Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 829: who is the owner of this boat

Lin Mo forcibly squeezed in, and then closed the hatch.

The Guterres family members inside obviously did not expect the other party to squeeze in.

Of course they were not happy, but there was nothing they could do.

Can't beat people.

Many parts of the body have been chopped off by others, and then the head will have to be chopped off.

So admit it.

Lin Mo looked around and found that the space inside was quite large. The Guterres family transformed it into a living room, with a bedroom and a dining room, and it seemed that life was not bad.

They had obviously just eaten, and there were still some leftovers on the table.

Looking at the appearance of the dinner plate, it is produced by the restaurant, so what these people eat is self-evident.

The sound of footsteps outside interrupted Lin Mo's observation.

It was Xiaoyu who dragged him in just now.

This shows that Xiaoyu knows that the people outside at the moment are very dangerous enough to threaten him.

At this moment, the members of the Guterres family also quieted down.

They also looked very scared.

Lin Mo's curiosity came up again.

He wanted to ask who the people outside were, but this time, everyone from the Guterres family hurriedly gestured to Lin Mo, saying don't make any noise.

The heavy cabin door could not stop the footsteps, and after the people outside walked a few steps, there was no sound.

The moment was extremely silent.

Lin Mo could even think that at this moment, the people outside were standing at the door of the cabin, and the other party seemed to be listening to the voice inside.

In less than a minute, it seemed like an hour had passed.

At this time, the footsteps slowly faded away.

Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief.

Then there was a strange noise, and red gas began to be poured into the holes in the walls of the cabin, which was the gas of **.

In addition to the red **, there is also white fog.

The long-haired Guterres family member excitedly took a cup, twisted it on a faucet, and a stream of blood-colored liquid poured into the cup.

The other party drank it all.

There was a sense of satisfaction on his face. On the broken arm that was cut off by Lin Mo, a small hand slowly grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then the other party took another drink and sat down on the sofa, smoking the red and white mist, like a drug addict.

The other members of the Guterres family were also connected to the blood-colored liquid, sitting on the sofa and breathing mist.

No one cares about Lin Mo anymore.

In other words, these guys no longer care about the outside world.

Lin Mo walked over and called a few times.

No response.

He waved his hand, but no one paid him any attention.

Lin Mo understood, these guys have been immersed in all kinds of ** happiness, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are drunk.

Someone imprisoned the members of the Guterres family in this way with the pleasure of **. The purpose is unclear, and it is estimated that there is no result.

Wait until they're done enjoying it before asking.

Lin Mo went to the cabin door to listen, but there was no movement outside.

He waited for a while before trying to open the hatch.

I went out to have a look, and the pipe that was cut off by him before has been restored to its original state.

Apparently someone used some special ability to repair the severed pipe and restore the supply of blood.

This was undoubtedly the sound of the previous footsteps.

Who is the other party?

In fact, Lin Mo already had some guesses in his heart at this time.

"It sounds like a woman's footsteps, high heels, it can't be the maid, and the other party is still sealed in the painting. Then, the ten most likely is 'Jane'."

The Guterres family member who was replaced by someone.

The situation is much clearer than it was at first.

Looking at it now, the person who controls this boat should be 'Jane', and even she is the one who released the curse on the people on the boat.

It is not known what the purpose of 'Jane' was.

But Lin Mo felt that there was no need to clarify this matter.

The purpose of his coming was not to explore the secrets of the Guterres family, but to borrow a boat.

That's all.

After thinking about this clearly, Lin Mo went back and used his method, that is, a few slaps in the face to 'wake up' the drug addicts of the Guterres family who were addicted to sex.

He started asking what he wanted to know.

The Guterres family didn't hide it either. Basically, they said what they knew. Judging from their appearance, they shouldn't hide it at all.

The first is the origin of the Guterres family.

This is a very old family, and it has inherited several generations of titles at the earliest. Even later, it is also a wealthy party. But there are some broken things in such long-standing foreign families. Of course, there are some legends with a slightly strange atmosphere.

For example, there are descendants of dark witches in the family, but I don’t know who they are. Some people have seen strange ghosts in the attic where no one lives. Another example is that some family members like furniture made of human skin, thinking that it is called High-end, even this skill of dealing with human skin has been passed down for centuries, and it is very exquisite. Because it is necessary to kill people and skin them, the basement of the Guterres family castle is filled with the bones of victims over the centuries, and even, There are tens of thousands of such corpses.

There are many such rumors.

For outsiders, no one knows whether it is true or not.

But there is no doubt that there are always some people who think this is all true, and even think that the Guterres family is evil and a nightmare for good people.

Lin Mo estimates that this is why the Guterres family can appear in the nightmare world.

Some people's fear 'creates' them.

As for the origin of the Silence, it was a shipping company established by the Guterres family and several other veteran nobles 120 years ago. They built a huge ship and wanted to continue their family's glory.

It is said that the Silence was the largest ship that could be built in the world at that time.

But this ship encountered an accident on a voyage not long after it was built, sank, and was buried in the sea together with the remaining blood of the Guterres family.

And the current Silent, for some unknown reason, was recreated.

Including the Guterres family on board.

As for why the Silent became what it is today, the family members in this room do not know.

And they also told Lin Mo in the lowest voice that the current 'Jane' is a fake.

But this fake is very scary. The only remaining members of the family are 'imprisoned' here, and are 'tortured' by various ** all day long.

"We're in pain, really, maybe, someday, we'll be able to get relief, and that's what we're hoping for."

The family member who spoke didn't show a trace of pain on his face. On the contrary, this guy's expression was very cool. He had to take a few more puffs of ** smoke when he spoke. Then, it seemed that every pore on his body felt a sense of relief. and satisfied.

Anyway, Lin Mo didn't see the slightest meaning of being forced.

In fact, they can leave here, but these guys seem to have been addicted to being drunk in **, so although they say that, in fact, their bodies are more honest than each other, and they are not willing to leave at all.

Can't ask more.

Lin Mo estimated the time, and the next musical performance at the Grand Theater was about to start.

This one cannot be missed.

Lin Mo had a feeling that this time he might be able to explore the real secret on the Silent from the musical performance in the second half.

"Next time I come, I will let you open the door, and you will open the door, otherwise, continue to cut off the supply of **."

Before leaving, Lin Mo gave a warning.

The members of the Guterres family were full of promises.

"I don't think you are malicious. Don't worry, next time you call the door, we will open it for you immediately."

Lin Mo nodded, and he returned from the same path.

This time, Lin Mo went directly to the cabin on the first floor of the Grand Theater. He looked at the clock, and it was half an hour before twelve o'clock.

It's still early, but there are already many passengers entering the venue at the moment.

It's called rushing sooner rather than later.

It's okay to walk outside anyway, go in early and you can choose a good seat.

Lin Mo found Zhang Meng and the others.

Zhang Meng and Zhang Xu came down with other passengers, and when they saw Lin Mo, they all gathered around.

About the latest discovery of the Guterres family, Lin Mo also told Zhang Meng and Zhang Xu.

Lin Mo also hopes to brainstorm on this matter.

Zhang Meng, an art, couldn't say anything at the moment, but Zhang Xu thought about it carefully, and suddenly thought of something.

He borrowed a pen and paper and wrote down his thoughts.

"Expert Lin, have you asked them who is the owner of this ship, the Silent?"

Not to mention, Lin Mo really asked this question.

"They said that the Silent is the property of their shipping company, and their family members are shareholders of the shipping company, so this ship does not belong to someone, but belongs to the Guterres family and is family property."

Zhang Xu also wrote: "Understood, perhaps, to control this ship, one must be a member of the Guterres family, and the number is limited, so those family members will be 'locked' at the bottom of the ship ."

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for monthly ticket support!



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