Divine Desert Island Survival System

four hundred and thirty seven

"who I am?"

"where am I?"

Zhao Yunxiang opened his eyes slowly, and found that he was lying on a sandy beach. He was very thirsty at the moment, looking at the vast ocean, Zhao Yunxiang frowned.

He didn't know what happened, he only knew that he seemed to have experienced a lot, and came here in a daze after waking up.

Right now he had to find a source of water, and after drinking some water, he was thinking hard. He knew that if he didn't drink water, he would die!

The sea water is undrinkable, and there are no coconut trees on the beach, so we can only get into the dense forest...

I've been walking for a long time...

Suddenly, a swamp of reeds appeared in front of him!

"I hope there will be water!" Zhao Yunxiang looked not far away, where it was bare and there were no plants growing.

You know, there are very few plants that can grow in water, and the large hairless land is probably where the water source is!

Walking towards that side carefully, the cobweb was not broken along the way, and it went smoothly.

Finally, when we came to the reeds, there was nothing in the hairless land, only a piece of soil, and the soil was full of dry cracks. It can be seen that there was water here not long ago.

Water is an indispensable part of life. Life on earth is bred in seawater. Most life cannot do without water, and so do human beings.

Water can not only be evaporated, but also infiltrated. There was water here originally, and the terrain is extremely low. If you dig down from here, you may be able to dig out water.

"I have to get water as soon as possible!" Zhao Yunxiang began to dig the ground. He was not sure that he could dig water, but now he had to try.

The tool for digging is a wooden stick, about the thickness of a wrist, with a slanted stubble at the end of the stick, which is very suitable for digging.

Ten minutes later...

"No...not a single drop of water was dug!" Zhao Yunxiang sat on the ground disappointed.

Digging the loess with wooden sticks in the sun is a physical labor. Because of the heat, the coconut juice has been drunk long ago. He was so hot that he was sweating profusely, and the sweat flowed into his eyes. The pain caused him to grit his teeth and close his eyes.

The devastated ground is full of potholes, some as deep as 30 centimeters, and the bottom of the pits is still dry without any moisture.

Digging in this way has no effect. It is understandable that it was dry at the beginning, but after digging for so long, the bottom is still dry, which means that there is no water in the soil.

"Why can others dig water from the ground?" Zhao Yunxiang left the scorching sun and came to a shady place. The ground in the shady place was also dry, and the soil at the roots of the trees also showed signs of dryness.

"Very hungry, so thirsty, so tired..." Zhao Yunxiang was very helpless...

In this uninhabited place, it is difficult to obtain food and water.

At this moment, the sun was shining brightly, and he was sweating a lot all the way, and after being exposed to the scorching sun for a long time, Zhao Yunxiang only felt a flame burning in his chest.




Waiting for the negative state has been crushing Zhao Yunxiang's fragile nerves. In the city, you can drink water when you are thirsty, or moisten your lips with saliva. Moisturizing your lips is a luxury.

"I can't find water this time, how should I live?"

Zhao Yunxiang is still struggling with water. Water is the cradle of life and a necessity for life. People can live for a week without food, but they can't survive even 4 days without drinking water.

There are very few coconuts on the beach, so I don’t know how long he can survive on the coconut juice, but what is certain is that if he continues to squeeze the coconut juice, his end will only be death!

"I have to find water as soon as possible!" Zhao Yunxiang dragged his tired body, slowly got up, and stepped on the dry sand.

In the forest in the dry area, there are many plants. In addition to the seemingly lush reeds around, there are also many plants growing far away. Among them, there is a tree with huge leaves. This seems to be called a banana tree, which is the same as the banana tree. next of kin.

There seems to be water among these trees!

"Banana tree?"

In front of the banana tree,

Zhao Yunxiang stroked the huge open leaves, which were more than 30 centimeters long and 10 centimeters wide.

However, the height of the banana tree is more than 2 meters, but unfortunately there are no bananas on it.

I have watched a documentary before. When De Ge finds a banana tree, he usually smashes it with his fist. The banana tree contains a lot of water, but I don’t know what’s inside the banana tree.

Zhao Yunxiang did not learn from Dege to box the banana tree directly, but tested the water storage level of the trunk with the branch in his hand, and pierced the skin of the banana tree with a dry sharp branch, and he could clearly feel the softness inside the trunk , like cotton soaked in water.

The trunk of the banana tree is also seeping water, which is flowing along the trunk. During this period, Zhao Yunxiang took a few sips. The juice of the banana tree is sweet and sweet, with a faint smell of banana. Although it is a bit astringent, it is indeed Drinkable fresh water.

He plans to take this tree back. Banana leaves are a good material. With this method, Zhao Yunxiang’s idea of ​​distilling seawater can be realized. The banana tree contains a lot of water, and the core of the banana is also edible, which can supplement vitamins and carbonic acid. .

The planing and tree digging has officially begun!

Digging a hole with wooden sticks was a bit difficult, especially when the ground was dry and full of rocks. After about 10 minutes, the root of the banana tree was finally broken, and there was a toad in the soil of the root.

This toad, which looked somewhat similar to a toad, looked disgusting. If it was a frog, I believe Zhao Yunxiang would definitely catch it.

Ignoring the jumping toad, Zhao Yunxiang dragged the 2-meter-long plantain tree to the shade.

This banana tree is a bit heavy, about 40 catties, but I don't know how much banana tree juice it can get.

In this hot day, the shade and the sun are obviously two completely different worlds. Here you can take a break and drink some plantain juice to quench your thirst.

Continuously working intensively under the sun, Zhao Yunxiang had already taken several sweaty baths, and the sweat flowed out again after it dried. After repeating this, his whole body was sticky and smelled very sour.

"I'll have to take a sea bath later!" Zhao Yunxiang fiddled with the plantain tree on the ground, ready to start fetching water.

It is true that there is water in the trunk of the banana tree, and the content should not be small, but it is not easy to get all the water out of it.

It is indeed difficult to completely squeeze out the water in the plantain trunk. This is like bleeding livestock. The blood of livestock with cut off arteries is gushing, but it cannot be completely drained.

Zhao Yunxiang’s plantain tree trunk water extraction method uses the routine of slaughtering pigs and bloodletting in rural areas. First, the pig... the banana tree is hung up, and then the inside of the trunk is destroyed with branches. The plant does not seem to have a major artery, so the trunk can only be squeezed as much as possible.

Fortunately, the tree for enjoying the shade is not high, and there is a branch about 3 meters away. The scattered vines are braided into three strands to make a hemp rope, and then go around the branch to hang the banana tree.

Zhao Yunxiang quickly hung up the banana tree, he wanted to quickly put water on the banana tree, and try to see what he could get after completing the task.

The banana tree is flying in the air, about 40 centimeters above the ground. The trunk of this tree with a normal skin and soft texture is swaying back and forth with inertia.

"Peck...peck peck~!"

Zhao Yunxiang quickly pierced the trunk of the plantain tree with a dry branch. The stuff inside the trunk was more like sugar cane, but he didn't know if it tasted like sugar cane.

The water in the banana tree trunk flows out slowly due to gravity, passes through the leaf funnel prepared in advance, and flows into the bottle.

The flow of plantain sap is very sufficient, the color is basically transparent yellow-green, and it looks a little sticky, mainly because it contains sugar.

One bottle was filled, and then the second bottle replaced it. Zhao Yunxiang also took this opportunity to taste the juice of the banana tree.

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