Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 324 Governor Lanci is serving the people

At the same time, it was also a bright afternoon in the Snowy Province of Protos Empire, which was thousands of miles away from the capital of King Ethelan, Gedaria.

The city wall is still standing after years of baptism, depositing the profound historical heritage of Kingston City. A group of people are slowly marching along the road on the city wall.

In the center of the front of the team, there was a man in a suit with his hands behind his back. The sun shone on his body, coating his figure with a golden glow.

He had a lot on his mind and often looked into the distance. He walked steadily and forcefully, as if he was feeling the pulse of the earth.

A group of city-state lords followed him. Although some of them were originally authoritative people in the local area, at this moment, they all became respectful in front of the governor.

“High-quality development is the top priority for the comprehensive construction of our Snowy Province.”

Lanqi is conducting intensive local investigation and research and is making a series of important arrangements.

The surrounding subordinates nodded respectfully, their eyes always fixed on Lan Qi's shoulder or back, always ready to accept his questions or instructions.

Sometimes, they lower their heads slightly to reflect on themselves, or avoid contact with the leader’s peripheral vision.

As early as noon two hours ago, the Governor had held a brief meeting with these lords at the Town Hall of Kingstown. In the meeting room, Lanci listened to the work report in detail and gave a series of valuable suggestions. Opinion.

He first expressed his affirmation of the work of the Snowfield Province in the past year and said that this was the result of everyone's hard work. Later, he elaborated in depth on the strategic position of the Snowfield Province in the Protos Empire and its responsibilities.

He pointed out that the geographical location of Snowfield Province determines that it has huge potential in ecological protection and tourism development. Therefore, the development plan must adhere to the principles of stable public security and ecological priority. While resolutely eradicating ghost parties, it must ensure that local The ecological environment will not be damaged and sustainable development will be maintained.

Lanqi emphasized that the future development of Snowfield Province must be based on local resources and characteristics, and funds and technology should be actively directed to invest in corresponding infrastructure construction. At the same time, he also requested that departments at all levels in Snowfield Province strengthen cooperation with city-states. Cooperate with each other, draw on advanced experience, and strive to improve local operational efficiency and management levels.

He finally expressed his belief that with the joint efforts of all the people of Snowfield Province, Snowfield Province will surely become a region with both ecological beauty and economic vitality, making due contributions to the development of the Protos Empire.

Although, the Governor's attitude was always serious.

However, every thoughtful and critical opinion made the local lords deeply aware of their own problems and made positive guarantees.

Now, after the meeting, several lords still accompanied Lan Qi on the city wall of Kingston City.

Finally discussed the details of the work with him.

"...I don't plan to stay in the Snowfield Province for too long. I will leave after arranging my work plan. The next time we meet will be in the imperial capital of Herrom."

Lan Qi only planned to stay in the Snowfield Province for another day or two at most, and then he would continue to the Northern Border Province, which had a longer journey.

As long as the magic rail train has not been restored and bad weather is not considered, it may take several days to travel from the Snowfield Province to the Northern Border Province.

Lanqi needs to ensure that he can return to the imperial capital of Herom before mid-April.

Then, in late April, will be the long-awaited election of bishops.

The lords and nobles around him all have the qualifications to attend the House of Lords and have a weighty vote.

She got a lot of votes for Sigrid, and she was very happy now. She said that the favorability points that had been deducted from West Germany had been added back to Lanci, and she asked him to continue his efforts to make West Germany a happy girl.

Of course, if Lanci is elected to the House of Commons, he will also have one vote, and the vote in the House of Commons will have a relatively higher weight.

The lower house of the Protos Empire has an advantage in the division of powers and has the right to discuss many bills first. The upper house, composed of nobles, only has the right to delay the passage of a month, and it is only responsible to the lower house.

The lords followed Lan Qi like a retinue. When they heard that he would leave soon, the lords looked at each other worriedly.

Finally, with some hesitation, their worst fears were raised.

"Mr. Governor McCarthy, may I ask about the Specter, what should we do after you leave?"

Of course they would be very relieved if Governor Rocky McCarthy himself was here to command them to destroy the Specter at any time.

But if the Governor leaves, even if the Governor has drawn up a program for them before leaving, they don't know whether they can coordinate and implement it well, or whether they can deal with Specter in a timely and effective manner.

When it comes to actual implementation, everyone may have game problems because of their interests. In the end, each of them chooses the implementation plan that maximizes their own interests, thus abandoning the optimal solution for the group's interests.

"The urgent problem of dealing with criminals in the snowy region has been delayed for so long. I personally think it is because you have not yet discussed the cost and benefits."

Lan Qi stopped, exhaled a breath of mist, and said.

In the conference room before, he did not make the strategic plan public, and he was indeed ready to explain it to several leaders now.


The other lords followed and stopped in embarrassment.

The root problem was pointed out so sharply, leaving them speechless.

"Of course I don't mean to blame you... I just think that exercising justice should never have negative returns."

Lan Qi straightened his back, his eyes scanning the snowfield ahead, his deep voice echoing in the cold air,

"Change your thinking. Don't you think the cost is too high now? Then we must increase revenue and drive everyone to do good things."

"But... how can we increase our profits from capturing Spectre?"

A city-state lord took a step forward in confusion and asked.

This is undoubtedly the most troublesome part for them.

Suppressing bandits requires a lot of actual financial resources and manpower, and the achievements obtained are not worth mentioning. Several of their lords have been unable to reach an agreement before. The biggest problem lies in the funding and effort.

But at this moment, the governor actually told them that there was a way to increase the profits from suppressing bandits?

If it is real and feasible, it may directly solve their plight in essence.

"Publish an official letter."

Lan Qi looked back calmly and instructed.

"Official letter?"

Lan Qi nodded and continued:

"From now on, under proper supervision, prisoners in all city-state prisons in Snowfield Province will go to work in the world outside the high wall and engage in various public undertakings. They will learn the value of honest labor and at the same time provide the community with service and contribute to the vast number of taxpayers.”


When the other lords heard this, they were all stunned.

Although there are demon slaves in the Protos Empire, even converting criminals into slaves requires complicated registration, review, and certification procedures, and the costs of contracting and restricting magic are quite high.

However, the regulations do not prohibit the use of prisoners in prisons for "rental labor work."

And the definition of "job" is quite vague.

In this vast snowfield province, where material resources are scarce, as long as there are enough cold-resistant laborers, money will come rolling in like a flood!

This isn't about catching criminals, it's simply about trafficking criminals!

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