Doctor Chen, Don't Be a Coward!

Chapter 196 This Doctor... Unreliable!

October, golden autumn, frost.

At this time, the autumn, unknowingly, has been deep.

There is no fragrance of summer in the campus, but there is a bit more depression in autumn and winter.

The sultry autumn is over, the desolate wind is dew, the creeping grass is no longer prosperous, and the garden trees are empty and withered.

Chen Nan has never been a person who is sad or sad about autumn. In his eyes, autumn has always been a harvest season. Everything is like yin and yang. , where is the precipitation in winter, where is the publicity in spring, and where is the lush summer.

This time, he also came back with a full reward.

Sun Mu on the side couldn't help wrapping himself up: "Let's wear less."

"It's a little cold!"

Chen Nan smiled: "I have to make up for it, the foundation is a bit empty."

Sun Mu rolled his eyes, looked at the people coming and going on the campus, and said with a smile, "It's been a long time since I came back, it's still the same."

"Every autumn, it's still so bleak."

Chen Nan shook his head: "The autumn wind is not bleak, and the wind can ride the clouds."

Sun Mu didn't refute, but laughed: "Well, do you know what I admire most about you?"

Chen Nan: "He looks handsome."

Sun Mu took a serious look: "It makes sense, have a special aura about you."

"Just like what Su Shi said, I want to ride the wind and turn back, so why ride a Peng Yi? Such a breath!"

"Everyone else is hurting Qiu, and you can always stand in a different angle."

"After I learned about what happened before and after you, I sometimes wonder, aren't you afraid?"

"I figured out later that you are only 25 years old, you can afford to lose, even if you lose, as you said, you can ride the wind and rise to the top. The world is big, what you need is the wind and the stage."

Chen Nan did not speak this time.

Sun Mu's analysis is very reasonable. The system is Chen Nan's biggest trump card. He is still young, and there is hope wherever he goes.

Sun Mu suddenly smiled and said, "I don't have the domineering you do."

"But...I also like autumn."

Chen Nan was curious: "Why?"

Sun Mu laughed: "The autumn wind blows the leaves, and the water of the Wujiang River is full of fat."

"I know an authentic restaurant, and I'll show you a taste later. Wherever the fish is, it's all air-freighted."

It was the first time that Chen Nan found Sun Mu like this.

Sun Mu has always been a more gentle, serious, and even a little traditional, conservative. When he saw him saying that Lu Zhengfei was fat, his eyes lit up.

Sun Mu glanced at Chen Nan, and immediately knew what he was thinking, and said with a smile:

"I don't have many hobbies, the only thing is one, I like to eat!"

"Autumn is so delicious..."

"Knowing Lianshui Crabs from afar, it's already frosty in September, the giant real gold is heavy, and the crab fat is fragrant with white jade."

Sun Mu's eyes lit up: "One advantage of the capital is that there are many delicious, authentic and professional food!"

"You are in our source city and want to eat this serious food, but you can't find it."

Chen Nan smiled: "Well, eating is a knowledge."

Sun Mu seemed to have found a bosom friend, and was in a good mood: "That is, do you know what I wrote in my thesis at the beginning of my doctorate graduation?"

Chen Nan did not answer, waiting for Sun Mu to speak.

Sun Mu sighed helplessly: "I wrote about dietary supplements and diet therapy to prevent and treat diseases. Unfortunately, the teacher rejected it. Let me write a clinical study, which is still in English."


"I wasted a lot of my talent."

"Actually, we ourselves underestimated the importance of dietary habits in disease prevention."

"Autumn collection and winter collection is actually very reasonable. I have also done experiments. At that time, the teacher did not agree, so I took out my own money to do it, and the effect was good, but unfortunately... the teacher did not approve, to be more precise, yes The school doesn't approve."

Chen Nan still agrees with Sun Mu's point of view.

Autumn is indeed a node of human health.

Because winter is actually a big test.

There are many people in life who have relapsed diseases in winter. For some elderly people in their twilight, people often say, can they survive this winter...

In fact, autumn is a season that is conducive to adjusting the health system, removing the old and renewing, and is the most suitable season for nourishing the human body. Therefore, a little nourishment can get the effect of curing diseases and prolonging life.

Those who are prone to chronic heart and lung diseases in winter should lay a good nutritional foundation in autumn to enhance the resilience of the body. When winter comes, reduce virus infection and prevent the recurrence of old diseases.

However, tonic in autumn requires a lot of attention, and should choose tonic products that are "tonic but not severe" and "anti-dry but not greasy".

Foods with this effect include water bamboo, pumpkin, lotus seeds, longan, black sesame seeds, red dates, and walnuts.

Patients with weak spleen and stomach and indigestion can take lotus seeds, yam, lentils, etc., which can nourish the spleen and stomach.

In autumn, symptoms of "autumn dryness" such as dry mouth and lips are prone to occur. Foods that nourish and moisten dryness and invigorate qi should be selected. Such foods include white fungus and lily.

Tremella contains carbohydrates, fat, protein, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, etc., and has the tonic effect of nourishing yin, moistening the lungs, nourishing the stomach, and promoting body fluid.

It can be soaked in water, boiled, and eaten with sugar, which has a good effect on the treatment and prevention of "autumn dryness";

Autumn is a good season for the elderly and people with chronic diseases to take nourishing diets, and it is also a good season for healthy people to take nutritional supplements. Tonic can make people maintain a healthy body and vigorous energy, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing disease and delaying aging.

(recommended to insert eye)


Sun Mu wrapped his clothes and followed Chen Nan to the large conference room as he spoke.

There is not much age difference between the 20s and 30s, but even so, after Chen Nan came in, many people still looked sideways.

Most of the people present were around thirty-five years old, and occasionally there were a few young people, and Chen Nan was a bit outrageous for being young, and it was even more obvious.

Chen Nan didn't care and found a place to sit down with Sun Mu.

After a while, some leaders and masters of traditional Chinese medicine came to the scene one after another. Shen Yuyuan looked around, and after seeing Chen Nan, he couldn't help but take a look. He stayed for ten seconds before continuing to look around.

Shen Yuyuan's interest in Chen Nan cannot be seen in ten seconds.

But during these ten seconds of staring, Chen Nan smiled and looked at each other for ten seconds.

After Shen Yuyuan staggered his gaze, he breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that his arrangements last night should not be a problem.

This is a determined person, but also a person who is not afraid of setbacks.

After Shen Yuyuan arranged for Chen Nan to go to TCM surgery last night, Jia Menzhang and others also considered a question, whether Chen Nan is competent for this job!

Will it hurt his self-confidence?

These are all issues that have to be considered.

Because Chen Nan is too young, whether his mind is mature and his will is firm, can he be the person in Shen Yuyuan's inner plan!

Now it seems that maybe... is it really possible?

At half past eight, the meeting started on time.

There were seven or eight people sitting on the stage, all with their names on them.

Among them are some leaders of the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as the masters of Chinese medicine who are in charge of classes.

Li Shuo was the first to speak: "Well, all 100 people for this training have arrived."

After finishing speaking, Li Shuo looked at Chen Nan and said, "Xiao Chen, you didn't come last night, so I arbitrarily decided to arrange for you to be the monitor of the gay men and be responsible for the communication during the next training period."

"Get up and introduce yourself to everyone."

Li Shuo suddenly asked himself to introduce himself at this time, and it was not a question related to the meeting, which made Chen Nan think a little more.

This is meaningful!

At this time, the seven leaders on the stage and the master of Chinese medicine all looked at Chen Nan.

And many students in the audience also cast their eyes on Chen Nan.

Many people have a lot of resentment in their hearts.

Chen Nan immediately understood after listening to the many negative comments coming from his ears.

At this time, making a self-introduction can catch the eyes of those above. For the people below, this is a rare opportunity!

Chen Nan looked at the sound of beeps coming from his ears, and there were more than 40 negative comments.

There are more than 20 items that are not in the mainstream, and there are also more than 20 items that are elementary.

He laughed!

Looking at some of the precious Chinese herbal medicines rewarded by the system, autumn is indeed a harvest season.

Chen Nan knew very well what Li Shuo was trying to do.

To put it bluntly, Li Shuo is giving himself a chance, and at the same time, he wants to prepare Chen Nan to face the hostility or competition of the group behind him.

In fact, this is also an assessment for Chen Nan.

The test is courage and courage.

Since the masters of Chinese medicine headed by Mr. Shen and their leaders have determined that they want Chen Nan to be the promoter, then Chen Nan must be prepared from the very beginning.

Even if Chen Nan has no opponent, Li Shuo will create an opponent for Chen Nan.

no doubt!

Chen Nan didn't know that his training this time was definitely of hell difficulty.

Of course, the gain is always proportional to the effort.

Getting something for nothing comes at a price.

This world is not a perpetual motion machine. This is true of anyone and everything. Just like the ups and downs of qi, just like ups and downs, ups and downs, ups and downs, all can be transformed.

For a time, everyone's eyes were focused on Chen Nan.

Chen Nan was not nervous at all.

Originally, I thought about completing the training task in a low-key manner, and then going back after learning something.

However, now it seems... it can't be low-key, and since that's the case, let's be high-profile!

Pull hatred?

Chen Nan is the best at it.

The people below do not have a fuel-efficient lamp. Which one is not the outstanding talent and backbone of the younger generation of major Chinese medicine hospitals?

If you're really convinced, that's a bad thing.

Genius, who doesn't have a proud heart?


He stood up in a hurry, walked out of his seat, came to the front row, stood there and bowed to the leader above and the trainer below.

Then he said: "Hello everyone, my name is Chen Nan, I am from Jin Province, Yuancheng City."

"It is an honor to be entrusted with the important task of becoming the male monitor."

These two sentences are quite satisfactory, and I can't fault them, but they are not special either.

However, Chen Nan dared to go to the front row and say these words, he was courageous.

Li Shuo looked at Chen Nan without making a sound, and the few people on the stage didn't make a sound.

When everyone thought it was over, Chen Nan continued to speak.

"I know that it's hard for me to convince the public when I become this squad leader, and many people have opinions on me."


"If you have an opinion, please keep it for now, because you have already lost to me in the initial and written test. If you lose, you will lose. Don't look for objective reasons."

These remarks, Chen Nan's words were sonorous and powerful, and everyone at the scene was stunned.

this kid...

So arrogant!

Li Shuo looked at Chen Nan in surprise, a little surprised in his heart, he did not expect that Chen Nan would start the group ridicule mode from the very beginning!

At this time, everyone in the audience looked at Chen Nan's eyes and wanted to kill someone.

This kid is just too arrogant.

Some people who did not have bad comments on Chen Nan also sent "meeting gifts" one after another.

What's more, the negative reviews have begun to escalate gradually!

On the stage, a middle-aged man sitting in the center of the stage looked at Chen Nan with great interest.

This kid is interesting.

But anyway, Chen Nan's remarks really made today's meeting less boring.

Chen Nan continued:

"Many people want to say that achievements represent the past, not the future, or even your strength."

"That's right!"

"I welcome everyone to challenge me every day for the next fifteen days."

"Acupuncture, prescriptions, traditional Chinese medicine, basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, typhoid fever, febrile disease, golden chamber, internal classics, massage, massage, traditional Chinese medicine bone-setting... any kind can be used!"

"If you think you are better than me, then come and challenge me, you win, you are the squad leader!"

"If I lose, I hope everyone will cooperate with my work in the next period of time."


After Chen Nan finished speaking, he left the stage, and the people below did not react for a long time.

They were all immersed in Chen Nan's arrogant words just now.


Really too arrogant.

This is what everyone has in mind.

Sun Mu watched Chen Nan come back with a little surprise, and couldn't help but give a thumbs up, Served!

This guy is really cool.

This is the capital!

It is not the capital of Jin Province, where talents are born in large numbers and geniuses are flocking.

Don't talk about Sun Mu himself, it's his grandfather who is here, let's see if he dares to say these words?

However, Chen Nan said.

Whether it is true or not, but this courage is really unmatched!

Written test, if you lose, don't beep.

Next, who can win me, who will be the monitor.

Everyone in the audience stared at Chen Nan with fierce eyes, all eager to try, and couldn't wait for a long time.

On the stage, Shen Yuyuan squinted his eyes and didn't say a word.

This kid, it is a quick knife to cut the mess, this method is not bad.

He knew very well that even if Chen Nan showed weakness, it would be useless to let everyone not make trouble because of his young age. Any show of weakness would be of no avail!

I came here to fight for the future.

Face such a thing, in front of value, is worthless.

Let this group of people sympathize with you and cooperate?

This is not realistic!

And Chen Nan's move is tantamount to subduing ten guilds with one force.

is a good way.

However, the premise is that you have enough ability.

Otherwise, how domineering it is at this time, how sad and humiliating the ending will be.

For a while, Shen Yuyuan began to look forward to it.

In the audience, after Chen Nan finished speaking, the scene was silent and no one applauded.

After a while, Sun Mu began to applaud, one after another, and some people cooperated.


Only a few after all.

But at this time, the middle-aged man headed on the stage suddenly started to applaud. After clapping his hands heavily three times, he spoke:

"Okay, very nice!"

"I saw something in Chen Nan that a young man should have."

"Vibrant, vigorous, unyielding, resilient, strong, and courageous!"

"This is what our modern young generation of Chinese medicine practitioners should have."

"We don't need a person who can take care of his life and live the rest of his life, because no matter how high his upper limit is, he can't change the current status quo!"

"This time, it is our first batch of young Chinese medicine training programs. We want young people to see this power in you!"

"One has to ask, why do you have a training program like this?"

"Very good, I tell you, because of Chinese medicine, it's the most dangerous time!"

"Because you are the future of Chinese medicine!"

"The down is down, the evening is in the evening, the rising sun is thousands of miles away!"

"We need you, you, to change the status quo."

"So, this meeting was held."

Chen Nan looked at the middle-aged man on the stage, named Gao Ruizhen, the director of the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the person in charge of the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

Everyone in the audience didn't say a word, and most of them were still immersed in Chen Nanla's hateful words.

However, when they heard Gao Ruizhen's words, everyone was at a loss.

Chen Nan said this, not only did not make Director Gao angry, but... he seemed a little happy!


This is how people can't think of it.

Moreover, this bastard has also entered the sight of Director Gao, and he appreciates it a little!

How the fuck do you explain this?


In the morning, the leaders held meetings one after another, and at the end, they began to make specific arrangements for the study plan and training plan this time.

The training period is fifteen days.

within fifteen days.

Everyone will be arranged in Dongzhimen Hospital, Guang'anmen Hospital, and Wangjing Hospital.

And everyone will be assigned to a department that is more suitable for their development and learning.

The instructor is the director of each department.

In other words, this time the study is of a high standard.

Fifteen days is enough for a gifted person to learn a lot.

After the fifteen days, each director will grade the students according to the situation of the students they teach.

Likewise, there are classes.

Classes are held every afternoon and evening. After fifteen days, an assessment will be organized.

The combination of the two scores is the result of the first training.

The top ten people will successfully apprentice and sign the apprenticeship agreement.

The weight of this teacher is very heavy!

When they reach their age, they are basically closed disciples, and the benefits of closed disciples are self-evident.

In the morning, the leaders held a meeting and finished speaking, it was half past ten.

Li Shuo saw that it was too early to start assigning departments.

"I'll publish the information about everyone's hospital and department in a while."

"Then find me in turn to get the recommendation letter."

"In the afternoon, go directly to the hospital to report and get the relevant badge."

After Li Shuo finished speaking, the leaders got up and left, but before leaving, many people took a deep look at Chen Nan.

In any case, Chen Nan's remarks today made everyone remember this name and this young face.

After the leaders left, Li Shuo said to the crowd:

"If you have any problems in life and work, you can ask the monitor to solve it. If you can't solve it, the monitor can tell me."

Everyone went up to inquire about their own information and received the registration card.


After reading their information, everyone glanced at Chen Nan's department curiously.

Dongzhimen Hospital, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

surgical? !

After seeing Chen Nan's information, everyone was stunned for a while.

Chinese medicine surgery?

What does it mean?

TCM surgery in Dongzhimen, can it still be called... TCM surgery?

After everyone took the recommendation letter, they couldn't help but glance at Chen Nan on the way down, their eyes filled with narrow eyes.

Traditional Chinese Medicine...

Ha ha!

Many of the people present were from the capital, and some were even from Dongzhimen Hospital.

For the hospital's Chinese medicine surgery, but very understanding!

This class leader...


It would be interesting if Chen Nan couldn't make it into the top ten during the assessment.

However, this kid is too crazy, it's normal to teach him a lesson.

Chen Nan didn't understand why, looking at everyone's eyes, he was a little surprised.

When Chen Nan went up to see his information, he was also stunned.

"Chen Nan, Dongzhimen Hospital, Traditional Chinese Medicine Surgery!"

Chen Nan was stunned.

I rely on!

Chinese Medicine Surgery!

It's strange that those people looked at him in such a strange way!

Chen Nan is still calm, isn't it a Chinese medicine surgery?

My own TCM surgery seems... not bad!

Li Shuo had been observing Chen Nan and saw that instead of being angry, he was very calm.

"Your letter of recommendation."

Chen Nan took the recommendation letter with a meaningful smile in his eyes, and said, "Thank you, Teacher Li."

Li Shuo didn't care and said with a smile, "Add me on WeChat."

Chen Nan: "Okay."

After Sun Mu came down, he also looked at Chen Nan strangely.

"Are you a Chinese surgeon?"

Chen Nan nodded: "Yes."

Sun Mu couldn't help frowning: "Why did you arrange for a Chinese medicine surgery?"

Chen Nan shook his head: "Ghost knows!"

Sun Mu sighed: "Your acupuncture, diagnosis, and internal medicine are all so good, it's a bit underpowered to go to traditional Chinese medicine surgery!"

Chen Nan smiled: "My Chinese medicine surgery is also quite good."

Sun Mu glanced at Chen Nan like a monster, and then said, "Go back and talk."

"Put your things first, and take you to dinner."

Chen Nan nodded.

Back at the hotel and put things away, he suddenly saw Li Shuo send him a message.

"Do you feel wronged?"

Chen Nan: "No."

Li Shuo: "Perform well, your position is very important, and your grades are also very important. You will know later."

"If you need my help, just ask."

"It's not necessarily a bad thing, it might even be a good thing for you."

Chen Nan: "Thank you."

Although I don't know why I was assigned to surgery, Chen Nan felt that there was something in Li Shuo's words, but he couldn't explain it clearly.

However, Chen Nan didn't care either.

They come, the security.

At noon, Sun Mu took Chen Nan to take a taxi directly to a hotel.

Come early, not many people.

Sun Mu booked a private room in advance, and after ordering a few dishes, he said to Chen Nan, "Actually, TCM surgery is not bad, but... Dongzhimen TCM surgery is more... special!"

Chen Nan nodded: "Huh!? What do you mean?"

Sun Mu sighed: "Actually, as an affiliated hospital, Dongzhimen has been trying for years."

"It has successively established the Department of Anorectal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Department of Breast Surgery of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Department of Thoracic Surgery of Traditional Chinese Medicine... and so on, all of which have developed well!"

"And Traditional Chinese Medicine Surgery is the predecessor of these departments!"

"That is to say, when TCM surgery was established, it was established in the exploratory stage."

"Later, the departments that succeeded in the experiment went out independently and established related departments."

"And this traditional Chinese medicine surgery has been retained, and it has not had any results in the past few years."

"Furthermore, after the old director retired, the newly recruited director turned out to be the deputy director of general surgery at Xiehe. After he came, he was not optimistic about traditional Chinese medicine surgery."

"The current TCM surgery, hey... Grandma doesn't hurt, and uncle doesn't love it. I don't know how many elements of TCM are preserved."

"After you go, I guess this director's assessment may not necessarily give you a high score!"

After Chen Nan listened to Sun Mu's analysis, he understood what was going on.

this bitch...

It really is a hell difficulty start.


Chen Nan was also a little worried.

To compare surgery with Western medicine, than surgery?

There's something...not right.

Sun Mu continued with a message: "Also, I asked a senior of mine just now."


Chen Nan was a little nervous: "What do you mean?"

Sun Mu said with a smile: "Congratulations, you are about to become a cannon!"

"This new deputy director of Xiehe has a bad temper, and it was because he made a little mistake at the time."

"So there is a lot of grievances, and the development in recent years has not been smooth. I am a little dissatisfied with the arrangement of the department and the hospital."

"I guess after you go, the fifteen days will not be a good stay!"

"The surgical development of Dongzhimen Hospital in recent years is not bad. Although it is a traditional Chinese medicine hospital, but... these surgical operations are actually Western medicine departments."

"The living environment of traditional Chinese medicine can think about it!"

Chen Nan opened his mouth and was speechless!

this bitch...

What are you doing?



Sun Mu's training unit is not located in Dongzhimen, but in Guang'anmen Hospital.

Dongzhimen Hospital is located in the East Second Ring Road, and the location is not bad.

You can go out for a walk when you have nothing to do.

It's a pity that after Chen Nan finished eating, his mood for strolling was gone.

Go to the hospital early in the afternoon to see what's going on.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Nan couldn't take a rest, so he took a taxi to the hospital early, and after a long search, he finally found the legendary Chinese medicine surgery in the old building.

To be honest... this motherfucker's environment is not as good as Yuancheng People's Hospital.

In fact, it is normal. Many hospitals in the capital do not seem to be very high-end, but some local small hospitals are resplendent.

Look at the current 301 hospital and 302 hospital... They are all old buildings. Compared with the splendid splendor of local hospitals, they are not up to the standard.


What the hospital looks at is not the appearance, but the core!

Doctor's level, technical core, cultural heritage... etc. can all be influenced.

So Chen Nan felt nothing.

There were several nurses at the nurse station at this time, but because it was after two o'clock in the afternoon, one was sitting there looking at his mobile phone, one was sleeping on the table, and the other was eating snacks and chatting.

There were not many patients in the corridor. Chen Nan glanced at the ward table above the nurse station and found that nearly a dozen beds were empty!

This is the capital...

Chen Nan couldn't help stunned for a moment.

Dongzhimen Hospital is a good hospital for traditional Chinese medicine!

Usually it is difficult to register here, but there are more than a dozen of them in this hospital that are vacant.

At this time, Chen Nan walked into the doctor's office.

There were two middle-aged people writing medical records, and a man in his thirties was sorting out his discharge medical records.

Seeing Chen Nan come in, the man looked up, lowered his head and continued to organize.

Chen Nan couldn't help sighing.

This department did not have the vigor that Chen Nan imagined, but was rather depressed and dull.

Although the sun is just right, the whole office is bright.


The rhythm here is very slow, and it seems out of tune with the busyness of the capital.

Chen Nan now understands the development situation of TCM surgery.

When he came to find Chinese medicine surgery, he passed by other departments, regardless of internal medicine and surgery, they were all busy, many people!

After Chen Nan left, he sat in the hall, thoughtful.

What are you doing here by yourself?

what sense?

At 2:30 in the afternoon, a nearly fifty-year-old man with a dark complexion and a medium build walked over in a surgical gown. After passing by Chen Nan, he walked directly into the doctor's office.

"Xiao He, is anyone here to report?"

The man who sorted out the case glanced at the director and shook his head: "No, director, what report?"

Ruan Yongyi sat on the chair and took off the surgical cap: "Damn, today a Chinese medicine training class is arranged, what is a Chinese medicine man to join in the fun!"

When Ruan Yongyi spoke, his face darkened even more.

Chen Nan stood at the door, and when he heard this sentence... his face darkened.

This... good guy.

Feelings... This black-faced man is his director?

This is so emotional!

Chen Nan suddenly hesitated.

Do you want to report?

Or... go? Go back and talk to Li He about changing hospitals or departments?

That's it!

Chen Nan knocked on the door with the recommendation letter and walked in.

"Hello, I'm here to report."

As soon as these words came out, the room fell silent.

Ruan Yongyi didn't expect that he had just finished speaking, and they were standing at the door...

Somewhat embarrassing.

He turned around and glanced at Chen Nan, and he didn't feel blushing at all, or his face was too dark to be seen blushing.

He took the recommendation letter and glanced at Chen Nan: "Oh... you're only 25?"

Chen Nan nodded: "Yes."

Ruan Yongyi looked at Chen Nan: "How about I give you some advice?"

Chen Nan was curious: "You said."

Ruan Yongyi took a deep breath: "Are you...don't come!"

"I'll give you a vacation!"

"Or, you can go to another department."

"However, there is a request. You write an article for me every day, no, write an article about your experience. After you finish, I will give you a score of 80, which is considered qualified, how about it?"

Ruan Yongyi felt a little worried when he thought that he also wrote and taught the teacher's experience.

Chen Nan looked at this big black man, and felt...a little unreliable.

good guy.

Come and let me go.

So interesting!

At this time, Ruan Yongyi's phone rang: "I'm Song Aiguo, Director Ruan, Chen Nan from your department today, take good care of you!"

"The leader personally arranged it!"

"After leaving the department, you have to be assessed."

"I can't pass the test... The operating room you proposed... is out of play!"

"Also, tell Chen Nan that he can't go anywhere except this department!"

Nguyen Yong Ngai is stunned!


Bullying people!

"President Song, this... you are bullying people!"

However, before the words were finished, a blind tone of beeping came from the other side of the phone.

Chen Nan was dumbfounded.

Ruan Yongyi was also dumbfounded.

The two looked at each other.

A little more comprehension in my heart.


Make it right?

It's not easy...

After the two looked at each other for a few minutes, Ruan Yongyi looked at Chen Nan helplessly: "It really doesn't make sense for you to say you are here."

"You, a Chinese medicine doctor, can't help you much."

"Hey, to tell you the truth, the development of this department is really not very good."

"Look at me, his mother's mortgage can't be replaced."

"If I hadn't been able to go out and make flying knives secretly, now I really want to drink the northwest wind!"

Chen Nan: "..."

You are so outspoken, does anyone know?

Ruan Yongyi sighed: "Okay, come early tomorrow."

"Don't be late for work in the morning."

"Will you do it?"

Chen Nan: "..."




Thanks for the 9000 reward from the boss "嗬_ uncomfortable", thank you boss.

Thank you "cu9293simon" for the 2000 reward, thank you.

Thanks to "XJL2390", "Book Friends 20170522231415135", "Uncle Zhang", "Army Blade" and "cu9293simon" for their 2000 rewards.

Thank you friends for your support!

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