Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 587 Loren’s Master of Stress Resistance

I think.

You may have forgotten someone.

When Lan Qi was in the shadow world, there was another person in the real world who was in dire straits every day.

Lan Qi has turned off the three-week live broadcast of Shadow World and has not opened it again.

Dean Loren now holds a press conference every two days and bows an average of five times a day. Most of the photos in newspapers show him looking helpless with sweat on his forehead.

Today, it is the twenty-eighth day that Ranch Wilford, Hyperion Aranzar, and a seventh-level bread, students of the Sage Academy of Icerite Academy, enter the seventh-level shadow world together.

The Kingdom of Hutton, the royal capital of Icerita, and the Tribunal of Old Bree.

In this magnificent and ancient trial hall, the light from the high ceiling through the glass windows gives a solemn color.

The Old Bree Courthouse was originally built as a criminal court near the city walls of Icerite a hundred years ago.

Its name comes from the name of the street where it is located, Old Bree Street, which stretches for a full two kilometers along the line of the ancient city wall of Icerite.

The history of the Inquisition dates back to at least 1605 in the solar calendar, but the current building was rebuilt in 1702. In the early days, it mainly dealt with the cases of petty criminals, but gradually developed into a center for handling major criminal cases.

The statue of the God of Light and Law stood at the end of the hall, as if her eyes were also watching the upcoming hearing.

Center of the hall.

Loren stood wearing a black formal suit, a white shirt, a gold tie, and diamond-shaped cross patterns on the buttons and collar.

His figure seemed particularly isolated.

As the center of criminal justice in the Kingdom of Hutton, Old Bree Court is one of the most important criminal trial centers handling cases including murder, fraud, terrorism and other major crimes.

Many famous cases in history have been tried here, including terrorists, serial killers and important political cases.

The facade of the modern Old Bree Court building is decorated with sculptures of many justices, representing justice, courage and wisdom. The interior of the court is decorated with traditional wooden paneling and heavy red curtains. The trial bench is high and has a strong sense of authority.

Normally, Loren is invited to sit at the trial seat.

Now, he was looking over at the judgment seat.

Louvihill, the student union secretary in the public auditorium, put away his pen and notepad and couldn't bear to continue writing.

As a reporter for the "Hutton Times" and a senior student of Ranchi and Hyperion, she has been paying attention to the film world related content of Icerite Academy every day recently.

Hearings at this court are generally open to the public and are an important example of legal transparency and impartiality in the Kingdom of Hutton.

Due to its handling of many high-profile cases, Old Bree Court is often closely scrutinized by the media and has even been the focus of much reporting and analysis overseas.

Luvihir also felt that he was surrounded by reporters from other countries in the United Kingdom Council.

She briefly glanced at the reporter's notebook next to her.

Just see - "Judgment Day Revealed: Loren, the truth behind the disaster and the mystery of his fate."

Luvihill: "..."

Luvihir silently took out his notebook, crossed out the news headline he originally wrote, and changed it to: "Mystery of Judgment Day: The man behind the disaster - Loren, a hero or a sinner? His secret will shock the entire kingdom !”

Old Bree Court and the cases it hears often appear in various literary works and dramas in the South Continent, such as novels and many detective dramas.

Therefore, this place has become a very good place to draw materials, not only an important landmark in the judicial history of the Kingdom of Hutton.

Finally, the bell began to ring.

Thin light, heavy atmosphere, condensed into an almost tangible entity.

The wall is no longer a light-colored shelter, but has become the face of the Inquisitor, exerting silent pressure on Loren in the center of the Inquisition.

For this hearing, across the semicircular hearing stage, judges from various high-level departments have already taken their seats, including not only the United Parliament of the Southern Continent Kingdom, the Shadow World Management Association, the Southern Continent Disaster Prevention Agency, and the Hutton Kingdom Security Bureau. Officials and dignitaries from Hutton filled the seats.

"Now the student of Icerite Academy is walking on thin ice every step of the way. As a layman, he has to take charge of the Pollante Empire, a behemoth in its long history. The people's hearts and the parliament are like two beasts. No matter how carefully he balances these two All forces can only focus on one and lose the other, or even lose both. There is almost no hope of improving military strength or finance in a short period of time."

The discussion in the jury box echoed in the dim conference room like ghostly whispers.

"The Seventh-Level Shadow World does not have a simple solid structure of the House of Representatives. It is like an unshakable fortress. The entire Paulant Empire is a cage, and the northern continent looks like a dead end."

"Student Loren is probably in a state of collapse and doesn't dare to open the Shadow World Recording program anymore."

The experts' conclusions were like bombs of heavy news, constantly exploding in the courtroom, shocking everyone's heart.

As the presiding judge struck the bell to start the meeting, these voices suddenly stopped, and an oppressive silence enveloped the entire space.

Loren took a deep breath and tried to calm down the fluctuations in his heart.

He has learned to live with doubt.

Although there were many people close to him and worried about him in the trial court and in the audience, they were only a small number and could not withstand the storm of public opinion.

"Loren, do you know why you are standing here today? The three-week deadline has passed, and we still cannot predict the progress and failure rate of this seventh-order shadow world. As the first person responsible for an accident that may cause a major disaster , how will you take responsibility for your actions?"

At the trial seat, one of the judges, the Minister of Justice of the Kingdom of Hutton, Duke Akares, spoke seriously.

As the head of the Hutton Kingdom's Security Bureau, he even had to suspect that Loren might be colluding with the overseas Resurrection Church organization.

Because recently, more and more evidence has proven that Duke Milaya has an inseparable connection with the Bishop of the Night, and before Duke Milaya disappeared, he had a close personal relationship with Loren.

If Duke Milaya is really the Night Bishop of the Church of Resurrection, it is hard to believe that Loren doesn't know about it.

Loren's throat seemed to be blocked by something.

"Dear judges, I... I am well aware of my responsibility, but please allow me to explain... I am well aware of the personal abilities of Ranch Wilford, a student. He has a unique ability in the shadow world. As early as recently, Defeated the Saint of Destruction a year ago..."

He remained calm and discussed his thoughts,

"But I promise that if any accident is really caused by Lan Qi, as his teacher, I also failed to restrain him due to negligence in my duties. Everything will be my responsibility."

Just as Loren answered, a light lit up on one side of the Tribunal, and a crystal ball-shaped magic device began to rotate, reflecting the last scene left in the Shadow World three weeks ago.

The record projection of Magical Engineering allows everyone to clearly see the final situation of the shadow world that they currently know.

"The biggest problem now is that if the Shadow World fails midway, it does not necessarily have to wait until the end of the expected forty-five days to fail to meet the success conditions and trigger a natural disaster. In these three weeks, every day may suddenly cause a seventh-level shadow. A natural disaster occurs due to the failure of the world, Loren, can you really bear this responsibility?"

Duke Akares asked.

Now not only Loren, who is in the same camp as Loren, or many senior officials of the Hutton Kingdom are under the same huge pressure from the outside world.

The citizens in the audience held their breath and exchanged glances from time to time. Their expressions changed from doubt to thinking, and from thinking to confusion.

"I am always ready to do my best to make up for any mistakes, and I will not evade any responsibility."

Loren's voice echoed in the hall, and every word he spoke seemed to be fighting against fate.

In this hearing, which was both a trial and a defense, every word such as truth, responsibility, and redemption became extremely heavy.

As the sun fully rose, the hearing held in the early morning finally came to an end.

When the hearing came to an end for the first time, everything fell silent again.

Loren slowly walked down the hearing stage. At this moment, he looked more tired than after fighting the Cardinal, as if he was numb.

Even the Ice Witch, who was disguised as a citizen in the audience, couldn't help but feel sorry for Loren.

These days, she has been staying at the Temple of the Church of the Goddess of Destiny in Icerita, and she and Loren never looked up or down.

She couldn't bear to put any more pressure on Loren.

Even though she was worried about Hyperion every day these days, the thought of her missing Ice Witch in the seventh-order shadow world made her toss and turn, and she was so worried that she couldn't sleep.

But at the moment, she just felt that this guy looked too honest and pitiful.

No matter how the powerful people made things difficult for him, he was trying to find a way to carry it all by himself and convince the world with his sincerity.

Totally a good old guy.


The Ice Witch frowned.

The manipulation of people's hearts in the Northern Continent and the crazy last words to destroy the Holy Son have already revealed the flaws in Loren's plan.

If you think about it carefully, if Loren is really the mastermind behind the scenes, his ability to endure humiliation and his flawless acting skills are completely in line with his overall view.

Assuming... all this is what Loren expected, and he knows that everything will be reversed in the future, then...

The Ice Witch couldn't help feeling a chill on her back and hugged herself.

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