Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 409 Hyperion’s invincible substitute messenger

Warden Selena was left alone, and the poet did not interfere with her.

It seemed that her mood had calmed down a lot, and she disappeared without being too affected by [Falling Gentle Land].

The poet of great love then looked at the three priests.

She walked to three sides of them, entered their dreams one by one, and quickly woke them all up after a while.

The three of them all looked shocked, and then looked ashamed, saluting and apologizing to the poet of great love.

"There is a certain order of learning, and there is a specialization in the arts. You just need to remember this valuable experience and understand your own weaknesses. There is no need to blame yourself."

The poet of great love raised his hand indifferently.

"Thank you, sir."

Priest Ba Tian bowed respectfully to the poet of great love again.

The poet of great love looked at Hyperion, who had been in a dream for a long time and did not leave.

In fact, Lan Qi can wake up Hyperion very quickly.

But on the premise that there is no danger to life, if Hyperion can rest for a while, just rest for a while.

It had been really hard for her since her father had been missing for so long.

"Although reality may be cruel to you, I will try to help you make it better."

The poet of great love muttered to himself, stood next to Hyperion and closed his eyes.

The sun sets in the Hutton Kingdom, and the light shines through the thin clouds on the slowly moving sightseeing train.

This magic rail train shuttles through the hinterland of the Kingdom of Hutton, connecting the royal capital with the border, humanity and nature.

Every detail of the wooden paneling and carvings inside the carriage reveals a light-toned and bright style that is completely different from the Northern Continent.

The scenery outside the window unfolds like a picture scroll, with green fields, dotted with ancient villages, occasional vineyards and ancient castles.

Passengers in the car were quietly admiring the scenery outside the window, or chatting in low voices, enjoying the leisurely journey. The afternoon air was filled with the faint aroma of coffee and red wine, accompanied by the slight sound of the train tracks, creating a Create a peaceful and elegant atmosphere.

An ordinary couple sat facing each other across the wooden table in the window seat, and a young girl sat on the wife's side.

They looked like an ordinary family traveling this weekend.

The girl looked a little sleepy, half asleep, nestled against her mother's side.


Hyperion hugged Epatia's arm tightly, just called her name once and then said nothing, and did not let go for a long time.

"What's wrong?"

Epatia asked softly.

Hyperion shook her head and said nothing.

But he didn't let go either.

The feeling of her mother's presence beside her reminded Hyperion of the kind gray-haired lady in her dream she couldn't remember.

She will protect herself from the killer's hands and cover herself with quilts on cold nights.

But the nightmare was bizarre and terrifying, and his father disappeared.

How could her father, who had been convinced since she was a child that he was so powerful that there was no possibility of defeat, disappear out of thin air?

The dream was indeed absurd.

"Father, will you lose?"

Hyperion raised her eyes and stared at the figure sitting by the window opposite.


Duke Milaya answered with conviction while still looking at the book in his hand.

Hyperion looked at the reassuring black-haired figure of Duke Milaya sitting opposite, and it reminded Hyperion of a person in her dream.

Although his temperament was completely different, that person seemed to fill up the uneasiness in her heart, preventing her from feeling that the dream was a complete nightmare.


Thoughts were lingering in her mind, and suddenly a voice interrupted her thoughts.

Hyperion looked in the direction of the sound, and she found that on this train, a young man with black hair and green eyes was sitting in the seat on the other side, separated by the aisle from her.

It seemed that he had not noticed this passenger before.

And he was staring at himself.

Hyperion met his gaze.

"Excuse me……?"

"Huberlian, it's time to wake up."

The young man said softly, like a mother waking up her child early in the morning, with a bit of unbearability in her voice.

"Who are you?"

Hyperion asked, confused.

"I'm your partner."

The boy answered.

"What does waking up mean?"

Hyperion's eyes were confused, and she always felt that her forgotten memories were being resurrected irresistibly by her conversation with this black-haired, green-eyed boy.

"It means you want to leave this dream world with me."

The young man remained patient.


Hyperion was stunned,

"No, no matter what, just let me take one more look."

Tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes, like a child lying in bed, wishing she could indulge in it for a second longer.


Lan Qi lowered his eyes and smiled helplessly. He did not expect that Hyperion would sink so deeply into this [Falling Gentle Land] magic.

If possible, he also hoped that Hyperion could have a sweet dream instead of being woken up by nightmares at night.

It's just that he can't leave Hyperion alone in this dangerous magic. Its essence is a killing magic.

"Huberlian, sometimes it seems like there is just a slight hesitation, but in fact it will procrastinate indefinitely until you just give up."

The black-haired green-eyed boy said slowly, seemingly not minding Hyperion's appearance, and even understanding her.

"But if we don't go now, we'll never get off the ground, so trust me, let's go."

His voice was calm and he looked at Hyperion.

It seems that he is ready to take her on a magical journey with him, or perhaps this is a promise that has already been reached.

this moment.

The sky outside the car window, which was about to turn into sunset, was gradually dyed a golden pink, and seemed to be the color of a dazzling morning.

Hyperion stared blankly at the boy and the light behind him.

The sweet world gradually dissolves, and the heartbeat echoes in the sky, repeating itself in an instant, guiding the dream that cannot be awakened.

Hyperion listened to her very clear heartbeat and opened her eyes.

She returned to the fourth floor of Helrom prison.

In front of her was still the figure with black hair and green eyes, looking at her with the same smile as in the dream.

"Welcome back."

The beloved poet with black hair and green eyes greeted her as usual.

"Well, thank you for always finding me."

Hyperion nodded seriously, with a smile on her lips.

The beloved poet was slightly stunned. In his impression, Hyperion rarely smiled, and the smile she was smiling at this moment was a little different from usual.

"By the way, where's the warden?"

Huberian looked around, looked at the bracelet again, and asked curiously.

She found that the three resurrection priests had already woken up.

It must have been a long time since we arrived at the negative fourth floor. The warden has not shown up, but the information on the bracelet already says that we have received permission from the warden.

What happened when she was dreaming?

"The warden is very nice and will give us a special rating, so don't worry."

The poet of great love smiled proudly and said,

"Next, let's go and visit the big demon with peace of mind. The big demon on this level is the guardian Antanas you are looking for."


Hyperion frowned.

She didn't know what was happening on this level of the prison while she was having a sweet dream?

But it seems that she is enjoying herself, enjoying herself, and Lan Qi has done everything for her?

Now she is a little doubtful that she will be the protagonist in that kind of novel, and Lan Qi will be her invincible plug-in?

Updates added so far/total outstanding chapters: 15/36

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