Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 618 Lan Qi’s Love in Tongtiandai

In the afternoon.

Icerite Academy, one of the landmark buildings located on the edge of the Magic Academy——

The old liberal arts building of the Magic Academy.

This classical building with red brick exterior walls and inlaid reliefs was once a school building where magic craftsmen used their imaginations a hundred years ago. After decades of renovation, it became the home of Icerite Academy, which provides magic craftsmen with technology and services. Common buildings for students from other departments.

The first floor is the public magic technical service center.

On the second floor is the new Magic Technology Creative Workshop owned by Professor Borao, the scientific research leader of the Magic Technology Institute.

The third floor is the Student Management Committee.

In previous semesters, Lan Qi was often in the student union room on the third floor.

But from now on, he will work and study on the second floor every day.

Professor Borao's research workshop on the second floor often hears the slight sound of machinery and the immersive sound of the magic dolls working in the laboratory.

Of course, Professor Pollao now has two more students.

"Professor Borao, by the way, have you made arrangements for Dean Loren?"

Lan Qi walked to a wide test table, placed a translucent blue drawing in the identification instrument on Professor Borao's desk, and asked.

Just standing in front of the test bench, a unique smell mixed with magic potion and engine oil hit my face. The mechanical arm driven by the magic stone was accurately assembling some seemingly complex device. On the black crystal screen next to it Rows of complex calculation formulas and the drawings that had just been entered were displayed.

Although Lan Qi's talent in magic engineering is far inferior to that of Lan Fu and Professor Borao, Professor Borao found that he was good at drawing design drawings.

So the division of labor between his two apprentices was very clear.

"It's done, the rest is none of my business."

Professor Borao shook his head and said.

This is his disclaimer.

After saying that, he once again used his magic engineering glasses to examine the small and delicate parts placed next to the drawings.

According to Lanci's idea, Borao gave Loren an invisible magic headset called "Love Instructor", claiming to be a newly developed intelligent love guide by the Magic Engineering Institute.

You can usually give Loren some opinions and suggestions when he feels confused.

The critical moment can not only help him plan the date in advance, but can even teach him how to deal with any situation he encounters during the date.

Loren suddenly felt like he had found a savior.

His date with Juliana was the day after tomorrow, and it was too late to improvise. Fortunately, the almighty Professor Borao gave him new tools.

And actually.

The person on the other side of the "Love Instructor" connected through communication magic was Lan Qi.

On the date of the date, Lan Qi will provide real-time guidance to Loren, and Lian Mai will tell him how to date the Immortal Sword Master Juliana.

"Don't worry, Professor Bolao, this is foolproof, I promise there will be no problem."

Lan Qi said firmly.


Pollao looked at Lan Qi's full sense of responsibility and nodded for the time being.

It's just a date, how could something unexpected happen?

"Professor Napolao, I'm leaving today."

Lan Qi looked at the time and said to Professor Borao.

There are no hard and fast rules on commuting hours in their laboratory. You can leave work at any time as long as you finish the work ahead of time.

"See you tomorrow, Lan Qi."

Professor Pollao knew that Lan Qi wanted to go to the student union. After all, he often met Lan Qi in the corridor coming down from the student union room on the third floor last year.

Before Lan Qi could go to his work station to pack up his tools, he turned around and saw the poet Da Ai walking over.

"Professor Pollao, is that true?"

Lanfu, who was wearing a first-grade school uniform, came to the two of them holding a magical component and asked Professor Borao.

Borao took the component, observed it with magic glasses, nodded, and began to tell the poet of great love what to do next.

Lan Qi was not in a hurry and listened from the side.

Anyway, there is no loss in learning more.

Ever since the poet came to the Magic Works Laboratory, she has become very thirsty for knowledge. She doesn't need Professor Pollao to instruct her. She seems to have unlimited energy and can't stop in the laboratory. She is much more diligent than Lan Qi. Of course, her actions consume Lan Qi's mana.

There is no need for Lan Qi to supervise the poet, who seems to go to school on time every day, has no intention of skipping classes, and is as diligent and self-disciplined as Hyperion.

Finally, when the poet Da Ai finished his work and walked to his work station with the new drawings in his arms, Lan Qi also walked with her in the same direction outside the laboratory.

"Don't fold your skirt like this. It should reach your knees. There are dress etiquette guidelines in the student handbook."

Lan Qi thought for a while and reminded.

The school uniform he chose for Poet Da Ai normally had a skirt that reached her knees, but Poet Da Ai took it upon herself to sew the skirt shorter, exposing her thighs.


The beloved poet stuck out his tongue at Lan Qi and scratched his eyelids, then ignored him and ran towards the experimental table.


Lan Qi knew that the poet would not listen to him on such trivial matters.

Although it is not a mandatory requirement, the school reminds students that they should dress more appropriately and comply with etiquette.

Lan Qi was also afraid that Talia would see the great poet dressed like this, and thought Lan Qi had deliberately designed the skirt to be a short skirt because he liked to look at her thighs.

But it wouldn’t be a big problem if they were discovered, and it’s not like Thalia would wear it.

Lan Qi thought to himself, packed up his work station, pushed the chair back under the table, and left the laboratory alone to the corridor.

As the last ray of setting sun disappeared in the school, footsteps echoed in the quiet air, and he followed the winding stairs to the corridor on the third floor.

On the familiar third floor, a wide corridor dyed golden by the sunset unfolded before our eyes.

Above the high hanging ceiling, several exquisite small chandeliers emit light, gently covering every inch of space. The brown-red wood carving walls are sometimes decorated with gilt patterns.

"When all my civil commissions are completed, I should be able to live such an ordinary life every day."

Lan Qi walked along the corridor that stretched to the end and led to the student union room. When he saw the scenery of the campus dyed red by the sunset outside the window, he couldn't help but sigh.

Three of the four shadow worlds in the Blood Moon Bad Age have passed unknowingly, and the only civil commissions and academic projects he has left are the research on the Creation Empire.

Getting closer to retirement.

Thinking to himself, Lan Qi arrived in front of the dark red double door.

Lan Qi has not seen Senior Lu Weisheer in the student union room for more than a year.

Hyperion should have returned to school at noon, but it is possible that school is over now.

The once bustling student union is now probably the only one left sitting in the office chair every day.

Lan Qi knocked on the door in the afterglow of dusk, and the sound echoed in the quiet room.

"Please come in."

A gentle and steady male voice came from inside the door.

Sure enough, the president was always there.

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