Hibernation can replenish energy. After Zhao Yunxiang woke up, he ate some food made by Xiaolian and walked towards the street.

Taotao Mall has a lot of goods, and this shop is open even at night. In the past few days, almost all adult women in Tanxi Town shop here.

Mainly because it is cheap and easy to use.

"Hey, Shao Shao is here?" Han Xuening was still dressed in Luo Yi and a veil.

"Why haven't I seen your maid in the past few days?" Zhao Yunxiang was interested in the maid who looked exactly like Yan Lingji, mainly because of her good looks.

"She...she...she hasn't been feeling well lately." Han Xuening said vaguely.

"Oh, by the way, don't you want to cooperate to develop new products?" Immediately afterwards, Han Xuening changed the subject again.

"Well, making glass is like a small bottle, and of course it can also be used as a mirror." Zhao Yunxiang thought for a while and said, "Bronze mirrors in this world are not very easy to use. If we can make mirrors, they will definitely sell well." !"

When Zhao Yunxiang looks in the mirror every day, he feels very strange, and because the reflection of the bronze mirror is not enough, it looks a little blurry.

I am used to modern glass mirrors, and then use copper mirrors, there is always an indescribable feeling.

"Are you sure you can make a mirror?" Han Xuening was shocked.

"Of course, as long as the glass is successfully made, I can prepare the silver solution and gelatin for silver plating." Zhao Yunxiang said confidently.

After that, the two drew up a plan, starting with the purchase of large quantities of raw materials for making glass.

There is calcite in this world, and there is a large calcite mine in the north of the city, because this kind of stone is an associated stone of a certain gemstone, and it is mostly piled aside after being mined.

The two came to the north of the city together!

"This mine has been abandoned for many years. These should be the calcites you mentioned." Han Xuening wore a veil, revealing only a pair of bright eyes.

"It is indeed calcite!" Zhao Yunxiang looked at the thick white translucent small stones on the ground. These stones are all square, which is the origin of the name calcite.

"Well, since the raw materials have been found, let's speed up the pace as soon as possible. Tomorrow, I will go to the market to find craftsmen and build a workshop." Han Xuening is impatient and will do everything first.

Of course, the same is true for Zhao Yunxiang, his goal is simple, to be rich, to become stronger, nothing more!

"I think that since we want to build workshops, we should go to Nancun to see the artisans." Zhao Yunxiang said, "As far as I know, people in Nancun basically make a living by growing their own vegetables. Now Nancun is still barren. They haven't been able to meet the conditions for growing vegetables to make a profit, so we can give them a chance."

"Alright!" Han Xuening had no objection, "Then it's settled."

In this way, the first glass factory in Tanxi Town was under preparation and planning, and the workshop was basically completed, which was jointly invested and built by Han Xuening and Zhao Yunxiang.

The people in Yuannan Village are indeed living in poverty. You must know that living in this world, especially the people, basically depend on the sky for food, and there are not many jobs to do.

The glass factory recruited villagers in Nancun Village, from management to transportation operators, and a series of arrangements, and also implemented a three-shift policy.

That's it, it's afternoon again...

"Master, you can teach me, I want to learn swordsmanship from you!" Wang Wu basically recovered, and as soon as he saw Zhao Yunxiang, he pestered him, begging for instruction.

"The way of the sword?" Zhao Yunxiang has a little understanding of the way of the sword. After all, his sixty-four consecutive cuts and the sword-drawing cut belong to the secret skills of the way of the sword.

Wang Wu belongs to the kind of slut whose body skills are so powerful that his output depends entirely on his mouth. This guy's attack power can be low, but his trash talk is the strongest when he taunts others, and can make people angry.

A warrior's mentality is the most important thing in his practice. Most of the warriors who have met Wang Wu have seen a psychiatrist, mainly because they were tortured by this guy's trash talk and their mentality collapsed.

"As the so-called martial arts in the world, there is no speed that can't break, and everything that can't be broken. If you want to become stronger, you must first have a strong body!" Zhao Yunxiang told Wang Wu his cultivation method,

If you want to be awesome, you have to exercise your body first.

"This is the body quenching liquid. Although you are in the ethereal realm, you are still lacking in physique. You should take this medicine first, and then we will talk about swordsmanship." Zhao Yunxiang handed over the diluted perverted body quenching liquid To Wang Wu.

"Thank you, Master!!" Wang Wu drank it without thinking.

At the beginning, Zhao Yunxiang was afraid that the medicine would have no effect on Wang Wu. After all, he was a warrior at the peak of the ethereal realm, and he had half a foot into the saint stage.

However, in the end, Zhao Yunxiang found out tragically that he thought too much...

"Master, my whole body feels like it's about to explode, as if it's about to be torn apart!" After Wang Wu drank the spiritual liquid, his skin was ripped apart, and his muscles and bones were rumbling.

"Fuck, are you so weak?" Zhao Yunxiang was shocked!

It stands to reason that what was given to Wang Wu was diluted body quenching liquid, and the spiritual liquid that Zhao Yunxiang took was more than ten times richer than this, and he could handle it even in the initial stage of body training.

"Master, you don't know. Among the fighters in the ethereal realm, I have the best physique. Because my mouth is too cheap, I am always hunted down."

Wang Wu only felt that his body was about to explode, but he still sat down and adjusted his breath to absorb the violent medicine, "I have been chased and killed for a long time, and my body's speed, resistance to attack and comprehensive strengthening have reached the extreme. I can say bluntly that even if There are some saints who are not as physically fit as me."

"..." Zhao Yunxiang probably understood that warriors in this world all pay attention to spiritual cultivation, and never consider things about physique.

Because warriors use aura when fighting monsters, who the hell has nothing to do to fight hand-to-hand with monsters?

After a long time, Wang Wu seemed to have absorbed a lot of psychic liquid, and his whole body looked much stronger, and a lot of black-red liquid flowed from his body, with a very pungent smell.

"Go take a bath first, get familiar with it, and I'll teach you the way of swordsmanship after the body tempering is over." Zhao Yunxiang frowned and covered his nose. He was not like Wang Wu when he took the body tempering liquid.

"Good master!" Wang Wu bowed politely.

Now it was evening again, Zhao Yunxiang continued to sneak, and walked towards the periphery of Leiming Mountain. This time is to beat the bear... Uh, it is a good time to beat Doudou.

Today's Earth War Bear is different from the past. It wraps a bamboo tube filled with honey with a huge buckskin and makes a bundle. When the sun sets, it resolutely puts the bundle on its back and prepares to move!

Damn, you have to leave before it gets dark, if you meet that pervert who likes to torture bears, you won't be able to leave!

Although that human being would give him money every time he finished his work... ahem... it was a beating money, but Ben Xiong didn't give him any abuse.

Although the drink with the fragrance of rice flowers is delicious, but this bear... Even if this bear starves to death, crashes to death, or dies in various ways, he will not be here to accompany you!

Just as the Earth War Bear walked through a small forest, he suddenly smelled a strong fragrance, which was the smell of barbecue.


Searching for the taste, Earth War Bear saw dozens of skewers of grilled pork belly on the fire, and a young man in a black sportswear was elegantly sprinkling barbecue ingredients.

It smells so good!

This bear will leave after eating!

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