Doctor Chen, Don't Be a Coward!

Chapter 293 This Is Unscientific!

In the ward.

Chen Nan looked at the old man in his nineties on the bed, and the children around him were also in their fifties and sixties. The eldest daughter had even retired to take care of the old mother. Besides, there were some grandchildren.

Talking and laughing in the room, a peaceful.

Hao Gang said to Chen Nan: "The old man is 91 years old, he is in good health, and the children in the family are very filial."

"However, this hemorrhoid, speaking of it, is not a fatal disease, but... the old man sits in the toilet for half an hour."

"Besides, it has already reached the fourth stage. If it is not too old, surgery is not recommended, and it can be solved with surgery long ago."

"Now, it prolapses continuously, and it still protrudes out of the anus after refeeding. Bleeding in the stool occurs every three days. The old man's blood picture is not very good now, anemia."

"At such an advanced age, any kind of disease will be life-threatening if it is severe enough to a certain extent..."

Speaking of this, Hao Gang couldn't help but sighed.

"Director Chen, we don't have a good solution now, so we can only ask you to come and have a look."

"Seek some treatment measures and means of traditional Chinese medicine."

"See if there is any good way to treat conservatively."

Hearing the sound, Chen Nan nodded, "Well, let's go see the patient first."

While speaking, Hao Gang led the way, and the group walked towards the ward.

At this time, Matsuoka Asaichi, Aimani and others also followed closely behind.

Regarding hemorrhoids, everyone doesn’t know much about it. After all, everyone is not a doctor in this specialty. Even... For most Western medical students, the technical content of anorectal department is not so high, so the status will naturally slip. Follow along and learn There are not many doctors.

In the eyes of everyone, hemorrhoids are a relatively low-level entry-level disease.

In severe cases, surgery is enough.

Matsuoka Asaichi also glanced at Chen Nan curiously. He really wanted to know what outstanding performance Chen Nan could have on such an ordinary and common disease as the anorectal department.

Ellis, on the other hand, was full of expectations.

Elderly hemorrhoids have become a topic of much concern in end-of-life medicine.

Because the hemorrhoids of the elderly are generally more serious, long-term sedentary, weak constitution, and many other reasons, and... the key is that this disease greatly affects the quality of life.

Can Chen Nan have any good solutions?

While speaking, Chen Nan had already walked to the old man's side, and said with a smile:

"Hello, old man!"

The old lady looked very kind, with frosty hair, kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and a lovely smile.

"Okay, hello, hello!"

The old lady's voice had some strength, but she lacked energy. Chen Nan looked at the other person's face and listened to his voice, and the first thing he felt was that the old man's physique was weaker.

Hao Gang introduced at this time: "Old lady, this is Director Chen of our Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chen Nan."

Hearing Chen Nan's name, the middle-aged man beside him took the initiative to shake hands: "Director Chen, I've heard of you for a long time!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to come here."

"Thank you so much."

The eldest daughter at the side smiled and took out a book: "Director Chen, I'm still your reader!"

"I have to say that your book is really good. Those things about health preservation are much better than those experts on health cultivation."

Chen Nan didn't put on airs, and said with a smile, "You're welcome."

"Let's avoid it first, let me take a look at the situation of the old man."

When everyone heard the sound, they nodded quickly.

Chen Nan's reputation in Jin Province is not small. Although he is not a household name, he is also well-known in a small circle.

Especially the several emergencies in Jin Province, Chen Nan gained a large number of loyal fans.

After everyone evaded, with the help of the eldest daughter, the old man slowly took off his pants.

Chen Nan frowned when he saw the situation of the old man.

Not only him!

Matsuoka Asaichi and the others on the side were also a little surprised.

Because there is a lot of persistent prolapse at this time, the skin and mucous membranes are red, thin, and easy to bleed.

Hao Gang sighed: "The point is, there is no way to return it now."

"If it goes on like this, it can only be cut off."

"However, for an old man at this age, surgery is still quite troublesome."


Chen Nan nodded. The old man was a typical mixed hemorrhoid with internal hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

And it has developed to the fourth stage, which is the period when surgery is necessary.

However, due to individual differences, surgery cannot be performed.

Asahi Matsuoka couldn't help but glanced at Chen Nan, he wanted to know... What can Chen Nan do to improve his symptoms?

Is medical treatment helpful?

All the first-class scholars looked at Chen Nan curiously.

After a while!

Chen Nan said, "Put on your pants!"

"I'll take the pulse."

"Old man, is there any major discomfort recently?"

The old man sighed: "Hey... I just feel uncomfortable down here."

"This kind of illness is a bit difficult to talk about, and it's inconvenient to say..."

"Recently, I feel sleepy and weak, and my whole body is very uncomfortable."

"There is less food."

"The whole person doesn't want to talk."

Chen Nan felt the patient's pulse, which was deep and weak.

Typical deficiency syndrome!

In fact, this patient is not difficult to dialectical.

It is deficiency.

Qi and blood deficiency.


Obviously, in terms of treatment, conventional traditional Chinese medicine should not be used as the main treatment.

Visible blood cannot be won quickly, but the qi of the five elements must be consolidated quickly.

In Chinese medicine, Zhongqi is a very important thing, which can raise the sun and lift the sun.

Whether it is a hernia, or this kind of hemorrhoids, or a prolapse of the uterus, etc., the treatment is mainly based on the lifting of the sun.


Elderly people have deficient internal organs, and after taking traditional Chinese medicine, the efficiency of transforming it into Zhongqi will also be reduced.

In addition, the spleen and stomach are weak, and the spleen and stomach are the acquired foundation, the source of Qi and blood biochemistry.

Spleen deficiency means biochemical weakness.

The spleen governs the movement and transformation, and if the movement and transformation are weak, if you continue to replenish qi and spleen, the effect will be 12 points slow.

Is there a way to improve patient outcomes?

After Chen Nan pondered for a moment, he immediately took it to heart.


Chen Nan said to Hao Gang who was on the side: "Director Hao, go prepare astragalus injection, lidocaine, methylene blue..."

"By the way, the syringe uses 20ml, but... uses a five-gauge needle."

Hearing Chen Nan's words, although Hao Gang was curious, he immediately nodded and asked the nurse to get ready.

And the few people around looked at Chen Nan curiously, wondering what the other party was going to do?

Asaichi Matsuoka worked tirelessly as a translator.

Yang Hongnian also looked at Chen Nan curiously, feeling a little curious in his heart.

This injection?

Is the effect of the injection better?

Astragalus injection?

However, patients often take traditional Chinese medicine, and the effect is very mediocre. If you use Astragalus injection, it may not have a good effect!

Just at this time.

The nurse came in pushing the cart.

"Director Chen, get ready."

"You dispense your own medicine?"

Chen Nan nodded, and said to Hao Gang beside him, "Take 15ml of Astragalus injection, 0.05g of lidocaine, and 3mg of methylene blue and mix them together."

After finishing speaking, he said to the eldest daughter beside him, "Let the old man lie down and expose the tailbone."

Everyone around looked at Chen Nan's operation curiously, full of curiosity and solemnity.

All this makes everyone very novel.

Just when everyone thought that Chen Nan was going to inject in the buttocks, they saw that he actually chose the depression under the tailbone!

Hao Gang immediately asked: "This is... the Changqiang point?"

Recently, Hao Gang is also trying to supplement Chinese medicine. After all, the department is now developing in the direction of integrating traditional Chinese and Western medicine. As the director of the department, Hao Gang is still very dedicated.

After finally seeing an opportunity for the development of the department, he naturally would not miss such an opportunity.

So there is a lot of energy in learning.

Chen Nan smiled and nodded: "That's right!"

"Long Qiang Point."

"Director Hao, you have learned well recently."

Changqiang point is in the depression below the end of the coccyx, dissected in the anorococcus diaphragm, has branches of the anal artery and vein, the continuation of the interspinous venous plexus, and is distributed with the coccygeal nerve and anal nerve.

While Chen Nan was speaking, he stabbed the pillow into the Changqiang acupoint, and did not inject the liquid immediately.

On the contrary, acupuncture is used as lifting and inserting technique to make it get Qi, and after aspiration without blood return, the medicinal liquid is slowly injected into the acupuncture points.

Hao Gang asked curiously: "Director Chen... what effect does this have?"

Chen Nan explained with a smile:

"Changqiang acupoint, the acupoint belongs to the Governor Vessel, which is the junction of Shaoyin and Shaoyang.

And the effect is even more remarkable!

Can pass the post of governor, regulate the intestines, relieve dampness and heat.

Indications for diarrhea, blood in the stool, hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, constipation, back pain, coccyx pain, etc.

This name is not called in vain. The name of Changqiang acupoint comes from "Lingshu Meridians". "

Speaking of this, he slowed down, calmed down for a moment, and continued:

"The patient is suffering from qi deficiency. Using Astragalus membranaceus to elevate and elevate the depression. If it is taken orally, the effect is mediocre, because the middle energizer is out of control, the qi transformation is unfavorable, and the function of spleen and stomach transportation and transformation is disordered.


At this time, we can use Astragalus injection alone.

The quantity is large and the taste is thick, and the accumulation will grow strong!

It can follow the coccyx, dissipate the Ren meridian, and follow the ridge to go up. Its function of raising yang, replenishing qi and absorbing blood is the right thing to do.

Lidocaine and methylene blue take the meaning of long-acting anesthesia, and cooperate with Astragalus to exert their functions of raising yang, lifting depression, nourishing qi and absorbing blood. "

Matsuoka at the side widened his eyes and said, "Is this... acupoint injection?"

Chen Nan smiled and nodded: "Mr. Asaichi Matsuoka is right, this is indeed acupuncture point injection."

"Acupoint injection is a unique therapy based on the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine to stimulate the therapeutic effects of meridians and acupoints, combined with the pharmacological effects of modern medicine and injection methods."

"Thus playing the additive effect of acupoints, acupuncture, and drug combination."

"This is a modern technique of Chinese medicine."

"Acupoint injection, on the one hand, acupuncture and medicine directly stimulate the acupoints on the meridian, producing a certain curative effect;

On the other hand, after acupoint injection, the drug stays in the acupoint for a long time, so it can enhance and prolong the therapeutic effect of the acupoint, and make it flow along the meridian to dredge the meridian qi, directly reach the corresponding pathological tissues and organs, and give full play to the acupoint. Co-therapeutic effect with drugs;

Furthermore, the effect of drugs on acupoints can also act on the body through the nervous system and neurohumoral system, stimulating the body's disease resistance and producing great curative effects. "

Chen Nan's operation directly stunned several foreigners.


Even Hao Gang on the side couldn't help but fell into surprise, widened his eyes and said:

"It's still like this?"

Chen Nan smiled: "In the modernization of Chinese medicine, naturally we can't just learn from our ancestors."

"Traditional Chinese medicine is also developing, so don't favor the past and the present."

"Today's Chinese medicine can be regarded as a hundred flowers blooming, with many skills. With the support of modern medicine and technology, many effective treatments can be achieved!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Nan exhorted:

"Same position, three days in a row, let's see how it works!"

"Director Hao, can you do it?"

Hao Gang gritted his teeth solemnly, nodded and agreed: "Yes!"

Chen Nan smiled appreciatively.

Hao Gang is a progressive, down-to-earth and capable person, and he has no prejudice against Chinese and Western medicine in his heart.

Chen Nan nodded and said, "Yes!"

"The new ward must have a first-floor ward of anorectal department integrating traditional Chinese and Western medicine."

"The techniques and techniques of Chinese medicine must be brought into play."

"For example, don't just use potassium permanganate for a sitz bath."

"The sitz bath with traditional Chinese medicine is also good for hemorrhoids. You can try to develop it."

"Director Hao, open your mind and free your mind."

"Give full play to the advantages of the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, this is the best explanation for patients."

Hao Gang nodded cautiously when he heard the sound,

Today's treatment and Chen Nan's advice had a great impact on him.

After the treatment, Chen Nan gave some instructions, prescribed a few Chinese medicines and left.

As for Matsuoka Asaichi and the others gathered together, they began to discuss in a low voice.

"Mr. Asaichi Matsuoka, is this... this treatment really effective?"

Matsuoka Asahi did not speak, but after describing the situation of the old man, he sent it to his classmates at the Affiliated Hospital of Tokyo Medical University, and then asked:

"Can this situation be treated?"

The classmate quickly replied: "No!"

"The patient is 91 years old, the anal cushions themselves have started to move down, and the varicose veins are so severe."

"The elasticity of the blood vessels decreases, and the walls of the blood vessels become thinner, while the elasticity and contractility of the intestinal tract is already poor."

"In this case, there is basically no other way except surgery."

"It's almost impossible to retract naturally!"

"You should know that although the exact cause of hemorrhoids is still unclear, it is mainly related to genetics, eating habits, constipation, drinking, sitting for a long time, squatting for a long time, pregnancy and some disease factors."

"However, endarteritis and periphlebitis of the hemorrhoidal plexus can lead to fibrosis, increased fragility, and thinning of part of the vessel wall, resulting in local varicose veins."

"91 years old, already irreversible!"

"Now we can only treat conservatively, and surgery is troublesome."

After Matsuoka Asaichi read the reply, he looked at several people: "This is what my friend said. He is the director of the Anorectal Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Tokyo Medical University."

"It's a more authoritative answer."

Batum and the others heard it, but at this moment... they were not too convinced.

After an incident in the morning, everyone's attitude towards Chen Nan has changed a lot.

Aimeni couldn't help asking: "Is it impossible?"

After finishing speaking, Aimani shook his head. Everyone is in the medical field, and they are all experienced. They are not newcomers, and they still understand some common sense.

However, Elis did not speak, but quietly opened the notebook and recorded what Chen Nan said.


After Chen Nan got off work in the afternoon, he went to the hot pot restaurant.

Shang Chaoyan's gratitude to him had already turned into plates of fresh meat.

Chen Nan didn't bring a gift, so he couldn't ask Hao Gang, the director of the anorectal department, to ask for some fat intestines cut out by surgery, right?

Leaving aside the question of whether or not to be ignorant, at least medical ethics does not allow it.

Shang Chaoyan waved his hand and said with a smile, "Just do it!"

"Open up and eat!"

Looking at her appearance at this time, she looked very much like when she was a child, holding meatballs in one hand and pig's head in the other and running to Chen Nan.

"Haha, haven't changed at all!"

Shang Chaoyan was not used to Chen Nan, and gave him a blank look: "Why, you can't cover your mouth even when you eat!"

A hot pot meal can be regarded as a hot meal.

When Chen Nan left the hotpot restaurant, he felt as if he was back in his childhood.

There is actually a pleasure of eating soft rice.

He couldn't help laughing, but at this moment, Shang Chaoyan came out and patted his shoulder, hurry up, it's so cold outside.

Chen Nan was taken aback: "Why?"

Shang Chaoyan's eyes widened: "Brother, shouldn't you send me home after you finish eating?"

"Eat for nothing?"

Chen Nan: "How about a treat? I will help you so much!"

Shang Chaoyan didn't bother to talk to Chen Nan, and got into the co-pilot on his own: "Hurry up!"

"I'll bring you here for whoring for nothing in the future!"

Chen Nan was speechless: "Isn't this your hotpot restaurant?"

"If you don't pay, you're going to prostitute for nothing?"

Shang Chaoyan chuckled: "You don't understand now, do you?"

"This is from my mother's family."

"When I get married in the future, maybe I have to pay for it!"

"Wouldn't it be nice for me to save it for my future husband?"

"Stupid or not?!"

Chen Nan couldn't help laughing out loud, for this guy's brain circuit, um...very clear!

After getting into the car, Chen Nan couldn't help but exclaimed, "Tsk tsk!"

"Whoever marries you in the future will be lucky!"

Shang Chaoyan blinked: "Don't you know? The daughters of the ancient butcher's family are all in high demand!"



In the past few days, the exchange team who came to visit went to the anorectal department every day if they had nothing to do.

The whole Yang Hongnian once wondered if this man named Matsuoka Asaichi, who lived a good life, had any special hobbies.

Until after the third day.

When Matsuoka Asaichi and the others saw the situation of the 91-year-old lady, they were completely dumbfounded!

Even Hao Gang looked at the scene in front of him in shock, a little unbelievable!

"This... I'm going back!"

The eldest daughter of the old lady said excitedly: "Yes!"

"When I woke up this morning, when I went to the toilet, there was no blood."

"I just took a look, and it turned out... I really went back!"


"Director Hao, Director Chen is too powerful, isn't he?"

At this time, a group of crooked nuts were completely at a loss.

Matsuoka stared at this scene, and murmured to himself, "'s not scientific!"


The scene in front of him was indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

Sola from South Africa, who originally had some opinions about the source city this time, was also dumbfounded.

It's hard to believe that in this small place, I saw miraculous effects one after another!

Chen Nan's figure could not help appearing in everyone's mind.


ps: The map will be changed soon, probably in the last few days.

The story of the source city is coming to an end.

The protagonist will be transferred otherwise.

Stay tuned ha...

Finally, during the free period, please ask for a monthly pass. After the free period ends, there will be explosive updates.

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