Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 221 Lan Qi took Hyperian’s words seriously

Frey, Lanci, and Hyperion were walking on the path of the school's Knights' Courtyard.

Along the way, the three of them talked while walking.

"Frey, do you know the rules of the competition?"

The jacarandas on both sides of the road are scattered and scattered, adding a sense of mystery and tranquility to this campus area, proudly displaying the flowers that have not withered even in winter.

"It's probably the same as the contract we signed last time, just treat it as fighting in the shadow world, and this time the public competition will no longer use the artificial shadow world, but go directly to the Knights Academy Arena for actual combat."

Frey replied that when he went to the Knights' Court with the president, he had been listening to their discussions.

Since there is no venue for the event, the fighters from the Fighter Soul team have made an appointment with Monast and will wait in the arena for the instructor from the student union to pass by.

"It's so big."

Lan Qi remembered the giant arena with pointed arch windows full of classical charm, which could accommodate many spectators. There was also a magic barrier on the fighting stage that could protect lives.

Generally, when it is officially launched to the outside world, considering the cost and publicity, it will be a large-scale event.

"Yes, the day after tomorrow happens to be Friday. If we heat up the atmosphere in advance, it can be regarded as a good celebration."

Frey continued.

After all, the characteristic of students and residents of Icerite is that they love to watch the excitement.

Every year, Ikerite Academy occasionally performs special activities to satisfy the people's wishes.

Although sometimes it can be too big. For example, last time, the dean of the Alchemy Academy was sent directly to the hospital.

"By the way, Lan Qi, who do you think will win?"

Frey asked with rare curiosity.

"I am not sure……"

Lan Qi held her chin and thought for a while, then finally shook her head.

"Then I'll buy it after you're sure."


Hyperion on the side was speechless and choked.

The motivations of these two guys are both clear and confusing.

She no longer cared about the words of the two people around her. She looked up and saw that the most conspicuous arena of the Knights Court came into view.

Viewed from a distance, the entire magnificent building is mainly made of red bricks and white stones. The most eye-catching thing is the uniquely designed window panes, which vary in size but are full of classical charm. The colorful crystals inlaid in the window panes, Even on a cloudy day, the colorful colors sprinkle across the interior like a dream, adding a bit of warmth to the cold stone walls of the arena.

The three of them walked along the wide corridor behind the gate. Due to preparations for activities and maintenance work in the past two days, it was about to be temporarily closed to students, so the number of people inside became sparse.

Soon, as the light and shadow in the corridor gradually brightened at the end, the three members of the student union walked out of an iron door wrapped with vines, and a gust of wind roared up the corners of their clothes.

When they saw the things in front of them clearly again, a huge battle square appeared in front of them. The center of the high platform was covered with white marble cut by blades. Looking from a distance, there were circles of upward auditoriums that could accommodate several people. Thousands of people.


What attracted their attention was not the sight of this place, but the burst of unbridled laughter. Looking around, they saw a group of burly young people standing on the arena in the distance. They all had slight scars on their faces, but Obviously out of the way.

"How come you have become weaker? Can't you even hold on for a few minutes this time?"

"The fighting spirit of Icerita Academy is really too weak."

"Do you have ※※? A bunch of trash without ※※, why not ask your boss to come out and compete with us as soon as possible!"

On the contrary, all the fighters from Icerite Academy were knocked to the ground. Their bodies were covered with scars and their noses were bleeding. They seemed to have no strength to even stand up.

"You guys... are no match for Sister Cilvini..."

The burly deputy leader of the Fighter Soul team had blood dripping from his lower lip. He tried to stand up with a trembling voice, but was soon stepped on heavily on his back. He coughed blood and could no longer move. .

"Then let her come. We will definitely let her enjoy it."

The man at the head of Aloran Royal Academy leaned down and said with a smile.

Immediately, the fighters behind him laughed loudly.

"How is this going?"

Lan Qi took the lead on the arena and asked in confusion.

The defeated fighters on the ground seemed to be extremely ashamed and avoided looking. Their lips and teeth were trembling and they were speechless. It may be that their last bit of strength and energy had been completely taken away.

"These guys couldn't stand our words, so they agreed to compete with us first. The result is as you can see."

The tall man headed by the other party with some scars around his eyes smacked his tongue and said to Lan Qi.


Lan Qi nodded. He remembered that this person was a sixth-level fighter from the academic visiting team of Aloran Royal Academy, Kusai. He was very powerful and was also a noble of the Aloran Kingdom.

"Then the winner of this friendly match has obviously been decided. Please come back the day after tomorrow to participate in the official match."

Lan Qi said businesslikely to the fighters headed by Kusai in front of him.

"They haven't surrendered yet. I advise you not to interfere. Otherwise, we may accidentally injure you, which is not our responsibility."

Kusai sneered and twisted his wrist.

If she had ravaged these Ikerite fighters a little more, she might be able to get Zylvini to take the initiative in the competition the day after tomorrow.

After all, Zylvini is also one of the original members of the Fighter Soul team and can play according to the rules. In other words, they deliberately allowed her to play.

The kid in front of him wanted to disrupt the situation, and he didn't mind taking him down as well.

"Kuse, he is Ranchi."

The fighter behind him whispered.

The noble young master with black hair and emerald green eyes, and the nameplate of the student union, is obviously the only one left.

After hearing this, Kusai was in a daze, squinting his left eye and looking at Lan Qi.

"Lan Qi? Are you the guy who lost first to Adams, then to Kallen, and was still praised to the sky?"

Kusai, who was nearly two meters tall, smiled disdainfully, looked at Lan Qi and said.

Among the three guys from the student union, the one with gray hair was very strong. Even though he was only at the fifth level, Kusai couldn't explain the wildness in him.

The tall, silver-haired girl is average, neither strong nor weak, and can knock her down in just a few strokes.

And this guy with black hair and green eyes... is simply ridiculously weak.

"It seems that the Saint of Destruction is nothing more than that. You can kill her, and now I think I can kill her too... If you are nosy today, do you want to try and lose to me again?"

Kusai said coldly, not taking Lan Qi seriously at all, and was even interested in giving Lan Qi a try at any time.

Third update today, there are two more chapters to come~

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