Doomsday Hunter

Chapter 186: : Justice (below)

Song Guijia's case is being followed by many people online.

Netizens celebrated like a Chinese New Year after the judge made the sentence of "death penalty and immediate execution", shouting that the judge never disappoints.

And Mengbu Forgi also got his wish and rubbed another dinner. Well, it can't be said to have a meal. After all, it is completely reasonable for the judge to eat a meal while working in the court. You can't let people try on an empty stomach.

After Song Guijia was sentenced to death, he kept staring at the unforgivable back, gnashing his teeth, looking like he wanted to kill this man.

The justice said he was used to this kind of gaze.

The lawyer sent by the Song family just talked, and he estimated that the best result he could get was a reprieve. But Song Guijia was too dragged, and he was unwilling to seek forgiveness from the victim's family.

Every time a case is on the table, it is difficult for the judiciary to show favoritism.

Unforgiven will always keep an eye on every judge, and those in power understand that harming the fairness of justice is also harming their own interests.

At the entrance of the court, the safety zone sign, slightly modified with the old people's union logo, gleamed in the setting sun.

It symbolizes the sanctity of justice and order.

After eating the boxed lunch, Meng Bu Fore was very satisfied, he took off his robe, put it in the designated place, and left alone.

This person who is likely to be the strongest in the safe zone is unusually down-to-earth. Usually in the vegetable market, it is possible to see this handsome old man in his 40s (appearing to be in his 30s) bargaining with the aunt who sells vegetables.

Judges are human too, so they need to eat right. Although it is said that as a judge, Mengbu's salary is very high, but he spends it elsewhere.

Impartiality is his character and the curse he bears. Those vicious criminals who were tried by him did not want to believe that anyone in the world could achieve this level. They cursed the hypocrites. Once they were different from the outside and knew the law and violated the law, they would suffer endless pain.

Unforgiven said that these curses never occurred.

He never changed the legal judgment because of the identity of the person being tried, the public opinion environment, or any other reasons.

His sentence fully complied with the laws of the safe zone and incorporated his own inner morality within the prescribed limits. He is by no means a hypocrite, and even Li Le often respects him.

It can be said that the safe zone has not become a paradise for politicians, nor has it been used as a plaything by high-level powerhouses, all of which have received unforgivable credit.

After get off work, Meng Bumei returned home.

At home, it was dead silent.

He quietly held a gavel.

In the silence, the judge's robe was already worn on Meng Bu's body. After a loud but loud knock, chains pulled the killers lurking around the room to the dock.

"The court session." Meng Bufor said, "Identity approved."

The information of several killers was instantly above their heads, and the members of the jury and the bailiffs who maintained order in the courtroom could all see it.

"Killer Zi, the leader of the Salvation Army's special assassination team. His real name is Zhang Zichen, male, 32 years old, a seventh-level peak extraordinary person. He has committed intentional homicide, intentional injury, and illegal imprisonment many times..."

The name on the top of the person's head was red to black.

"Li Lunkong, a member of The Salvation Army's Special Assassination Squad. Male, 29 years old, a seventh-level mid-level extraordinary person. He has committed intentional homicide many times..."

Not as popular as a captain, but not too bad.

"The first trial." Meng Bupai waved the judge's gavel.

A hammer fell, sonorous and powerful.

The members of the jury collectively said:




"Deprivation of personal liberty and confiscation of the tools for committing crimes." Meng Puyi made the first trial.

Zhang Zichen, who was still struggling, only saw the weapon and the power in his body leave him together. He resisted feebly, but to no avail.

"Measure sin."

A scale appeared in front of several people, and black matter constantly appeared above the scale. The weights keep the balance in balance until the black mass is all piled up.

"Conduct the second trial." Mengbuqi dropped the hammer again.





Zhang Zichen vomited blood and fell down, completely losing his fighting power. All the other team members also fell limp.

"Ruling, **** the No. 4 prison and hand it over to the security department for interrogation." Meng Bushe waved his hand, and the chains hoisted these guys up and sent them to the other side of the street.

Similar assassinations he goes through every day. It's just that this time the people from the Salvation Army are relatively rare.

Usually, some wild killers who can't find out the specific identity come to trouble him. Obviously, the big families in the safe zone all know what Mengbuyi is capable of.

"If it escalates into a diplomatic incident, it may be more troublesome." The justice sat down on his bed, thoughtfully.

Then he took out the laws of the old era and the code of the safe zone and began to study, obviously leaving the problem of the killers behind.

"Sure enough, the justice is not so easy to kill." Nie Yuan, who had just returned from a date with Song Ling in the Salvation Army negotiating group, had a calm face, "As expected of an existence at the peak of the eighth level. But who is he and Lu Huaiyuan? stronger?"

Dai Xinmang shook his head and said that he didn't know.

"Among the three deputy district chiefs with whom we have been secretly in touch, only the Tang family is truly cooperating, while the Song family and Liu family are obviously using the strength of the Salvation Army." Nie Yuan said, "However, we are also using them. "

"If it's an assassination attempt, we obviously have better candidates, right? Why should we fill in the special assassination team?" Dai Xinmang expressed puzzlement.

"Hehe, do you think I did it this time?" Nie Yuan rolled his eyes: "It was all done by the Song family."

"There are our people in the safe zone, and there are their people in us." He took a step forward, his face full of melancholy: "Why is this? Does the surnamed Song really don't want to cooperate with us, but just use us as knives?"

No, I have to find a way to dig something out of Song Ling's mouth.

Nie Yuan touched the mask on his face, took out his mobile phone and started chatting with Song Ling on social software. Dai Xinmang was stunned for a while, and he didn't know whether this guy was working seriously or picking up girls.

At night, Meng Bushe, who was thinking about the hallucinogenic drug case, suddenly received a call from the prosecutor.

Prosecutor Bao Zhengyi, a person who hates evil, every time his propositions are similar to those of the majority of netizens. Out of ten ** is the death penalty. There was also a conflict with Justice Meng for this.

However, the current safe zone is indeed suitable for heavy punishments, so why not kill people? How to stand in the troubled world?

"Someone who claimed that he killed Pei Cuishan and destroyed a pharmaceutical factory wanted to see you," Prosecutor Bao said.

Mengbu's forgiveness: "Oh? What's your name, what kind of person?"

"You should have heard his name. It's that foreign eighth-level powerhouse, Li Le from Linhai."

**The first update, please collect,**, please subscribe. At present, the recommended ticket is plus two, the monthly pass is plus three, and the collection plus five, a total of ten chapters. There are five chapters to the third update next month.

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