Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 657 Examiner Lanqi sets off

The living room of Ranchi's dormitory.

In this afternoon shrouded in rain, the world seemed to be covered by a light blue gauze.

The sound of rain outside was like a gentle lullaby, tapping on the windows and dripping from the eaves. The white noise was clear and calm.

Thalia was leaning on the sofa, and all the worries in the world had nothing to do with her.

Her eyes fell on the newspaper in her hand, and she was concentrating on reading today's stories and news from the Hutton Times.

Suddenly, there was the sound of the door opening in the corridor, and then Lan Qi walked out with his suitcase.

Thalia glanced briefly at Ranchi.

Her figure is particularly elegant under the light, with long soft gray silk draped over her shoulders, giving her a calm and homey feel.

"I'm ready, we can set off later."

Lan Qi placed the box at the entrance to the entrance and sat down on the other side of the sofa.

"I have long been ready."

Thalia said without any fluctuation in her voice.

Her luggage was very small and had been packed before coming to Ranchi's house.

Although Lan Qi said that she could use the workshop where the Great Love Poet originally lived, she thought that she would only need to stay at Lan Qi's house for a few days. Most of the time, she could transform back into magic cards to reduce power consumption, so there was no need to give it to her. Make a room.

After all, she wouldn't really stay at Lanqi's house.

"What's the news?"

Lan Qi looked at the cover of the newspaper and asked.

"It seems that the Bishop of Dimension and the Bishop of Destruction are fighting again."

Thalia read what she was looking at.

After Lan Qi heard this, he sat next to her with some concern and read the contents of the newspaper.

"Did Toliado finally win a fight?"

Lan Qi said in surprise.

Although the newspaper did not clearly state the victory or defeat, the alarm of the Kingdom Federation had already begun to search for and destroy the bishop.

The first time was because the Bishop of Dimension placed a bounty on the Son of Destruction, which angered the Bishop of Destruction and chased him, resulting in him being beaten half to death.

The second time was when the Bishop of Dimension fled, until he was chased to the sea by the Bishop of Destruction, and was forced to fight again.

Later, the Dimensional Bishop disappeared in the Southern Continent for more than half a year, and only showed his whereabouts again after recovering from his injury.

This should be the third time that the Dimension Bishop and the Destruction Bishop have fought in recent years.

"Looking at the expert analysis in the newspaper, it seems that this time it was due to the disappearance of all the elite members of the Destruction branch. The Destruction Bishop lost his intelligence network and was plotted by other bishops at a critical moment. Then he was surrounded and suppressed by the Kingdom of Aloran and the Church of the Goddess of Destiny. In the end, he was seriously injured and was intercepted by the Dimension Bishop."

Thalia read as she flipped through the newspaper.

She disliked both bishops.

If they hadn't fought with all their strength at sea and triggered a magic storm, Lan Qi and Hyperion would not have been shipwrecked.

Boss Cat: "..."

"Bishop Dimension, this guy really doesn't have martial ethics."

Lanci commented.

Although Dimensional Bishop Togliado is very trustworthy and will give money as promised, this guy is indeed a strange bishop who does not fight head-on.

"You're not much better than him, okay?"

Boss Cat complained.

And why the Destruction Bishop Ivanos became isolated and helpless, this starts from Lanci again.

If this woman one day found out about Lan Qi's good deeds, then Boss Cat couldn't imagine how violent she would become.

"But why is the Bishop of Destruction so terrifying? He was plotted, surrounded and suppressed, and then intercepted by the Bishop of Dimension, and he still survived."

Thalia felt that if it were her, she might not be able to escape even if she had to die.

But she can probably understand the power of the bishop level.

If she met the Cardinal, she would run away without saying a word.

Last time, she found that her scalp was numb when she fought with the alchemy beast of the rotten Bishop Farmer. If the bishop's true form were to come, she would really be unable to escape after a moment's hesitation.

"Dean Loren emphasized to me before going to the Northern Continent that as long as I appear in the Cardinal's field of vision, the Cardinal will be able to completely control me in just a moment. Only the Eighth Level can defeat the Eighth Level, and those who want to Fighting against the Cardinal even requires a plurality of eight levels. I didn’t quite understand it at the time, but I really understood it later.”

Lan Qi said with relief.

"You know what a hammer meow is!"

Boss Cat felt that Loren meant to warn Ranchi to stay away from the Cardinal, rather than teach him how to defeat the Cardinal.

"Lao Sang is really strong. If you ask him to put the cassette in the right position and fight him in full state, who can withstand his last state-locked sealing technique?"

Lan Qi and the cat boss argued hard.

Excluding strange bishops like the Dimensional Bishop, a normal bishop would be conservatively estimated to have a combat power of more than three towers.

If possible, Lan Qi really doesn't want to fight the bishop again.


Thalia frowned. Although she didn't know who "Lao Sang" was, she had never heard of the unit "Tower".

But she could vaguely understand Lan Qi's meaning.

Murderous intent began to rise in the humid air of the summer rainy season.

Lan Qi suddenly seemed to realize something, stopped talking suddenly, gradually picked up Boss Cat, and sat up quietly.

Thalia shook the newspaper and continued reading.

The living room was quiet for a long time, only the sound of raindrops outside the window was clear.

"By the way Tata, my platinum level status is not disclosed. Apart from a few insiders such as Dean Loren and Professor Polao, there are only branch presidents of the Card Creators Association and the Kingdom's Senate in the Posen Kingdom. Several of the great nobles know about it.”

Lan Qi seemed to remember something and said to Thalia beside him,

"So this time our itinerary was arranged a little differently from other platinum-level examiners. Although we stayed in high-standard hotels, they were not booked for us in the official name of the Southern Continent Card Printers Association."

Since Lanqi obtained the platinum status, it has been kept secret, and even Kallen of the Aloran Kingdom has never discovered it.

Considering the recent uncertainty of the situation in the Southern Continent and Posen's concerns about Lan Qi's safety, it was decided not to disclose Lan Qi's identity during this exam.

Let him put on a mask and invigilate the exam as a "mysterious platinum-level card maker".

The Posen Kingdom will not disclose his personal information unless necessary.

It will not be until Lan Qi is safely returned to the Kingdom of Hutton that the information about the new platinum-level card maker will be announced in accordance with the normal procedures.

"So strictly speaking, you are indeed traveling, meow?"

Boss Cat asked.

"That's the case on the surface. This is why Professor Borao wants us to keep a low profile on this trip, so as not to be involved in the chaos that may be happening in the Posen Kingdom."

Ranch admitted.

"I know, I've always been very low-key, but someone is prone to causing trouble."

Hearing this, Thalia sneered.

Lan Qi was about to retort, but saw Boss Cat looking directly at him.

Like it leaves no doubt as to who "someone" Tata is referring to.

In the end, Lan Qi swallowed his words.

"A little worried about Hyperion."

Thalia put down the newspaper and looked at the rain and fog outside the window and said to herself.

Especially as the weather is getting cooler.

Sometimes when she woke up in the middle of the night in winter, she would find that Hyperion had lifted the quilt or got out of the quilt, and she had to cover Hyperion with the quilt again.

"It's okay. Sinora is with Hyperion every day now. Hyperion and Teacher Artis have also come to Icerita."

Ever since Hyperion and Sinola went to the Duke's Mansion last time, they seemed to be obsessed with cracking the secret room of the Duke's Mansion. It is said that there is a treasure house of the Duke that even Hyperion has never seen what is hidden in it. The goal is to open it.

Lan Qi is now a little worried about Duke Milaya.

If there weren't any treasures inside, the Duke would probably be numb when he came back.


Thalia said to herself.

She hadn't heard that name in a long time.

When Hyperion came back from the Northern Continent, Hyperion said that she had been taken care of by many ice witches. It turned out that Artis had also come to the Kingdom of Hutton.

"Yes, Hyperion thinks it would be nice if Artis was the mother, so Hyperion can be taken care of when you are away."

Lan Qi said from the side.


Thalia suddenly became sad.

This was the first time that Lan Qi saw Thalia like this.

"But Hyperion thinks you are the one she likes the most. Even Kaliela can't compare to you."

he added.


Thalia looked up at him.


Lan Qi's helpless smile was like saying, I can't lie to you.

"Trust me once."

The two of them chatted for a long time like this to pass the time.

"Let's go and get to the station a little early."

Until Lan Qi looked at the clock on the wall and stood up.

Although the tacit understanding between him and Thalia is still in shambles, and it seems far-fetched to turn [Kaliera's Shadow Weave] into a magic card, the only thing we need to know right now is——

Their new journey to Posen has begun.

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