Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and thirty-one, Mohist

Chapter 1915 Mohist Family

1931, Mohist

Since all heavens and worlds are connected, change must be everywhere.

He is like the development of the times and will not change it according to personal will, even if it is a saint.

He forces everyone to adapt to this change, otherwise you will be destined to be eliminated.

Isn't the larger-scale rise of Mohism in the Wutang Empire in Luzhou, Beiju a remarkable case?

It's just like Edison crazily smearing Tesla's alternating current for his own benefit.

What is the final result? Anyone in the modern world can give you the answer.

Maybe your strength is so strong that you can block it for a while, but that's all. In the long river of destiny, as a blocker, you are destined to become a sinker and be despised by those who come after you.

A truly wise person, even if he is the biggest vested interest, will still make the right decision despite fear and worry, and will even participate in the process of change, whether to make it faster or slower. As a result, they will still make the right decision.

Obviously, Wu Zhao and Li Zhi are one of them.

Liu Hao was only slightly surprised when he saw various simple and complex machines, and then settled down.

He could see that these machines that relied on formations and used spiritual energy as their energy core were more of an attempt.

Because of this, it seems that even one variety of them has countless shapes, and the size is even more difficult to predict.

It seems like they were created just for experimentation, or they were simply made by different schools.

They are more like a primary industrial product and have not yet concluded the benefits of parts integration.

But this path is obviously destined to happen, but it's just a matter of time. Maybe it will completely change next year, or it may take more than ten years.

Liu Hao can also feel the entanglement of interests, that is, the problems of various schools within the Mohist family, and different ideas, resulting in very different final products.

But it is difficult to define whether a certain product must be the most economical and applicable.

The competition among them will most likely continue for a long time.

But these are irrelevant, and from a certain perspective, they are actually a good thing.

Competition is sometimes the greatest motivation and the greatest pressure. Under this pressure and motivation, creators and inventors often dare not slack off;

Because they understand that once they slack off, once their product updates cannot keep up with their competitors, they are likely to be completely abandoned by this track in the next moment.

This was the Thousand Sails Race at the beginning of the formation of the storm, and it was just normal for the final winner to be 'canonized' in this way. Of course, the canonization here is the theory of canonization in the world of Confucianism and Taoism.

This track is the agricultural machinery track. Any modern person knows that it is just a small branch of the machinery track.

But this branch has great honor in the ancient world, because it can greatly help the people's food improvement, and it will naturally not be rare to receive awards from the ancient world.

It cannot be said that there will be no rewards for other losers in the end, but most of them will be attributed to the final winner.

When Liu Hao saw this, it was as if he saw the beginning of industrialization in the wild world, which was about to enter a rapid development.

He knew very well how drastic the changes derived from this would be, so much so that it would change all the past perceptions of the people at the lowest level in the entire prehistoric era, and change the lifestyle they had been adhering to for generations.

This place is a prehistoric place.

In the prehistoric times, the most fundamental thing was the Qi Refiner, that is, the monk. So this kind of change will definitely be introduced by many monks into their own practice system, especially in the aspect of weapon refining.

Liu Hao even had a feeling that this change in the Mohist family was likely to change the direction of the monks in the ancient world towards their own weapon refining on a large scale in the future, from the original simplicity to the future extremely complexity.

For example, they may upgrade their alchemy furnaces again and again and add various temperature labels. These labels are naturally the optimal temperatures required for smelting each elixir.

He didn't know whether such standardization would bring great promotion to alchemy in the future.

But one thing is clear, that is, getting started with alchemy will become extremely simple, and even a monk can do it.

At that point, those low-grade elixirs will become completely widespread and become extremely cheap.

This will definitely lead to countless ways to grow low-level elixirs. Because where the demand is, the benefits will definitely lead many people to join in, especially the lowest-level people who originally grew food.

But such a development will not necessarily push up the level of monks in the prehistoric world in the future, or it will not push up much, because 99% of creatures have their talents basically determined from the moment they are born.

The existence of a large amount of resources can at best push these people to the extreme of their ability. In the years to come, huge bottlenecks will still be waiting for them.

But even so, these people have rapidly improved their cultivation, and the improvement in their own strength will inevitably make the wealth they can create faster, and to a certain extent, they will also speed up the development of the ancient world.

It's hard to say whether this is right or wrong.

If there was only the prehistoric world, the saints would definitely stop it, but it would be completely different if it were the world.

These existences, which have no value in the eyes of the saints, are sent to the heavens. They are a rare fighting power, which can bring benefits to the ancient world, even if it is the slightest influence.

Liu Hao almost didn't need to think about it, but he could also see that in the future, the scale of the prehistoric world's lifelong journey into the heavens would be very crazy, and it had to be like this, otherwise even if there were star fruit trees to draw spiritual energy from the chaos for the prehistoric world, the pressure would be very high. huge.

You must know that anyone who improves their class will definitely have their ambitions strengthened, and they will definitely want to get more and ask for more.

By that time, without a real outlet, internal disputes will inevitably intensify and even develop into an endless war.

This is definitely not what the saints of the prehistoric world want to see, and Hongjun, Houtu and Nuwa Empress will definitely not allow this situation to occur.

In Liu Hao's view, it was because they saw the front line of the abyss that they allowed such an accelerated birth.

Their calculation is also in Liu Hao's interests.

Putting the prehistoric world into the abyss is just the tip of the iceberg. Who knows how many creatures there are in the abyss?

Who knows how many abyssal spores can be produced on the land polluted by visitors from the abyss?

If it is infinite, then every living being in the world is precious. Even if there are hundreds of millions of people in the world, they will still be insufficient if they are all invested in it in the future.

He saw that the migration of people from the Wutang Empire in Nanzhan Province to the World Passage was still continuing, and it seemed that they had no plans to stop in the future.

The people of the Wutang Empire in Nanzhan Buzhou seemed to be very happy with this. Also, the migration of these people allowed the remaining people to be allocated more land and space, and naturally the remaining people would also have more land and space. The possibility of giving birth to more offspring.

Ten or eight years later, the population of the Wutang Empire in Nanzhanbuzhou will return to its previous state, except that there will be more children.

Liu Hao didn't know whether Wu Zhao and Li Zhi issued a call to have more children and more blessings in the Wutang Empire in Nanzhan Buzhou, or if there was no need to do so at all.

Also, any ancient Yanhuang people who did not have such a concept in their hearts and could afford it would naturally not give up any of them.

If the human race is like this, why isn't the demon race like this?

If the number of lions in the grassland is moved away, the number of herbivores will definitely increase. This is inevitable in the ecological chain.

At this time, the remaining lions will definitely grow with sufficient food, and in the end they will definitely return to the status of the ecological chain.

At this time, relocating a few herbivores will not have a substantial impact on the entire ecological chain, and the principles remain the same.

In Luzhou, Beiju, many demon clans were moved to Xuanwu Continent by Emperor Jun Taiyi, and moved to a place close to Niuhezhou in the west of Buddhism. The proportion of demon clans in it will definitely be reduced, and there will definitely be room for those female beasts to give birth to the next generation. Space will definitely improve the survival probability of the next generation of monsters;

Before long, the number of monsters in these places will also return to the upper limit that they could carry in the past.

The only difference between Di Jun and Wu Zhao is that one is forced to do it, and the other takes the initiative.

Liu Hao is not worried about whether the influx of countless people into his home planet will cause collapse or the like. It does not exist.

The abyss front line can still accommodate even if the number of resistance increases a hundred times.

He knows best that the current invasion of the abyss is just a vanguard, not even a prelude.

It's like if he increases the number of monks in the Zhoutian Star Formation on the front line of the Abyss tenfold, the other side of the Abyss will probably know about it soon and will definitely respond.

The reason why he didn't do this was more because he didn't want to alert Abyss too early.

He knows the horror of the abyss better than anyone else. It is a great horror that even if the entire prehistoric world were filled with monks, it would not make much waves.

Hongjun, Houtu, and Nuwa Empress most likely already knew this, otherwise they would not be as open-minded as they are now.

Especially Hongjun, as the Taoist ancestor of Xuanmen, doesn't he know that Liu Hao's Tao of hundreds of schools will have a big impact on his Xuanmen?

From the time when the entire prehistoric destiny belonged to Xuanmen, now even if a little bit is divided and given to hundreds of schools of thought, it is no longer the whole story.

This is almost impossible for any monopolist to accept, but this is what they are doing now.

At the beginning, Hongjun may have been welcomed by the prehistoric heaven and earth, because it had a great promotion effect on the prehistoric world, but later, he must also have compromised his understanding of the abyss.

It's like the three realms of heaven, earth and man didn't care at all about White Tiger Liu Hao's enlightenment of Hunyuan in the ancient world. He had already accepted it deep in his heart, and it should be like this.

Liu Hao, in the final analysis, was an outsider to Honghuang.

Liu Hao himself had never considered these principles in the past. It was also because he got the guess from White Tiger Liu Hao after White Tiger Liu Hao achieved Hunyuan. After a little analysis, he can understand the reason.

Naturally, he pretended to know nothing. There were some things that everyone knew deep down, and there was no need to say them out, because once they were said out, it would not look good on anyone.

He was so happy to pretend to be confused, as if today when he saw such a grand outburst of the Mo family, didn't the great powers of the whole world turn a blind eye?

Here, could it be because Mo Qu was transformed by Zhen Yuanzi back in the ancient times, and the powerful people were giving face to Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the earthly immortals?

Perhaps the great powers under the saints have a great possibility, but it is impossible for the saints.

It must be noted that the current outbreak of the Mo family here is also of great benefit to Zhen Yuanzi, a monk who has already left the ancient times.

A typical point is that Zhen Yuanzi's luck in the ancient world must be improving.

On the other hand, Zhen Yuanzi, who left the prehistoric world, has distributed the land of mountain gods everywhere in the world. He has never lived in a world. After doing this, he will definitely get a fortune from this world. Blessing.

This guy who rarely fights on the front line of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation Abyss may now have the highest luck, and may be as close to the luck that a saint should have.

This idea flashed through Liu Hao's mind, and then he became more and more sure of his guess.

Liu Hao was also happy about this. He was not worried that one more saint would cause losses to his own interests.

As far as luck is concerned, which one is he afraid of?

In terms of accumulating luck, which one is slower than him?

Benefits other than luck have long been dispensable to him, just like the luck brought by the founder of hundreds of schools of thought in the ancient world, to him, it is just the icing on the cake. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com

Just a large formation of stars in the sky opened by Qinglong Liu Hao blocked the invasion of the abyss from his own earth. In fact, it also shielded all the heavens and worlds connected to Liu Hao's earth from wind and rain;

From this, there are rewards from the great road every moment, including merits and luck blessings, which even the saints would be jealous of.

He is like a super rich man with an income of hundreds or tens of millions every second. He doesn't care at all about the rent collection situation of a few houses. If it is gone, it will be gone.

On the contrary, Liu Hao is happiest if these rent collections can be exchanged for a more useful partner.

Didn't he have the same idea when he vigorously cultivated the Styx Ancestor in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation?

This is also the reason why he takes care of every Daluo and the monks above Daluo within the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation at all times.

He was the one who couldn't get enough of it, and what he had to pay for it was no less than what the great saint had lost.

It is difficult for others to measure Liu Hao's merits. Do the saints have no idea about this?

Don't Hongjun, Houtu and Nuwa have an accurate understanding of this?

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