Disaster Shelter

Chapter 904: Geng Xingshu

The dragon's body is covered with a ghostly ghost, and occasionally a blue-green flame is ignited on the body, which looks like an evil monster released from the horror movie.

Feng Ruixing can see at a glance that he is definitely not an opponent of this thing, but he is not a little flustered.

Because on the head of the ghost dragon, two figures in black robes were sitting and their faces were covered by floating red runes.

This costume is unique to the shelter's staff!

The two people on the ghost faucet are naturally Wen Wen and Tao Qingqing. They all flew on the ghost dragon all the way,

This thing is fast and pulls the wind, but the comfort level is basically not.

So when he flew to the edge of Qianhe City, Wen Wen and Tao Qingqing's image had already been destroyed, as if they had painted smoky makeup.

So the two of them stopped and simply refreshed and changed a set of clothes before they arrived at the headquarters of the Foundation.

Seeing the newly completed headquarters, Wen Wen is a little stunning, this thing is completely different from the photos.

The main thing is that this headquarters is very strong. If a battle between high-level superpowers erupts next to this headquarters, this headquarters will not be easily destroyed by aftershocks.

Wen Wen grabbed Tao Qingqing's shoulder, the blue light flashed on his body, the two appeared in front of Feng Ruixing, while the ghost dragon outside disappeared quietly, and had been taken back to the shelter.

As the shuttle came over, Wen Wen was keenly aware that the space shift was a bit awkward this time.

It seems that at the headquarters of the Foundation, there are superpowers for space attributes, and they have made a defense mechanism, but the level of Wenwen is too high, so this mechanism has not worked.

Standing in front of Feng Ruixing, Wen Wen and they took off the hood on the black robe and scattered the red runes on their faces.

This dress is just for pretending to be true. Of course, Zhen Rui and Feng Ruixing must use a positive face to communicate.

After all, Wen Wen plays the role of a receiver of the Black Cross to check the work of the Foundation, and it is no higher than Feng Ruixing.

After seeing Wen Wen and the two, Feng Ruixing was relieved, because he knew both of them.

Wenwen had been fooling around with him for a while in Qianhe City, and Tao Qingqing came here to help him solve a problem.

After a few words of greeting, Wen Wen stated his purpose for this trip.

"I think you already know that our main task this time is to inspect the situation of the Foundation, and conduct screening work for the foundation's top management, and deepen the connection between the shelter and the Foundation."

"For this I want to meet as soon as possible with the senior management of the foundation."

Feng Ruixing nodded: "After I received the notice, I have already made arrangements, and there will be a high-level meeting tomorrow afternoon ..."

"That's the best." Wen Wen nodded, then laid a hand on Feng Ruixing's shoulder and whispered, "Well, I spent a long time in the wilderness recently. Is there any good place for pastime ..."

Feng Ruixing showed a strange smile: "No one knows how to spend more time than me. Today I will definitely take you to have fun."

Tao Qingqing took a sip, and instead of seeing these two men, she followed Feng Ruixing's female secretary.

She would definitely not go shopping with the female secretary ... should.

Although it was already late at night, Feng Ruixing was able to bring Wen Wen to find fun, and Wen Wen also experienced again, what is the happiness of the rich, you simply cannot imagine.

Of course, do n’t think it ’s skewed, there ’s no place for children.


Geng Xingshu stood in front of the mirror, put on a formal suit, took care of his elegant long hair, picked up a weird briefcase, and walked out of the house with his head high.

He was originally a handicraft lover, and likes to make some interesting gadgets.

For example, it looks like a kitchen knife is actually a mobile phone case, it looks like a pistol is actually a lighter ... and so on.

Relying on these small inventions, he can be regarded as a small Internet celebrity.

Suddenly one day, Geng Xingshu held his urine and suddenly wanted to make something that would make people urinate in public.

Don't vomit what is the use of this thing, everything is useful, he is not a punishment book.

How can he urinate without taking off his clothes, he has studied it well, but what to use to make urine makes it difficult for Geng Jingshu.

In the end, he decided to make a hollow sunglasses, used to hold liquid, and connected the tube to the temple. Wearing this eye in summer is equivalent to bringing a water-cooled heat sink, and depending on the degree of heat, these sunglasses can Adjust the color ...

Unfortunately, the final scene was very embarrassing because the sealing was not done well.

But during the test, he saw something that should not exist through his eyes!

It is a translucent worm that floats in the air and is more than two meters long. The body has many protrusions like a sea cucumber, and the mouth is somewhat similar to lamprey.

Through this incident, Geng Xingshu realized that the world was not as simple as he had imagined, and he began targeted research, and he really had some results.

It's a pity there are some things that he shouldn't look at, so he was stared at by the huge worm at the beginning.

That bug is very weird. UU reading www.uukanshu.com Geng Xingshu used many methods to defeat it, almost became the feces of the bug.

Rescued him from the armed forces of the SRS Foundation.

His outstanding ability was discovered by the director of the research department of the foundation, so he became a senior researcher, the main research direction is to retreat monster equipment.

In the research department of the foundation, there are only three senior researchers like him.

The other two are materials experts who graduated from Shengjing University of Washington, and the other is a physics teacher from Qianhe University, all of which are senior talents that Geng Xingshu usually cannot reach.

It stands to reason that Geng Xingshu is just a craftsman and is not qualified to take the position of senior researcher.

However, the director of the research department Huiyan took his fancy and discovered his potential, and he did not live up to the director ’s high expectations. Although he did not have deep knowledge, he often came up with some whimsy, and the results were even better than the other two. A senior researcher is also notable.

Speaking of this, the director of the research department is a big man, but it is Professor Newman, a well-known biology expert in the Golden Eagle Region, who can appear in high school biology textbooks.

Geng Xingshu completely cannot guess why Professor Newman wanted to come to work in the unfamiliar place of Washington, and he also gave himself the name of Washington, New Lanshan.

The research institute at the headquarters of the foundation was almost built by Professor Niu Lanshan himself. His workload can be equal to that of seven or eight researchers, and he has never shown a tired attitude.

Geng Xingshu suspected in private that this professor New Lanshan is a superpower!

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