The reprimanded special team all looked at Qin Yuan and the others with bloodshot eyes, but they were unable to refute, because these were facts.

And Zang Chong, Qin Yang and other thorns are all lawless masters, proudly straightening their chests, and those who are watching are even more angry, Qin Yuan's face has no expression.

He naturally heard that the ghost was deliberately arguing, making other participating teams hostile to them, and the subsequent test items would definitely be targeted.

But Qin Yuan doesn't care. People who don't attract jealousy are mediocre. As long as they have enough strength, they can naturally clear all obstacles.

Standing in front of Rakshasa, he said with a sullen face: "Except for the group of recruits, everyone else has no food tonight. Tomorrow morning, continue to start the test!"

"All disbanded!"

Seeing the backs of the two instructors leaving, Su Xiaoyu stepped forward and said with a smile: "Company commander, it turns out that this kind of military competition is not particularly difficult. I was worried for a long time before I came!"

"Quack, it's not that the military region is easy to compete, but we are too strong. Of course, the most important thing is that our company commander has good teaching, otherwise we are still practicing crawling in the sand!"

Little Fatty said with a touch of pride and a touch of compliment.

"Cut, isn't it just good luck, you have won a few first places, as for being so proud, those who don't know think you have won the championship!"

A dark-faced, burly man with a yin and yang air, his face was full of disdain and contempt.

"Yoyo, isn't this the Wild Wolf Commando? I heard that you are also ranked in the Northwest Military Region. Hey, that's all. It was a shame that I was almost eliminated in the last round of testing!" Xu Kai watched Looking at the man's clothes, he mocked.


The dark-skinned man was so angry that he was smoking, he rolled up his sleeves and was about to step forward, but was stopped by his teammates: "Calm down, once you start, the entire team will be eliminated directly, and our previous efforts will be in vain!"

The man also seemed to have thought of the consequences, snorted coldly, and walked towards the camp without looking back, as if he didn't want to stay here for a while.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding special forces team became even more hostile to Qin Yuan and other sharp sword recruits, but neither Qin Yuan nor the thorns paid attention to it at all, and walked towards the camp.

Not long after, there were loud snores in the camp, and all the participating teams went to bed early in order to keep their spirits up and not think about starvation.

In the middle of the night, the ghost and Rakshasa came to the outside of the camp, listening to the voices coming from inside, with a smile that was not a smile on their faces.

"Are you ready?"

The ghost glanced at the dense group of strong men behind him, and asked with a low voice, "Ready!"

"Okay!" As the seniors of this group of guys, you should treat them well, but don't hit the key points, just stun them!


As soon as these words came out, all the strong men looked like wolves, and their faces were full of uncontrollable excitement.

This group of people are all selected from various military regions and have participated in the military region's special forces. Today last year, they were entertained by their predecessors like this. At this time, they can't wait to vent their "grievances" in their hearts.


As soon as the voice fell, the group of strong men was like a pack of wolves, rushing towards the camp quickly, and in the silent and silent night, there was hardly any sound.

"Let's follow along to see, what happened to the accident again!" Rakshasa turned to look at the ghost and said, as if thinking of something, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Hearing this sentence, the corners of the ghost's eyes twitched uncontrollably, and he couldn't help but walk his legs to the left, and his voice said with a touch of urgency: "I'll go here, you go there and watch, if something like that happens again. , we really cut off the possibility of promotion!"

Somewhere in the camp, Qin Yuan, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes, then narrowed his eyes, as if he was sensing something, got up after a while and said helplessly: "Sure enough, they won't let us sleep through the night so comfortably. !"

When the ghost proposed punishment and did not let them eat, Qin Yuan had already guessed that there would be a move tonight, because he had done this when training the group of thorns.

So before going to bed, he released more than a dozen god-level intelligent poisonous bees, all around the camp, without leaving any dead ends, monitoring all abnormalities.

At this moment, in the picture in his mind, more than a dozen strong men wearing black vests, with hoods on their heads, and holding a swinging stick in their hands quietly touched this side, with a hint of excitement in their eyes. , obviously not here to send warmth.

Qin Yuan sighed, and before the group of people arrived, he quickly called out all the thorns, and all the thorns were woken up in a daze, but after seeing the company commander's tactical order, all of them were convinced. , quickly put on shoes and get out of bed.

Outside the tent, more than a dozen big men surrounded the tent door with excited smiles on their faces. The one who took the lead snorted lightly, and then took out a tear gas.

The brawny men around them all had weird smiles on their faces, and they took out a tear gas, pulled out the fuse, and threw it directly into the tent.

However, in the next scene, all the tear gas was bounced back like a spring, and the expressions of all the strong men changed. Before they could react, thick smoke spurted out, causing their choked noses and tears to flow.

"I rub, didn't you say that this camp is all a group of recruits? How vigilant is it?"

"Don't be careless, maybe they have already noticed, pheasant, wild fox, you two stay outside, the rest of you, go in with me!" The captain said in a deep voice, holding the swing stick tightly and carefully opening it The tent door, when I was about to lift my foot to enter,

A fist suddenly enlarged in front of his eyes. With a "bang", the captain was punched in the head. After groaning, he lay on the ground and fell unconscious.

"Bah, that's all, still want to attack us, go back to practice for a few more years!" An extremely arrogant voice came from inside.

"Come on, savage, if the company commander hadn't woken you up, you would have been hacked long ago!" Another shrill voice said.

"Damn it! The captain was attacked. Come on, brothers, take care of this group of recruits!"

As if being awakened, all the big men with a trace of anger in their eyes, swung their sticks and slammed towards the tent.

As soon as he got into the tent, his eyes were plunged into darkness. One of the strong men was about to turn on the flashlight when a strong sound of breaking air suddenly came from his ear. Before he could react, his consciousness instantly became blurred.

The expressions of the rest of the people changed greatly, and just as they were about to make a move, there was a burst of breaking sounds in the air, followed by a dozen ropes wrapped around them like poisonous snakes.

Before they could break free from the ropes, someone in the darkness pulled the ropes and quickly wrapped them around them a few times, binding them completely, unable to exert force on their hands and feet, and all fell to the ground, unable to pull out a dagger to cut the ropes. arrive.

"Bastard, what are you doing, let go of us!"

A big man who looked like a leader shouted, his face was full of anger, and he kept twisting his body, but he was tightly bound by the rope and could not break free at all.

With a "pat", the lights in the tent were turned on, and the leading man suddenly saw a group of people standing in front of them staring at them with smiles that were half-smiles.

On the ground not far away, there were three stunned people. These were stunned by Qin Yuan with the help of his peak-level night vision ability. The main purpose was to give Zhang Shuai and other thorns a coordinate reference. Can't see clearly in the dark.

"Company commander, you've been talking nonsense to them. If you dare to attack us, beat us first!" Zang Chong gritted his teeth and said, if Qin Yuan hadn't woken them up, they would be lying on the ground now. .

"That's right, company commander, look at the sticks in their hands, it's obviously going to be ruthless, we don't have to be polite to them, and **** him!" Xiaopang looked at the arms that were as thick as arms. smashed the stick, and said angrily.

"You guys, you dare to beat the instructors, believe it or not, I will declare you failed in the assessment!" The leading man looked at the thorns with green light in his eyes, his scalp tingled, and he choked his neck.

"Hey hey, what instructor? I only saw a group of enemies who broke into the camp. In other words, when I participated in the competition, didn't they all simulate actual combat? You are not the enemy!" Su Xiaoyu smiled strangely, pinching his fingers The joints made a clicking sound.

Hao Lian Yaoyao, who was on the side, looked at Qin Yuan who was indifferent, and suddenly seemed to understand something, his eyes lit up suddenly, strode forward and couldn't help but clenched his fists and landed on the group of people.

When all the thorns saw this scene, they all laughed, like the big bad wolf who saw the sheep, rushing towards it.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Two minutes later, Su Xiaoyu got up with a comfortable face, rubbed his red fists, and let out all the emotions he had suppressed for the past few days.

Intermittently, all the thorns stood up one after another, as if entering the time of a sage, their eyes were full of indifference, and the anger in their chests all poured out.

And the group of strong men fell to the ground shivering, their faces were blue and swollen, and there were a few hot tears in their grievances.

" really did this ruthless hand, we are the instructors, we are our own people, what about it!" A strong man rubbed the bruises on his body and said angrily.

"My own people?" Little Fatty glanced at him sideways, ""You are the enemy, the enemy who broke into the camp late at night, I advise you to surrender quickly, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood again.

"Bah, if you want me to surrender, there is no door!" A man with a bruised nose and a swollen face stubbed his neck and said, his eyes were still fierce, his eyes swept over everyone, and he seemed to remember them.

"Hey! Brothers, there are still hard bones, come on, let's loosen them up again!" The savage glared and rolled up his sleeves again.

"Hey, hey, stop fighting, stop fighting, we surrender, surrender!" If you fight again, you will die! , the leading strong man shrank his neck and shouted.

"Isn't it enough? You have to be beaten to be honest. We soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom have always treated prisoners preferentially. Don't worry about that! Hehehe!" Su Xiaoyu smiled and continued: "It's the middle of the night. The chrysanthemum hurts, you bear with it, quack!"

At this moment, Qin Yuan suddenly wrinkled. In the sight of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, a team of more than ten people was rushing out of a camp next to it. Judging by the expressions on their faces, it should be very smooth. The special team inside was eliminated.

And this group of teams seemed to be aware of the abnormality here, and they were rushing towards this side with a serious look on their faces, but they didn't seem to care too much.

After recovering his thoughts, Qin Yuan winked at the thorns behind him. The thorns understood what they meant, turned off the lights, and then walked towards the tent door, quietly ambushing on both sides.

The group of big men on the ground seemed to understand something, their faces were full of joy, and they were about to shout loudly when they suddenly noticed an icy aura coming over.

Looking up, Qin Yuan was staring at him unblinkingly, the momentum on his body was pressing on him like a mountain, the man's Adam's apple grunted, all the voices were stuck in his throat, and he shrank his head in fear, not daring to say anything. the sound of.

At this moment, the tent door was suddenly pushed open with great force, and a flashlight beam came directly, and suddenly found the group of strong men who were tightly bound to the ground.

The expressions of this group of people changed, seeing only Qin Yuan alone, they didn't notice anything raised the sticks in their hands and rushed towards this side.

As a result, just after taking a few steps, several ropes suddenly tensed up from the ground, like a steel rope. The seven or eight people in the front were not prepared, and were directly tripped by a dog.

The savages and Lin Dong who were in ambush on both sides laughed strangely, raised their feet and kicked the heads of those people, knocking them unconscious.

The remaining dozen people were shocked by the scene in front of them. They never thought that someone was ambushing them here. Just as they were about to make a move, a figure suddenly rushed forward. up and down their heads.

With a few bangs, with the blessing of Qin Yuan's god-level power, before a few people could react, they were plunged into darkness.

In the blink of an eye, most of the dozen or so aggressive late-night sneak attack teams fell to the ground, while the rest of the team let out a miserable whine under the siege of Zhang Shuai and the others.

The ghost and Rakshasa who were watching this scene from behind were really dumbfounded. More than 30 experienced instructors went to attack a group of recruits, but the entire army was wiped out. Look straight.

They originally wanted to prevent the recruits from being hit by the instructors, but now they have turned it over completely, and the two of them are shocked beyond words.

"Stop, don't fight, you win!" The ghost suddenly reacted and shouted in a hurry.

Seeing the two instructors coming, Qin Yuan coughed lightly, and all the thorns put down their fists and stood behind him, their eyes full of excitement and refreshment.

Looking at the crowd on the ground whose nose was bruised and swollen, and even fainted, the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably: "It's all my own, is it necessary to use such a ruthless hand?"


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