Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 623 Lan Qi feels like she is dating an old friend

[For today’s lunch, I’ve booked the ancient Jimmy’s Restaurant, Corker’s, Nevi’s Restaurant, and Iliville Pastry Shop for you. For dinner, I’ve booked the Yala Riverside Restaurant, Tipica, and Lipot Restaurant and Bar. Whichever restaurant you choose? All is OK, there is no need to queue up. 】

The love instructor gave Loren a final introduction to the preparations.

Loren nodded.

He had heard of all these restaurants.

There are very popular high-end restaurants in Ikerita itself. If you don't make a reservation in advance, it's impossible to get a seat on weekends, and you'll probably have to wait in line for two or three hours.

The instructor is really reliable.

Just as Loren was thinking about it, his eyes were suddenly attracted to what was in front of him.

The shade of trees on the Hutton Walking Square is lush and green, with birds chirping one after another. The sun shines through the treetops and reflects on a figure, adding a bit of lightness to her steps.

She's come all the way.


In the brightly lit and wide-viewing Hutton Walk, the woman stood in front of Loren.

"Loren, I've been waiting for a long time."

The elegant long skirt gently brushed her knees, and the hem of the skirt danced in the wind. Her hair was tied up loosely in a bun, and a few strands of hair fell gently on the side of her face, which was completely different from her usual heroic image on the battlefield.

Today, Juliana changed out of her usual knight attire and put on a dress. She appeared at her date with a particularly soft attitude.


Loren nodded slightly, like an innocent and immature boy.

He subconsciously looked away from Juliana. Julianna's proud figure made him not know where to look. But he suddenly realized that this might be a bit impolite, so he slowly moved his eyes back again and stared at Looking at Juliana's face.

As the leader of the Protectorate Knights of the Kingdom of Aloran, Juliana's usual awe-inspiring posture makes people think that she is older and more reliable. In fact, if you look closely, Juliana looks surprisingly young in this dress.

"Sorry, it may not be appropriate for me to dress like this."

Juliana hugged her left elbow, looked away, and said.

"No, it's not..."

Loren suddenly didn't know how to answer.

[Since there is no accurate response immediately, you can continue to be stunned for a while naturally, wait until she starts to feel a little bit anxious, or take the initiative to ask you what you think of her again. 】

The voice of the love instructor came from Loren's headset.

[Tell her that she is beautiful, just use your own words to organize it, no need to be exaggerated. 】

It was not until Juliana subconsciously clenched her hands that Loren spoke:

"It was indeed very beautiful, and I couldn't get over it."

Loren took courage and said sincerely.

[The atmosphere may become a little ambiguous later, but at this time, you don’t need to talk much, just take a slow walk with her. 】

The love instructor's calm voice continued to ring in Loren's ears.

Loren breathed a sigh of relief.

The instructor was obviously of a high level, which gave Loren an infinite sense of peace of mind.

The instructor will predict any reaction from the woman and be able to respond immediately.


Juliana was obviously stunned as well.

It took her a while to react.

"What shall we have for lunch?"

she asked seriously.

Loren was confused again by this turn of events.

【cough! 】

Moreover, the love instructor suddenly became silent, as if he had choked on his drink.

Juliana looked at the youthful appearance of the man in front of her and was very convinced that, like herself, he had no dating experience.


Juliana followed the advice of her mentor and bought a new dress the day before the date.

It can be seen that the instructor lady knows how to dress quite well. It is not a deliberate study, but a natural knowledge of how to dress to match her beautiful face.

Although she had not met Miss Instructor, Juliana imagined that she must be very beautiful.

So far, at least the date preparation aspect seems to be quite successful.

[Ask him what to eat for lunch. 】

And just now, the assistant instructor named Love Angel used communication magic to send a female voice to her.

Juliana asked after receiving such a prompt.

The result seemed to have confused Loren.

Juliana thought about it carefully. How could anyone ask what to eat on a date when they meet?

[A qualified date will definitely plan your schedule for the day before the date, especially lunch and dinner. From these two items, you can see how much he cares about the date. 】

The communication magic in my ears came again with the calm voice of the love assistant.

[If I were to choose a boyfriend, I would definitely hope that he would consider this matter carefully before dating. 】

She added.


Juliana thought to herself.

"Loren, do you have any plans where we will have dinner today at noon and evening? I am not familiar with Icerita."

Seeing that Loren didn't respond, Juliana added.

"But Juliana, it's only nine in the morning. Can we go shopping first and then think about what to have for lunch?"

Loren hesitated for a while and finally asked politely,

"After all, we have so much time, let me introduce you to Icerita slowly."

He held out his hand and motioned for Juliana to come with him.

"That's true..."

Yes, why should we consider having lunch when it’s only nine o’clock?

Juliana muttered to herself, looking at Loren's handsome appearance, her footsteps followed him subconsciously.

The two strolled side by side on the streets of Hutton Pedestrian Square.

This date, which has been delayed for nearly a year, is finally on its way.

To be honest, Juliana's heartbeat was extremely fast. She had never dated a man, let alone a man she cared about very much.

But what should I say at this time?

Does he think it's weird to be dressed like this? Or maybe the question you just asked was strange? How does he view himself?

As she walked, Juliana gradually lowered her head.

She didn't want Loren to find out that she was actually nervous right now.

Loren didn't say anything either.

This made her increasingly confused about what to say.

[Ask him what he likes to eat. Everyone must have their favorite food. It is absolutely right to ask this. 】

At this time, Loren's ears kept hearing sounds.

[When you are not sure about the other person’s interests and hobbies, it is best not to start the topic rashly to avoid falling into a dead end of conversation that may be embarrassing for both parties. 】

[Even if you have nothing to say, don’t ask: What is your favorite color, what is your favorite food, etc. Fill-in-the-blank questions, after answering, the topic is basically dead. 】

[But please note that in any form of communication, whether it is love or negotiation, the same principle applies. Please try to keep the initiative in your own hands and do not be led by the other party. 】

[The correct demonstration is to try to let the other person start the topic first, and then slowly take over the right to speak. If you can't answer the question, I will teach you. 】

"Loren, what's your favorite food?"

Juliana asked suddenly.


Loren looked at her without replying. He was waiting for the love instructor to teach him how to answer.

[...Tell the truth and ask her the same question again. 】

The instructor thought for a long time and seemed to finally accept the fact.

"I personally prefer the local flavor of Ikerita. Of course, I have always been interested in trying the food from the entire southern continent. What about you?"

Loren asked.

"I can do that. Do you have any restaurant recommendations?"

Juliana asked, looking up at him.

"Let me think about it."

Loren pretended to think, but actually waited for the love instructor's explanation.

【Ancient Jimite Restaurant, in a magnificent building dating from the 16th century, visitors will enter an ancient world full of Ikerite style, focusing on local ingredients and the flavors of the eastern part of the southern continent. Restaurant Nevi, in a trendy spot in the northern district of Icerita, offers an innovative set menu. Iliville Pastry Shop is famous for its delicious limited edition pastries, unparalleled light snacks and a date-friendly atmosphere. It is more suitable for taking young girls. Cork, in a chic industrial-style building, serves the northern coast cuisine of the South Continent, which has become popular in recent years. Tell her about these four families and ask her what she thinks. 】

Loren repeated what the love instructor said, and Juliana made a choice quickly this time.

"Okay, now that we have determined our lunch target, let's go there first and take a look around. There may be some dessert shops that are suitable for enjoying in the summer morning."

Juliana thought for a moment and suggested.

[Promise her to take her to eat. 】

The instructor's voice sounded tired.

Like being tortured.

I almost gave up thinking.

"no problem."

Loren always felt as if the instructor had gone in a big circle.

In the end, I still couldn't bypass the opponent's logic, and started to be led by the opponent.

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