Since you want to enter the hospital, then kill it directly!

The car didn't drive well, which was a bit of a shame. Next, kill the zombies to behave better, and don't let the captain see the jokes.

However, Qi Yue, who was the first to accompany Xiao Yi to participate in the battle, obviously did not know Xiao Yi's combat style.

The corners of Xiao Yi's mouth turned up slightly, grabbed Qi Yue's hand, and pressed it on the ~ horn.

The harsh sound broke the tranquility of the hospital and the tranquility of half the city.

"Are you crazy?"

The panicked Qi Yue roared regardless of the fact that Xiao Yi was the de facto owner of the convoy.

Honking your horn in the empty zombie city, what's the difference between that and playing a lantern in the toilet?!

"What are you panicking, remember that you are now an ability, are all those skill books I bought for you in vain?"

Xiao Yi snorted coldly.

Another great advantage of going out on a mission with Xiao Yi is that you can get a skill book without credit or getting Xiao Yi's favor.

Qi Yue is like this.

[Fixed-point noodle delivery], [Jue Yan], [Body Shield] and consumables [Full Attribute Elixir], as long as Qi Yue is still missing, Xiao Yi will make up for it all.

It's arrogant.

Of course, [Crazy Plant] and [Watch Master] didn't buy them.

First, after upgrading the main car and replenishing a wave of weapons and ammunition to the first-line heavenly territory, the point balance is not so rich. Second, this special skill book, Xiao Yi has established a stipulation, only if the contribution is large enough can be exchanged.

As for how to evaluate whether the contribution is enough, the standard is all in Xiao Yi's heart.

Qi Yue lowered her head nervously.

I don't know if it was her delusion, she felt the ground shaking.

However, after Xiao Yi's reprimand, she was not so nervous.

The [Fixed-point Second Delivery] ability alone can easily jump out of the encirclement of zombies, and there is indeed no need to be overly nervous.

"Drive the car, you remember the previous route, don't go into a dead end."

Xiao Yi said pleasantly.

Qi Yue looked out the window and then at the rearview mirror.

Zombies, zombies, or zombies.

Countless zombies pounced on black Budani from all directions, like hungry and thirsty beasts smelling blood.


Xiao Yi's brows furrowed.

There were many zombies, but he noticed that there were no zombies coming out on the 2nd floor of the inpatient department of the People's Hospital.

Either there are no zombies there, or there is something more attractive to them in the building.

"Guide this group of zombies outside the city, and we will come back."

Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.


Qi Yue pursed her lips, held the steering wheel in her hand, and started the key.

Glancing around, looking at the weakest point of the zombie wall, Qi Yue stepped on the accelerator to the end and ran over directly.

A few minutes later.

A group of two or three hundred thousand zombies disappeared into the city under the attraction of black Budaney.

On the top floor of the 2nd floor of the inpatient department of the People's Hospital, by a certain window, a human head poked its head out, looked at the empty street, and instantly retracted.

The whole process lasts less than half a second.

5:00 p.m.

The black Budani quietly returned to the gate of Lincang People's Hospital.

Only this time, after a moment's pause, the black Budani turned a corner and drove into a side alley not far away.

A few minutes later, Xiao Yi and Qi Yue walked out of the remote alley.

Qi Yue's expression was hesitant.

It's so cool!

Just now, under Xiao Yi's command, she drove a black Budani and ran along the ring road with hundreds of thousands of zombies.

Despite the [Teleportation] skill, it is easy to jump over the encirclement.

But just look at the hundreds of thousands of zombies behind you, no one will not feel the scalp numb.

However, Xiao Yi's next operation completely revolutionized Qi Yue's new understanding of how to deal with zombies.

Xiao Yi opened the throttle of Budani and drained oil along the way.

The zombies stepped on the oil road, slipped, fell, and piled up into a zombie wall, but they did not give up, still roared loudly, and rushed towards the black Budani with a rolling belt.

But in this way, these zombies are covered with cars.


Xiao Yi saw the opportunity and spit out the two words.

Qi Yue, who had already understood, turned on the smart weapon system.

A bullet hit the ground and grazed Mars.

Mars touches oil and gas and detonates instantly.

Boom --

The flames ignited, and then spread wildly along the road and towards the rear, forming a magnificent fire snake.

"In addition to gasoline, the grease on zombies is an excellent flame retardant."

Qi Yue whispered. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Put an end to this slaughter of zombies.

"Wait a minute, go directly to the 2nd floor of the inpatient department."

The two came to the door of the People's Hospital, Xiao Yi said.


Qi Yue readily agreed, this time, she would no longer question Xiao Yi's order.

However, Qi Yue was still a little puzzled.

Obviously eliminated a large wave of zombies, why did Xiao Yi's mood still look bad.

Qi Yue guessed correctly.

Xiao Yi's mood at the moment was very bad.

Qi Yue is not a family does not know that oil smoke and rice are expensive, but Xiao Yi is different, after a wave of operation, Xiao Yi calculated and found that this battle was a loss.

And it's a blood loss!

That wave of fire snake offensive operation consumed a whole 1 ton of fuel in the black Budani's body.

This will not cause an energy crisis, because when he came out, Xiao Yi stored nearly 30 compartments of fuel in the inventory.

Each lattice is 50 kilograms, which adds up to 1,500 kilograms, or 1.5 tons, enough for a black Budani to take two people home.

In addition, if you are lucky, gas stations on the outskirts of Lincang can also collect some gasoline.

Xiao Yi is a pity that after consuming 1 ton of fuel, the return received is only 20W white points and 2W blue points.

This battle, the blood loss!

Hundreds of thousands of zombies shouldn't have been like this.

But Xiao Yi was shocked to find that when the fire snake ignited, those zombies at the end actually scattered!

They have an IQ!

Although it was very low, Xiao Yi had a faint feeling of bad premonition in his heart.

"Your name is Qi Yue, right, you have to compensate for the loss of the convoy!"

Xiao Yi saw Qi Yue bouncing, raised his eyebrows, and decided to punish this little girl who got a little carried away.

"Ah, pay for what?"

Qi Yue looked puzzled.

Xiao Yi briefly explained the calculation process and results.

Only then did Qi Yue come to his senses.

Xiao Yi taught her and handed her the throttle,

Then, she put more oil.

"So what now?"

Qi Yue, who knew that he was in trouble, asked.

"The loss of the team is my loss, how to compensate, you think about it."

Xiao Yi teased.

In Doomsday Captain, the way to make the captain happy is simple.

Accompany the captain to play driving games.

"I... I'll go up to you. "

Qi Yue's face was slightly red, and he said.

Xiao Yi was happy and took the lead to enter the hospital.

In fact, although the loss is lost, the benefits are also obtained.

After destroying that wave of zombies, the white points of the system panel returned to 28W, the blue points were 2W, and the red points did not change, or 300.

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