Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 866: Tactical Squad, Destroyed!

"she does not know!"

Professor Bill said confidently.

Lin Mo asked him, why are you so sure.

"It's very simple. All the information about her true origin has been destroyed. Her secrets are only known to a few people in the base, and we rarely mention this matter. She has no way to know these secrets."

"That's it!"

Lin Mo touched his chin and thought about it.

416 was only two years old, and he didn't even think about it.

That height, that legs, that hip-to-waist ratio, that chest, that face, that hair, that clever head.

2 years old?

Who will believe it?

Most people can't think of this.

Suppose, tell 416 about this, how will she react?

"I guess I will be very angry." Lin Mo smiled.

If 416 came to form an alliance with him before, he was acting, then tell her about it, and she would definitely turn against the people in this base.

After all, no one likes to be treated as a fool and a guinea pig.

Of course there is another possibility.

She knew it for a long time, so she chose to cooperate with herself, and even planned to kill all the people in the base.

Because she has an unforgettable hatred here.

Not only was the other party deceived her, but also because she had experienced countless pain and torture in the experiment.

Even Lin Mo felt that it was more likely that the other party knew the inside story, because when 416 said that he would kill everyone here, his expression was serious.

As the saying goes, there is no love for no reason, and there is no hate for no reason.

With the cooperation with 416, Lin Mo already has a judgment of his own in his heart at this moment.

Compared with this, Lin Mo is more concerned about the NZT series of psychotropic drugs.

Especially NZT-47.

Because Lin Mo has used this, it is effective for personal testing. If it is other, it may not be effective.

"For NZT-47, here it is!"

Professor Bill's words made Lin Mo excited.

"Where is it? Take it out quickly."

At the urging of Lin Mo, Professor Bill walked to a metal door, unlocked it with his iris, and opened the door.

There are many instruments inside. The other party enters a password in front of a cabinet, and after opening it, he takes out a round silver metal cylinder from the air-conditioned cabinet.

About the thickness of an arm, like a pen holder.

Unscrew the lid and see four tubes of medicine inside.

It is exactly the same as the NZT-47 that Lin Mo has seen.

The thing was heavy, but Lin Mo felt a rare sense of security.

There is also an expectation hidden deep in the heart.

Because of this, not only can he increase his mental power several times in a short period of time, but also his mother, sister, and father will appear again.

Not to mention, Lin Mo still misses this family.

In terms of actual value, with these four-pipe NZT-47s, Lin Mo has a great confidence in the stalemate with the people in this Skua base.

Not to mention winning, but at least, the opponent will never attack.

Obviously, the storage of NZT-47 here is also classified, and probably other than Professor Bill, no one knows at all.

At this time, there was a slight noise outside the laboratory.

Lin Mo noticed that Professor Bill was a little nervous.


"Ah, no, no!" Professor Bill shook his head hastily.

He cooperated like this before, one is because of the culture of the White Eagle Kingdom, and the other is because he is really afraid of Lin Mo.

You must know that Professor Bill has also strengthened himself, especially in the nightmare world, he can even control a very terrifying nightmare.

This nightmare of his is hidden in his body.

But no matter how he called out before, this nightmare was silent and had no intention of coming out.

Because he is one body with the nightmare, Professor Bill can feel the emotions of the nightmare.

At that moment, the other party showed extremely strong fear and fear.

It's not that he didn't respond to his call, or he didn't dare to come out at all, like a sheep being stared at by a tiger.

My legs are so frightened, how can I get out?

There was a slight noise outside the door, and Professor Bill guessed that it was the Nightmare Tactical Team of the base.

In the real world, because of the monitoring of alien spiritual power, according to the tactics, it will not be easy to attack.

But it's different in Nightmare World.

The Nightmare Tactical Squad in the base will attack because they are very strong. Under normal circumstances, a Nightmare Tactical Squad can deal with multiple A-level nightmares.

If it is a weak A Nightmare, it can even be easily crushed.

Now that the enemy is in a dream, the Nightmare Tactical Team must have detected it, so they will come to attack.

It stands to reason that this is what Professor Bill hoped to happen.

This will solve the trouble early.

Get everything back on track.

But at this time, Professor Bill had another thought in his mind.

What if the Nightmare Tactical Squad is not this man's opponent?

If you look at this problem from a purely rational point of view, this idea is very absurd.

Each of the Nightmare Tactical Squads at the base was carefully selected, and the individual soldier's ability is already very strong. After mutual cooperation and training, most of the Nightmare can be solved in time.

Below the Skua base, there is a Nightmare Prison.

There are thousands of terrifying nightmares held inside, and these nightmares were hunted back by various nightmare tactical teams.

Among them are some A-level, even A+-level nightmares,

Several nightmare tactical teams have performed hundreds of missions, and the mission success rate can reach more than 90%. Even if the mission fails, most of the team members can get out of it.

Their combat effectiveness is proven by practice and data.

Even if they encounter a nightmare with super strong individual strength, such as a terrifying existence that reaches S-level, the nightmare team also has corresponding tactical arrangements.

So, what's there to worry about?

But the problem was that Professor Bill was still very worried, and an ominous feeling came out of him.

He had a premonition that something was going to happen.

Lin Mo looked at Professor Bill, whose expression was already very unnatural, and sensed it again, probably knowing what had happened.

"If they listen to you, let them go back. There is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices."

Lin Mo said something to Professor Bill and motioned for the other party to go out.

Professor Bill thought he had heard it wrong.

"You, are you asking me to go out and talk?"

"Yeah, if you don't go out and talk, how can you persuade them to leave?" Lin Mo took it for granted, thought about it, and added: "You tell them, if you don't come in, you won't die. All will die."

Professor Bill wanted to ask, but he held back.

This is clearly an opportunity for him.

opportunity to escape.

Now he tried to get out.

Seeing that Lin Mo really didn't stop him, Professor Bill's heart beat faster and he quickened his pace.

Until he walked out the door, Professor Bill felt like a dream.

On both sides of the corridor outside the door are now members of the Nightmare Tactical Squad.

After they saw that it was Professor Bill, they immediately responded.

"Escort the professor away!"

The captain of the standing team made a gesture, and someone immediately pulled Professor Bill out.

At this time, Professor Bill suddenly thought of something and spoke to discourage it.

Let this Nightmare Tactical Squad abandon this raid.

The captain showed a smile.

"Send the professor to a safe area."

The other party did not answer, and may feel that this matter does not need to be answered at all.

In their view, they had no reason to cancel the raid. There is only one person on the other side, and even if he controls some nightmares, the number will not be too many. And their team can release more than twenty controllable nightmares in an instant, with an average rating of B.

There are several A grades.

Coupled with their own equipment, abilities and rich experience, the captain really can't think of any reason for them to stop the raid.

"Do you know how I came out?" Professor Bill said suddenly at this time.

The captain was taken aback.

"Didn't you escape when the other party wasn't paying attention?"

Professor Bill shook his head: "If I can escape, I won't be caught. That person let me out. He asked me to persuade you to go back and not cause unnecessary casualties. If you don't go, he won't kill you. You attack and he will kill you all."

The captain frowned.

Who to scare?

And the other party is sure that they will inevitably fail.

At this moment, he really had a little hesitation.

But soon, he came back to his senses.

Taking the initiative to send out Professor Bill may just be a gesture, but obviously, this gesture is meaningless. It is also possible that it was a tactical deception, which made them afraid of throwing a rat and dare not attack.

"Attack as planned!"

The captain gave an attack order at this time.

A team member immediately took out a quaint music box from his pocket, carefully placed it on the ground, and then twisted the clockwork behind it.

At this moment, all the team members held their breaths, as if the old music box was a bomb.

The sound of clockwork came, and then the music box opened automatically.

Inside, a ballerina-like puppet started dancing, and with the monotonous music, the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

It was as if some indescribable dread appeared, and no one knew where it was, because the feeling was everywhere.

In addition to the music box, the captain also personally took out a blood-stained box.

After opening it, there was a black top hat inside.

Seeing this top hat, everyone unconsciously ducked back.

Obviously this thing is even scarier than the music box.

The captain took a deep breath at this time. He wore special gloves, grabbed the top hat, and threw it into the laboratory like lightning.

"He's dead!"

The captain said something.

No one felt that the captain was talking nonsense. In fact, they didn't underestimate this opponent at all this time.

The other party has some kind of alien spiritual body, and in the past period of time, a total of 46 people in the base were killed.

How could such terrifying combat power be looked down upon?

Therefore, from the very beginning, the Nightmare Tactical Squad was implemented according to the tactics of dealing with the highest level of enemies. The Nightmare items they brought this time are also treasures in the base. Each one has a terrifying legend. The people in the hands of the nightmare props are hard to count.

Some things, the more blood they get, the more vicious they are.

Just like a music box, anyone who hears the sound will immediately be infected with a curse. If the curse is not washed away with another curse item within the next hour, no matter who it is, it will die.

Another example is the black top hat just now.

This thing will be unknowingly worn on the target's head, and once it is put on a top hat, it is also a dead end.

With these two nightmare items at the forefront, from the captain's experience, nothing can survive.

Not once.

What's more, in addition to these, they have a back-up.

So Professor Bill's worry is not necessary at all.

The music from the music box is still playing.

Everyone here has heard it.

But it doesn't matter, within an hour, they only need to use special means to wash away the curse.

But the guy inside doesn't know that.

So after an hour at most, the other party will surely die.

Of course, maybe the other party is dead now.

Because the black top hat is already in.

A team member made a gesture and asked if he wanted to go in and have a look.

The captain waved his hand.

That means just wait.

This is a matter of safety and no rush.

After waiting for another minute, the captain made a gesture.

A dozen team members rushed in immediately.

The captain didn't go in.

This is the combat strategy of their tactical squad.

Not all team members can be deployed in one action.

In this way, if there is a problem, there can also be backup, which is more pessimistic. If the tactics fail, someone has to record the situation and go back to report the situation.

The captain counted the time, and he knew the abilities of the people under him.

Each and every one of them is a master of hard work.

But this time it was very strange. After a dozen people rushed in, there was no movement.

It's quiet inside.

All that could be heard was the strange tones coming from the music box.

At this moment, the captain was horrified to find that there was darkness surging above the music box, and a white hand stretched out from the darkness, and with a click, closed the lid of the music box.

The music stopped abruptly.

The captain responded very quickly and wanted to run immediately, but he looked back and found that there was no way out behind him.

Only pitch black.

It's like the entrance to an abyss, once you go in, you don't want to come out again.

Immediately afterwards, the captain heard a bell sound, followed by the sound of slow footsteps approaching.

A woman's figure gradually emerged from the darkness.

The woman was holding a person in her hand.

It's Professor Bill.

This made the captain feel cold.

At this moment, he was enveloped by a huge fear, and those fears were like ants, all over his body.

But no matter what, he is the captain.

Even in this strange situation, the captain still reacted quickly, and then made an attack action.

He took out a small doll of sackcloth and straw from his backpack.

There were also several rusty iron nails stuck in the head of the doll.

The next moment, the captain threw the sackcloth and straw doll at the woman in the dark.

This is the biggest hole card in his hand right now.

In the past, this trick has never failed. There is an extremely terrifying Specter attached to the sackcloth straw doll, and this Specter is a lunatic.

Anything that touches it, be it people, ghosts, monsters, will be killed by it.

Of course, in order to control such a terrifying Specter, the captain himself has paid a great price. Every time he uses it, he will be deprived of part of his body by this ghost.

For this reason, he would not use this straw doll if it was not a last resort, and once it is used, it means that the crisis will inevitably be lifted.

This is his perception.

But this time, the development of things was beyond his understanding.

The woman inside responded very quickly, and she reached out and grabbed the straw doll.

The next moment, a strange smoke emanated from the straw doll, accompanied by the miserable screams of a child.

The sound penetrated, as if the spikes were inserted into the ears, and the captain squatted on the ground with his ears covered.

The straw doll and the woman have already fought.

And the aftermath of the fight has already made him a little overwhelmed.

The captain understood that the woman was very powerful.

So powerful that even his straw doll is no match.

Listening to the screams of the straw doll, it is estimated that it will be over soon.

Now the captain wants to know, where did this woman come from?

By the way, what about your own team members?

How are they?

The captain turned to look at the laboratory, but at this time, he saw a person standing there, staring at him.

It's the intruder.

The most frightening thing for the captain was that the other party was wearing a black top hat on his head.

Wearing a hat, but not dead?

And since the other party is alive, what about your own team members?

After thinking of a possibility, the captain slumped on the ground.

Sister Yue, who had already killed the straw doll, came over, and the darkness made her figure erratic, showing a mysterious beauty.

She dropped Professor Bill in her hand, then walked to Lin Mo, jumped forward, turned into a doll version of Sister Yue, and got into Lin Mo's chest pocket.

"Hard work, Sister Yue!"

Lin Mo said something.

Sister Yue stretched out her little hand in her pocket and waved it as a response.

Lin Mo looked at the captain with a dull expression, walked over and squatted down.

"What's the matter, your mind is broken?"


"Let's open up a little bit. Originally, it was your fault. I already asked Professor Bill to persuade you, but you didn't listen. It's alright. I gave away more than a dozen people's lives for nothing. What are you trying to do?"


"By the way, what's the matter with this hat? It seems to be relying on me. It's taken off, thrown away, and it can come back again; it's taken off, destroyed, and it can come back again. It's the same as dog skin plaster. I ask you, this Is the thing yours? It's yours, get it from me quickly."

When it came to the black hat, the captain finally looked up.

Fear and confusion flashed in his eyes.

"Everyone who has worn this hat before is dead."

His throat moved and he said something.

He wanted to ask why you didn't but didn't dare to ask.

The man in front of him was terrifying.

All the confidence of the captain before has completely collapsed at this moment.

The nightmare controlled by the other party can easily turn off the music box, confront him head-on, and kill the straw doll; and this man is even more terrifying, wearing a death hat on his head like a normal person.

Professor Bill was right, they should abandon the raid.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

"So, this hat is still a powerful weapon?"

Lin Mo reached out and took off his hat, kneaded and pinched it.

"I didn't see how cow you are!"

This is for the hat.

After speaking, he threw his hat into the darkness in the distance.

But soon, a black shadow flew over quickly and put it on Lin Mo's head again.

He took it off again, looked at the captain in front of him, and put his hat on the other's head.

The latter shivered and just wanted to speak, but the next moment, the whole person seemed to have drained all the vitality, turned into a skinny corpse, and fell to the ground.

"Really dead?"

Lin Mo was quite surprised. He thought the hat was not worthy of its name, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

But why doesn't this thing work for me?

Could it be that this hat has the ability to think, and will choose whom to attack and whom not to attack?

There is this possibility.

Obviously, this is a smart hat, who knows the depths and who knows who can and cannot be killed.

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