Doomsday Hunter

Chapter 163: :joint

Li Le killed Pei Cuishan and continued to the Xijing Security Zone with the information from the torture and the information found in his office.

On August 12, Li Le, who had lost his way many times, finally followed a caravan to the direct jurisdiction of the safety zone.

The direct jurisdiction includes the urban area, the peripheral defense line of the Fourth Military District, and the small and medium-sized towns in between. When we got here, the people were finally no longer sparse, and the survivor camp could be encountered every few miles.

In fact, there are still many dangerous urban ruins within the direct jurisdiction of the safe zone. There might be a monster hidden in some corner.

At most, the military has cleaned up targets that are prone to expansion and are easy to find. I don't know how many undiscovered survivors and dangers are in the old site of Xijing, which is separated by a wall from the safety zone.

Chaos and order are intertwined. Every night, half of them are brightly lit, and half of them are dark and silent. It is obviously a city, but the gap is so obvious.

The reconstruction of the old site of Xijing has always been one of the tasks of the safety zone, but Xijing is too big to be done in two or three years. Now only one-third of Xijing has been cleared. Two days ago, Lu Huaiyuan had also fought a battle with the Yin soldiers at the old site.

Yin soldiers are a group of soldiers in a state of soul. Archaeologist Bei Huazhou said that there are several different groups of Yin soldiers. From 3,000 years ago to 70 years ago, they all have their numbers, and they are all troops stationed around Xijing.

This place was often used as the capital in ancient times. Therefore, the original body of the Yin Soldiers is mostly a powerful Janissary. There are also traces left by the United War of the People's Union.

Fighting these ghost soldiers is a headache, because there are too many opponents, and they also work as a team. Fortunately, most of the Yin soldiers did not have a real command, and they were thrown into chaos when they were rushed by tanks and various artillery fire. Usually only in groups of three or five, as if patrolling the city.

In contrast, the eastern part of the safe area is very empty, there are no urban buildings, and at most some xenomorphs and aberrations are wandering in the wilderness.

Zhao Shiming's district mayor's office is located in the middle of the safety zone. If you can see through and can see far enough, then you can see the ghostly ghost realm of the former site of Xijing to the west, and to the east is the wild aliens running around outside the city. And the safe zone is like the sandwich in the middle.

A team from The Salvation Army is here today to talk about deep cooperation.

Zhao Shiming is not optimistic about this matter, unless the Salvation Army puts its headquarters in their safe area, and then concentrates on being an intelligence organization to serve the People's Federation.

Otherwise, in the end, most of the safety zone and the Salvation Army will have to fight.

Alas, will mankind refuse to unite even in such a dangerous situation? Zhao Shiming smiled wryly at himself, after all, he is also a person who refuses to unite.

But he does not agree with the line of the Salvation Army, and naturally he will not accept the in-depth cooperation led by the other side.

And every politician is actually a representative of the interest group behind him. Zhao Shiming represents the collective interests of the safe zone. The result of violating this interest can only be his resignation.

As for those guys who sell out the interests of the safe zone and still want to be promoted, hehe, it's just a clown.

The district chief's finger swiped over the words Gu, Song, etc., and then stopped on an item. After thinking for a while, he turned his hand and tapped the word Yuan again.

"Yuan Hongyi is dead, Cao Andong is really not good at explaining to Yuan Erye." Zhao Shiming sighed, "What is the Salvation Army doing before the negotiation? Is it for the sake of the negotiation? That Mo Yuan, who led the team, look. It doesn't look the same as the data."

Dai Xinmang followed behind Nie Yuan with the newly formed Salvation Team No. 4 (composed of him, Ma Ming, another reserve member and the only survivor of the fifth team): "You pretend to be Chairman Mo's son, you can be reliable ?"

"Pretend to be a good girl, it's very simple. It's more scary to chat with Cao Andong." Nie Yuan shrugged: "Besides, we are both called Yuan, don't you think it's a fate?"

Destiny your sister! Dai Xinmang rolled his eyes.

It's too much trouble to protect this kind of guy who always likes to do things.

"Don't say that, I can still kill the chicken. Now you can call me Mo Yuan or A Yuan." Nie Yuan smiled.

"Alert, the front is suddenly blocked, what's going on?" Dai Xinmang suddenly took out the walkie-talkie: "Scout No. 1 reports the situation. Repeat, Scout No. 1 reports the situation, over."

"There was a riot at the entrance to the city. It is suspected that there was a conflict due to the inspection of the city. Repeat..."

"No, boy, what's wrong with you? Are we giving very little?" Li Le stepped on a group of comatose City Guard soldiers, holding a few old coins from Pei Cuishan's house: "If you don't let it in, forget it. What do you mean by putting on a spy hat for me?"

Cui Bin, the city gate censor, shivered under the threat of force from Li Le.

It is an unspoken rule in this industry to charge more audit fees for foreigners, especially those who seem to be wealthy. It's not that they haven't encountered strong people, but no matter who they are, they don't dare to go wild outside the safe zone.

Moreover, his brother-in-law was the battalion commander in the military, in charge of hundreds of soldiers. In fact, Cui Bin usually doesn't get a lot of benefits, but he is especially cruel to the obvious outsiders.

Anyway, outsiders have never seen a few above level 6. His brother-in-law can hold it.

As a result, today I saw one who beat the city gate guards to their knees. The guard officers and soldiers who were preparing to meet the Salvation Army negotiating team quickly surrounded Li Le and told him to put him down.

"I'm not interested in pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger." Li Le sighed, and was about to start, but saw the troops separated and a man who might be a senior came.

Just as Li Le was weighing whether to take down the brigadier general, who was estimated to be in the seventh rank, a surprised voice came from Yang Qixin behind him:

"Brother Yun!"

Shit, this plot is **** bloody. Li Le rolled his eyes and turned to look at Cui Bin: "You kicked the iron plate this time, does your face hurt?"

He extended his mental power to the rank of brigadier general, who should be a division commander and glanced at it.

Yang Yun, who saw Yang Qixin, was also full of surprise, but he didn't have time to reminisce now, he just looked at Li Le with full attention, took a deep breath and said, "Qixin, and you guys, have already been embarrassed on the ground over there. Guys, come first."

Sun Ling drove the car aside and did not continue to obstruct the traffic. Li Le carried Cui Bin, walked in front of Yang Yun, and stretched out his hand, "Hello, Master Yang, is that the teacher?"

Yang Yun shook hands with him and parted in a moment, his eyes full of solemnity.

What level is this guy? It looks far more than the beginning of the eighth grade that I just thought. At least it's the middle of the eighth level like General Cao or General Yang.

The biggest difference between the grading system in the safety zone and Linhai City is that there are more junior high schools and peaks. Make each level more detailed and accurate.

Li Le threw Cui Bin aside and looked at Yang Yun with a smile: "Don't worry, we're obviously not here to make trouble. If you have any questions, you can ask Qixin. As for this person, I shouldn't have to deal with it myself, right?"

ps is the second update today, ask for votes for collection.

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