Doomsday Hunter

Chapter 395: : hunt at the moment

Squad No. 1 Salvation and Duke Greed took the lead before Li Le and the others.

The breath of the abyss is instantly strong, and the whole city is filled with a sulfurous smell. In the middle of the night, the temperature suddenly soared to more than 20 degrees.

Hui is a very disciplined person. After the battle begins, the first step is to move the battlefield. Plan to fight in the ruins of a city or in a deserted place. And with his ninth-level strength, he is indeed qualified to do it.

"It's gray." Bass's blindfold scanned, looking at both sides of the battle.

Li Le shrugged: "I have to say, there are still many people in the Salvation Army that I hate. Especially those front-line combatants."

For example, gray, and white and purple who have defected.

But these unpleasant guys all chose to defect, one may be a coincidence, and a large number indicates that there is a problem within the Salvation Army.

Bai and Zi defected for the same reason, and their ideas were different.

Sacrificing the few to save the majority, and you have to make this choice, not everyone can withstand this kind of pressure.

Morality has always been an inseparable part of human civilization.

Before the Duke of Wrath could react, he was knocked out by a cloud of white mist. The gray right hand is white fog, the left hand is black hole, and in the middle is a piece of moderate gray.

Gray is the dominant color of the ruins.

Demon Jace roared, scorching flames ignited on his body, and his fist smashed into Ash's head.

The left hand as deep as a black hole stretched out, and a knife appeared out of thin air, sucking the fist of the Angry Duke into it like a space door, and severing it.

The mist in the right hand turned into a crossbow arrow, and the arrows swept through it like Ling Chi.

Screams resounded through the sky.

In the city, the sleepy-eyed lazy Duke Bedley got up reluctantly and planned to go to support his companions.

But he saw a familiar butcher's knife falling on the ground, making a long and narrow mark.

"Long time no see." Duink raised the butcher's knife and pointed it at Badley, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face: "Give me your soul."

Among the seven deadly sins, only arrogance and greed have reached the peak level of the eighth level. It's just that greed is not blessed by the abyss now, and its strength is not as good as before. Laziness and anger are on the eighth level of combat power, and the other is in the eighth level.

But in the abyss, everyone's strength can be increased by almost half a level.

The three Dukes fought here, causing the power of the abyss to descend greatly.

Demon King Furui's eyes were fixed on the land.

Hui saw the dying angry Duke Jace suddenly raised his head and gave him a gentle smile.

This is... God descended?

Ash, who has been dealing with cultists a lot lately, quickly understood what was going on. He quickly stepped back, raised his hand to attack, and wanted to distance himself.

But he saw a rapidly expanding hand, gently squeezed his ankle and pulled it back.


Furui, who descended into Jace's body, looked like a fisherman who was hooked, extremely excited.

Although he had long suspected that Fury was fishing, Hui did not expect this guy to arrive in this way.

However... I didn't fall behind.

This place is the edge of the Abyss's sphere of influence. Furui is not the arrival of the main body. So the strength of the two is still on the same level.

This is what Hui thought, and at the same time he raised his hand and planned to fight back, but seeing the Duke of Angry smile, his emotions were instantly detonated. Countless demonic crimes he had witnessed appeared in his mind, making Hui unable to keep calm and rushing up immediately with a roar.

"That's it, come on!"

Jace's voice and Fury's tone made it even more sinister. Ash is not that rough fighting style, and losing his cool means losing his agility. Come and fight him for melee abilities.

A hand suddenly pressed against Jace/Fury's head from behind.

The gray wings behind Li Le spread out, holding a demon card in his hand, the anger in his heart was ignited by the enemy, and he suddenly looked extremely ferocious.

The devil card, the more angry, the more powerful.

The Duke of Wrath, on the other hand, can draw the wrath of enemies and make them lose their cool.

Fury let out a roar, and the Duke of Angry was also the more angry the stronger the existence. Simply put, he is a berserker who fights more and more bravely. He will continue to repair his injuries with his anger.

Two monsters with anger as their source of strength fought each other, but for a while there was no ash. He calmed down a little, wondering about Li Le's sudden appearance and power. But soon also returned to the fight.

The Duke of Angry, controlled by Fury, was punched and flew out, and quickly appeared and got up again.

The power of the abyss was awakened by the battle of the two top powerhouses in this area. The earth cracked open, magma poured out, and the smell of sulfur around him became more intense.

The arrow made by Bai Wu flew and hit the Duke's head accurately. The arrows fell like rain, forming a line, and quickly pierced through Jace's head.

But for these monsters, even if the heads are all exploded, they may not necessarily die.

Bess landed on a crumbling building and put down Lin Yin in his arms: "Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that the devil Furui is really here. But the devil card is a bit restrained by the Duke of Angry."

At least it pulled both sides to the same level.

The tarot cards in Lin Yin's hand were scattered everywhere. Since Li Le took several of them, she can't predict now, but she can still steal the luck of others: "The Duke of Angry has no luck to steal, and it seems that he is also unlucky."

This situation is relatively rare, and usually the luck of the strong will be much stronger than that of ordinary people. Otherwise, it will not survive to become stronger.

Unless, his power is not lucky for him.

Just as Jess's head was regenerated, Li Le rushed up again. After turning on the demon card, the purple pattern spread on his arm, and the power of the abyss entered his body little by little.

Hui recognized Li Le, who fought side by side last time, but now has no time to say hello. He could only fly up with a knife and a crossbow and suppress Duke Anger with Li Le.

Beth suddenly turned to look at the survivor camp.

Greed and laziness obviously don't care about civilian damage like Ash, and the Salvation Army team has nothing to do. Neither duke is beyond their control.

Freddy, an early eighth grader, can only play soy sauce in this kind of battle.

The center of their battle was **** on earth, with scorched corpses scattered all over the floor.

People screamed in the flames.

Until the crisp and sweet female voice sounded. Like rain, the fire of this earth was doused.

Beth flew over with Lin Yin in her arms.

Lin Yin sang in her arms.

The arrival of a grand master and the arrival of a legend quickly broke the balance on the field, and could even hang up two dukes to fight.

With a bruised face, Bedley yawned, as if he didn't care about the outcome of the battle or his own life, and was just driven by the power of the abyss to work.

The pocket watch is pressed and everything stops.

Miss Captain landed, bullets scattered like roses.

ps is the third update today, ask for a ticket, ask for a collection, ask for a subscription. Not many people came to me today to hide chapters (contemplation).

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