Dimensional Traveller

Chapter 530 The idea of ​​solid law and beauty

"There is nothing worth thinking about. Uiharu, don't forget. If you wait a moment, I will go directly to find onee-sama. And after that, the research institute will definitely know that they This experimental plan has been leaked. After that, the research institute will definitely redesign the experimental plan.

Therefore, even if the information we have now is left in our hands, it will be of no use immediately after I go find my sister. What's more, if the research institute knew that their experimental plan had been leaked, they would definitely start investigating the matter.

I don't think that in Academy City, no one in the upper echelons of Academy City would know about such a high-profile plan. Therefore, if these information are left in our hands, it will only bring us trouble. Otherwise, these information can really not bring us anything.

Under such circumstances, Uiharu, do you still want to keep these troubles in our hands? "After hearing Uiharu Shiri's words, Shirai Kuroko continued to speak to Uiharu Shiri. It is obvious that Shirai Kuroko knows very well that if they continue to put this information in their hands, then, What awaits them may really be a lot of trouble.

And if that time comes, if these information are found out, they will have no choice but to make excuses. Therefore, now, it is really better for them to take advantage of this moment to destroy all the information that is destined to be useless. In this case, they can really avoid a lot of trouble. .

At the very least, for a few of them, after these materials were destroyed, the institute lost one piece of evidence that could threaten them. This was really a good deal. For this kind of thing, Shirai Kuroko can still see clearly.

"Yes, the matter is indeed as Shirai said. If these information continues to be in our hands, it is really not a good thing. So, for now, Uiharu, you should follow Shirai's instructions. As you said, just destroy all these materials. In this case, we will save ourselves a lot of trouble." After hearing what Shirai Kuroko said, Kobami said to Uiharu Shiri continued.

At this time, Gufamiwei really agreed with Shirai Kuroko's opinion of destroying all these materials. After all, for a few of them, the crime of invading the library and stealing top-secret information was too serious. Leaving these information here was tantamount to laying a huge hidden danger for themselves.

Therefore, for the sake of their safety, these data must be disposed of. As for the other point, it is natural that Kobo Miwei really hopes that after this time, Shirai Kuroko will not be able to obtain the time and location of the next experiment again.

After all, Gufamiwei is really not sure that Shirai Kuroko's operation will be successful this time. And if it fails, judging from Shirai Kuroko's character, she will definitely take the next action. Therefore, at this time, if all these data can be destroyed, then Shirai Kuroko will not be able to take the next action.

At the very least, if Shirai Kuroko still wants to take the next action at that time, she will have no way to obtain the time and place for the next execution of the plan. This is simply the best thing for Miwei Koho, who doesn't want Shirai Kuroko to take such a big risk.

After all, in Kobo Miwei's view, as long as Shirai Kuroko cannot obtain the time and location of the next experiment, then she will have no choice but to give up after this action. . In this case, the risks Shirai Kuroko takes are really much less.

At the very least, as far as Gufamiwei is concerned, there is no need to continue to worry too much about Shirai Kuroko's life safety in this matter. Therefore, at this time, destroying all these materials is a matter of killing two birds with one stone for Gufa Meiwei, and she will never refuse.

Moreover, after careful consideration, Gufa Meiwei finally chose to give up, leaving part of the information and handing it over to the security force. After all, if this part of the information is handed over to the security forces, they will have no way to prove the legitimacy of the source of the information. In this case, they will definitely be the first to be unlucky.

What's more, after hearing Shirai Kuroko's words, Kobo Miwei suddenly thought that since this plan can be implemented until now despite such a big commotion, then, If there is someone among the higher-ups in Academy City, there must be someone who knows about this plan.

But the senior executive who knew about this plan did not come forward to stop such a plan. So, the words here are quite big. At the very least, this is enough to prove that this plan is very likely to be promoted and implemented by a high-level executive in Academy City.

In this case, if they choose to expose this document that should not be exposed at this time, then they will definitely be in big trouble. Therefore, no matter how you say it, destroying all these materials now is the best choice after all.

At the very least, after destroying all these materials, they no longer need to worry about what kind of trouble they will get into after these materials are discovered. After all, even Academy City's top brass couldn't do anything to a few of them without any evidence. Obviously, now, Gufameiwei's thoughts are really naive.

What Kobo Miwei doesn't know is that for those high-level officials in Academy City, the existence of ANBU can help them accomplish many things. Isn’t there just no evidence? This is not a problem for Academy City's top brass who can achieve their goals through ANBU.

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