Doomsday Hunter

Chapter 393: : Seven Deadly Sins Eight

At dawn, Bass hugged Li Le and slept soundly.

In the end, the vigilance circle replaced the artificial vigil, so to say that the times are progressing, it means that the direction of progress is not right.

But Li Le, who was hugged by the beauty, suddenly opened his eyes.

The vigilance circle did not activate.

However, he could feel the temperature rise, as if the abyss was about to descend on this small town, whose name was not even remembered now.

This town is just an ordinary survivor camp, and the strongest is only level 7.

It's just that after the digital eighth and ninth came here, this place is no longer ordinary.

Rage Duke Jace, driven by the power of the abyss, sets out to find Greed and his accomplices. He had no mercy in his heart for that damned traitor.

Obviously he didn't know what was waiting for him.

Hui sat beside Duink, wiping the crossbow arrow in his hand lightly with a cloth.

The rest of the Salvation One Squad members also sat in with their weapons. At this stage, the model of the Salvation Squad is a bit outdated to be honest. It may not be much more powerful than an eighth-level peak or ninth-level powerhouse.

Humans have their own ninth level, and there are more and more eight levels. In the future, if you encounter an enemy that may destroy the world, you will finally not have to take your life to fill it.

Dozens or hundreds of elites exchanged for an eighth-level monster. This is a very cost-effective deal, and it is also a very cruel deal. And more often, the Salvation Army needs to consume more than dozens or hundreds of elites.

In the midst of ash and distraction, the temperature has risen a little bit.

It was already twenty degrees, a little too hot for Eastern Europe at dawn.

"Could it be that the Demon King Furui came in person?" Freddy wiped his sweat and was a little nervous: "Shouldn't it be? The information said he was just injured..."

A knife that absorbed all the light like a black body was pulled out as ash, "Don't worry. This is the edge of the abyss. Even if he comes in person, I can still win."

As a ninth-level powerhouse, he is qualified to be confident.

I just don't know how many people in this town will survive after the fight.

"The food here is so unpalatable." During the day, Lin Yin, who got up to eat breakfast, whispered, and then took out two cans from the bottle and gave one to the little fish.

Li Le didn't react at all. After simply confirming that the food was not poisonous, he ate the unpalatable bread.

He doesn't have the habit of wasting food, but after eating one piece, he doesn't want to eat the second piece: "We'll take care of it ourselves in the future. Go to the Hunter Tavern today and pick a mission to **** the caravan."

In fact, this kind of hotel with board and lodging is already quite good. The influence area of ​​the Abyss is very short of food, and everyone is still in a state of seeking fullness.

Lin Yin followed Li Le, as if she hadn't really suffered yet.

But both Beth and Xiaoyu were starving, and they were not very picky eaters.

Before the end of the world, Miss Yang was the real high-class person in brocade clothing and jade food. Her family's status is very high as the founding merits of the People's Union.

Qixin sat by the window, pipe in hand, with a table of exquisite food in front of her.

If you want to pick the least good person among the people around Li Le, it must be Yang Qixin. It can almost be said that she has all seven deadly sins.

However, in truth, Yang Qixin saved the most talents.

"That woman is not ordinary. If she is a man, she should be able to become a hegemon, or in Chinese - a hero."

Priest Xingchen discussed Yang Qixin with Tesk in the church.

"She's just doing some business. Although it involves weapons and ammunition, it's nothing." Tesk looked a little disapproving.

"No." The priest of Xingchen shook his head: "She is building welfare homes, workhouses, and various factories and basic schools. This guy is here to control the entire Jinsha City."

The foundation of the church is the believers. But if someone feeds you and pays you, he must be more important than God.

After all, most believe in cataclysmic meteors originally for food, or other benefits.

Now, the two major associations and the Magic Academy have settled in and began to recruit students. Factories bring jobs and chambers of commerce provide food. How should their calamity meteors preach?

"We can bring good luck to people." The priest of the stars said: "Or to transfer bad luck, but only believers are not affected by bad luck."

Therefore, those merchants and people will gradually recognize the belief in the cataclysmic meteor and bring it to the distance.

There are definitely a lot fewer devout followers, but scaling up is also a victory.

Tesk nodded, "Is this the Lord's instruction?"

"This is the guidance of the meteor. He is the light in the night, leading people to the new world, avoiding disaster and doom. And using it to punish unbelievers."

Facing the officiant who started the sermon, Tesk didn't say anything, just followed the prayer.

Because he is not a devout believer. It doesn't matter at all whether the mission of the church is successful or not. As long as the Nasir family maintains their rule over Sands City, all is well.

Maybe it's time to let the big brother invest in more factories, at least we can't be left behind.

Several calamity churches in the city are preaching. Most of the churches in the post-apocalyptic era copy the original teachings.

God says man has original sin.

Greed, arrogance, anger, laziness, gluttony, lust, jealousy.

The seven original sins are inherent in nature, and we need to resolve them.

However, the development of civilization is closely related to these so-called original sins. The so-called seven original sins are simply a subjective emotion.

It is really unreasonable to use subjective emotions to judge whether a person is guilty or not.

Yang Qixin never thought she was guilty. Well, it could be said that she committed a crime of arrogance. But she didn't care anyway.

Last night, she played happily with Sun Ling until late, and she didn't wake up until noon. As soon as I get up, I eat food that ordinary people can't afford for a month's salary.

Not only the amount is large, but also the taste is very good, carefully prepared by the chef.

All of a sudden, the three deadly sins of lust, laziness, and gluttony gathered together, and she finally began to deal with her work. Miss Yang was very efficient and reviewed the documents very quickly.

Yang Qixin found out two suspicious accounts. When I went to the field trip, the two suppliers were completely afraid to speak in the face of her anger, and they made substantial concessions on price.

She wasn't angry, she just pressured people with anger.

"The scale of the Far Travel Chamber of Commerce is still not enough. If I have capital like the Nasir family... at least half of the entire reform alliance is mine."

The eldest yawned and prepared to go back to sleep.

She has a big heart and doesn't care what sacrifices will be made to achieve her goals.

No need to be a man, she is now a hero.

At least that was the case before feeling bored. After Li Le's influence, Yang Qixin now also regards power and wealth as a game. Just have fun, no need to get addicted.

**Today's first update, I seriously suspect that yesterday's red envelopes were all picked up by passers-by who don't know where they came from. **Ask for collection and subscription.

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