Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 317 The iron-blooded love song composed by Lan Qi

Three days later.

The sky in Kingston City was washed spotless by a heavy rain.

Today is a rare good day. The sunshine has pushed through the thin clouds on the snow and spread to the earth. Even the haze has been dispersed.

Although it is still bitterly cold, there is a hint of spring.

The Snowy Arena, located on the north side of the city-state, has become the focus today. The marble floor and majestic stone pillars imitate a temple-like structure and surround the center of the arena, while a circle of upward-facing bleacher seats on the outside form this majestic arena. Overall view of the building.

Today, many dignitaries from the Snowfield Province came to the city-state Knights Arena in Kingston City.

It is often used for internal training of city-state knights, competitions held within the city-state, or some large-scale events.

Complementing today's weather, the bright morning sunlight shines through the top opening and onto the center of the white floor tiles, as if giving a sacred blessing to the place.

Early in the morning, many nobles in rich costumes arrived one after another. They sat on the VIP seats high in the arena, discussing or laughing.

At the same time, many residents of Kingston City came to watch this public duel.

As the day progresses, the arena fills up more and more.

The citizens' chatter and even the anticipation and curiosity about the upcoming game have merged into a relaxed atmosphere, hovering over the entire arena, waiting for the excitement and excitement to come.

"Maybe today's competition will become a good story."

"I heard from Lord Viscount Kingston that the two of them had known each other since they were very young. They met again many years later, but they had to overcome such difficulties."

"Although it is difficult for Mr. Xia Ya to win, isn't it the comeback against the wind that makes the love between a boy and a girl more touching?"


At the VIP table high above, listening to the chirping voices of these civilians, Viscount Blackburn snorted coldly.

"Whatever is beautiful, it will end when it is trampled on."

Originally, he heard that for three full days, there was no sign of Char in Kingston. He thought that Char might have given up and ran away.

Unexpectedly, Xia Ya had already gone to the player lounge to prepare today.

It seemed that those two students took him to special training outside the city for three full days.

Viscount Blackburn felt funny when he thought about it. He just turned his head and looked at Professor Mech aside and asked:

"Professor Meiqi, what do you think of the odds of winning this game?"

"Ten to ten."

Meiqi still said so confidently and absolutely.

"Hmph, today is a good day, just the right time for me to take office as governor."

Viscount Blackburn sneered darkly.

He actually hated those two young men and women who seemed to be pretending to be calm.

At that time, I had the feeling of always watching a play in the living room of Viscount Kingston's house, as if I looked down on him, which was the highest form of contempt.


The key is……

Obviously, the Specter Party he entrusted can take care of the boy Shayana on the way.

There is a high probability that those two guys interfered and brought Char to Kingston City!

But now that the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, he will soon be able to make these two people pay some price in the Snowfield Province.

at the same time.

The other side of the stands.

Viscount Levine Kingston, who was entertaining other dignitaries from the Snowy Province who came to Kingston City at the VIP table, followed his gaze and movements and found the two conspicuous figures of Lan Qi and West Germany sitting at the table.

Not long after, Viscount Levin Kingston finished greeting the dignitaries around him and walked towards the place he had been thinking about.

Viscount Levin Kingston sat beside the two of them very tiredly.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't entertain the two distinguished guests who came all the way from Herrom."

He said to Ranchi and Sid,

"I personally feel very sorry for giving you a bad experience as soon as you arrived in Kingston City. Please don't blame Char and Lilith."

Viscount Levin Kingston bowed his head sincerely and apologized. He didn't seem to mind just sitting here watching with the two of them, and chatting as much as an uncle and the girl next door.

This belated apology was because he was busy with official duties, and also because he heard from the housekeeper that he had not seen Xia Ya and the two of them at the Lord's Mansion in the past two days.

He himself didn't see where Chara went.

"It's okay. We have a good impression of Kingston City, but there may be some lawless elements disturbing the Snowfield Province."

Lan Qi said with a smile.

The Viscount of Kingston City is a more amiable and sensible person than expected, as can be seen from his previous continuous defense of Char.

Sid sat aside in silence, just holding his cheek with one hand and looking down at the field.

In fact, as long as she is willing, it is not difficult to kill everyone in a province. What she is seeing is just a small fight.


Viscount Levin Kingston was silent for a moment, but took the opportunity to observe the two of them for a while.

Regardless of the apparent rank of the young man and woman or the situation in the academy they were just asked about, their calm aura that day impressed Viscount Levin Kingston very deeply. He believed that this Two students are not simple.

It’s hard to describe exactly what it feels like, or what evidence there is of what makes these two men unique.

But Levin can tell one thing——

They are the superior ones.

As for the 40 and 60 credits, they must have been talking nonsense to tease Viscount Bonn.

"Can you please tell us about the current situation in Snowfield Province?"

Ranchi took out a notebook from the inner pocket of his suit, took out the pen hanging on the side, and began to ask Viscount Levin Kingston.

In addition to training Char these days, he has also been investigating. It is a rare opportunity to sit down and question Viscount Levin Kingston and verify some information.


Viscount Levin Kingston subconsciously sat up straighter and cleared his throat.

I don't know if it's a conditioned reflex, or because I just received the investigation team from the Imperial Capital Herrom some time ago, or maybe the young man in front of me has a unique temperament.

West Germany just listened quietly. She naturally knew why Lan Qi didn't expose the fake Meqi at the Lord's Mansion in Kingston City.

Although it is possible to expose the impostor immediately, it is undoubtedly a very stupid thing to close the net without knowing the information clearly when you have just arrived in a town where information is isolated.

The son of her family likes to put a long line to catch big fish.

"Alas, this starts with the historical issues left over from our Snowy Province, which is the vacancy in the position of Governor."

Viscount Levin Kingston sighed and spoke to the two of them...

As a remote province with long-term autonomy, Snowfield Province has a recognized or tacit agreement——

The appointment of the governor required the approval of the lords of several city-states.

Since this winter, Spectre has become more and more rampant.

The lords were probably convinced that they could no longer allow criminals to act as they pleased.

"However, we have never been able to reach an agreement on the candidate. The local dignitaries all hope to elect someone from their own family to serve as governor, and the capable and capable people in the imperial capital will not travel from Helrom to their snowfield trip in this situation. He was incompetent, and several lords could not let him take office, so the stalemate began again."

"It wasn't until Professor Mechi passed through our Snowy Province and arrived in Bonn City that he made friends with Viscount Black Bonn, and was soon introduced to several other lords by Viscount Bonn."

When Viscount Levin Kingston said this, he looked at Lanqi helplessly. He believed that the two visitors to the imperial capital would understand without further explanation.

There is no doubt that Professor Mechi does have a certificate from Protos Royal Academy of Magic.

Viscount Blackburn relied on Professor Mech's authority, momentum, and connections to win over many powerful people in a short period of time, forming an interest group. Once an interest group is formed, it can start to squeeze out people who are unwilling to join them. Obviously, Viscount Blackburn wanted to take this opportunity to assume the governorship himself.

Several other lords may have already made their decisions, but Viscount Levine Kingston has not expressed his attitude yet.

At present, it seems that in today's competition, Viscount Blackburn may take the opportunity to let everyone make a statement about the Governor.

"None of your lords have ever questioned the authenticity of Meqi's identity?"

Lan Qi looked up and asked while recording the confession.

"A few days ago, visitors from the Imperial Capital passed through several of our cities and did learn about the recent changes in the Royal Academy of Magic in Protos. This is very consistent with what Professor Mechi revealed about his own deeds, either intentionally or unintentionally, but the inside story of the specific changes in the academy is Even the visitors from the Imperial Capital don’t know much about it, they only know that it happened when they just left the Imperial Capital.”

Viscount Levin Kingston looked bitter, shook his head and replied softly.

From then on, they didn't dare to offend Professor Meiqi at all.


Lan Qi nodded. The "visitors from the imperial capital" that Viscount Levin was referring to should be the investigation team. However, Viscount Levin Kingston described the investigation team very vaguely, and it seemed that there was a ban on mentioning it.

He closed the notebook in his hand.

"I think Snowfield Province really needs a capable governor."

Lan Qi once again hugged Boss Cat, who had turned into a tearful cat. He looked at the field in his thoughts and muttered to himself.


Viscount Levin Kingston didn't understand what Lanqi meant by this sentence.

Maybe Lanqi, who came from the imperial capital Herom, was indeed dissatisfied with the current situation in their Snowfield Province.

But at the moment, Viscount Levin Kingston is no longer able to take a broad view and worry about the overall situation.

He didn't even know how Char would fight Dean today.

He very much hopes that Char can win.

If Char wins, fortunately, Viscount Blackburn will not be so happy today, which also shows that Professor Meqi's teachings are nothing more than that.

But he doesn't see much hope that Char can win... he can only pray for the secret inheritance of the Candace family.

And these two friends of Xia Ya trained with him for three full days. This is the power of friendship!

That boy who is like a sleeping lion may have the magic called courage. Once he is awakened with love, he can create miracles!

Clang, Clang.

As the bell rings, the contestants who have agreed to compete in the duel should enter the venue.


A figure slowly walked out of the entrance near where Lan Qi and the others were sitting.

In the shadows, the ancient iron on the wooden door made a dull creaking sound, and the sunlight only illuminated some unstable dust in the passage.

The figure gradually emerged from the shadow. The dark red and black chainmail leather clothes were covered with dried blood, which seemed to be mixed with the traces left by the flesh and blood of countless enemies.

The thick smell of blood even reached the audience seats, causing many people to cover their noses in fear and discomfort.

His pale cheeks had a kind of morbid beauty, his eyeliner was deep, and the sparks in his eyes had long been extinguished, leaving only a pair of deep black eyes full of despair and coldness. His quick steps were like drum beats. Every sound fell, and the surrounding people were shocked. The temperature seemed to have dropped a few degrees, as if there were countless evil souls hiding under his shadow, reaching out to him.

When Viscount Levin Kingston saw Char reappearing, he was stunned for a moment.

Is nephew...? !

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