Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 873: Man vs. Wild?

The moment he entered the nightmare world, Lin Mo knew it was bad.

He was not dreaming normally.

Instead, being forced to fall into a dream belongs to being forced to go offline.

There are only two possibilities for this situation.

One is coma, the other is death.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to define the difference between the two, but Lin Mo is an expert, which is his specialty.

Lin Mo soon discovered that he did not have the breath of the dead.

In other words, he did not die.

"Fall from such a high place and still not die?"

Lin Mo was surprised and happy.

He quickly ate a breakaway bean.

But didn't wake up.

This time, his current state can probably be judged.

"It should have been severely injured, resulting in a coma, and the body's functions have been greatly damaged. Anyway, I can't wake up, but I haven't died yet."

Lin Mo sighed.

He really didn't expect this.

Who would have thought.

When flying normally, the engine exploded.

Wait a moment.

It's impossible for an airplane's engine to blow up so easily, right?

Feeling more like being hit by some kind of weapon?


Lin Mo frowned.

He recalled it carefully, and it was true.

"No wonder the last plane was also missing, was it shot down?"

This is not a nightmare event anymore.

This is a serious attack.

Since he can't wake up temporarily, Lin Mo has to investigate this place.

He found that he was in a forest.

It's cold here.

There is snow on the ground.

In other words, in the real world, he is also in this forest at the moment.

Nightmare World doesn't project the plane.

At this time, a person approached quickly.

Lin Mo turned his head and saw that it was 416.

Staring at each other for a while, Lin Mo knew that 416 was not dead.

She also didn't have the breath of the dead.

But presumably he was also injured.

Seeing Lin Mo, 416 ran over and said, it was really exciting just now, and I wanted to play it again.

After Lin Mo gave this guy a stern look, 416 remained silent.

"We were actually hit by a missile, a surface-to-air missile." 416 got serious. She is still very humorous, especially after she has gained real freedom.

But just now, Lin Mo really wasn't in that mood.

So when she saw that her posture was wrong, she quickly regained her previous calmness.

"you saw it?"

"Yes, but it happened so fast that I didn't have time to warn me."

Lin Mo nodded.

No one can blame this kind of thing, and 416 is not dead, which is a good thing.

"Have you seen anyone else?" Lin Mo asked.

Unless there is no coma or death, it should be around here at the moment.

416 pointed his finger over there.

About ten meters away, there was a person lying on the snow.

It's Liu Gao.

The other party may also be stunned, and he has not recovered yet.

Lin Mo looked over and frowned.

A strong aura of death spread over Liu Gao.

he died!

Of course, in the real world.

After patting the other party's head in the past, Liu Gao finally came back to his senses. After seeing Lin Mo, his first reaction was that we were attacked.

It seems that everyone is not stupid.

After all, they are all trained elites of the General Administration. At that time, a little analysis of the situation shows that the engine was destroyed by the missile, the wing was damaged, and the plane fell out of control.

It did not disintegrate immediately, probably because the pilot of the plane took emergency measures.

The other party must be an experienced pilot.

Otherwise, Lin Mo was sure that he and 416 would never be spared.

416 came over quietly at this time.

"The situation was urgent and I didn't have time to say hello to you. I used my mental power to hypnotize the pilot and let the other party realize all their potential."

And this thing?

Lin Mo glanced at 416, who smiled slightly and quickly praised me.

"well done!"

Do well, you have to praise.

There is no doubt about that.

If it wasn't for the quick response of the 416 and the pilots not using their full potential to stabilize the plane, they would have no chance of making an emergency landing.

In other words, 416 played a key role in being alive now.

Liu Gao didn't know that he was dead yet, so he got up from the ground and started to follow Lin Mo to find others.

It stands to reason that they should be found in the nightmare world.

Or that sentence, whether it is coma or death, it will enter the nightmare world at this stage.

This is the iron law.

Sure enough, they found the pilot and two action team members within a range of about 400 meters.

The other two crew members were not found.

This is also normal. At that time, the two people were sucked out of the cabin in the air. In the real world, it is estimated that they are dead, and even in the nightmare world, they will not be nearby.

At least explore the surrounding area of ​​ten kilometers.

So not found.

Not surprisingly, the pilot is dead, and the breath of death on his body is also very strong.

Two operatives, one dead and one alive.

This is good news.

Lin Mo didn't hide it from everyone. Anyway, everyone can't wake up now. It's better to tell the actual situation so that everyone can be prepared first.

Hearing that they were dead (in the real world), Liu Gao, the pilot, and another operative did not seem surprised.

What surprised Lin Mo was that they all calmly accepted this reality.

After all, in that case, the possibility of surviving is relatively slim.

Of course, even if he is still alive, it is almost impossible to be unscathed. If he is seriously injured, he will die if he is unlucky.

So no difference.

"The team that took the plane before must have encountered a situation similar to ours."

Liu Gao said something at this time.

He now especially wants to report the situation to the General Directorate, but obviously he can't do it now.

There is currently no communication equipment.

Because they did not expect that they would be attacked by anti-aircraft missiles.

This is simply off the charts.

"Fortunately, it is an old forest in the deep mountains, and there are no nightmares." Liu Gao said at this time.

Probably in response to his words.

As soon as he finished speaking, in the darkness in the distance, there was a harsh scream.

I don't know if it's a human or a ghost.

But whatever it is, it's not good news.

If it is a human, then this person screams, and it is designated that they are in danger. In the nightmare world, the biggest danger is all kinds of nightmares.

If it's a ghost.


Needless to say, this is already a ghost, a nightmare, and it will inevitably pose a threat to them.

So this scream indicates that this place is not safe at all.

Even in the deep mountains and forests, the nightmare world is still the nightmare world.

Lin Mo saw that Liu Gao couldn't figure it out, so he gave him some popular science.

"When I was at sea, I encountered too many weirdness and horror in the sea. The reason is very simple, because in places like the sea, many people are actually afraid, such as deep-sea phobia, such as phobia of sea monsters, such as the sea There will always be some wandering ghosts and the like; there are many horror stories at sea, and there are also many in the deep mountains and forests. Generally speaking, this kind of fear formed by many people will give birth to more terrible nightmares, so in fact, the deep mountains and old forests are more terrifying. Danger."

This is Lin Mo's experience.

At the moment, Liu Gao's face was even more ugly.

But in this regard, Lin Mo is full of confidence.

"Don't panic everyone, I can still guarantee the safety of the nightmare world for everyone."

"It's up to you, Expert Lin." Liu Gao was the first to express his position, and the others were the same. They were all from the General Administration, so they naturally knew Lin Mo's status in the General Administration.

If Lin Mo can't do some things in the nightmare world, then I'm sorry, maybe it's the same for anyone else.

"The First Cause of All Realms"

can not do this.

At this moment, Lin Mo felt dizzy and felt a pain.

He was about to speak, but the next moment, he saw the scene in front of him change instantly.

Looking at it again, he found that the surroundings were a mess, and there were debris of the plane everywhere. He was lucky, and the cabin was not dismembered. Retaining a large part, Lin Mo is sitting on the reclining chair at the moment, next to 416.

On the other side, is another action team member.

Except for the three of them, no one else could see it.

Because there is only such a small part of this place The rest are completely broken and scattered within a few hundred meters of the surrounding area.

Now that the plane can no longer look like a plane, Lin Mo looked around and felt that he was really lucky here. Maybe even worse, the three of them would have to die.

At this moment, Lin Mo felt an unbearable pain.

He found that a piece of twisted and deformed metal was stuck in his stomach.

It should be something on the plane. At this moment, the wound oozes blood, and the clothes are stained red.

416 also woke up at this time.

She also looked around, then reached out to unfasten her own seat belt, and then came over to look at the wound on Lin Mo's stomach.

416 looked around for a while, finally found a medicine box, and immediately treated Lin Mo's wound.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of injury is fatal, but Lin Mo was lucky that the metal fragments did not damage his internal organs.

While waiting for 416 to deal with the wound, Lin Mo looked around and saw that there was no place where humans lived. It could be said to be a real wilderness.

Don't ask, what awaits them next is either death or survival in the wilderness.

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for a monthly ticket!

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