Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 838: Explorer

The dark and deep sea bottom looks like a different dimension at this moment, and all kinds of strange shadows are floating in this deep sea water.

The shipwrecks are in different postures, either inserted or lying on the bottom of the sea, like an underwater cemetery.

Strong water pressure makes this a restricted area for the weak.

Even a water ghost with insufficient strength cannot survive here for long.

I saw a green flame roaming among the cemetery-like shipwrecks, like the souls of the undead wandering.

If you look closely, it is a person holding something like a torch, with a huge bubble around the person, and a huge soft-bodied monster is protecting the bubble.

From time to time blow air in it.

From a distance, it looks like a Kraken kid playing with balloons.

"The third child, you are a bit of a bubble. I will start an underwater adventure project when I go back. You are definitely the most popular one. You will definitely make money."

"Brother, what did the little girl tell you before, do you know where to find that boat?" The third child, after being nurtured by Lin Mo, had a lot of quick thinking, so he couldn't help but ask.

Because it found that Lin Mo didn't check every sunken ship.

Rather, there is a choice.

But as for what the choice was based on, the third child couldn't see it, that's why he asked this question.

"You mean Pamela? No, she didn't say anything about the ship, and I was surprised when I came down and saw so many wrecks here."

This is true, Lin Mo was very surprised at the time.

"I judged based on the other party's clothes and the hairpins on their heads. These things have a certain age, such as the plastic hairpins, which cannot be related to these wooden masts capsized. They are not the same age at all, so I directly ignore Go past these wooden ships and explore only modern ships."

Lin Mo didn't know if these third children could understand.

Anyway, the other party nodded again and again every time, as if he had benefited a lot.

In addition, Lin Mo told the third child that Pamela's hairpin had the logo of an animation company in the White Eagle Country and a cute animation character, and this animation character was only launched in the last five years.

What this means is already obvious.

The boat Pamela and her father were on must be a modern boat, not an old antique.

It is very close to the cloud-free area, only a few hundred meters apart. Lin Mo actually wants to carefully explore the surroundings of this cloud-free area and collect more things.

In this way, perhaps more clues about the sea of ​​fear can be found.

After all, the danger level of the sea of ​​fear that can trap the Gluttony is already extremely high. Taking some time to prepare and understand, Lin Mo thinks it is necessary.

Even if you have done some useless work for this, for example, you have done ten things, as long as one can catch up, it is worth it.

Under this seabed, there are not many ships that meet Lin Mo's screening criteria.

Some wrecks that were occupied by some terrifying monsters had been ruled out before, and there were actually few remaining ships.

At this time, Lin Mo saw a boat ahead.

very large.

It is obviously more technological than other ships, a bit like the kind of scientific research ship that goes out to sea.

Looking closer, there is the name of the ship on it, in foreign words, which translates as 'explorer'.


Lin Mo asked the third child to take himself to the deck of the ship.

There's no need to kick the door, because the hatch was open, and Lin Mo didn't feel any danger, so he decided to go in and have a look.

The third said it couldn't get in.

Indeed, the cabin is cramped, and the old three is big. Unless it is some spacious place, it is indeed a bit difficult, even if this cargo has no bones at all, it is the same as a soft-bodied creature.

"The third child, wait for me outside, I'll go in and have a look alone." Lin Mo said.

The third child said, eldest brother, come out quickly, otherwise I will be a little scared to stay outside alone.

Lin Mo said in his heart that you are so big.

Big and small.

Lin Mo rushed out of the bubble and began to swim along the passage.

He soon made some discoveries.


There are many corpses in the passage.

And the nearest body was probably just a few meters away from the exit.

It stands to reason that the corpse may float out, but after Lin Mo took a closer look, he found that the front corpse had a rope around its neck.

The rope is tied above the channel.


Lin Mo was a little puzzled.

Because I don't know how long it has been dead, the corpse has completely melted, leaving only the clothes and bones. Judging from the clothes, the other party should be an officer.

An officer of the White Eagle Country.

The white eagle flag on the shoulder is very eye-catching.

There are also many corpses behind, probably because the water here is not circulating, so it is very turbid, and there are many cotton wool-like things floating in it.

There are also many small bugs and fish and shrimps on the bottom of the sea, and the number is very large.

It is estimated that they all grew up eating the corpses here.

The green flames on the brick hammer drove them away, otherwise Lin Mo suspected that these little things hidden in the dark shipwreck would think of eating him too.

Many of the corpses were in military uniforms.

There are obvious traces of bullet holes on the bones, and there are many embroidered bullet casings on the ground. It is basically certain that some people were killed by firearms.

Lin Mo looked back at the corpse of the officer floating outside.

Maybe it was the officer who did it.

Just the clues found so far made Lin Mo very curious about what kind of terrifying corpse happened on the Explorer, which actually drove the officer crazy and prevented others from leaving the ship.

Even at the expense of killing everyone?

The next exploration went well, and Lin Mo found that this should be a scientific experimental ship.

The layout inside and the various devices that have decayed can attest to that.

As for what are they researching?

This is difficult to see from the documents that have been completely decayed. Fortunately, some things are immortal, such as glass bottles, and some plastic products.

Although fragile, it is definitely not an easy thing to let these things rot.

From the text marked on these things, Lin Mo pieced together a relatively complete clue.

"The Sea of ​​Fear, this Explorer is studying the Sea of ​​Fear." Lin Mo even deduced from some places on the ship that marked the year and month that the ship was still sailing at sea a year ago.

Only then something terrible happened, and some people on the boat slaughtered others and sank the boat.

After that, the wreck was projected into the nightmare world.

Since it is related to the Sea of ​​Fear, then this place needs further exploration.

Lin Mo walked through the elevator shaft below and came to the 'living area' on the next floor.

This can be seen from the text posted on the wall in the cabin.

There are also corpses here.

When passing a cabin, Lin Mo suddenly stopped.

He looked inside with a brick hammer in his hand.

In a small bedroom next to it, there was a corpse floating.

The corpse of a child.

The flesh and blood were gone, only the bones were left, and he was wearing a plaid skirt. Although it was soaked in seawater and lost its original appearance, and some dark algae creatures were parasitized on it, Lin Mo could still see that it was a plaid. skirt.

At this moment, Lin Mo looked at the corpse, his heart moved, and he stepped forward to examine it carefully.

This withered bone is holding a doll, and even if it is dead, it is still held tightly in his arms.

Lin Mo can be sure that this corpse is Pamela.

That top obsession.

Looks like he's in the right place.

This is where Pamela died, but she doesn't seem to remember it all.

And Lin Mo has really found each other's doll now.

This cabin was obviously specially decorated. There was a picture of the little **** the wall. It could be seen that her original appearance was exactly the same as the obsession that Lin Mo had seen before.

Lin Mo starts looking for clues about Pamela's father.

It's actually pretty easy to find.

Here's a photo of a middle-aged man with Pamela.

On the back of the photo: May my dearest daughter be healthy, Kant.

This time, it has a name and a photo.

Lin Mo estimated that Pamela's father must be a staff member on the scientific research ship belonging to the White Eagle and may even be a more important scientific researcher.

After all, if you can bring your family, it is still such a child, and the level should not be low.

No more clues were found in the house.

But that's okay.

It is now known that this ship should be tracking the 'Sea of ​​Fear' and studying this terrifying existence. Later, for some unknown reason, something strange happened on the ship, all the crew members died, and the ship sank to the bottom of the sea.

But the research room here is sure to find something of value.

It's even possible to find Pamela's dad.

Even if it's just a skeleton, Lin Mo can cross.

The structural diagram of the science ship was posted on the wall in the cabin. Lin Mo looked at it and swam towards the research warehouse below.


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