Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and fifty-two, data

1952, data

Change is difficult, and if you are not careful, you are likely to self-explode and disappear on the road of change.

Just because it is so dangerous, it has unimaginable rewards.

This reward, from another perspective, can also be said to be the blessing of luck.

Of course, this blessing will only be given to those who succeed.

Hinata, in a certain respect, can be considered one of them, although it is very small, even insignificant.

What has changed is only the small Hyuga family.

But Liu Hao knew that most of this change could actually be used as a reference for the ninjas in the Naruto world.

It's a pity that Hinata doesn't have much idea in this regard. What she shared her experience with was actually just the Hyuga Spark. Even if she saw other members of the Hyuga family following her, it actually wouldn't make her feel even a trace of concern.

Her understanding of luck is not even superficial, and she will not issue a 'call' among the ninjas because of this.

As for the Hyuga clan, no Konoha ninja knows what kind of character they are. They have to hide everything and let them publicize the benefits they have received. It can only be said that you are overthinking.

From this point, it is enough to see that the so-called selfishness has always existed in today's small world of Hokage.

They may have gradually stepped out of the village structure, but their family nature has been further strengthened by leaving the small world of Hokage.

Also, after they arrived at the Australian base of the Dragon Kingdom, it was impossible not to see the aristocratic families arriving in the mythical Three Kingdoms world. In their eyes, that was the vocational level of the family, right?

It cannot be said that their vision is too narrow. Among all the worlds, they can only be part of the lowest level, and the height they can see can only go so far. To go higher, they need a real leader, but This person obviously couldn't be Hinata.

Because for Hinata, the Hyuga family no longer has much to do with her, and her two children are named Uzumaki.

Rather than counting on Hinata, it would be more practical to count on Uzumaki Himawari in the future.

In other words, it is better to place this hope on Hinata Sparks.

It seems that his thinking is a little messy, and this insignificant thing also appears in his mind, and Liu Hao feels a little funny.

He also knew that this was a subconscious analysis caused by too many impressions of Naruto before he traveled through time. Deep in his subconscious, he still had some expectations for the ninjas in the Naruto world.

But after this expectation became very slim with the current discovery, he was still unwilling to give up, and still wanted to help these ninjas find a more suitable future. This is why these distracting thoughts emerged in his mind.

But he also knew that was all.

It was impossible for him to really help. Everything was his own choice. The survival of the fittest among all beings in the heavens and the world was already doomed the moment the heavens were linked together.

Rather than helping others and getting a crooked tree in the future, it is better to simply let them stand in the wind and rain and endure the ravages of wind, rain and time.

In this way, the last remaining big trees must have grown up, and they are the helpers we really need to face the abyss in the future.

At least, Liu Hao has not seen this hope in the group of ninjas he sees now.

Not even Uzumaki Naruto, not even Uchiha Sasuke, who was most bound to Uzumaki Naruto, saw it.

This is not because Liu Hao's improvement in cultivation has caused him to have too high expectations, but this is the reality.

But he also knew that as long as Naruto Uzumaki and others continued to fight on the front line of the abyss, constantly accumulated their own merits, and constantly adjusted the techniques that best suited them, the future helpers he expected would most likely appear.

At least, the luck above their heads still shines brightly, and they are ahead of most people.

This advantage is also their biggest advantage.

I have to say, sometimes it's just so unfair.

But this unfairness is also fair to all those fighting within the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation.

No matter how much you contribute in it, you will definitely get as many rewards as you want, no more, no less. No one can take away your share, and no one can snatch away the share that does not belong to you.

How many people have changed their own destiny in it, not to mention jumping out of the river of destiny, but it is also completely different from the original path.

As a result, how many people have broken through their own bottlenecks that seemed invincible, stepped onto higher floors, and seen farther views;

Anyone who changes their destiny in it is intoxicated by it, even if they know that it is full of dangers, even if they know that if they are not careful, their lives may be ruined.

It is because they know that this is the fairest playing field, and they have to rely on themselves to claim and compete for everything they gain.

Just like before time travel, the so-called elites on the Internet kept saying that hating the rich was very bad, but was the hatred of the rich really true in the hearts of the people at the bottom?

Obviously it's impossible. What they really hate is that they find that no matter how hard they try, they can't get rid of their own class. Only then are they completely disappointed and choose to lie down.

As long as there is a slight possibility of changing their current situation, even if they pay the price of their lives, there are countless people who are willing to charge into battle. When they are really trying to change themselves, how can they have the intention to hate the rich?

This is the case for the lowest level monks within the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

They are also very high-spirited and never think that their lagging behind is due to their lack of talent. They only think that they are lagging behind because they have lagged behind in joining the competition.

They believe that with their own efforts, they can catch up as long as they are given time.

Although this idea seems very naive to Liu Hao, it cannot be said that it is definitely unreasonable.

The favor of fate, who knows if one day it will fall on one of them?

Is their persistence now the biggest support point that they can hold on to when fate befalls them in the future?

Liu Hao did not see complaints from any of them. When all of them were resting, they were discussing how to kill the abyss spores more effectively.

For any monk, as long as he can clearly feel his own progress, he has endless motivation, even if the progress is very small.

The high-spirited color here is so bright, it seems that it can cover all the space within the Zhoutian Star Formation, making anyone who enters join it.

This point is most prominent from those big demon gates that have just been allowed to enter.

As long as they stay there for a while, the original anxiety in their hearts will disappear unconsciously, which will also make them feel relieved, and then they can't wait to join in.

As long as everyone joins it, there is no one who does not cherish it.

Liu Hao is already very sure what the situation will be like as long as the benefits here are thoroughly spread to the outside world.

Perhaps by then, his only worry is whether his own cultivation can support such a large population to enter the Zhoutian Star Formation, right?

Thinking of this, another smile flashed across Liu Hao's face, and then he shook his head slightly, as if he knew that he was thinking too much.

Only now did he understand why Qinglong Liu Hao was happy to see the promotion of Liu Hao's game. The necessary brush selection was indeed needed.

Sometimes, having an additional threshold will make the competition in the world more cumulative, and can also better motivate every monk who wants to join here.

Many times, Liu Hao knows best how important a clear goal is.

What a monk is most afraid of is when the bottleneck is indestructible, because at that time, staying for a long time may cause the monk to have some ideas that are not possible in the first place, and then put them into practice, which will cause chaos in the world.

This possible chaos seems to be wiped out on the way forward by a small goal. This is no longer as simple as a hope, but a repeatable pursuit.

After entering once, even if there is still no breakthrough, you can still look forward to the next opportunity.

With such repeated opportunities, even the most desperate guys wouldn't let themselves turn into devils easily, right?

Those guys in the perfect world who have committed suicide, as long as they know that there is such a person out, they are willing to pay almost any price, right?

Liu Hao thought of An Lan, the pretender who was suppressed under the Imperial Pass and whose five senses were blocked. This guy who he had set up on Qi Qi early as a test subject for his future attempts seemed to be ready to be harvested. hour.

But, do I need to act immediately?

What about the little guy No. 10 now?

Liu Hao felt that after completing his previous arrangements, he seemed to need to go to the perfect world.

He didn't want Little No. 10 to get violent and clean up all the 'experimental subjects'.

The monstrous karma of those experimental subjects requires huge amounts of merit to be washed away, and the abyss frontline within the Zhoutian Star Formation is their only destination. Before this karma is completely washed away, they can Can't die.

He wasn't worried at all about being able to suppress the experiments.

He was able to do it in the past, let alone now?

As long as these test subjects are detained by him within the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, why don't they just be allowed to be manipulated by him?

He is not worried at all about these guys taking refuge in the abyss.

Even if a case does occur, isn't that a good experimental data?

Regardless of whether the test subject successfully transformed into a member of the abyss after taking refuge in the abyss, or simply turned directly into the nutrient of the abyss, this is a good experimental data.

The former can use this data to analyze the possible composition of the Abyss Demon God, while the latter can use this to warn possible imitators in the future, prompting these speculators to despair completely, and then truly demonstrate their ability on their own front. Come with your own value.

In such a long time, the data collected within the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation should not be too much.

Whether it is from the lowest level of monks, the mere fifth or sixth level monks, or from the most powerful group of people, the quasi-saints.

The data collected by Qinglong Liu Hao is huge.

In fact, from these data, Qinglong Liu Hao can also use it as a reference to understand the many laws of heaven, and to deduce the further advancement of his own laws and magical powers.

Wait, wait, any data can be said to be valuable.

The more data there is, the greater the value in it.

To put it bluntly, just by collecting the battle data of the demon clans among them, Liu Hao has already mastered the weaknesses of countless demon clans and can play the system.

This point actually also applies to those quasi-sages in Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

If it weren't for the huge gains from the battle on the abyss front of the Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation, it would have been absolutely impossible for these quasi-sages to show off their various trump cards one by one under Liu Hao's eyes.

Moreover, Liu Hao could not guarantee that the trump cards displayed by these quasi-sages would be fully unfolded. Who knows whether these guys would hide one or two secretly?

He is also a sensible person. He knows that he has the data in his own hands and will never tell others about it.

Once he does this, he may really be the public enemy of everyone.

There are some things that everyone just turns a blind eye to, but once something is done, there is really no way back.

The reason for spreading this information between Liu Hao and several major incarnations is because they are basically one and must be completely kept secret from others, even their closest disciples.

In addition, Qinglong Liu Hao will also inform everyone in Zhoutian Xingdou Formation from time to time about the data collected from the other side, that is, the abyssal species.

Don’t underestimate the importance of this information.

Not to mention weaknesses, just how to defend is enough for all participants to save their lives in critical moments, let alone others.

In fact, it is not much different from the core of a supercomputer. Whatever happens in it, he can actually master it if he wants to.

In fact, any data that occurs in it cannot escape Liu Hao's attention and records.

Combining many data, the final information obtained can be found at Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. Even if it is not absolute, it is not much different from the essence.

Just like abyss spores, how long does it take to gestate, how much abyss breath is absorbed, and what level of abyss spores are after they are conceived. How to kill these newly conceived abyss spores as quickly as possible, and what is the most effective method? ?

Wait, wait, wait, as long as he summarizes the information, he can't hide it from anyone.

All participants will be informed as soon as possible.

He knows best that as long as the breath of the abyss is not isolated, the breeding of abyssal spores is endless. The faster he can kill the abyssal spores that were finally conceived, the more likely it is that he will bring harm to all the worlds in the future. More hope.

That being the case, how could it be hidden?

He knows even better that even if all the worlds are connected and all the creatures are drawn to fight against the abyss, they will probably still be at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. Therefore, he has never stopped analyzing data in this area. Every minute.

At least, it looks very good now, with an effective rate of nearly 70%.

This is summarized from countless data collections. No improvement at all, for one's side, will make the victory closer to one's side. (End of chapter)

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