Dimensional Traveller

Chapter 586 The confused and obsessed Shirai Kuroko

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No matter what, in Shirai Kuroko's impression, every time she made such a move towards her elder sister, she would immediately receive the "lash of love" from her elder sister. And like this time, not only did she not receive the "lash of love", but she was even held in the arms of her elder sister, something Shirai Kuroko had never experienced before.

Even more than Shirai Kuroko has never experienced such a thing, she has never even thought about such a thing. However, now, the hands that have hugged her tightly are telling her that things that she could not even think about in the past have really happened now. Her sister, Now, I just hold her in my arms!

If that's the case, is her sister ready to accept her feelings this time? As long as he thought of this, Shirai Kuroko really couldn't calm himself down. After all, her feelings for her sister have existed for a long time. In fact, every time she expresses her feelings to her sister, she will be criticized by her sister. My lord, please reject it directly.

And this time, wouldn't her sister's reaction reveal a signal to her, that is, her sister, this time, is really ready to accept her feelings? ! ! In this case, her long-term efforts suddenly became very worthwhile.

At this time, Shirai Kuroko's words were already thinking about the scene in the future when she and her elder sister would walk into the "marriage hall" together. However, what Shirai Kuroko didn't know was that the reason why Misaka Mikoto didn't electrocute her immediately this time was because Misaka Mikoto now believed that she owed Shirai Kuroko .

In addition, Shirai Kuroko's words are actually a girl, so the words between them are destined to have no results. Therefore, what Shirai Kuroko doesn't know is that the current Misaka Mikoto has no intention of accepting her love.

In fact, Misaka Mikoto has never accepted Shirai Kuroko's feelings. If you put it this way, Kuroko Shirai is actually a bit miserable now. However, this is really nothing to be surprised about. After all, Misaka Mikoto is a straight woman. She will never accept things that should not happen between herself and Shirai Kuroko. ah.

This point has never changed. Therefore, from the beginning, the idea in Shirai Kuroko's heart was actually destined to not get anything in return. However, at this time, Shirai Kuroko doesn't think so.

Because Misaka Mikoto's attitude towards her has suddenly changed so much, Shirai Kuroko has mistakenly believed that the current Misaka Mikoto, because she is full of guilt in the face of herself, has decided to accept her treatment of her. Feelings.

In this case, how could she not seize such a perfect opportunity and continue to launch an offensive against her elder sister?

From Shirai Kuroko's point of view, as long as she can take advantage of this opportunity to capture her sister directly, then all her efforts will not be wasted at all and will be fully rewarded. . Therefore, after thinking of these things, Shirai Kuroko hugged Misaka Mikoto's body tightly again, and continued to say to Misaka Mikoto in a sweet tone:

"Ah~~~ Onee-sama, you are finally accepting Kuroko's feelings. Kuroko, I'm really happy. Hey, onee-sama, we still have some time now. Onee-sama, do you want to come? You and Heizi, how about some fun activities first? As for me, Heizi, I guarantee that you, onee-sama, will be very comfortable."

Moreover, after saying these words to Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko even began to stretch his hand that originally hugged Misaka Mikoto towards Misaka Mikoto's waist. It seems that Shirai Kuroko is really planning to have something very harmonious with Misaka Mikoto in this room that Misaka Mikoto found temporarily.

However, the possibility of these things happening is entirely based on the fact that Misaka Mikoto is also prepared to accept Shirai Kuroko's feelings. However, now, Misaka Mikoto has no such plan. In other words, Kuroko Shirai is now completely relying on the imagination in his head to carry out his actions. Therefore, Shirai Kuroko's action does not need to be overthought at all, and it is absolutely impossible to succeed.

And in fact, it is indeed the case. After discovering that Shirai Kuroko's hands were starting to act a little irregularly, Misaka Mikoto directly grabbed Shirai Kuroko's hands that had already reached her waist, preventing Shirai Kuroko from further action.

However, now, because Shirai Kuroko has completely fallen into his own imagination, after being stopped by Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko continued to face Misaka Mikoto in a very surprised tone. Said: "Eh? Sister, why do you want to stop Heizi?

Kuroko, I did exactly what you wanted, onee-sama. This time, sister-in-law, haven’t you accepted Kuroko’s feelings? Why do you still want to stop Heizi? ah! I understand, sister-sama, you must be shy, right? It doesn't matter, Kuroko, I will definitely make you feel very comfortable this time, onee-sama, so, as for you, onee-sama, you don't need to worry at all, there will definitely be nothing. It's a problem.

Kuroko, I will definitely let you, one-sama, know how passionate my feelings for you, one-sama, are. "Obviously, until now, Shirai Kuroko, who was already a little confused and infatuated, had not noticed that her elder sister's face had become more and more complex after hearing her words. It's dark.

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