Doomsday Hunter

Chapter 332: : arrest operation

Rhine is dead, the opera house is closed, but poor people like Xia Mo will not decrease.

Killing one or two people cannot change this era.

The demon family has been wiped out by half of its strength, the great sage has broken through to the legendary realm, and one third of the second S-class battleship of the Life Fleet has been built.

That's it for the latest news from Steam Island.

Over time, more and more people approached the legend, or reached the grandmaster level.

And Li Le also has a very important thing to do recently - he wants to find Bai and kill him.

"Dare to touch my woman, he's finished." Li Le vowed.

"Ah, husband, you are so handsome." Yang Qixin said while holding his arm.

Lin Yin's expression was complicated, and she made a disgusting voice: "Huh—"

These two are so disgusting. She got goosebumps.

But killing Bai is indeed the most important thing right now.

With such an eighth-level peak who wants to kill you at any time, he feels constrained no matter what he does. Look at Yang Qixin, he is forced to squat at home and in the Chamber of Commerce.

And the two are across the street.

Bass touched the blindfold: "I can help, please ask the Knights Organization and Alna to take action. But finding the white is the first step to the problem."

Even her blindfold can't see Shiro, which is hidden, so I have to say, that guy's ability to conceal is really top-notch.

Sun Ling sat next to him with a serious face: "Lin Yin, can your Columbus find him? Or use other fortune-telling methods..."

"Lin Yin's use of fate-type abilities is still too low." Bass said, "But you can ask Mr. Tammy for help."

"Or you can not be so direct..." Lin Yin gradually whispered.

However, her ability to predict fate is not very good now. The divination tool used by Tammy, the crystal ball, can directly broadcast the future scene, while Lin Yin can only use tarot cards to do some vague divination that Li Tucao is useless.

"If you ask a simple question that can be answered with whether or not, I can also divination very accurately." Lin Yin was not convinced, "The Columbus can't find anyone, it may be too hidden, or it may be Because I don't know the killer's real name. I can't blame it."

"Be good, be good." Li Le rubbed her head.

Xiaoyu probed from the kitchen: "It's time to eat!"

It's peaceful here, but Steam Island isn't as peaceful as it seems.

But the Circus of Stars continued to perform as usual.

"It's interesting." Nie Yuan sat in the audience, watching a middle-aged man quarrel with a mechanical puppet in five or six different voices.

Everyone was very happy and happy, but Nie Yuan felt a little weird.

I don't know if this guy is acting or is really schizophrenic. Anyway, in Nie Yuan's opinion, most of the so-called strong people are a little crazy.

On the stage, one person's puppet show ended with applause from the audience. Then a burst of smoke flashed, and Mattson, the most popular magician in the group, appeared.

"Happy time is always short, and it's the end of the show." Mattson covered half of his face with a top hat, showing a mysterious smile: "Today, I still want to invite a few friends to come on stage to accompany my performance."

Yan Ling yawned beside her: "Why aren't you excited at all? Don't you like this kind of performance?"

Nie Yuan: "It's so-so. Performing magic tricks with extraordinary abilities, no matter how stupid you look."

"You sound a bit sour when you talk like this." Yan Ling smiled, "I can also go up and perform a face change or something."

"Haha." Nie Yuan smiled and said nothing. Just suddenly saw a small ball fall in front of him.

Miss Thousand Faces next to her turned her head and smiled at him.

Mattson was hesitant to say anything. We couldn't beat that Captain Bess and her boyfriend last time, but who is this time?

Well, this time it's from the Salvation Army, and Mattson can't be bothered either.

"It's good to take this opportunity to have a close contact with him. Alas, it took a month to determine his identity. The intelligence network organized on the island is really bad."

Thinking of this, Nie Yuan stepped onto the stage and looked at Mr. Magician calmly.

Bai was squatting far away from Li Le's house.

I have to say that this task is really a bit too difficult. Now he has to deal with five or eight levels by himself. Isn't this embarrassing?

Although there is also the advantage of hiding in the dark and attacking someone alone, Bai also knows that the possibility of completing the task is getting smaller and smaller. In other words, he should be hiding from others now.

If you don't go, you may have no chance to go. Li Le and others have now taken refuge in the academic life fleet, and can mobilize half the power of the steam island to search for themselves.

Hei and Nie Yuan both said that they would help Bai to apply for the end of this mission, but so far there is no following.

If the instructions haven't come down for a day, Bai can't stop his task for a day.

This is a very helpless duty as the Salvation Army. Some people want to escape but others will accept it all. That is their mission and their destiny.

But the Salvation Army executives disagree.

"The vampire family has reached a cooperation agreement with us. It is said that Dracula has also found a way to break through to level nine."

At the Salvation Army headquarters, several commissioners were talking in front of a big screen.

"The book of knowledge seems to be a good thing, and we should promote it more within the Salvation Army." A committee member suggested.

At present, they have promoted an "Information Revolution", and the effect is not bad.

The big screen in front of him suddenly flashed yellow light.

It means that the computer judges that this matter has potential hidden dangers that are difficult to estimate, and proceed with caution.

Chairman Mo pushed his glasses: "It's not right. As far as I know, any gods are malicious to humans, and it's hard to say that their power is harmful."

"So, a small promotion should be a good idea. Select one or two cities as pilots..." The committee member who raised this issue decided to take a second place.

"Well, I think we really need to promote it." Another committee member who looked very young spoke up: "After all, this is the only route that has been verified and can break through to level 9."

"It's not the only one, but the other two paths are also closely related to the Book of Knowledge." Another member shook his head.

Naturally, he was talking about artificial gods, as well as demons.

"Then, we can discuss which cities to choose as pilots." Commissioner Mo let go and let everyone participate in the discussion.

"Suhu can."

The new member, Wu Ziqi from the Suhu Butchery Base raised his hand to speak.

Commissioner Mo nodded: "The situation in Suhu City is very chaotic. It is a good choice to obtain new power in this way. The ship marked as the first red sequence does not know when there will be movement."

"Nuclear bombs can't blow it up. We have to think about ways and means." The young commissioner said.

Wu Ziqi nodded in agreement, then looked at the big screen.

On the screen, various red, yellow, and blue events and assessments of the likelihood of something happening scroll.

The Demon Duke Fury was promoted to the 70% of the Demon King level (data to be collected further), the second yellow sequence.

Ruin tutor Li Le was promoted to level 9 by 40%, the second blue sequence.

Pariston (codenamed white) defected 90%, blue third sequence.


Starlight Circus…

ps, the first update today, the time of update is when the author sleeps.

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