Overnight, the courtyard of the entire mountain villa had become green and jade.

Although sand still falls from time to time in the sky.

But it still can't hide this vibrant scene.

Yu Xin and Zhao Minmin ran out of the villa together, standing in front of the cliff and looking at the entire White Bear Ditch, which was all emerald green at a glance.

An idiom popped up in their minds.

Pulling seedlings to help grow.

Yes, these plants seem to have been lifted up abruptly yesterday night, and the leaves have become denser.

"What the hell is going on?"

Zhao Minmin shook his head: "I don't know, I got up together this morning, and we found that all the plants had undergone tremendous changes." "

"I think this matter must be related to Xiao Yi."

Yu Xin also thinks so.

"The plants in White Bear Gou can be revived, and all this is Xiao Yi's handwriting."

"Now that the plant is growing wildly, it should also be inseparable from Xiao Yi."

"What did he use?"

Yu Xin wanted to ask, but she knew that even if Xiao Yi did it, she would definitely not say it.

Yesterday he asked him and got no answer.

It wouldn't be much better to ask today.

Yu Xin quickly picked a few leaves, and then pulled out the rhizome of a weed and brought it back, she wanted to analyze what happened to these plants.

Cho Minmin became her temporary assistant.

The two spent a busy morning in their room, conducting a thorough test of the plants.

But Yu Xin found out in vain.

The physiological structure, physiological functions, including photosynthesis of these plants, are no different from ordinary plants.


"It shouldn't be."

"If they grow so fast, their physiological functions and structures will definitely change."

Yu Xin sat on the sofa in disbelief.

Compared with the calm Zhao Minmin, her heart has set off huge waves, as a botanist, the richer the professional knowledge, the stronger the inner shock.

"Yu Xin, I don't think it's strange."

"It is not reasonable that the plants of White Bear Ditch can be revived, and there are visions every day."

"I think it's reasonable that these plants can grow wildly."

"If everything is reasonable, the entire White Bear Ditch should also become a desert."

Zhao Minmin's words reminded Yu Xin.


Everything in Baixionggou, as long as it is related to Xiao Yi, cannot be explained by normal logic.

She thought of yesterday's potions.

The six colors of the potion are pure water under the microscope, but drinking it can strengthen the physical fitness.

Therefore, as long as it is related to Xiao Yi.

Everything that is unreasonable can be reasonable.

"Forget it, if you don't test it, you can't detect the result anyway."

Zhao Minmin didn't understand Yu Xin's words, because she hadn't seen Xiao Yi and didn't know the horror of Xiao Yi.

"It's good that plants grow so fast."

"By the way, the tomatoes I planted before may have sprouted."

"Let's go, let's take a look."

The two came to the backyard of the villa, where there was a garden where Zhao Minmin planted a vegetable field.

Tomatoes that did not sprout originally.

Now seedlings one finger high have grown.

"Oh my God, at this rate, it is estimated that it will grow to thigh-height in three or five days, and it will bear fruit in a week."

"Great, there will be fresh vegetables to eat in the future."

The two cheered with excitement.

At this time, Guo Bing also came to the backyard.

"Miss Yu, I finally found you." Guo Bing said hurriedly.

"Ensign Guo, are you looking for me?"

Guo Bing came to Yu Xin.

"Miss Yu, do you know what causes the crazy growth of plants?"

"Mutation or evolution?"

"Is there any harm?"

Guo Bing attaches great importance to this matter, because the Beijing District is ready to migrate, and if the plants here mutate and cause poison, the Beijing District will be sent to death if it migrates.

Fortunately, Yu Xin is a botanist.

This must be asked.

Yu Xin thought for a moment, not knowing how to explain it for a while.

She wanted to say that this was Xiao Yi's handwriting. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But there is no evidence.

It is impossible for her to say that Xiao Yi is very mysterious and powerful, gave himself six potions, and drank them to become super soldiers.

And the ingredients are not detected.

Like these plants, there was no change after testing.

Yu Xin always remembered Xiao Yi's instructions not to expose herself, otherwise her life would be in danger.

She sorted out her thoughts and said:

"Ensign Guo, these plants are neither mutation nor evolution, I can't give an answer for the time being."

"But what is certain is that their physiology, structure and function, have not changed in any way."

"Simply put, there is no harm."

"What I used to be able to eat, I can eat now, and there will be no poisoning."

Guo Bing looked at Yu Xin suspiciously.

"Are you sure?"

Yu Xin nodded, then picked a tomato seedling and put it in her mouth.

After chewing a few times, it is swallowed into the stomach.

The taste is very astringent, slightly bitter, and not delicious.

"I knew you were going to report to the capital, so I experimented with it."

"Tomato seedlings are poisonous, but the toxicity is very small, it doesn't matter if you eat less, but if the mutation causes the toxicity to increase, I will be poisoned before dark."

"You can observe my reaction and decide whether to report to the Beijing District."

Guo Bing was stunned.

He didn't expect Yu Xin to be so rigid, and at the same time, he admired this courage.

"Miss Yu, I believe you."

Guo Bing immediately returned to his room and reported everything that happened in Baixionggou to the Beijing District.

And special emphasis is also made.

The plants near the White Bear Gully have become green and growing very well.

And there is a small amount of rainfall every day.

Within 10 kilometers of its diameter, it is not affected by the global climate, and the Beijing district can consider starting to move.

The other side.

He Weihua, who received the telegram, immediately organized a meeting of high-level officials from various military base areas in the Beijing region.

The military in Beijing District has a total of 8 base areas.

They are all built outside Wanli City, and they are almost not attacked by zombies at present, but the harsh environment is almost impossible to survive.

Migration is imminent.

Even if there is no White Bear Gou, the commanders of the eight major base areas are ready to move to other places.

He Weihua said with a stern expression:

"Guys, now we have determined that there is an oasis in Baixionggou in Jinhe District, Rongdu of Shu Province."

"10 km in diameter."

"The plants are growing well at the moment, and the plants there seem to have evolved yesterday night."

"The exact reason is unknown."

"Miss Yu has repeatedly assured that although the local plants grow wildly, they are not poisonous."

"Everyone already knows the situation in Baixiong Ditch."

"The key person is Xiao Yi."

"According to Guo Bing, Miss Yu, as well as Zhao Yuanshan's report, it was Xiao Yi who created the vision that led to the revival of the plant."

"At the moment, he is in the actual control of White Bear Ditch."

"And promised that if the land on the mountain is given to us to grow food, he only needs 10% of the cut."

"But Rongdu is a long way off."

"Great migration, at least half of the people will die on the road."

"Now raise your hand and vote."

"Whether to move to the Jinhe District of Rongdu, or choose the nearest area."

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