Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 311: Savage Challenges the 1st Soldier King

Chapter 312 Savage Challenges the First Soldier King

Hearing Ye Mo's request, Qin Yuan still had a smile on his face, but he was a little embarrassed.

In the last military competition, he had already severely attacked the first soldier of the military region. If he easily defeated Ye Mo in front of the ten-numbered members of the Sirius Commando and the Earth Dragon Commando, wouldn't it be a bit of a surprise? So embarrassing.

And he can't be waterproof in the confrontation. After all, both Ye Mo and the surrounding team members are veteran special forces, and they can easily detect this with their eyes.

At this moment, Zang rushed forward and stared at Ye Mo with piercing eyes, and said solemnly: "Captain Ye, I have long admired your name for a long time, I want to challenge you, I don't know if I can!"

Ye Mo turned his head to look at Zang Chong, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Haha, this savage guy has been talking about it all the time, saying that if you have time, you must see your soldier king, Captain Ye, why don't you have a discussion with him, so that he can know what it means to be someone outside a person, there is a sky outside the sky, so as not to spend a day Not arrogant!"

Qin Yuan said with a smile, giving Zang Chong a thumbs up in his heart.

Ye Mo took a deep look at Qin Yuan and said bluntly: "Okay, then let's discuss with Comrade Zang Chong, let's stop there, so as not to hurt the peace."

The savage grinned, took off his upper clothes, exposing his rock-like muscles, and strode toward the center of the training ground.

"Captain Ye, don't hold back later, the savages are very resistant to beatings, so don't be polite!" Qin Yuan emphasized, lest Ye Mo be knocked to the ground at the beginning of the battle because he underestimated the savages.

Ye Mo was obviously stunned. He noticed the hidden meaning in Qin Yuan's words, and his face couldn't help showing a dignified expression. Then he nodded to him and walked towards the training ground.

Seeing the two people on the field posing, Su Xiaoyu lowered his voice and said, "Company commander, the savage took the initiative to challenge Ye Mo, did you secretly instruct him?"

Qin Yuan shook his head. He didn't expect this before. It was estimated that it was the last military competition. The savage was eliminated by Ye Mo at the last moment. In addition, the opponent was the first soldier in the military region. He has been famous for a long time, and the savage is a The Lord who refuses to admit defeat is not incomprehensible to raise this challenge.

"Company commander, do you think the savage can win? Ye Mo's strength should not be underestimated. It is estimated that only the company commander can press him firmly." Zhang Shuai also came over, with a look of worry on his face.

"Don't worry, even if you don't win, you won't suffer. It seems that the sturdy bull of the savage doesn't need to worry about him." Qin Yuan said with a smile.

"That's right, haha, this guy eats the most every time he eats, and he can't be robbed!" Fang Tian said with a big laugh.

On the field, the savage didn't have any nonsense. He snorted and ran towards Ye Mo with a big stride. He stepped on the ground and made a muffled sound, like a humanoid tank, sweeping the amazing momentum.

Ye Mo's face remained unchanged, he took a deep breath, his feet were firmly fixed in place as if they were rooted, and he suddenly raised his arms to block in front of him.

"Boom", a huge muffled sound came, and the savage's fists slammed into Ye Mo's arms. .

That is to say, the building materials of the training base of the Sirius Commando are extremely particular, so there is no situation of fragmentation.

Ye Mo stood still, rubbing his slightly sore arms, his face full of solemnity.

The savage grinned, strode towards Ye Mo again, two huge fists fell like meteorites, the latter no longer resisted, but dexterously avoided, waiting for an opportunity to find a breakthrough.

"This... how is this possible? The captain was forced to dodge again and again!"

"Who is this big guy? How come I've never heard of it before, but he's so powerful? I feel like if I take a heavy punch from him, I'll probably smash it straight into the ground, and I won't be able to reveal it!"

"This person seems familiar to me, and I vaguely remember seeing him not long ago."

"I remembered that we had dealt with him during the military competition. He was a recruit company of sharp swords, but he didn't last to the end at that time. I didn't expect his strength to be so strong!"

"No wonder, it turned out to be a recruit company of sharp knives."

The surrounding members of the Heavenly Wolf Commando and the Earth Dragon Commando were somewhat aware of each other, and turned to look at Qin Yuan, who was indifferent not far away, with a touch of respect on his face.

On the field, Ye Mo kept dodging Zang Chong's offensive, but there was no anxiety on his face. As a senior special forces soldier, he was patient enough to wait for the opponent to reveal flaws, and then kill him with one hit.

Zang Chong seems to be chasing Ye Mo frantically, but his heart is very calm. He is very aware of his advantages, and he deliberately puts his disadvantages on the bright side to attract the opponent's attack. Sometimes the prey may also become a hunter.

"Company commander, isn't this savage guy a bit rash? Ye Mo made it clear that he wanted to consume his physical strength, and then look for opportunities, so he was so stupid?" Su Xiaoyu's face was full of hatred. I can't wait to go up and knock the savage's head a few times.

"Hehe, do you think the savages are as stupid as you? Ye Mo is also the first soldier in the military region. He has extremely rich practical skills and experience, and he cannot be easily defeated."

"And the savage's biggest advantage is strength. Ye Mo wants to consume his physical strength first, and he won't be confrontational for the time being. When there is a perfect opportunity to kill the savage, the savage will count on it to see who can get the best move!" Zhang Shuai explained.

"Wow, are you sure you're not lying to me? When did the savage guy become so scheming?" Su Xiaoyu looked disbelieving.

"Xiaoyu, you've been deceived, don't look at the savage's usual carelessness, in fact, he is very careful!" Fang Tian mocked, the latter's face seemed a little dull.

On the field, a strange light flashed in Zang Chong's eyes, his right foot stagnated suddenly, his body was slightly sideways, and his swift offensive suddenly loosened.

Ye Mo's eyes lit up, although he felt a little abrupt in his heart, but relying on his confidence in his own strength, he suddenly stopped the step of retreating, stabbed his body with his feet like sharp arrows, and slammed his clenched right fist into the Zang Chong's chin,

Zang Chong gritted his teeth, restrained his instinctive reaction to retreat, and received the punch abruptly. An unimaginable force slammed into the mountain on his chin, almost causing him to faint.

Fortunately, Zang Chong sharpened his fighting ability to an almost abnormal level in his previous training. Any severe pain would grab Ye Mo's right fist, so that he could no longer retreat and dodge, and then he raised his fist fiercely. smashed at his head.

Ye Mo's face changed drastically, trying to break free from Zang Chong's restraint, but he felt that his right fist was being clamped by pliers, and he couldn't break free at all.

At the same time, a harsh sound of breaking air swept in, and without any hesitation, he raised his left arm to block in front of him.

The next moment, an unimaginable force poured out, and Ye Mo's left arm was wrapped and smashed on his head.

Zang Chong shouted loudly and raised his right fist again. If it fell like raindrops, there would be a loud bang.

Ye Mo endured the severe pain, raised his right leg, and slammed it heavily on Zang Chong's body, but the other party was like a bull, he couldn't feel the pain at all, and the movements on his right hand hardly stopped.

The expressions of the surrounding members of the Heavenly Wolf Commando and the Earth Dragon Commando changed dramatically. They had already seen that Ye Mo was almost certain to lose. Although Zang Chong was definitely not feeling well, he was a proper winner.

Qin Yuan coughed lightly and said loudly, "Okay, savages, stop!"

As soon as these words came out, Zang Chong didn't hesitate, let go of his clenched left hand, hehe smiled and said, "Captain Ye is really powerful, that is, I have rough skin and thick flesh, and most people can't bear a few whips from you. "

Ye Mo grinned and rubbed his arms. He almost lost consciousness in pain. He said helplessly: "If you lose, you will lose, and I won't default!"

"Qin Yuan, how did you train this guy? Your subordinates are actually fiercer than each other!" Ye Mo couldn't help exclaiming when he saw Qin Yuan coming over.

"Hey, it's all because of their hard training, and I also play a guiding role!" Qin Yuan waved his hand.

Ye Mo's eyes lit up when he heard it, and looked at the Sirius Commando behind him with a very strange look.

The Sirius Commando collectively shuddered, as if they had foreseen the future life in hell.

"Captain Ye, it's getting late, can we start the competition?" Qin Yuan said with a smile.

"Oh, that's right, I almost forgot about this!" Ye Mo patted his head and shouted at the Sirius Commando, "You guys, don't be careless, if you lose, it's going to take a month. Hell Week."


The faces of the Sirius Commando team were full of wry smiles, and their hearts suddenly became solemn.

To be honest, seeing that none of their captains were Zang Chong's opponents, they had almost no confidence in the next match, but at this time they had to do their best.

Qin Yuan's eyes slowly swept across the five special teams, and finally fell on the Wolf Warrior Squadron.

"Long Xiaoyun!"


"Bring your team and prepare to face the Sirius Commando!"

"Yes!" A flash of excitement flashed in Long Xiaoyun's eyes, and he replied softly.

Soon, the two teams stood in the center of the training ground with solemn expressions on their faces, obviously neither dared to underestimate each other.

Leng Feng stepped forward, came to Long Xiaoyun, and said solemnly: "Captain, since the instructor let us take action, we can't let him down. Later, I will deal with Zhang Hai, the vice-captain of the Sirius Commando, and try to hold back as much as possible. He, you must resolve the battle as soon as possible."

Long Xiaoyun did not object, and nodded slightly: "Be careful, Zhang Hai's strength is second only to Ye Mo, and it is not easy to deal with, don't be brave!"

"Hey, captain, don't worry, you all have to be careful, the Sirius Commando is almost the strongest in the entire army, any of them can be the captain of the special team in other places. Good deal!"

The members of the Sirius Commando were also quietly arranging their tactics. They already knew the details of the Wolf Warrior Squadron and learned that Leng Feng's combat effectiveness was the strongest.

After a while, Long Xiaoyun and Zhang Hai looked at each other, and immediately rushed forward without any hesitation.

"Company commander, do you think Leng Feng can defeat Zhang Hai? The other party is also a veteran special forces soldier, and his qualifications are even higher than Ye Mo, so it's definitely not easy to deal with!" Su Xiaoyu said with some concern.

"Don't worry, this guy Leng Feng is hiding deeply. What he showed in the past may not be his full strength." Qin Yuan's face did not show any worry.

"Really? I didn't see it, this kid is so sinister?"

"Hehe, you are like you, and you can't wait to tell others how powerful you are. The real powerhouse will always hide his clumsiness, and only when it is critical will he make a blockbuster and subvert the situation in one fell swoop." Zhang Shuai said with some contempt.

"Fuck you, I call it upright, you have one count, all of them are old silver coins!" Su Xiaoyu's face was full of disdain.

Qin Yuan ignored the two and turned to Ye Mo next to him and said, "Captain Ye, who do you think will win this competition?"

"Hey, although I don't want to admit it, the Heavenly Wolf Commando team has a low chance of winning." Ye Mo sighed.

"Isn't it? You should have the detailed information of the Wolf Warrior Squadron? It's not clear what their strength is. In my opinion, in this matchup, your Sirius Squadron has the best chance of winning."

"Okay, if it's the former Wolf Warrior Squadron, I naturally have great confidence, but he has been trained by you Qin Yuan for a while, who would dare to guarantee it?"

"Don't think I don't know, along the way, you brought five special teams and challenged more than a dozen special forces in various military regions. This time, it was all completed. Those guys are still hiding them one by one, and will not disclose the news. Going out, it's clear that you want to cheat people!" Ye Mo said angrily.

"Hahaha!" Qin Yuan couldn't help laughing.

On the training ground, Leng Feng and Zhang Hai had already fought.

Long Xiaoyun and Li Mu of the Sirius Commando were fighting together. The movements of the two were incomparable, and the people around looked sideways, their eyes full of experience.

Team Shao played against Chen Jushan. The latter was even half a head taller than Zang Chong, and his body was covered with bulging gave a strong sense of oppression, making Team Shao Had to concentrate on it.

One meter five and Wang Xiaobing punched to the bone, Shi Sanba and Li Qian were fighting each other, and the training ground was full of dull noises.

Ye Mo outside the court could not take his eyes off the court, and seemed a little nervous, obviously very worried about his teammates.

Qin Yuan smiled, his eyes swept across the crowd casually, and there was no ripple in his heart. He could see clearly that the people in the Wolf Warrior Squadron didn't use all their strength at all. They were obviously preparing to burst out suddenly and hit one of the opponents. Unprepared.

Two minutes later, Leng Feng and Zhang Hai had already played against each other for an unknown number of times. Thin sweat had already appeared on his body, obviously consuming a lot of physical strength.

At this moment, Leng Feng suddenly seized an opportunity and smashed his right fist towards Zhang Hai's abdomen. If he was hit directly, the latter would definitely suffer huge pain.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Hai took a step back and avoided the heavy punch.

After Leng Feng's blow was empty, the corner of his mouth curled into a smile, and he violently threw out his right leg, which was already ready to go.

(End of this chapter)

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