Doctor Chen, Don't Be a Coward!

Chapter 259 Why should we let them set our standards?

Hearing the voices of the two at the door, Zhang Peiyuan became anxious!

You know, Gu Sheng's appreciation for Chen Nan is increasing day by day...

How could such a problem occur at this critical node?

Medical malpractice is a topic that every doctor does not go around.

This is true whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine.

Because no one in this world is the same, everyone's body is an independent individual, and there is never a saying that one drug is effective for everyone.

Of course Zhang Peiyuan wouldn't think it was Chen Nan's quality issue!

This is obviously not realistic.

There is absolutely no doubt about Chen Nan's medical ethics. The only possibility is that in the process of treatment, problems arise because of individual differences.

Secretary Xiao Zhou also looked a little embarrassed at this time, but... He knew that he obviously couldn't talk nonsense now.

Zhang Peiyuan looked at Gu Haihua on the side and couldn't help but say, "Sorry... Leader!"

"I examine..."


Gu Haihua hurriedly stretched out his hand and stopped Zhang Peiyuan from continuing to speak: "Comrade Zhang Peiyuan, I'm not a blind person, I know that this kind of thing happens in medicine."

"You don't have to rush out, I want to see how Xiao Chen solves this problem."

Zhang Peiyuan was relieved when he heard Gu Haihua addressing Chen Nan as Xiao Chen. This leader would not talk nonsense. This sentence of Xiao Chen has already explained a lot of problems!

Zhang Peiyuan only hoped that Chen Nan would not have other serious problems at this time.

And this time!

Although the man at the door was very angry, he didn't say anything ugly, but he was too aggrieved.

Chen Nan is famous now, and it is not easy to register. He worked so hard to stay up all night to help his wife register. This... Who would have thought that something went wrong!

This makes the man feel very aggrieved!

"Calm down..." The wife on the side looked at her husband's excited expression and couldn't help but say something.

But... the woman's voice was extremely hoarse, with the sound of a hacksaw working!

Wang Baodong's face turned red, he wasn't so angry at first, but... Now listening to his wife's words, he was even more angry.

"How can I be calm! Wife?"

"Look at your voice now, what's going on?"

"Dr. Chen, I'm not causing trouble, but... who can't be hurt by this matter?"

"My wife used to be a music teacher, but now... listen to what her voice has become!"

"If this is not good, what should I do?"

Wang Baodong's eyes were full of pain.

His wife was crying silently.

She wanted to speak, but...the words that came out were too harsh, and...the throat was very uncomfortable, painful, and hot, like being stinged by chili peppers.

The surrounding patients, looking at the couple at this time, felt a little strange in their hearts.

After all... a good person, who took Chinese medicine and became like this! Chen Nan really that powerful?

Recently, Chen Nan is famous and has a good reputation, but...after all, he is too young.

There's no guarantee that something unexpected is going to happen.

Chen Nan was obviously silent at this time.

With a solemn expression on his face, he said to the man, "You come and sit first."

"Mr. Wang, Ms. He, don't worry, if it was my improper treatment that caused the medical malpractice!"

"I will definitely take full responsibility."

"However, now is not the time to shirk the blame. I will first see how this is caused, and then study the next treatment options."

Wang Baodong's face calmed down after hearing Chen Nan's words.

to be frank……

Wang Baodong had too many illusions about Chen Nan.

Just imagine, this is normal. He worked so hard to find out about Chen Nan, came over by train, and then didn't sleep all night, finally took a number, and after taking the medicine... This kind of thing happened.

This feeling of giving and receiving is not proportional, causing Wang Baodong to have a certain rebellious mentality.

He felt that Chen Nan was just a hype with a false name!

This is also the reason why he is so noisy.

It's not that Chen Nan hasn't encountered some small medical disputes, but... After most people come, they mainly communicate with Yan Yuese, even if they have emotions, they are mainly aimed at solving problems.

He Rui sat on the chair and saw what her husband was going to say.

Chen Nan asked at this time: "Why do you feel your throat is uncomfortable? Or describe what it feels like?"

He Rui said after thinking for a while, "It hurts, it's spicy!"

"The feeling of tearing."

"And diarrhea..."

Chen Nan frowned when he heard the sound. He picked up the flashlight and said to He Rui, "Open your mouth and let me see your throat."

After opening his mouth, Chen Nan immediately found that the other party's throat was obviously swollen, and the inflammatory reaction was obvious.

No wonder so...


Why is there such a reaction?

The patient had been suffering from vomiting and nausea for many years. He came here for treatment, and Chen Nankai's medicines were also very common.

Chen Nankai's recipe is mainly based on Xiao Chai Hu, and some medicines for expectorating phlegm are added.

How could such a reaction occur?

Chen Nan frowned.

Wang Baodong on the side said: "It is difficult for us to register once. You also said that this is a chronic disease and it will take some time to recover, so 14 medicines were prescribed last time!"

"However, we didn't finish the 14 medicines. After taking the 11 medicines, we suddenly felt that the condition was aggravated."

"My wife started to vomit and have diarrhea and diarrhea!"

"Then... I started to have this sore throat and the feeling of not being able to speak clearly."

"Dr. Chen, we did our best to find you because we trusted you."

" are..."


Seeing his wife staring at him again, Wang Baodong threw his arm and turned his head aside.

Chen Nan picked up the medical record book and looked at it carefully.

What caused the problem?

Adverse reactions?

No, there are no toxic drugs.

"Bupleurum, Qing Pinellia, Codonopsis... Licorice..."

After Chen Nan carefully read the prescription, he couldn't find any clues!

This shouldn't have such a drug reaction at all?

Chen Nan hurriedly asked, "Have you eaten anything else recently? Including: medicines, special types of food, which are rarely eaten, the kind you eat during this time..."

He Rui frowned slightly, and before he spoke, Wang Baodong spoke again:

"What do you mean by that?"

"Are you shirking responsibility?"

"Does it matter what we eat during this time?"

"You can eat as you normally would, that is, you took your medicine."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Nan didn't have time to speak, and He Rui, who was on the side, said excitedly: "Wang Baodong, have you had enough trouble?"

"Can't you just relax and let Dr. Chen finish the sentence?"

"Why don't you come!"

" come!"

These remarks immediately scolded Wang Baodong to the same place and stopped talking.

And Chen Nan also looked at the two embarrassedly.

He Rui also sighed, looked at Chen Nan apologetically, and said slowly, "Sorry."


"I didn't eat indiscriminately."

"It feels like food poisoning to me."

When Chen Nan heard the sound, he started to think, and Xu Min couldn't help but whispered, "Director Chen, could it be... the wrong medicine?"

Chen Nan's eyes also lit up: "By the way, did you bring medicine when you came?"

Wang Baodong did not speak this time.

He Rui was suddenly furious: "Where's the medicine?"

Wang Baodong angrily took out the traditional Chinese medicine from his pocket: "It's all here."

After speaking, he threw it on the table angrily.

Chen Nan took the medicine bag and sighed at a glance.

Because...the drug is right.

This is the self-prescribed drug.


How could this have such an adverse reaction?

Chen Nan picked up the medicine, and suddenly came up with an idea, could it be a problem of drug concoction?

Thinking of this, Chen Nan picked up the pen and began to compare the prescriptions, and then focused on a few drugs.

At this time, the patients who were onlookers cut their heads one by one and wanted to go in and watch the fun.

Studies have shown that watching the fun can help relieve certain anxiety, increases the risk of accidents by 13.9%.

The surrounding patients are very curious to know, what should Chen Nan do?

Watching the fun is not afraid of big things.

Zhang Peiyuan and Gu Haihua, regardless of their identities, stood on tiptoe and looked inside.

This suddenly gave Gu Haihua a different kind of heart...

Secretary Xiao Zhou looked at this scene and felt helpless.

But when everyone looked at Chen Nan, he made a shocking move.

I saw Chen Nan take out the traditional Chinese medicine, and after observing it for a while, put it in his mouth.

"Director Chen!"

Seeing this, Xu Min's face changed, and he frowned quickly to remind.

Chen Nan waved his hand, signaling to rest assured.

After Chen Nan tasted some medicines back and forth, his expression changed suddenly!

His [Material Herbal Tasting] is very powerful and has an expert level.

Better than some pharmacy bosses.

This scrutiny and tasting quickly made Chen Nan discover the problem.

Qing Pinellia has a problem!

That's right!

Chen Nan's face suddenly gloomy.

Seeing this, Xu Min quickly walked to Chen Nan's side, looked at Chen Nan curiously, and wanted to speak.

However, Chen Nan took a deep breath:

"I know where the problem is."

"Indeed, it is our responsibility."

"Please rest assured, we will do our best to deal with all your follow-up treatment costs and troubles caused to you!"

"As the deputy director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I promise you."

"Finally, I am deeply sorry for the damage caused to you."

"It's because of our dereliction of duty at work."

Speaking of this, Chen Nan said to Xu Min, "Now call the outpatient clinic. Starting today, my outpatient clinic will be closed."

"Also, in the Chinese medicine ward, all Chinese medicines should be stopped immediately."

"Call Director Yang and Director Zhang."

"I'm going to meet them."

Xu Min's expression changed instantly.

He did not expect that Chen Nan's words were so serious!

Stop the clinic!

Stop prescribing medicines!

Find the Director and Dean!

Could this be a small thing?

At this time, the surroundings became lively in an instant.

"How can we stop the outpatient clinic?"

"That's right!"

"We finally got on the phone."

"It's too much!"

"Chen Nan, you are irresponsible!"

"What the hell happened?"


The surrounding voices were endless, He Rui also quickly asked:

"Doctor Chen, I... what's wrong with me?"

Chen Nan took a deep breath, stood up, and explained to everyone:

"Miss He, I'm sorry, the reason why you have this situation is because of the unqualified Chinese medicine!"

"Your situation is caused by pinellia poisoning."

"And the traditional Chinese medicine I prescribed for you is Qing Pinellia. This is a kind of Pinellia after it has been concocted. There is no problem with the dosage and so on."

"But, the problem lies here."

"Panxia is poisonous, mainly manifested in the strong stimulating effect on the mucous membranes of the body, such as the eyes, throat, stomach, etc.

Therefore, in addition to using raw products for external use, Pinellia uses its processed products for internal use regardless of the dosage form. "

"The purpose of Pinellia concoction is to relieve or reduce toxicity."


"That's the problem."

"My suggestion is, don't worry about refunding your number today, I will contact the staff and refund all the registration fee today."

"However, in addition to that, with the number in hand, everyone can queue up according to the number next time, and there is no need to re-register."

"I can't prescribe medicine for everyone now, because ... Miss He's matter is inevitable, not accidental, and this kind of thing will still happen."

"If there is no way to solve the problem on the side of medicine, no matter how good a doctor is, they can't treat the disease well."

"So, sorry!"

When Chen Nan said these words, everyone around him became quiet.

I see!

Dr. Chen is responsible for them.

Indeed, if there is no way to guarantee the medicine, what if something like He Rui happens again?

not to mention……

He Rui is not serious.

What if... what if there is something more serious?

What if Chuanwucaowu, snake slough... these drugs are all unqualified?

This is absolutely a terrible disaster for the patient's life and health!

Chen Nan's scalp is numb now!

He really didn't expect that the hospital would suddenly have such a situation in such a link.

And this time!


Zhang Peiyuan listened to these things completely from beginning to end.

When he got to the back, his face instantly became extremely difficult to see!

There is a problem with Chinese medicine!

This is no small matter.

What is the foundation of the hospital?

Isn't it the quality and reliability of medicines?

Now, if something goes wrong with the drug, what kind of damage does this cause?

Zhang Peiyuan knew that he could not hide at this time.

He has to stand up.

Thinking of Gu Xing next to him, his heart was ashes.

After all... when such a big thing happened in the hospital, as the dean, he had an inescapable responsibility.

He must be in charge!

Indeed, at this time, Gu Haihua's expression was extremely ugly.

He didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Under the eyelids!

As a parental official in Jin Province, Gu Haihua has always been in charge of the overall situation, and he rarely understands the details of things.

People's livelihood issues and economic development issues are equally important.

The health of the people is the biggest problem!

But now, there is a problem of serious loopholes in the quality of traditional Chinese medicine. What is the problem?

Gu Haihua is not some kind of brat. Seeing that there is a problem with the medicine, he asks Zhang Peiyuan to hold him accountable.

This doesn't solve any problems!

Because...there are a lot of things involved.

First: Who decides the source of Chinese medicine in Yuancheng People's Hospital?

Second: What is the source of Chinese medicine?

Third: Since this company can deliver traditional Chinese medicine to top-three hospitals like Yuancheng People's Hospital, it must be a giant. In this way... what about other hospitals?

How many interest groups are involved, how many key people are involved, and how many patients' health is involved!

This is destined to be no small problem!

Thinking of this, Gu Haihua's face was extremely ugly, his eyes were solemn, and he said to Xiao Zhou beside him, "Let the Health and Health Commission and the leaders in charge come from the City People's Hospital."

Xiao Zhou nodded quickly, got up and hurried to get ready.

Such a sudden meeting is definitely not a trivial matter.

He knew that the leader was angry!

At this time, Gu Haihua was not in a hurry to leave, he would continue to pay attention to the development of the matter.

Only by being on the front line can you grasp the real situation.


At this moment, Zhang Peiyuan quickly stood up and said to the crowd:

"Feel sorry!"

"I'm really sorry."

"I'm the president of Yuancheng People's Hospital, Zhang Peiyuan!"

"I am deeply sorry for this issue today. For the damage caused by everyone, our Yuancheng People's Hospital will definitely take responsibility to the end, please rest assured!"

"Ms. He, you will go to the ENT department now and receive treatment. The full name is the treatment fee, and we will be responsible for it."

"We promise that we will never sell Chinese medicine for a dime until the problem of Chinese medicine is completely solved!"

"Comrades, we, Yuancheng People's Hospital, accept everyone's supervision."

"Do not worry!"


Zhang Peiyuan's sudden appearance was like a calming shot, making everyone heave a sigh of relief.

Wait until the crowd has dispersed.

Chen Nan, Zhang Peiyuan and the others came to the dean's office, while Gu Haihua sat in the chair without saying a word.

Zhang Peiyuan looked at Chen Nan and said seriously, "Xiao Chen, are you sure it's a problem with traditional Chinese medicine?"

Chen Nan nodded: "Well, Pinellia has a big problem!"

"I open Qing Banxia. The so-called Qing Banxia is the product of raw Banxia using alum to produce and process traditional Chinese medicine."

"The preparation of traditional Chinese medicine is definitely not only for preservation, but also to reduce toxicity and improve efficacy."

"It's like Pinellia."

"Clearing Pinellia's toxic side effects and acrid properties are reduced, and the effect of relieving cough and resolving phlegm is improved."

"And besides that, there are floating Pinellia, Steaming Pinellia, Ginger Pinellia, etc..."

"At present, there are more commonly used Qing Pinellia and French Pinellia."

"French pinellia is made from alum, licorice, and lime powder for the production and processing of traditional Chinese medicine.

It has low toxic and side effects, and has strong effects of relieving cough and phlegm. "

"Different processing methods have different focus on curative effect."

"President Zhang, I have to say here, if there is no way to ensure the safety of traditional Chinese medicine, the health of the people will be greatly threatened!"

"There is no problem with the drug link!"

Chen Nan didn't have any good expressions this time. After all, such a big thing happened, he must take it seriously!

At this time, Gu Haihua who was beside him suddenly spoke up.

"Traditional Chinese medicine, don't ruin it with traditional Chinese medicine!"

Gu Haihua's vision is very high.

The macro way of looking at the problem, as well as the pattern, is even wider.

His words came to the root.

You can see how high it is!

"Traditional Chinese medicine is the "integration of medicine". If the quality of traditional Chinese medicine cannot meet the required standards, the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine will be greatly reduced or even cause medical accidents." Gu Haihua added.

Even if he wasn't in a professional industry, Gu Haihua's comprehensive level and vision were absolutely unparalleled.

at this time!

Chen Nan suddenly thought of a sentence!

"Traditional Chinese medicine, you will die from medicine!"

"Destroy medicine with medicine!"

These two words were said by my grandfather.

At the beginning, Chen Jingting ran a clinic, and he personally purchased any medicines.

At that time, the old man said something like this.

The demise of traditional Chinese medicine is likely to be because of traditional Chinese medicine!

And "killing medicine with medicine" is a slogan put forward by some Western capitals in a special period!

In the past, Chen Nan had not noticed such a thing.

To be precise, he did not come into contact with some special ranks.

Even the last time the problem of "North and South Schisandra", Chen Nan thought that it was caused by the irresponsibility of the doctor.

but now!

He met!

This is also the reason why Chen Nan is so stern, as if he is facing a big enemy.

To prevent micro-duplication, don't make amends.

Medicine is related to people's health, and Chen Nan must not let him have problems with this relief.

The intervention of capital may not necessarily be a good thing for the development of traditional Chinese medicine.

Because of cost!

The cost of concocting is not low.

Not to mention the cumbersome process, and the participation of professionals.

However, the processing of Chinese herbal decoction pieces is a unique technology for reducing toxicity and enhancing efficacy of Chinese herbal medicines.

However, there are fewer and fewer old pharmacists who have mastered this technology, and there is no unified standard for the processing of traditional Chinese medicine in various places in my country. In addition, the supervision of the production of Chinese medicinal decoction pieces is not effective, so many old Chinese medicine practitioners sigh:

"In the past, it was 'medicine for each other, a bowl of soup, and the illness will stop'.

Now it is 'the disease is right, the prescription is right, and the medicine is not working'. "

At this moment, Wei Kai walked in, and with him was Yang Hongnian.

After the two came in, they brought two large bags of traditional Chinese medicine.

The two were classified and placed on the ground.

Wei Kai hurriedly said, "I've brought the samples!"

Now, Yang Hongnian is the dean in charge of the pharmacy. If something like this happens, he needs to be responsible.

Fortunately, Yang Hongnian trusted Chen Nan very much and brought all the samples directly.

At this time, Gu Haihua asked, "President Zhang, who is in charge of the hospital's traditional Chinese medicine?"

Zhang Peiyuan sighed, glanced at Yang Hongnian, and said:

"Leader, the one in charge of the pharmacy is Dean Yang Hongnian Yang."


"Before, our traditional Chinese medicine procurement was in cooperation with Qiushui Pharmaceutical Company."

"It's been pretty safe all along."

"However, with the development of traditional Chinese medicine in hospitals, Qiushui Street can no longer meet our needs."

"Later, in the province, Xinke Traditional Chinese Medicine Beverage Company, a subsidiary of Xinke Pharmaceutical Company, combined with large and small pharmaceutical companies in the province to integrate the market and launched a new standard."

"The previous vice president, President Hu Haitao, reached a cooperative relationship with Xinke Traditional Chinese Medicine Beverage Company on contact and cooperation."

"Who would have thought... that such a thing happened."


"Director Yang Hongnian only took office recently. He doesn't know anything about this matter."

"We also follow the above requirements and try our best to ensure the safety of medicines."

"In any case, we can't joke in this field!"

As soon as these words came out, Gu Haihua's face suddenly became ugly.

Xinke Pharmaceutical Co., he knows it.

Gu Haihua also visited the star enterprises in the province and the big taxpayers.

However, now suddenly such a thing happened.

For a while, Gu Haihua said nothing, his expression solemn.

Things are getting bigger and bigger.

Gu Haihua suddenly stood up and said to Xiao Zhou, "Let's go."

"President Zhang, you can keep in touch with me at any time about the progress of this matter."

Gu Haihua got up and left.

The room was silent.

And Chen Nan began to taste the medicines below.

Two hours later, Chen Nan pointed out 39 Chinese herbs and said to Wei Kai, "Send it for inspection."



This afternoon!

The test results are out.

The active ingredients of the drug are all qualified.


Toxic side effects, but several drugs have seriously exceeded the standard.

Although only a few drugs exceed the standard, they cannot explain the safety factor.


Because many of the toxicity of traditional Chinese medicine can not be formulated with modern testing standards.

The toxicity of some drugs can only be manifested when they are mixed with other traditional Chinese medicines to form prescriptions and react with other traditional Chinese medicines.

This undoubtedly highlights a problem!

That is: the safety analysis of traditional Chinese medicine.

This is obviously a big problem!

And that afternoon.

Gu Haihua was furious at the meeting, and asked Mo Xiangqiang to set up a special investigation team to supervise the hospitals and the company's TCM decoction pieces across the province.

Time . . . day by day.

The progress of the investigation was not very effective.

On the side of Xinke Pharmaceutical Company, there is not even any scandal exposed.

Because their traditional Chinese medicines do meet industry standards.

Even many Chinese herbal medicine companies in Shanxi Province are following the lead of Xinke Pharmaceutical Company. The relevant standards they have currently formulated have been placed on the court.

Is this standard reasonable? !

Yuancheng People's Hospital has resumed cooperation with Zheng Lu and their Qiushui Pharmaceutical Company in the past few days.

This maintains normal operation.

And this day!

Chen Nan and Pei Luo were both invited to the table of the investigation conference team organized by Mo Xiangqiang.

Facing Mo Xiangqiang's question, Pei Luo was very calm.

He looked at Chen Nan seriously, and then glanced at Mo Xiangqiang:

"Director Mo, our Xinke Traditional Chinese Medicine Beverage Company has a large export volume, and local sales in the source city are not the main force for us!"

"Our standard production is completely in line with foreign standards."

"This standard is also recognized by the industry."

"Our Xinke pharmaceutical company's drug processing standards are completed under the guidance of some Chinese medicine masters in Xinglinyuan."

"I don't think that one person's behavior can negate an industry standard."

"Several of our Xinco Pharmaceuticals' export medicines have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Food Supplements (DSC) and Herbal Medicines (HMC) at the same time."

"So...I think, after the incident, why not investigate the doctor's cause?"

"It's because of one person's fault to pursue this industry!"

Pei Luo's remarks immediately aroused the approval of the people around him.

"Yes! Director Mo, I don't think it's fair!"

"Yeah, Director Mo, we all follow the standards. Why don't we pursue the doctor because of one person's problem, but pursue the problem of our pharmaceutical company! We all abide by the law!"

"Hey... Yes, do you know how much damage has been caused to us these days? Dr. Chen! You alone have affected the GDP of our Jin province!"

"Yeah, if you say a word, you will come and you will give a standard! We can go up and down several million a day, and you say a word... our losses, will you bear it?"

"that is!"


A group of bosses angrily accused Chen Nan, and the picture was full of aggression.

And Pei Luo watched this scene and smoked a cigarette on his own.

He looked at Chen Nan and smiled jokingly.

Really childish!

Ha ha……

Mo Xiangqiang frowned and said in a deep voice, "Be quiet!"

"This is not what we are discussing today!"

"Drug issues are related to people's livelihood and health, and should not be child's play."

"Director Chen, is there anything you want to say?"

Chen Nan nodded. He stared at Pei Luo and everyone around him, and said seriously:

"I have a question to ask."

"Traditional Chinese medicine is produced in China, and Chinese medicine is used in China, but...why do we use Chinese medicine to follow foreign standards?"


ps: I didn't notice, it's the end of the month.

cough cough...

Ask for a monthly pass.

This month, except for the double period at the beginning of the month, I asked for a monthly pass, and I never asked for it again. Today is the 30th. Please, the big guys, if you have extra monthly passes, remember to vote for Xiaoshoushou, alright!

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