Chapter 208

Lucia summoned a gusty storm in the middle of those four causing them to scream in panic and horror as they were made to spin in the air like fools .

A moment's hesitation flashed through her eyes before it turned ruthless .

Swords conjured by winds pierced into their hearts, ending their lives forever as their eyes dulled .

Looking at the result, Davis nodded his head as if he were training them on his own to kill .

But only a thought flashed through his mind when he saw these two kids, rooting them out like weeds, 'Lives are worth fart in this world . . . '

"Alright, you guys fulfilled your part . From now on, it'll be with High-Level or Peak-Level Revolving Core expert bandits, so you two hang around in the back and support!"

"Yes!" Both of them replied at the same time, once they felt his authoritative aura .

Davis took the lead and headed inside the cave near the foot of the mountain, walking in front of those two .

They didn't encounter any bandits on their way, but Davis knew that they were lying in an ambush inside a closed cave space, hidden behind obstacles .

He smirked but had to give it to them for their concealing methods . Even Infant Soul Stage Experts couldn't find them that easily making them vulnerable to ambush; sneak attacks .

Fortunately, he was a High-Level Adult Soul Stage Expert, with a prowess equalling to a Low or Mid-Level Elder Soul Stage Expert, making it so that he could basically play them to death .

If it weren't for the challenge he had with Daniuis, he would've wiped the floor with them using Soul Forging Cultivation .

Moving onwards, they finally arrived inside the closed cave space .

Davis gave those two a glance, eyeing them to be cautious .

Without words spoken, they were immediately ready for battle, yet their slight actions also gave them out to the bandits .

"How did you find out that we were hiding?" A voice echoed out from all directions causing Lucia to involuntarily flinch .

"Maybe because you're weak and trash . . . " Davis nonchalantly replied while he took a step forward, walking towards a direction to where there were almost no obstacles .

"Hmph! With your skill, you dare to yap!?"

"Just die . . . " Davis narrowed his eyes and threw the Dark Crimson Scythe in a direction he targeted!

The scythe plunged into the cave wall, blasting it into bits as rubble flew and battered the ground .

"Eyaaahhhhhh!" A pain-ridden shout emerged from the direction where Davis threw while a severed arm flew by the side and landed on the ground with a thud!

"I missed . . . " Davis shook his head in disappointment .

He didn't use his Soul Sense but solely relied on his senses as a body cultivator to strike just now!

And the result was that a human figure eerily appeared at the side with blood spurting from its left arm .

"Kill them! Kill them all!!!!" The man who appeared had a pale countenance with bloodshot eyes .

His long thick hair was disheveled, while his eyes glared daggers at Davis with unending hatred .

He understood that he had totally underestimated this brat!

Quickly, bandits emerged from their hiding spots and unleashed a fury of attacks at Davis, albeit with some amount of fear .

Davis casually cast the Tyrant Shield Technique, which quite easily withstood the attacks from the High-Level and Peak-Level Revolving Core bandits .

This act of his only increased the amount of vigilance and fear in the eyes of the bandits .

The bandit's leader eyes shot wide open, realizing that he had a met an unbeatable foe!

"Quick, quick! Kill him!" He shouted and started to escape stealthily from the area while swallowing pills to heal the injury caused by the severed arm .

By the time he had shouted, Davis with his bare hands, and the other two had already reaped the lives of six other bandits .

Davis unleashed the Lightning Storm technique, quickly paralyzing the remaining bandits who had attacked them in close quarters .

The bloodied scythe in his hands returned to him the moment he reached for it due to the blood connection .

He then jumped and mixed with bandits, beheading them from inside while shouts of fear rang out from their terrorized throats .

From a certain viewpoint, it would look he was dancing among them while heads of the others would fall off automatically .

One couldn't even see him swinging the scythe towards them, but one can see the horror that was reflected in the eyes .

They tried to escape but it was of no use, instead, they only got beheaded like cattle .

Finally, there were only two bandits left who were engaged in battle with Lucas and Lucia .

Looking at the god of death beside them which had finished its dance, they both trembled from cold chill wrecking through their spines .

"Take care of the two of them, I have to hunt that scum who escaped . . . " Davis glanced at those two and left .

Yet, it was like they had been granted amnesty when they heard the words from the god of death himself, making them let out a slight grin .

The two bandits felt this was their chance, and prepared to escape by faking the battle with Lucas and Lucia .

But little did they know that their half-heartedness in battle would quickly take their lives away from them .

. . .

Davis spread out his Soul Sense and discovered the bandit leader hiding in a corner, where prisoners who kind of looked like hostages had been placed .

He quickly passed through a lot of narrow cave paths and delved into a closed space which looked like a storage room .

When he opened the door, poison-laced blades flew at him from the other end without missing a beat, yet they were all reflected by the 6 feet wide curved blade; the Dark Crimson Scythe .

"Bastard!!!! What do you want! If you want wealth, then go ahead and take it!" The bandit leader spewed vulgarities and threw a spatial ring towards Davis .

Davis didn't glance at the spatial ring but looked towards the two disheveled hostages who were near the bandit leader .

A man in his teens and a woman in her prime . . . both quite young, tied up with chains that were at least of Earth Grade in quality .

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