Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 901: Kill Ye Di, turn over and call the shots

At the entrance of the originally narrow passage, thousands of devils have squeezed in at this moment, all of them are still aggressive, showing their teeth and claws, who is not afraid?

Ye Di shivered directly, and subconsciously wanted to run.

But soon he calmed down.

My heart says I am Yedi, I am a god, how can I run away?

These devils are afraid of me.

As long as I show the holy light and stare, I can scare away these demons.

Here, Yedi just came out of the holy light, and Lin Mo shouted at the top of his voice.

"Brothers, do you see it? That blazing guy is Yedi, who made you all suffer in hell. Come on together, hammer him to death, rush!"

The last rush, directly called the splits.

When many devils saw it, I rely on it, it was really Emperor Ye, the breath on the other party's body, they were angry when they looked at it.

Put it in the past, you can't afford it.

Even if he felt the breath of this 'father', he could only run as far as he could, and he was still scared.

But now, their side is more powerful, and they are still afraid of a ball!

What's more, there is the big brother Lin Mo.

"Hammer him to death!"

"Kill it."


Azib and the dozen or so devils that Lin Mo personally selected rushed to the front, and those who were filled with Lin Mo's 'chicken soup' along the way were already extremely excited.

They felt that all their sufferings and misfortunes were caused by Yedi, and with Lin Mo there, they could not lose.

And they are smart.

As long as this battle is won, as long as Yedi is killed, then they will definitely turn into serfs and sing songs in hell, and they will truly be the masters of the house.

As the 'big heroes' rushing to the front, they definitely get the most benefits.

So when are you not rushing now?

Do him right.

Ye Di was also anxious when he saw this situation.

His body was surging with light, and he completed a certain transformation in an instant. His body became two cups bigger, and his height grew to three meters and nearly four meters. His body was radiating holy light. , in the light.

"Get out!"

A thunderous roar sounded.

Like a thunderclap.

The shocking person's eardrums hurt and his heart trembled.

The momentum of many devils was actually suppressed by Ye Di at this moment.

All stopped.

The innate fear of this **** made the devils timid.

Even some suspicions.

At this moment, a black horse rushed over like lightning and slashed at Ye Di's forehead with a scythe.

The huge force and the sound of the impact awakened many demons.

"What are you doing standing stupidly? Get on me!"

Lin Mo roared wildly.

After shouting, Lin Mo drank the second can of nzt-47 in his hand without hesitation.


Lin Mo shouted again.

This time, in order to deal with Emperor Ye, Lin Mo also went out of his way. Since he couldn't really kill Emperor Ye with Xianmo Tang, and he might not be able to do it when he was out of control, then he would use another method.

Fortunately, the formation of **** has the field of Yedi's spiritual power.

This place is nominally hell, the domain of the devil.

But the real master is Yedi.

Therefore, the power of the opponent here is much stronger than that outside.

But in the same way, Lin Mo can get the help of the family in the warm cottage here, plus he has found the devil army, anyway, today and Yedi, either you die or I die.

Yedi, who could not be cut down by Lin Mo with a sickle, was knocked to the ground by a tall, raging man with a paper bag head in the next moment.

God was defeated.

This is definitely a landmark event.

Prove that gods like Yedi can also be beaten down.

For many devils, it seems like a shot of chicken blood.

"Go ahead."


With Azib and other demons taking the lead, the army of demons swarmed up. From a distance, the light on Yedi's body seemed to be engulfed by a large blood-red tide.

Although it still stood out tenaciously from time to time and released some light, but in the end, it was engulfed by the angry legion.

The chaos at the scene was difficult to describe in words or words. Lin Mo couldn't squeeze in anyway. At this time, someone pulled Lin Mo outside.

It's mom.

"Hi, my little cutie, we meet again!"

Mom reached out to say hello playfully, her fingers wiggled, and her voice was as gentle as ever.

Lin Mo also said hello.

What surprised him was that his younger sister actually stood in the back and didn't go up to join in the fun.

"Why don't you go?" Lin Mo asked.

"There are too many people, and Dad has already gone. If I go on again, he should be unhappy."

The sister waved her hand, indicating that she is in a bad mood now.

Also normal.

The little girl, the mood is as cloudy as the weather in April, sometimes happy, sometimes unhappy.

Just don't deal with it.

This is what my mother said.

"Actually, because this enemy is very strong, I was afraid that she would be in danger, so I didn't let her go." Mom whispered, and Lin Mo laughed.

No wonder my sister is not happy.

But even my mother said that Yedi is very strong, that is really strong.

Because then my mother actually did something that was rarely done in the past.

She let Lin Mo see her sister, and she actually stepped forward and joined the battle.

What does this mean?

It can only show that my mother knows that even if my father does it, there are still so many devils, plus the attack on Wenjun, it may not be able to kill Yedi 100%.

That's why people like her who seldom take action will make an exception to step forward.

But the more this happened, the more Lin Mo had to kill Ye Di.

Such a terrifying existence, according to the previous international rating, the other party may be s+, or even 2s, or 3s. Converted to the g value, it is definitely more than 50,000, and it may be more than 60,000 at the moment.

If you leave it alone and wait for the opponent to fully grow and reach the true strength of the legendary Yedi, then the g value will definitely exceed 100,000, and it may even be 20w, 30w, how can you fight this?

Absolutely no chance.

So before the other party has grown up, it is the best policy to kill him quickly.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo turned to look at his sister.

"You stay here."

The younger sister was stunned, and immediately asked, "Brother, what do you mean?"

"I have to go." Lin Mo held the knife in his right hand and the hammer in his left, ready to charge up.

"I want to go too." My sister was a little excited and geared up.

"No, you stand here for me. Mom is not here, it's just you and me, then I have the final say, you have to listen to me." Lin Mo's tone was stern.

The younger sister turned her head angrily and said nothing.

Lin Mo has no time to care about her.

Seizing the opportunity, he rushed forward.

After Lin Mo rushed up, the younger sister muttered at this time, "Mom and dad have all gone up, little sister, what do you think?"

"What can I think? Mom won't let me go, and my brother won't let me go."

The younger sister was standing opposite and said angrily.

She is actually one person playing two roles and talking to herself.

"Is it useful to be sulking yourself?"

"Then what else can I do?"

"Listen to me. Before, your mother didn't let you go up, but you were obedient. That's right. Later, your mother went up and asked my brother to watch you. My brother said that you would not be allowed to go up. It's not wrong for you to be obedient."

"and then?"

"But now my brother has also gone up, and now it's just you and me. I agree with you anyway, do you agree?"

"I, of course I agree."

"It's okay, you agree, and I agree, so hurry up."

"Hey, good!"

The younger sister plays the two roles and empowers herself.

Giggling at the moment, he also rushed up.

Lin Mo was going crazy for the next period of time.

The holy light on Yedi's body was almost unshakable. Although he was besieged or even beaten, he was unable to fight back, but the holy light on his body still protected him.

The attack was fierce, but it couldn't kill him.

Lin Mo slammed it a few times, but it didn't work.

Dad can't do it with his fists either.

Finally, Dad suddenly growled.

"Give me the hammer!"

Lin Mo reacted and immediately handed it over.

The father who took the brick hammer, went up and it was a hammer.

The unparalleled power and the green fire exploded, and the green light that burst out at that moment could not open the eyes of the stabbed person.

As a result, a click was heard.

The protective divine light on Yedi's body finally shattered.

Under the broken light, Yedi's expression of horror and disbelief was seen.

The nearest devil saw the opportunity and used a rusty sharp knife in his hand to pierce Ye Di's heart at once.

It is estimated that the devil did not expect it to be so easy.

It's as easy as stabbing a piece of tofu.

Yedi twitched and fell to the ground in blood.

Afterwards, the whole earth trembled, and fire erupted from Ye Di's body, and many demons who were burned fled in all directions. When Lin Mo saw something was wrong, he called everyone to run.

Anyway, Yedi must be As for why the other party was on fire, it is estimated that there are other reasons.

The crosses on Xiaoyu and Sister Yue, who were suppressed before, also shattered. One of them got into Lin Mo's arms, and the other turned into a doll and got into Lin Mo's arms.

Go outside and look again, the entire volcano is beginning to erupt at this moment.

In that battle, Lin Mo once suspected that **** would collapse directly.

But in the end it didn't.

The situation has gradually stabilized. Seeing this posture, the many demons who escaped were silent for a while, and then burst into deafening cheers.

Lin Mo could hear clearly, they were shouting: Kill Emperor Ye, turn over and call the shots!

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for a monthly ticket!


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