Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Chapter 522: secret passage

The passage is quiet, without twists and turns, straight forward, except for the cold, occasionally cold wind blowing, there is nothing strange.

Lin Mo was a little disappointed.

He was in the front and Nie Hong was behind. Five minutes from entering to the present, he didn't even encounter a ghost.

"Didn't you say it's weird here? Where is it, where is it weird? Come out and let me see."

Lin Mo couldn't help muttering.

Nie Hong at the back smiled: "Isn't it better to be smooth?"

"That's true."

Lin Mo kept walking.

Since you can't encounter any weird things, let's go forward. According to this family's description of the secret passage, at the end of the passage, you will meet the manager of Ward 3.

Lin Mo thought about it, first soft and then hard, based on the principle of persuasion and education.

Walked another 5 minutes.

Lin Mo found that something was wrong.

He hasn't come to the end yet.

In general, a passage of 100 meters is considered long, and according to the description of the home, the third ward is located in other dimensions, which means that it is not calculated by distance.

It can be infinitely far away or infinitely close.

Maybe stay in place, as long as the mechanism is triggered, you can still enter the third ward.

And now, after walking for ten minutes, let alone 100 meters, there are 500 meters.

But this passage still seems to have no end in sight.

At this time, Nie Hong said: "Don't go forward, we are going in circles, and it will be futile to go any further."

Lin Mo looked back at Nie Hong.

The latter pointed to the wall, Lin Mo took a closer look, and there was a scratch on the wall.

"Did you row?" Lin Mo asked.

Nie Hong nodded: "I made a mark before, but I was a little suspicious at the time, so I made a mark with a knife."

Lin Mo was a little dumbfounded now.

He carefully looked at the scratches, and it was indeed a new scratch, made by Nie Hong himself, and it was impossible to admit the mistake.

Lin Mo looked forward and then looked back.

"The passage is straight, and we went straight forward without encountering any forks, but we turned around again. I'm going, isn't this the infinite corridor?" Lin Mo was very familiar with this.

This is what he used to trap the two-dimensional ghost.

I never imagined that one day I would enjoy it myself.

However, Lin Mo is only guessing now, and to confirm this, a scratch is not enough.

"In this way, you wait here, I will go forward, if it is a circle, I can come back, if not, I will come back to you." Lin Mo thought of a way.

Nie Hong has no opinion.

Next, Nie Hong waited in place, and Lin Mo walked forward.

This time Lin Mo counted the time.

He was walking at his normal pace, and five minutes later, he saw a man standing in front of him.

It was Nie Hong, and the other party saw Lin Mo waving.

Truly an infinite corridor.

Lin Mo's head was a little bigger.

He only used this thing on two-dimensional ghosts, and now he is trapped in a similar place, how to escape?

Before Lin Mo thought about when the strangeness of this secret passage would appear, now he knew that the strangeness started from the moment he entered the passage.

The enemies you can see are easy to deal with, but the enemies you can't see are the trouble.

This is the case now.

"Can't we get out?" My sister asked at this time. She was lying on the ceiling, her head was upside down, and there was no worry in her tone. On the contrary, she was very excited.

"Shh, don't bother your brother to think about things." Mom reprimanded, but this time her voice was a little solemn.

Apparently Mom also knows what it means to be stuck here.

Possibly, never get out.

It was not surprising for Nie Hong to see Lin Mo speak in a different voice, because Lin Mo had already told her the situation before.

No one knew what to do now, so all of a sudden no one spoke, and the passage fell silent.

"Look for the secret door." Lin Mo recalled for a while. The manuscript he read didn't seem to have any more descriptions of the secret passage.

Maybe he didn't find it.

Right now can only find the exit from the designer's point of view.

That is, put yourself in the role of home to see the problem.

"Those who wrote it, don't look sloppy on the outside, but they are actually very proud on the inside. To put it bluntly, they are a little narcissistic. No matter what they write, others appreciate it or not. Anyway, they themselves will As a work of art, there is a desire to pursue perfection.”

Lin Mo muttered to himself.

"If I were to be my home, if I simply designed a passageway that trapped people, there would be no exits, but this place has a premise that it is a passageway, and the function of the passageway is to connect two different areas."

"Then in order to ensure the existence of this functionality, the passage cannot be without an exit. The problem is how to find it. The family should also hope that someone can discover his exquisite design, be surprised, and then admire him."

At this time, Lin Mo said something to Nie Hong and began to smash the light bulb on the wall with a brick.

In this passage, there is a light bulb every ten meters. The light bulb emits a faint light, but no matter how faint it is, there is light.

It is still the theory of the dark dimension, Lin Mo wants to try it, in case it works.

As the bulbs were broken one by one, the passage was gradually swallowed by darkness, like a pitch-black snake swallowing the light source one by one.

A few minutes later, Lin Mo saw the last light bulb in front.

This time, Lin Mo didn't act in a hurry, but walked over the light bulb.

Sure enough, he found the first light bulb he shattered, and the fragments were still on the ground, exactly the same as before, which showed that they had returned to the starting point.

There was only one light bulb left, and Lin Mo wondered if he should break it too.

Because for his current level of knowledge, the dark dimension is no longer difficult to guess. After all, Lin Mo has experienced it many times and is very familiar with it.

But he also has to think about what to do if the exit is not in the dark dimension.

Just when he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw such a scene.

From the darkness in front, a **** hand stretched out and held the only remaining light bulb. The next moment, the hand squeezed and the light bulb shattered.

The surroundings immediately plunged into absolute darkness.

"There's a ghost!"

Lin Mo shouted, then rushed over excitedly.

After waiting for so long, I finally encountered a ghost, which is a good thing.

"Nie Hong, hurry, hurry, don't let it run away." In the darkness, Lin Mo shouted.

After a while, a strange noise was heard, as if something was fighting.

"Who stabbed me with a needle? Damn it, steel, steel." Lin Mo shouted. In the darkness, there were muffled groans, gasps, and then some painful screams.

Suddenly all remaining is gone.

The entire passage fell silent again.

A minute later, a flame emerged. Lin Mo grabbed the brick with one hand, and pressed the figure on the ground with Nie Hong with the other hand.

The knife in Nie Hong's hand pressed against the opponent's neck.

Her knives can kill people or ghosts.

This person on the ground was covered in blood, his clothes were tattered, his skin was covered with wounds, and his flesh and blood were turned out, and he felt pain just by looking at it.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

The thing started humming.

Something weird happened.

Nie Hong immediately retracted his hand and stared at the other party in disbelief.

Lin Mo also let go.

Because just now, they felt severe pain at the same time, the pain was like the skin was cut open by a sharp knife, and then salt was sprinkled on the wound.

The pain index peaked almost instantly.

Suddenly, Lin Mo and Nie Hong let go of their hands in a conditioned reflex.

"A curse?"

Lin Mo has unparalleled insight into curses.

The ghost on the ground immediately got up and ran.

"Chase!" Lin Mo's response was not slow, and he greeted Nie Hong to rush over.

Under the light of the brick flame, the ghost ran in front, and Nie Hong and Lin Mo were chasing after After a while, I saw the ghost in front opened a door and dodged in.

The other party wanted to close the door, but Nie Hong was faster, and with a knife, he inserted the blade into the crack of the door.

The door won't close this time.

It wasn't until this time that Lin Mo and Nie Hong reacted. When did a door appear here?

The two looked at each other.

"Exit found!"

The ghost on the other side of the door is pulling the door hard at the moment. Here, Lin Mo and Nie Hong are pulling the door hard, and the two sides are caught in a wrestling.

As the door was pulled open little by little, the ghost inside let out an angry roar.

"It hurts me, it hurts me!"

The next moment, **** hands appeared on the entire door and grabbed Lin Mo and Nie Hong.

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