the world and embolden these people.

He is not worried at all that there is some smog in the underworld, and there are many sinful souls, which is inevitable.

But after these souls enter the practice, aren't they also good cannon fodder?

How many of them will make it to the end?

At least White Tiger Liu Hao is not optimistic at all. Most of them can only be used as stepping stones on the path of cultivation in the underworld, providing steps for others to climb higher.

They thought they had welcomed a new opportunity, but in fact the tunnel cycle had already included them, and it was just draining the last value out of them before it was their turn.

Of course, these people are not without opportunities to change their own destiny. For example, in the process, they received some unexpected opportunities, received rewards from heaven and earth, etc.

But they were a minority after all, but even such a minority still set an example for those who came after them. The survivor bias played an unimaginable role at this time.

At this time of great calamity, the most indispensable thing in Hades is fresh blood.

Nowadays, the entire prehistoric land is in a mess, even more than the underworld. The daily replenishment has exceeded the dead. White Tiger Liu Hao is naturally happy to increase the war in the underworld.

The emergence of the Three Realms Trading Center is the best conspiracy.

There are many resources in the underworld. Originally, there was very little development, and there was no need to fight for it. But it is different now. As long as anything has value, there will definitely be disputes, and disputes will inevitably lead to fights, and then they will become wars. .

This does not require the guidance of White Tiger Liu Hao at all. All the major forces in the underworld are fully prepared for this.

Even Aizen, who wanted to stop for a while, had to participate.

He is helpless and understands that the so-called negotiation has no effect at all at this time. It is as if he has discovered a mine and has entangled people to mine it. The nearby city will soon find out. Will they not be moved?

They won’t look for excuses to get a piece of the pie?

He can give part of it to other cities, but what happens after he divides it?

Can you guarantee that that guy won't push his limits?

Aizen knows a lot about human nature. After much thought, the only way is to do something to let the other party understand that if they want to get it, they must defeat themselves.

Naturally, he would not end up personally, and the other city lord would also not take action easily before seeing huge benefits.

But they all understand that once this war breaks out, there is still a high possibility that they will be involved in it one day in the future, even if they exercise a lot of restraint on the rear, it is inevitable.

It's not that Aizen didn't think about just quietly getting rid of the guy secretly, but he found that he couldn't seem to do it.

Aizen has the confidence to beat the opponent to death, but if he can't do it quietly, then it can only become a fantasy.

He understood that once he acted openly and honestly, it would definitely arouse the taboos of other surrounding Underworld City Lords, and then they would unite to strangle him.

After being strangled by a coalition, Aizen couldn't guarantee that he could really escape. This was not Soul Society. How could other people know how many trump cards he had accumulated over countless years?

No matter how confident he is, he doesn't dare to say that he can be on par with several opponents of the same cultivation level. He knows best that he has the weakest foundation in the underworld.

Fortunately, he has a quota for the Three Realms Trade, and the trade power is in his hands, which somewhat makes the surrounding city lords scruple, and they also want to get what they need through Aizen. At least it made Aizen feel a lot more relaxed.

However, Aizen could not predict how long this unique quota would last. He knew very well that once the Three Realms Trading Center gained the trust of the monks from the Three Realms, additional trading quotas would surely be placed on the desk of Emperor Fengdu. By then, it would really be a matter of time. This advantage is no longer available.

In other words, Aizen knew very well that this blank period of time was the perfect period for him to accumulate the foundations of himself and other monks of the same caliber. After that, there might be no future.

Therefore, in the eyes of White Tiger Liu Hao, Aizen has simply become a little bee. Knowing that opening his own city will likely lead to greater risks, Aizen no longer cares.

He directly opened the four gates of the city under his control, allowing various resources from surrounding cities to be transported to his home, and then took these resources to the Three Realms Trading Center to trade, earn the price difference, and accumulate himself.

Even though the other guys with quotas saw that Aizen gained more benefits from doing this, they still chose to be calm.

In turn, it also allowed Aizen to get more support from small forces without quotas, and introduced more forces, which actually reduced the risk of him opening his own city. This can be regarded as a mistake.

When he opened up, the pressure naturally increased suddenly, but didn't it actually give him a chance to practice under his tent?

As far as White Tiger Liu Hao saw, how long had it been? The Arrancars that Aizen brought into the underworld have fought more in these days than they have accumulated in all the previous time.

Fighting in the underworld is never called a sparring match. Once in the ring, it will not stop if neither party falls completely, and attrition is not an issue.

Aizen was helpless about this. He didn't have much affection for his subordinates, so it was reasonable for Aizen to be eliminated because he couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

In this regard, even the white tiger Liu Hao who brought them in could not have any bias.

What does a genius who is one of the best in the Soul Society count in the future in this world?

In the past, if these guys did not accumulate enough luck, even if they entered the prehistoric era and obtained more advanced techniques and skills, would they still have to die?

Nothing to feel sorry for?

Survival of the fittest, in the eyes of White Tiger Liu Hao, is the ultimate principle of heaven and earth. The survival of the fittest is fair to everyone.

In Hades, they were never the only ones eliminated. He didn't even bother to count the number of people eliminated every day.

Isn’t that group of zombies in the underworld, which is said to have jumped out of the Three Realms and is not among the Five Elements, still included in it now?

When the war in the underworld escalates, no one can avoid it. If you want to stay until the end, the only way is to strive for the top.

In this process, no one can be special, not even himself.

He didn't think that he would be able to escape from the laws of heaven and earth after he attained Hunyuan.

As long as you have not reached the very end of the realm of cultivation, there will always be someone who is superior to you, and you will always be easily suppressed by others.

He has been to the abyss. Although he only wandered on the surface of the abyss mouth for a few days, during these days, his many senses have told him that even on the surface of the abyss, there will be no shortage of Hunyuan-level powerhouses.

In this case, what does his current cultivation mean?

In the prehistoric times, those who were stronger than him were close to the strength of two palms. What was there to be proud of?

While thinking about it, the entire Netherland fell into boundless darkness. This was when the candle dragon on the Netherworld Sea got off work. This guy who told the time for Netherland day and night was also very conscientious.

However, it seems that the future can change, and the underworld does not have to be day and night.

"Are the prehistoric dragon clan still not qualified to be born?"

"How much karma did the war between the three clans bring to the primitive world, and it has not yet been repaid?"

"Three tribes are like this, and the two Lich tribes are probably also a lot, right? Especially the Wu tribe, Zhu Rong Gonggong directly broke Zhoushan Mountain, so how many creatures must have fallen?"

"It's no wonder that Queen Houtu chose to wait. Under such a catastrophe, if the Wu clan appears on the ancient land, there is a high probability that they will have to settle the past karma, right? I really can't afford to gamble!"

White Tiger Liu Hao gave Zhulong a place to trade in the three realms. Not even one of them, but he gave it to Zhulong and not even one of his dragons showed up?

Now that I think about it, this is the only reason.

Being entangled in karma, especially in this period of great catastrophe, is often the best target. Just like fireflies in the dark night, anyone who sees it will most likely want to kill it, right?

It's no wonder that so far, no phoenix has been seen, and no real pure-blood unicorn has been seen walking.

"I wonder when this great catastrophe will end?"

"How many people are on the list of gods? There are quite a lot of people who retain their god positions. There is a high probability that these gods will not appear on the new list of gods this time, right?"

Isn’t it possible to have as much location as you want?

Tianting Haotian wants to set up more departments. Isn’t it just a matter of saying a word?

It's just a matter of whether these departments have their own power. The difference is whether they are sinecures or departments with real power.

For example, if you want to set up a financial department exclusive to Tianting, find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com under the original Ministry of Finance?

Anyway, these gods who were included in the list of gods after their death did not have a salary, so what's the point of having more?

They entered the list of gods, even their bodies were temporarily condensed, and their cultivation had been cut off. No matter how much resources and time they were given, they could not improve at all, and no matter how much they added, they would not bring a burden to the heaven.

Although White Tiger Liu Hao has never actually seen the list of gods, he still has his own understanding. Thinking of this, he shook his head slightly. Obviously Haotian will never be 'stingy' this time.

This means that there is a high probability that the new god-conferring catastrophe in the great catastrophe will still continue, and Haotian will probably carefully select among them.

The new gods are like this, but what about the calamity of the demons and Buddhas that just appeared not long ago?

Na Wutian went to the ancient land, but returned to the demon world. It seems that this time he is ready to go into seclusion. The biggest demon leader will not delay, and there is no point in outsiders being anxious.

He could only shake his head and could not urge Wu Tian.

Besides, it's none of his business. The dragon, phoenix, unicorn and even the Wu clan can continue to endure it, so there's no need for him, an outsider, to be anxious.

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