Dimensional Traveller

Chapter 493 Plan Progress

As long as Misaka Mikoto decides to use force to subdue Shirai Kuroko and then explain to Shirai Kuroko, then the conflict between them can be said to be terminated. Now, how far this good show can develop depends entirely on when Misaka Mikoto can make up her mind to use force to subdue Shirai Kuroko.

However, if we analyze Misaka Mikoto's character, it would be really difficult for Misaka Mikoto to make this determination. Therefore, the end point of this good drama naturally depends on how long Misaka Mikoto will hesitate.

Therefore, in order to make this good show even more exciting, Yubi Danki's words will not only induce Shirai Kuroko to find Misaka Mikoto and conflict with Misaka Mikoto. At the same time, Tamaki will also give Misaka Mikoto a piece of information, which clearly shows that Shirai Kuroko was hired by which research institute to stop him this time. Presumably, under such circumstances, this good show must be quite interesting.

It can be said that Jie Biao Danxi has planned everything for this good show, so the next thing should be implemented according to this plan. Thanks to the fact that Jie Biao Danxi's plan is very complete, it does not consume too much energy in Jie Biao Danxi's implementation.

Therefore, this time, after inducing Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto, Yubi Adanki should be able to stay at home with Shokuhou Misaki and watch a good show without having to do anything like before That way, you can watch the "live broadcast" directly. For Jie Biao Danxi, this can really be regarded as a very rare experience.

After all, Jie Biao Danxi, because he was the executor of the plan, had been staying at the scene to "watch the live broadcast" to ensure that the plan could be executed smoothly. However, for Jiebiao Danxi, the thing that makes her happiest may not be that she can stay at home and watch the "live broadcast" this time.

In Yuubiao Danxi's heart, the thing that makes Yubiao Danxi feel even more excited is that Misaka Mikoto, a level 5, can be so calculated by her. Although it is said that the current Yubi Danxi can definitely easily deal with Misaka Mikoto when facing her, there is still a big difference between this and being able to plot Misaka Mikoto to despair. There's a difference.

It was at this time that Jie Biao Danxi finally felt that although "people who play tactics are dirty", this feeling of hiding behind and scheming people was really refreshing. If possible, she really wanted to have sex a few more times. After all, this feeling is really addictive.

As someone who has lived in ANBU for a long time, Jiebiao Danxi really enjoys this feeling. However, in fact, after marrying Danxi, there may really be many such opportunities. After all, after Shokuhou Souqi begins to manage the world, Yuebiao Danki, as Shokuhou Souqi's right-hand assistant, will inevitably start to help Shokuhou Souqi and scheme against many people in this world.

Perhaps, if that time really comes, Jiebiao Danxi may still feel desperate because she has been doing this kind of calculation against others for a long time. It can be said that it can really be regarded as a kind of behavior of "not knowing the blessings despite the blessings". Perhaps, it will be really until the end when Biao Danxi has to calculate other people every day that she will understand that although this feeling is indeed very refreshing, at the same time that she feels very comfortable, she also really You will feel very tired.

However, Jiubiao Danxi should not feel anything about these things in a short period of time. After all, after Misaka Mikoto’s plan ends,

Jiebiao Danxi can really take a good rest for a while. After all, when Li Xing and Laura were about to start exploring the world, in such a scene, Jie Biao Danxi really couldn't play any role, so they might as well just stay aside.

This way, she would be saved from having any accidents happen for whatever reason, which would affect the entire plan. After all, Li Xingke has always attached great importance to his subordinates. Jie Biao Danxi is still Li Xing's subordinate after all. Even if he is not of much use in this kind of thing, this does not mean that Jie Biao Danxi can do this. Being sacrificed. Li Xing would never allow such a thing to happen.

And similarly, it is really hard to say that a very rare person like Aleister would do anything unexpected. Therefore, even if it is to avoid any accidents, Aleister cannot let down his guard. Although, now, Aiwass has chosen to abandon Aleister, but who knows whether Aleister did anything secretly without telling Aiwass?

After all, for a person like Aleister, no matter how careful the precautions are, it is still necessary. There will never be any waste of resources due to being too cautious. After all, Aleister might really plot against you at some point.

Of course, if it comes to Aleister's level, Jiebiao Danxi really doesn't need to think too much. After all, from Aleister's point of view, even though Jiubiao Danxi may have some impact on his plan, this kind of impact will definitely not be as big as that brought by Li Xing. ah.

What's more, Li Xing plans to act together with Laura. Therefore, when that time comes, Aleister will not only have to face a huge threat like Li Xing. The threat from Laura will definitely overwhelm Aleister, especially now that Aiwass has betrayed him. It can be said that Aleister's situation has become even worse.

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