Doctor Chen, Don't Be a Coward!

Chapter 232 Let the bullets fly for a while! (Thanks to the leader for ignoring the 10w reward!)

Yang Hongnian was not too angry with Chen Nan's behavior. The reason why he was angry was the discord in the office.

In other words, this can no longer be described as discordant, this is a frame-up!

This kind of frame-up is not the first time.

"Some words, we ourselves are doctors, shut the door, what do you want to say!"

"However, how can such a word be spread?"

"Our colleagues were originally enemies, and now the Second Cancer Hospital will know about this sooner or later!"

"At that time, do you think it's Chen Nan's reputation that will be damaged?"

"We'll be reduced to a joke!"

Yang Hongnian patted the table and spoke to the crowd sternly.

However, there was silence in the office, and no one spoke.

Although Zhao Jianyong was not a participant in this incident, but...he felt extremely guilty.

Because the last time Chen Nan was sued to the medical department, he did it!

He sent out the photo of Chen Nan receiving the red envelope, and finally... he was slapped in the face!

Thinking of these, Zhao Jianyong has a feeling of unbearable past.

After Yang Hongnian said angrily, he couldn't help sighing.

He is actually very clear that Chen Nan's current development is at its peak, and it must be regarded as a thorn in the flesh by some people. It is difficult to find a chance to get down. Can they let it go?

In fact, there are only a few people who can doubt it!

Although Zhao Jianyong has a criminal record, it is obviously not him.

Liu Quan?

Zhou Qinzheng?

These two are the most suspect.

However, this is not the time to look for the "behind the scenes", the most important thing at the moment is how to solve this matter.

Thinking of this, Yang Hongnian hurriedly said to Wang Ping, "Pingping, have the test results come out?"

Wang Ping was a little embarrassed. He never thought that this incident would have such a negative impact on Chen Nan, and he felt guilty for a while.

Wang Ping hurriedly said, "The stool test says the results are out today, but I just checked and it's not there yet."

"Pathological testing will be available this afternoon at the earliest."

"Sorry, Director Chen, I really... I really didn't expect to cause you such a big trouble."

When she thought of going to work in the morning, a group of media surrounded the ward, she was a little scared!

When he was on Douyin in the morning, he also saw this video, which was full of swearing!

After Wang Ping finished speaking, she bowed her head in shame.

Zhou Qinzheng looked at Chen Nan coldly, and sneered inwardly, the higher he stood, the worse he fell!

He didn't expect such a big surprise, but Secretary He is different. With such rich network resources, in just one day, the video can be spread in the source city.

Now, Chen Nan is completely in a passive state.

Now the debate between Chinese medicine and Western medicine has always been a hot topic on the Internet. This time, Chen Nan used the pulse to deny the results of the Western medicine examination, which directly made this topic soar to a very high position!

Even, it will enter the line of sight of the Health and Health Commission, and then... the responsibility will be great.

As a doctor, don't talk nonsense!

In the eyes of many people, Chen Nan's remarks were too arrogant.

When a topic spreads, it is no longer about the objectivity of talking about things, but will be raised to a big hat by some people, and there will always be some "smart people" who can "see through phenomena" Nature."

For a time, everyone around them turned their attention to Chen Nan's body.


At this time, Chen South Africa was not nervous at all, but his face was extremely calm, and it seemed that he was not bothered by these news and news at all.

Zhou Qinzheng glanced at Chen Nan, snorted coldly, pretend, continue to pretend!

See how long you can fit!

This time, Chen Nan's words are undoubtedly a slap in the face of the Second Cancer Hospital. If the matter becomes serious, the Health and Health Commission will definitely talk about Chen Nan's irresponsible behavior, and Chen Nan will definitely apologize in front of the media.

By the time……

Didn't Chen Nannio become famous and have a master of Chinese medicine as a teacher?

See if they can save you!

Actually... Zhou Qinzheng ignored a question, that is, is Chen Nan's question true or false?

Of course, it's not just Zhou Qinzheng, many people instinctively don't doubt the test list and the test results.

Could a pathological examination be wrong?

What a joke!

This is the gold standard for cancer diagnosis and treatment.

No wonder it could be wrong!

Yang Hongnian frowned and began to think about how to solve this problem. In his opinion, there was nothing wrong with Chen Nan, he just said a few guesses, which were taken out of context and upgraded to a special level by these self-media.

Yang Hongnian decided to go out and explain in person.

"Xiao Chen, this matter... just leave it alone."

"Just work well."

"I'll deal with it, I'll go and communicate with the hospital."

After all, Chen Nan's behavior this time may anger the Second Cancer Hospital, and proper negotiation is still necessary.

For Yang Hongnian's responsibility, Chen Nan's heart is also warm.

However, he smiled and said, "Director, wait a minute."

"No need to explain."

"There is no way to determine who is right and who is wrong."

"Let's apologize now, can people accept it? Besides... your apology, even if we are right, we are wrong!"

"Hold on!"

"Wait until the results come out."

"If I am wrong, I will publicly admit my mistake to the media."

"But, haven't you thought about a possibility? What if I'm not wrong? What kind of thing will this develop into?"

Chen Nan had already seen the large number of negative comments that came to his face.

Most of the people give themselves some bad reviews that are not in the mainstream, and those who are emotionally intense may give the beginners, basically there are not many good rewards.

However, I can't stand the crowd!

Originally, when Chen Nan treated Hu Jun last time, he spent a lot of bad reviews when he was exploring to open the Nine Locks.

Not only did it make up for it, but it exceeded it by a lot. The harvest this time was quite gratifying.

However, at the same time, Chen Nan also received a severe bad review!

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received a bad review from Li Peishuo, the rating of the bad review: Severe! 】

This bad review made Chen Nan wonder, this serious bad review...

How much resentment is this, how much resentment?

Is this the second cancer hospital?


Everyone around heard Chen Nan's words, and their moods were different. Zhao Jianyong, as a die-hard fan of the royalists, unswervingly adhered to Chen Nan's line. Even if Chen Nan gave a fart and said a fart, he might believe it.

It is impossible for Zhao Jianyong to oppose Chen Nan.

But, to be honest, everyone is a Chinese medicine practitioner. They think they are not at that level yet. They question the modern medical examination by means of pulse checking and deny the level of cancer.

This sounds like a fantasy!

Even their pros sound unbelievable, let alone everyone else!

After Yang Hongnian heard Chen Nan's words, he suddenly became quiet!


The result hasn't come out yet, so why don't you admit it now? Is this... appropriate?

Moreover, coupled with the extent to which Yang Hongnian was brainwashed by Chen Nan, he suddenly fell silent!


What if this result was really what Chen Nan said?

What if it's really fake?

Yang Hongnian suddenly fell silent.

"Okay, let's go."

After speaking, he got up and left the office.

However, within a few minutes of leaving, Yang Hongnian was called away by Zhang Peiyuan.

Inside the Dean's Office.

There were many people besides Zhang Peiyuan.

Yang Hongnian said hello: "President Zhang, are you looking for me?"

Zhang Peiyuan frowned slightly: "The National Health Commission called me."

"And the director of the Second Cancer Hospital also called me."

"Chen Nan, how do you plan to solve it?"

When Yang Hongnian heard the sound, he suddenly didn't know where the confidence came from, and said of course, "Solution? Why should it be solved?"

As soon as these words came out, the leaders who had been arguing just now were dumbfounded. They all looked at Yang Hongnian for a while. They wanted to explore an academic question: does this person have a brain?

I saw Yang Hongnian pick up a cigarette on the table, lit it in his mouth, and slowly exhaled the smoke, his eyes were three-pointed with melancholy, three-pointed melancholy, and three-pointed loss: "You actually Don't trust your doctor?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Peiyuan raised his eyebrows and his eyelids kept beating.

He stared at Yang Hongnian with wide eyes, and he was speechless for a while!

This is what it says...

This outfit...

It's true, it's justified!

In fact, Yang Hongnian still has a bit of anxiety in his eyes, but he hid it too deeply and didn't show it...

Moreover, under the long-term relationship, Yang Hongnian concluded an iron law: You can trust Chen Nan unconditionally!

Under this spiritual support, Yang Hongnian came up with a solution.

"Preemptive strike!"

I have to say, this method worked.

The surrounding leaders looked at Yang Hongnian smoking a cigarette so calmly and confidently, and felt a little guilty...

Yeah, why don't we trust our doctors?

Zhang Peiyuan was even struggling with some guilt in his heart.


After a while, Zhang Peiyuan reacted instantly, this guy... is he lying to me?

Definitely is……

Zhang Peiyuan said quickly: "It's not that I don't believe it, I'm asking you, what solution do you have for this matter!"

Yang Hongnian smoked a cigarette to himself, looked out the window, and the smoke spit out from his mouth, leaving everyone with a deep and firm back.

"Let...the bullets fly for a while!"

After speaking, he quickly put out the cigarette in the ashtray, got up and left the office.

A group of people looked at Yang Hongnian's back in a dashing departure, and suddenly fell silent!

How do you feel... we are the one who suffers?


Zhang Peiyuan prepared a belly of words, but he didn't even have time to spit out a word.


Let the bullet fly for a while?

After his mother flew down, I had to find a private hospital for the elderly!


This bastard, where did the confidence come from.

But... I have to say that Zhang Peiyuan suddenly felt that Yang Hongnian was someone who did big things.


Of course, he definitely didn't expect that Yang Hongnian smoked behind their backs because he was afraid that everyone would see his hands shaking and leave in a hurry, and he was even more afraid that his little heart couldn't stand the toss!

However, I can't handle so much anymore, just drag it on, I can drag it out until the result comes out.

Anyway, his mother apologized at the end, what's the impact?

The newly appointed vice president Hu Haitao couldn't help frowning: "This... let the bullets fly for a while, what does it mean?"

"Now the Health and Health Commission is accountable!"

Zhang Peiyuan narrowed his eyes and glanced at the other party, a little disappointed. Compared with Yang Hongnian, he was a little less imposing after all.

Not calm at all, can you, the vice president, do it?

He couldn't help but explain: "Director Yang means that now that the matter has come to this point, any explanation is useless, only the result is the most important!"

"You go out now, everything is wrong!"

"Wait for the result!"

"Okay, let's go."

Hu Haitao was transferred over, in charge of equipment, and also inserted a foot in the propaganda outlet. Hearing this, he immediately panicked.

But seeing Zhang Peiyuan's lost eyes, Hu Haitao suddenly felt a little nervous.

at this time!

This thing is still fermenting.

The Shanxi Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine is here.

After Mo Xiangqiang finished the meeting, he also discussed with several people about Chen Nan's denial of the Second Cancer Hospital.

Now Chen Nan is undoubtedly the face of the young generation of Chinese medicine in Jin Province. He was commended a few days ago and even appeared on TV.

Therefore, after this incident happened, the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine was very concerned.

After all, the matter has developed to the question of Chinese and Western medicine, and they can't do anything if they don't pay attention.

"Director Mo, this Chen Nan is too impulsive!"

"Yeah, now the development of Chinese medicine is finally unchecked, and he has done such a thing again."

"The director of the Second Cancer Hospital called me just now and said that Chen Nan would make a public apology, and I hope we can take action!"

Mo Xiangqiang looked at the crowd, and after a moment of contemplation, he said slowly, "Hehe, don't worry!"

"Hold on!"

"No one in Yuancheng People's Hospital has issued any statement, what are we anxious about!"

"Our Traditional Chinese Medicine Administration can't cover a young man?"

"Ha ha!"


For a while, things became more and more intense.

The official website of the Second People's Hospital even issued a statement on the same day.

They did not target Chen Nan. After all, Chen Nan did not publicly deny that their test results were wrong, but just asked the patient to re-examine.

So, their statement is also interesting!

They posted the model of their own hospital's inspection and testing equipment, and they proved their innocence, saying that their equipment is definitely the quality of the first echelon in the province. There may be errors, but there is absolutely no possibility of errors!

At the same time, I also hope that everyone will be cautious when facing Chinese medicine, and do not encounter liars.

This remark is already very explicit!

On the other hand, Li Peishuo was very clamoring, and even personally accepted an interview from a certain self-media, saying that Chen Nan was irresponsible to the patient.

They said that they had already arranged the patient's surgery as soon as possible, but did not do it for a long time. As a result, if the disease worsened, it would definitely have a very serious and bad impact on the patient and their family members!

This is extremely inhumane as a doctor!

With the fermentation of one thing after another, the pressure on Zhang Peiyuan's side is also increasing.

The leaders of the National Health Commission even hoped that Chen Nan could stop the deterioration in time.

After all, the current medical system, after a brief crisis of confidence, has finally come back a little.

If this matter is not handled well, it is easy to have a bad impact on the doctor's image again.

But... Yang Hongnian took it with aplomb, as if he didn't care about it!

Before the results come out, all the information cannot be given.

His attitude, in Zhang Peiyuan's eyes, is obviously a little more general!

The fuck!

Zhang Peiyuan couldn't help but scolded him a few times. He forced you to pretend, and I was under pressure.

And Chen Nan's work has no influence.

at this time.

Guo Manzhong's family has also been in the limelight of public opinion, and more and more media want to interview them.

But, without exception, they all refused!

Wang Ping still trusted Chen Nan's words, but Guo Haoran was a little more irritable at this time.

After all, after this incident broke out, it directly angered Director Li Peishuo of the cancer hospital.

This made them a little nervous and uneasy all of a sudden.

What should I do if it is checked again and it is still a tumor?

The pressure suddenly surged on him.

Guo Haoran even wanted to take the initiative to apologize to Li Peishuo.

Not only them.

At this moment, on the side of the Chinese medicine department, many people have a knife hanging over their heads.

They are all worried that something is wrong with Chen Nan!

Now Chen Nan is a grasshopper on a rope with them.

If something goes wrong with him, this...

Eleven in the morning!

It was noon.

At this moment, Wang Ping suddenly found out the inspection results of her father-in-law Guo Haoran from the work system of the nursing department!

Lots of Giardia lamblia were found in the stool!

Wang Ping was instantly excited.

She didn't care about anything else, and found Chen Nan directly: "Director Chen!"

"Director Chen, the result is out!"

When this news sounded in the office, it instantly attracted everyone's attention, including Zhou Qinzheng.

They hurried around, wanting to know the specific results.

Chen Nan's expression was calm, but he asked, "Have you found any parasites?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned for a moment, and Wang Ping, who was originally excited to speak, was also dumbfounded!

Could it be that... Dr. Chen already knew?

In an instant, an unprecedented admiration appeared in Wang Ping's heart. Is this... is Chinese medicine so powerful?

After Wang Ping reacted, she nodded excitedly: "Director Chen, you are amazing!"


"You can actually take the pulse out of this?"

"A large number of Giardia lamblia were found in my father-in-law's stool!"

" this parasite related to my father-in-law's illness?"

After Chen Nan heard this, he was actually relieved.

To be honest, although he is quite sure, but... not many people can be 100% sure.

However, after hearing the name Giardia lamblia, all Guo Manzhong's symptoms, as well as his physical signs, were all explained!

Chen Nan said with a smile: "Well, it does matter!"

"It's still a big deal."

"Your father-in-law may have gastroenteritis caused by Giardia lamblia infection, and there is no cancer at all."

"After the human body is infected with Giardia, those who have no clinical symptoms are called carriers.

However, the main symptoms of this disease are abdominal pain, diarrhea, abdominal distension, vomiting, fever, anorexia, etc., as well as the possibility of blood in the stool. "

"So, I asked him to do a stool test first."

"I guess this disease has something to do with your father-in-law's occupation and living habits."

"He digs and sells vegetables. Without treatment, there will be soil residues on his fingers. For example, he picks his nose, does not wash his hands to eat, and other living habits. It is inevitable that he carries parasites."

"In this case, after accumulating the human body, this situation will occur."

"This is also the reason why he looks like bowel cancer, with long-term abdominal pain, bloating, and vomiting, accompanied by loss of appetite, rapid weight loss, and blood in the stool in severe cases."

As soon as these words came out, the entire office became quiet, and everyone looked at Chen Nan in unison, dumbfounded!

It's actually... It was really diagnosed by Chen Nan? ! this too awesome? !

Zhao Jianyong on the side almost jumped up excitedly, and said to Chen Nan excitedly: "I knew it, you can definitely do it!"

Chen Nan smiled, but did not speak, but glanced at Zhou Qinzheng with deep meaning.

Because just now!

He suddenly received a bad review from the system.

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received a bad review from Zhou Qinzheng, the rating of the bad review: Intermediate! 】

Chen Nan smiled slightly, very good!

Has it finally come to the fore?

In fact, in his heart, there are so many candidates for the person who shoots the video or the recording.

Now when the system prompts, I immediately understand.

The reason why Chen Nan doesn't mind is here!

If this thing can't successfully threaten you, then... for yourself, what will you lose?

Bad review?

Is a bad review a loss for me?

Ha ha!


This time, the bigger the trouble, and when the truth is revealed, his influence will only increase!

So, why not make a fuss?

And one last point!

That is... the truth!

As the announcement posted by the Second Cancer Hospital, he did not think that such a hospital would not be able to detect the results of the medical examination.

However, why would the other party write a bowel cancer to Guo Manzhong?

Why should the other party be hospitalized?

Chen Nan couldn't guess how many people were involved.

Instead, let them come out on their own.

The greater the influence of this matter, the more thorough the subsequent accountability will be, and it will be more convenient to deal with it at that time.

In fact, he was already suspecting that Guo Manzhong's situation was obviously not cancer. Although the test list showed that the carcinoembryonic antigen was relatively high, there are other reasons for the high carcinoembryonic antigen.

The other party is obviously deceiving the patient!

Well, here comes the question.

Will Guo Manzhong be the first?


Will Guo Manzhong be the last one?

Not necessarily!

Therefore, Chen Nan is here to let the reasons for the development of the situation!

He took a deep breath and suddenly felt that he had a long way to go.

Not every doctor wants to be a good doctor.

This industry has been stable for too long, with interest chains, industrial chains, and criminal chains!

From the plastic surgery equipment of Yuancheng People's Hospital, to the counterfeit and precious traditional Chinese medicines of Xinyitang, to the fraudulent patients and malicious surgery this time!

These things, the medical system must pay attention to.

A hospital is a place to cure diseases and save people, but under the influence of certain moths, it has become a place where people are frightened.

These worms must be dealt with!

Thinking of this, Chen Nan's eyes became a little sharper.


The news of the presence of Giardia lamblia in Guo Manzhong's fecal examination quickly spread in a small circle.

Here, Zhang Peiyuan was extremely excited after hearing the news!

He looked at the calm Yang Hongnian in front of him, and suddenly felt that the man in front of him was really too stable!

In fact, he didn't know at all that Yang Hongnian had a feeling of the rest of his life at this time!

Now for the follow-up!

Once the disease is diagnosed, all the truth will be revealed.

At that time, Yang Hongnian felt that he could finally sleep peacefully. The ghost knows how he got here this morning!

However, he was also very fortunate in his heart, fortunately... He believed in Chen Nan.

Sure enough, trusting Chen Nan is king!

Zhang Peiyuan looked at Yang Hongnian, and became more and more appreciative. He felt that the focus of the hospital's development needs to be shifted a bit. The development of traditional Chinese medicine gave Zhang Peiyuan a glimpse of the future and hope, but... In this case, a vice president is definitely needed to preside over the overall situation. !

A person who can be entrusted with heavy responsibilities, can handle the overall situation, and can be calm and calm, with the demeanor of a general!


The Yang Hongnian in front of him is the best candidate.

At this time, Yang Hongnian suddenly said, "President Zhang, I don't think this is the time for you to be happy."

"A lot of things still need you to handle!"

Thinking of what Chen Nan told him, Yang Hongnian said quickly, "Now, since Guo Manzhong has Giardia lanterni in his feces, it means that there is a problem with his diagnosis."

"If the other party is not colon cancer, have you thought about how to deal with this matter?"

"The Second Cancer Hospital, do they have some improper medical practices? This can't even be said to be improper, but a crime!"

"Also, Chen Nan's diagnosis of Guo Manzhong's real situation, as the dean, I think it is also an opportunity!"

"I think it's time for you to prepare everything!"

"President Zhang, there is still a lot to do. Now is not the time to celebrate!"

After he finished speaking, Yang Hongnian turned around and left in a dashing manner, wearing white clothes like the wind and always accompanying him.

This sentence instantly awakened Zhang Peiyuan!

It can even be said that it made him feel like thunder, and instantly woke up.


There are still many things to follow. As a veteran dean, Zhang Peiyuan quickly realized what kind of bad behavior would be hidden behind this incident.

And... Chen Nan's contribution to this event, as well as to the development and promotion of the hospital!

For a time, Zhang Peiyuan felt some guilt in his heart!

It's your job that you don't do well!

He is not as calm as Yang Hongnian.


Victory is not arrogant and defeat is not discouraged!

Strategies from afar, the decisive victory is thousands of miles away.

There are things in the chest, and big things can be planned.

This kind of person is the general talent that he lacks.

Zhang Peiyuan was excited.

With such talents, why worry about the unhappiness of Yuancheng People's Hospital!

Zhang Peiyuan was so excited that he hurriedly started planning.

And this time!

Li Peishuo's clamor became even more fierce. He knew that if he didn't exert pressure, maybe... the follow-up things would be very troublesome.

Public opinion pressure, superior pressure, peer pressure, patient pressure!

Li Peishuo also began to prepare.

And this time!

The staff of the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the National Health Commission also received a special email from Yuancheng People's Hospital.

After seeing the email, both of them were shocked!

This news is too big!

The health and Health Commission is under great pressure, and even the leader Li Haibo, who has just been in office for less than half a year, has completely exploded!

What the hell is going on here?

It's only been so long since I came here, and there are so many things happening one after another.

At the same time, he was also very angry, he did not expect such a bad behavior.

For a time, the Health and Health Commission quickly started a series of work!

at the same time!

The Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine is happy.

They didn't expect Chen Nan to be so powerful.

Mo Xiangqiang hurriedly organized official propagandists to prepare an interview. This interview was to be featured in the news of Jin Province, even at prime time.

This honor, but many deans, masters of Chinese medicine do not have.

Mo Xiangqiang knew very well that what happened this time was definitely a morale booster for the development of traditional Chinese medicine in Jin Province.

For a time, various preparations were made, and investigations and other work were quickly launched.

The spread of self-media is a geometric multiple.

The number of likes for this short video quickly exceeded 10w+, and the number of comments and replies was countless!

For a time, many people in Yuancheng were even angry.


Four o'clock in the afternoon.

With the appearance of Guo Manzhong's medical examination results, the counterattack really began!

After seeing the results of the medical examination, the Guo family hugged and cried.

Guo Manzhong, a middle-aged man, didn't cry after learning that he was diagnosed with cancer, but at this time he cried like a child.

This lost and found family is extremely precious to everyone.

Guo Manzhong almost knelt down to Chen Nan, but if it wasn't for Chen Nan, he hurriedly supported him.

Chen Haoran held Chen Nan's hand excitedly: "Director Chen, you are my family's benefactor!"

"Really, thank you so much!"

"I hope...I can be my witness and Pingping!"

"Thank you so much."


This kind of joy can be said to be the life after a catastrophe.

But soon!

Guo Haoran took his family to find the media outside, took the inspection results in his hand and said:

"I'm Guo Haoran, this is my father Guo Manzhong!"

"I want to give Chen Nan Director Chen justice!"

"At the same time, I also want to sue Li Peishuo, director of the Second Cancer Hospital, who used false medical examination results to deceive my father and perform surgery!"

"At the same time, I have been induced many times and asked me for benefits, or else I won't arrange surgery..."

The appearance of Guo's family instantly attracted a lot of self-media that was originally concentrated in Yuancheng People's Hospital!

When their results were announced, there was an instant uproar!

Countless people were stunned.

They even forged the results of medical examinations, tricked patients into performing surgery, and even asked for benefits!

If Chen Nan's topic is just a conflict between Chinese and Western medicine, this topic is too hot.


Countless self-media, etc. have published interviews with the Guo family. The family's history of blood and tears has instantly attracted the attention of many people.

At the same time, the police, the Health and Health Commission, and the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau have all started to act!

This night is destined to be a restless night!


ps: Thank you for the generous 100,000 reward from the "Ignore Ignore" boss and become the 15th leader of this book!

Thanks for the 5,000 reward from the "Lightning Silver Wolf" boss, thank you!

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